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RECRUITMENT Open ••• Renegade Legacy •••


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Hey I wanted to see if I could get a invite. Not currently in a clan. This game is awesome and I'm probably going to be playing a crap ton of hours

been playing for a few days and I'm rank 4. I play with my friend who is in this clan. Hope for an invite!

- Ulurak

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Hey. The names j1a4uyfebv and im a master rank 7 player looking for an awesome clan to run around with and have some fun playing this awesome game. i have excalibur, mag, rhino, ash, oberon, trinity, saryn, valkyr, all maxed, currently building nyx, Hope i can join you guys and help build this clan back up to what it was or even better. See you in battle fellow Tenno.

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15 hours ago, Ulurak said:

Hey I wanted to see if I could get a invite. Not currently in a clan. This game is awesome and I'm probably going to be playing a crap ton of hours

been playing for a few days and I'm rank 4. I play with my friend who is in this clan. Hope for an invite!

- Ulurak


19 hours ago, Discarded1 said:

Hey, I'd like to join.  IGN: Discarded1     mastery rank 6.   Thanks!


19 hours ago, MrDragones said:

Hello, i would rly like to join ur clan. Iam mastery rank 11 and was playing the game for over 210h now, i rly enjoy it and thats why iam looking for a great clan just like yours. Have a lot of supportive and farming builds ( like Ev, Blind Mirage, Hydroid, Slow/Speed Nova, Ivara etc)

In Game Name: MrDragones
Tenno out :)


21 hours ago, OpDarkness said:

Hello, I would like to join Renegade Legacy because I got some friends on it. I'm mastery rank 3 atm.

IGN: OpDarkness


Hey guys, invites have been sent to all of you! =) 

We also have a teamspeak (the IP is:

(We don't force our members to use the teamspeak, but feel free to join us for the daily raids!)

We also have a steam group http://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy if you guys are interested.

Welcome to the family, have great day ! =)


12 hours ago, j1a4uyfebv said:

Hey. The names j1a4uyfebv and im a master rank 7 player looking for an awesome clan to run around with and have some fun playing this awesome game. i have excalibur, mag, rhino, ash, oberon, trinity, saryn, valkyr, all maxed, currently building nyx, Hope i can join you guys and help build this clan back up to what it was or even better. See you in battle fellow Tenno.

Could not send invite. You will have to leave your current clan in order to join us. Please repost application.

12 hours ago, Zafir007m said:

I am Zafir007m , I am Mastery Rank 9 I would Love to join this clan

Could not send invite. You will have to leave your current clan in order to join us. Please repost application.

19 hours ago, FizzyCaptian69 said:

hello, i would to join your clan. i am a MR 9 very into the game cant stop playing got 190 H. love to help with clan stuff. thanks 

in game name: FizzyCaptain69


Could not send invite. You will have to check your info. Wrong IGN. Please repost application.

Thank you and have a good day!

Edited by IlegalGamer
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22 hours ago, Xenosflame said:

Hello, I'm looking for a clan. I'm MR 7 and I try to be active as much as possible

IGN: Xensosflame

Thanks for considering


21 hours ago, Skepta247 said:

IGN : Skepta247

UK BASED Player 

MR : 4

Just moved from Xb1 where i was MR 12


14 minutes ago, KythingKilljoy said:

Greetings, I started playing 2 years ago then stopped for a long time and just got back into the game this week. It has improved so much. Looking to learn and play with others.
IGN: KythingKilljoy
North America

Hey guys, invites have been sent to all of you! =)

We also have a teamspeak (the IP is:

(We don't force our members to use the teamspeak, but feel free to join us for the daily raids!)

We have a Steam group  http://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy  if you guys are interested.

Welcome to the family, enjoy your stay and have a nice day! =)


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20 hours ago, Chattokung said:



IGN : Chattokung

Asia Base Plasyer

MR : 13

Hello! You already seem to be in a clan, if you still wish to join, then please leave your current clan and reply to this thread again, thanks! =)

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EchoesofOld, MR 16, mostly cause DE hasn't provided ample incentive to go all the way to 20.  I pretty well do end-game content exclusively, and have every warframe with 2 exceptions (not counting Primed versions).  You folks show the most promise of the numerous clans I've looked at over the weekend, so sign me up.

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23 minutes ago, EchoesofOld said:

EchoesofOld, MR 16, mostly cause DE hasn't provided ample incentive to go all the way to 20.  I pretty well do end-game content exclusively, and have every warframe with 2 exceptions (not counting Primed versions).  You folks show the most promise of the numerous clans I've looked at over the weekend, so sign me up.

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!

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14 hours ago, BoltCreed said:

Hey, I would like to join your clan.

IGN: BoltCreed

MR: 3

Asia Based Player.

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!

15 hours ago, thehungryguy said:

Hey I wanted to join your clan, I'm MR 10. Stopped playing years ago but recently got back into it. This game has changed a lot.

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!

17 hours ago, Deviji said:

Hey, just transferred to PC from PS4 where I was MR 13

IGN: Deviji

MR: 3

NA Based player. 
Thanks in advance

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!

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On 4/6/2016 at 3:21 PM, TransgenderSMURF said:

Hi, i would like to join, MR7 bit rusty but looking forward to playing more with others.


Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!

On 4/6/2016 at 5:59 PM, GunpowderG0lem said:

MR: 6

IGN: GunpowderG0lem

Need a new clan, got kicked from another since I was gone for so long. Was on a hiatus, but now... I'm back, baby.

You are currently in a clan. If you still wish to join please leave your current clan and make a new post asking to join.

16 hours ago, gimmethatsweetsweet said:

Hey, i'm pretty new but i'm loving warframe. I'm mastery rank 4 atm, with a Lvl 30 Volt and Lvl 30 Nezha. Would love to join the clan!

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!

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