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Could We Have Dedicated Syndicate Stalkers?


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Deathsquads are good and all; But in the movies, where that action hero you Really Hate is regularly trumping your hitmen; You don't send more storm troopers. You send Boba Fet. You send your nazghul, your right hand man with the scars. Alad knows this, Hek knows this. The syndicates don't. 



Arbiters of hexis/Red veil. 

-A Tenno, or Lower guardian. The abilities of a warframe. Dragon/prime gear (if we go by 'surpass former masters' Dragon fits well. If we go by 'the old ways' then prime fits well. You Could use telos/rakta for everything, but that seems like something a lower-tier assassin would use, ey? ) 


All syndicates could use the Tenno/lower guardian assassin, with their own equipment (Rakta,telos,sancti,secura,synoid,vaykor) but the arbiters/Red veil hold the New/Old tenno conflict that should warrant more elite Dragon/prime assassins. 



Perrin sequence. 

Lynx/hyenas/raptor models. Seriously. (zanuka/harvester wouldn't be appropriate, since they're alad V's things. Then again Alad V got his freak on and betrayed the corpus, so.. Yeah.)

A pair of Hyenas. Excellent hunting animals. Terrific tenno murdering robots. 

Steel meridian

A knock off G3 with different armaments? A Grineer captain like Vor? A Giant roller who thinks he's the ball of death from indiana jones? .Any kind of hyper elite specialist soldier, really. Maybe someone with old Hek's cloning ability. Maybe a pack of dregs? 



Little Idea. It's still a passing strange that a faction who wants 'purity' happens to be using the infested. Cuda; An orokin miniboss, but we don't have one of those yet. Loka? No clue at all.  But they could all use tenno/lower guardians/human soldiers/Corpus robotics. 



Again, not saying we should scrap deathsquads entirely. But it'd be good to have some kind of evolution from the death squad to the Tenno-hunting hitmen a player with good great could expect. Bonus points if they have dialogue that refers to how much the syndicate hates you for X, or if you dealt with the assassin before. Maybe we could even have a high level piece of gear that lets us summon the stalkers, if you're into that kinda thing. 

Edited by Innocent_Flower
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For Perrin, replace Hyena with (Secura) Jackal. It's clearly a more mass produced model (since there is one in some Grineer ships, a ton in a Corpus turned infested ship, and so on), and the Lynx and Hyena seem like more elite and rare designs.

Maybe give it some sort of Eximus ability...disruption?

Edited by Khaos_Zand3r
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