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RECRUITMENT Open ••• Renegade Legacy •••


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On 2/26/2016 at 5:04 AM, YetiSpagheti said:

Hi! MR 6 and want to join your clan!

IGN: YetiSpagheti

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!

On 2/26/2016 at 6:37 AM, Cairsoir said:

Howdy, my IGN is Cairsoir and I'm mastery rank 10. Would be nice to have a clan for playmates and such :)

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!

On 2/26/2016 at 6:43 AM, Zabrz said:

Hey! My username is Zabrz and I am MR 4(now) :) would like to join if you want me :)

You are current in a clan. If you still wish to join please leave your current clan and make a new post here asking to join.

21 hours ago, TheMacguffin said:

hello can you add my friend he is mastery rank 3

IGN: a888bomb

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!

17 hours ago, fidixd said:

hi there im mastery rank 12 and i would like to join

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!

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9 hours ago, suyash691 said:

I would like to join the clan ... my IGN is suyash691 mastery rank 3

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!

9 hours ago, Dulax said:

HEy guys an inv would be sick looking for a fun group to play w.

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!

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The Names "Twister159" Age 22 (In the game), I'm a rank 6 [Gold Novice] Who just came back to Warframe, I like to run Void and want to experience the raid and PvP that is in the game, my Warframes are (currently) Rhino (Rank 30), Loki (Rank 30), Nova (Rank 30), Nekros (11) FrostPrime (In the Foundry). I also was excited to hear you have a TeamSpeak :D.

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21 minutes ago, Twister159 said:

The Names "Twister159" Age 22 (In the game), I'm a rank 6 [Gold Novice] Who just came back to Warframe, I like to run Void and want to experience the raid and PvP that is in the game, my Warframes are (currently) Rhino (Rank 30), Loki (Rank 30), Nova (Rank 30), Nekros (11) FrostPrime (In the Foundry). I also was excited to hear you have a TeamSpeak :D.

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!

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18 hours ago, WCFX said:

Hi, looking to join and have some fun with people. 




Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!

11 hours ago, xShadowless said:

Hey there, my name is xshadowlesss, Rank 6. One of my friend is currently in your clan right now and told me to join your clan. I am a casual player and just got back in to the game. 

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!

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19 hours ago, Renegade334 said:


I am looking for a clan and your name was kind of catchy for me :)

I just started two weeks ago, but I think I got the basics. I'm currently MR7, 10k short of MR8.

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!

20 hours ago, critzkrieg said:

MR,9 I would love to join this active mature clan 

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!


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I'm new to Warframe and saw your recruitment post. I'm MR:3, and my IGN is FlatBrad. I'm looking for a clan, and you guys seem to be pretty active. I'd love to join. I didn't see sanity as a player requirement, so I SHOULD be good to go! XD

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On 1-3-2016 at 8:45 PM, ZeroPointWF said:


I'm a friend of Renegade334 and he tells me to ask you guys for an inv :)

MR 7 and not far away from 8.

Start playing 2 weeks ago and the basics are in quite well.

Would be happy if you Invite me as well.



invite send

On 1-3-2016 at 8:54 PM, ThePro0phet said:


I'm a friend of Renegade334 too and want to join you: MR 8

invite send

On 1-3-2016 at 9:14 PM, TheJoe21 said:

ING: TheJoe21

MR: 20

Tired of recruiting chat

invite send

23 hours ago, FlatBrad said:


I'm new to Warframe and saw your recruitment post. I'm MR:3, and my IGN is FlatBrad. I'm looking for a clan, and you guys seem to be pretty active. I'd love to join. I didn't see sanity as a player requirement, so I SHOULD be good to go! XD

invite send

On 1-3-2016 at 1:12 AM, D6-N said:

Hey I'm MR4 just came back to warframe looking to join a clan. Still learning the ropes.

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!

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10 hours ago, Mislavestina said:

Hi, I would like to join the clan

Username: Mislavestina

Mastery rank: 11

invite send 

10 hours ago, stalagknight said:

i would like to join

IGN: stalagknight

MR: 3 close to 4

alredy in a  clan 

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5 hours ago, Vermitore said:

Hey. I am a Mastery Rank 7 player with a view to doing content in organised groups. I'm looking for someplace where I can do that, in addition to having an active chat. My IGN is Vermitore

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!

7 hours ago, stalagknight said:

sorry i forgot to leave my old dead clan can i get an invite again already MR:4

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!

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