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Adamant - The Forgequeen [Artwork And Abilities]


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Adamant - the Forgequeen [Warframe Concept]

This idea has been stewing in my head for quite some time and I figure posting it might revitalize it. Inspired by blacksmiths and the style of iornclad dwarves and whatnot. However the frame itself is rather tall, which I suppose is rather ironic but regardless, here it is:


Unfinished Drawing (Lost motivation, needs new artwork)



As the days ended, and the war was lost, she worked. She alone, without ally and without arms she worked. In solitude and in purgatory she worked. Not once did she see that which was beyond the void, not once did she experience the freedom of reality. Born, not bred. Created from the prisoners and criminals doomed to the void she was given life. But the sleep consumes all and she alone was left. Alone, she worked. Alone she forged and alone she created.




120.0 (360.0 at rank 30)


100.0 (150.0 at rank 30)



Shield Capacity

150.0 (450.0 at rank 30)

Sprint Speed





2x Defence

Aura Polarity



Ability 1: Temper [25]

-Stomp the ground and send a seismic fissure of energy along the ground in a straight line, the first enemy caught along this relatively thin line are instantly de-buffed with the “Tempering” proc that freezes them solid as if frozen in ice (but silvery). Their shields are disabled while in this state but their armor increased dramatically. As well as sending this linear bolt out, any enemies within a slightly larger area of the target affected by this bolt are either knocked over or stumble, depending on their proximity to the initial victim.

[Target range of the fissure can be increased with range,tempering length with duration, amount of knockdown and initial damage with power increase and cost decreased with streamline]

Ability 2: Stalagmic Dash [50]

-Violently rush forward along the ground, if Adamant collides with an enemy they are thrown across the room. As she rushes forward, a line of debris is collected behind her and forms a wall in which direction she dashed. This wall is fairly sturdy but will fall apart over time. This line can be directed with the mouse for 1-2 seconds, allowing for slight curving in the shape of the wall. This dash also hugs any environmental objects such as stairs so Adamant would move down the stairs as she dashed. If Adamant dashes at a ledge of an area where she would fall off, the dash ends abruptly.

[Length of dash can be increased with range, duration before collapse with duration, amount of wall armor and force of rag-doll with power increase and cost decreased with streamline]

Ability 3: Fortress [75]

-Punch the ground, summoning a large ring of environmental slab obstacles that protect the Adamant from damage a certain distance away and push any enemies within this ring outside the ring on initial impact. Enemies will begin to shoot at the ring in hopes of breaking one of the slabs. Adamant's allies can, however walk through these walls with ease. After a period of time the ring will melt into the ground unless otherwise specified. This ability is affected by the type of tile-set it is activated on and the slabs are visually augmented accordingly.

[Area of effect can be increased with range, duration with duration, amount of slab armor with power increase and cost decreased with streamline]

  • Circuit Fortress – Slabs have a chance of shocking the enemies that shoot at it for damage.

    (Corpus Ship, Corpus gas outpost)

  • Alloy Fortress – Slabs have increased armor.

    (Grineer Asteroid Base)

  • Polymer Fortress – Slab have weaker armor but significantly reduced cost.

    (Grineer Galleon)

  • Cryonic Fortress – Slabs slow enemies when they shoot them.

    (Corpus Crash-site)

  • Rubedo Fortress – Slabs periodically emit a pulse wave that knocks down enemies.

    (Earth, Phobos)

  • Gallium Fortress – Players inside the ring gain health when a slab is shot.

    (Corpus Ice Base)

  • Nano Fortress – Enemies have a chance of getting slash proc'd when attacking a slab with a melee attack.(Infested Ship)
  • Argon Fortress – Slabs have reduced duration but increased armor and reflect some damage.

    (The Void, Clan Dojo)

  • Salvage Fortress – Slabs have no bonus abilities (All other tilesets)

Ability 4: Crucible [100]

-Summon a large bubble that affects all surfaces within a large area turning them into a molten surface. Any enemies caught in this molten surface take a severe speed reduction and a % of armor removed over time, 0.5% armor removed every second. This armor returns after the ability ends. For every ally touching this surface, their armor will increase by 0.5% every second and return to normal at the end of the ability.

[Area of effect can be increased with range, duration with duration, % increased with power increase and cost decreased with streamline]


More possible abilities:

Template [na]


[na increased with range, na with duration, na with power increase and cost decreased with streamline]


Note: I'm still trying to wrap my head around some of the ideas behind this frame, ability synergy and whatnot. New ability suggestions encouraged! Edited by PhaZone
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That first ability seems kinda "meh", it would only really weaken Corpus, it would just make Grineer and Infested tougher to kill.


I imagine it's primary use is on bosses, things that being frozen is most optimal. Figured it would need to be a little balanced if it was used on a boss.

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