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RECRUITMENT Open ••• Renegade Legacy •••


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1 hour ago, -RL-Dante16 said:

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!

Thanks very much. I'll make sure to do that and head over to the group.

Edited by Vermitore
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On 3/4/2016 at 0:07 PM, SP1D3RV3N0M said:

Hey there, MR 5, currently playing Volt and Ivara, building Trinity right now. Looking for a more active clan that would be able to coop on missions. Would I be able to get an invite to the clan? IGN: SP1D3RV3N0M

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!

14 hours ago, Xenosflame said:

I'm Xenosflame Mastery Rank: 6.  I want to join this clan because i'm looking for a new kind of challenge to warframe that I hope this clan can provide.  Send an invite over if you think i'm willing to take the trials

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!

5 hours ago, TheMadMode said:

hey i wanna join ,. im rank 3 TheMadMode IGN ... tierd of playng alone ;) pc user if it matters .

You are currently in a clan. If you still want to join Renegade Legacy please leave your current clan first and make a new post here asking to join.

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19 minutes ago, NAMDOT said:

Hey, would love to join the clan. I've applied for a couple but haven't had much luck. My IGN. is NAMDOT and im a mastery rank 17.

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!

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On 3/9/2016 at 7:12 PM, Sirxpain said:

Hi, Looking for a Clan to run group content with. I am currently Mastery rank 5 and getting very close to 6.  IGN is Sirxpain

User already in a clan.

On 3/9/2016 at 7:52 PM, Valymir said:

Looking for people to play with, 

IGN:  Valymir.  I'm MR 5 2800 away from rank 6.

User already in a clan

On 3/9/2016 at 9:30 PM, Light4468 said:

Hi mate just started not long ago, your clans seems cool , would like to join it MR 3 IGN: Light4468

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!

On 3/9/2016 at 11:33 PM, PooTommy said:

I would love to join :)

IGN: PooTommy

Softcore player

User already in a clan

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SkimoSkins, Mastery rank 7. Would very much like to join so I could have players that aren't complete strangers help me with all of my void keys and have some good trades. Would also like to learn more about the game and see what a raid is like, have never been on one

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On 3/12/2016 at 11:05 PM, Deus3xiitum said:

Hello, i'm Deus3xiitum MR 13 and i'd like to join this clan

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!

On 3/12/2016 at 11:05 PM, Deus3xiitum said:

Hello, i'm Deus3xiitum MR 13 and i'd like to join this clan

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!

On 3/12/2016 at 11:31 PM, SkimoSkins said:

SkimoSkins, Mastery rank 7. Would very much like to join so I could have players that aren't complete strangers help me with all of my void keys and have some good trades. Would also like to learn more about the game and see what a raid is like, have never been on one

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!

1 hour ago, L3louch_Kun said:

Hello, I'd like to join the clan

IGN: L3louch_Kun

Mastery rank: 11

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!  Btw your name code geass reference?

5 minutes ago, abrigant said:

I'd like to join :D game name is abrigant and MR8. Thanks!

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!

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Hey guys

I only just started playing the game and im really into it! I would love to be in a active and fun clan! I have managed to level my Excalibur to 30 but would also like some advice from more experience players!  If it is possible, i would like to get in. :D


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