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RECRUITMENT Open ••• Renegade Legacy •••


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Hey, I am MR4 and I am looking for a cool clan to have fun.


IGN: mxatone

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!


Hey there, I'm a Mr 6 looking to get back into the game after a year and am currently looking for a clan.



IGN: HuntForTheRedOctober

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!


Hello, I'm a Mr 3 player looking for an active friendly clan to have fun with. 

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!


Hi, Im VpNova and im interested in joining your clan :D sounds like fun

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!


Hi, i am boas07 mastery rank 8. I would like to join. It looks like a realy good clan.

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!

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Hi, I'm MR6 and would like to join your clan.

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!


IGN: RawToast69

You are currently in a clan. If you still wish to join please leave your current clan and make a new post here asking to join.


Hi. I'm currently in mastery rank 18. I'd like to  join Renegade Legacy. Thank you.

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!


Is a mic required?

If not, IGN is Waffulmann, I'm rank 3 and I'd like to join, thanks

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!

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Hi, I am a Mastery Rank 9 Tenno.


My in-game name is CloneWarsrulz


I wish to look for a fun and friendly clan to join and play with.


My strengths involve necromancy and eating cake


My biggest weakness is that I don't like sand, its coarse, rough, and it gets everywhere. 


I hope to join your clan and hopefully await an invite. .


Thank you.

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IGN: ki-tu-se


mastery level 4

I'd like to join your clan in hope to find ppl to guide me through a little =)

I will obviously be active in the clan's activities

Got mic, TS and am friendly

You are currently in a clan. If you still wish to join please leave your current  clan and make a new post asking to join.


can i join your clan please

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!


Hi, I am a Mastery Rank 9 Tenno.


My in-game name is CloneWarsrulz


I wish to look for a fun and friendly clan to join and play with.


My strengths involve necromancy and eating cake


My biggest weakness is that I don't like sand, its coarse, rough, and it gets everywhere. 


I hope to join your clan and hopefully await an invite. .


Thank you.

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!



  • IGN: Davidue

  • Mastery Level: 2
  • Time Zone: CST
  • Age:30
  • Level of Gameplay Softcore


You must be mastery rank 3 or higher to join. Please rank up to rank 3 then make a new post asking to join.


Hello... im MR16 active player...IGN  Arwydelis...and i would like to join your clan.)XD 

You are currently in a clan. If you still wish to join please leave your current  clan and make a new post asking to join.


Hey :D i have a friend in Renegade Legacy that i play with regularly so id love to join the same guild so we have more people to do stuff with :D

i have a few 30 frames and im deciding which to use atm :P

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!

Edited by -RL-Dante16
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Hi Guys and Gals, 

I would like to join your clan.

I've been inactive for about 2 years and now I'm back.
What I'm looking for in a clan is, friendly players, who can aid in missions and help bring me up to speed with some of the new stuff.

Ones I get up to speed, I'm hoping to join you for some of the more heavy stuff like raids etc. :)


I'm always up for some fun or helping others.


My in game Name: The_sucker

Mastery Rank: 5


I'm looking forward to hanging with you guys & gals 

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Hi Guys and Gals, 

I would like to join your clan.

I've been inactive for about 2 years and now I'm back.

What I'm looking for in a clan is, friendly players, who can aid in missions and help bring me up to speed with some of the new stuff.

Ones I get up to speed, I'm hoping to join you for some of the more heavy stuff like raids etc. :)


I'm always up for some fun or helping others.


My in game Name: The_sucker

Mastery Rank: 5


I'm looking forward to hanging with you guys & gals 

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!

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I would like to join the clan.



Mastery 10

Invite sent, welcome to Renegade Legacy! Don't forget to build the Dojo Key! And join us on Teamspeak!


Looking to join Renegade Legacy


Master Rank 10

Invite sent, welcome to Renegade Legacy! Don't forget to build the Dojo Key! And join us on Teamspeak!

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