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(There Should Be) Nothing To See Here...


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Nothing should be popping up in the central area of the screen when I'm running missions.

Nothing, it really should be the first rule of UI design.

Team mate at extraction message.

Syndicate transmissions.

Syndicate aura icons when activated.

Weapon and frame rankups.

Challenge progress noitifications.

I'm sure there are more.

Please play the game and watch how they can obscure the action, which we really need to see!

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Nothing should be popping up in the central area of the screen when I'm running missions.

Nothing, it really should be the first rule of UI design.

Team mate at extraction message.

Syndicate transmissions.

Syndicate aura icons when activated.

Weapon and frame rankups.

Challenge progress noitifications.

I'm sure there are more.

Please play the game and watch how they can obscure the action, which we really need to see!

They play the game. A lot. #Rebecca 

Dude, I don't know if its your settings, but I'm perfectly fine. 

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Disagree with the extraction bit,

Agree with the Syndicate bit,

Disagree with the Syndicate symbols bit,

Disagree with the rankup,

HEAVILY disagree with the personal challenge (we need to see this more often).


Rebecca doesn't design the UI ;)


No, but if she found anything major wrong with the UI she and Megan and everyone else in the DE headquarters would be sure to tell them about it.


And I'm SURE the UI team plays as well - at least a little.

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You disagree, fine, but the extraction bit is over your crosshair.

You ever ran a Survival when one dude decides he is gonna AFK at extraction for the whole run?


All of the items I have mentioned appear sporadically in the central "core" of the screen, where we are supposed to see the gameplay.

The one you agree with is by far the worst, so maybe you and I have different levels of what we think is encroaching too much on the "core".


Even with my HUD moved as far to the edge as I can, these elements popup too central in an action heavy game where you need to see what is happening in game.

Every new UI addition seems to creep in towards the centre of the screen.


Does the Syndicate effect popup need to be that big?

Does it need to be that close to the centre of the screen?

Bigger question, is it needed at all?


I mean no offense, but I just heard a sound effect, a radial blast kicked out from my weapon killing everything in 30 metres, and the other syndicate icon bottom right just disappeared, and I have a syndicate aura under my feet.... I think that is enough to tell me that Truth, Justice or whatever just activated.


Edit: Anyway, this is my feedback, thought I would post it in the feedback section...

Edited by Egg_Chen
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I agree with your opinion about syndicate messages and challenges, that crap is true manifestation of design 'skills' that shines through entire UI. Similar as is latest 'innovation' of automatic zooming to the last mission played in star chart.


Not sure about Syndicate weapon auras or rank up messages, i don't mind personally but i can see how others may be bothered by it.


Tenno at the exit message is somewhat useful and also probably least prominent on the screen from all elements you mentioned.

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Nothing should be popping up in the central area of the screen when I'm running missions.

Nothing, it really should be the first rule of UI design.

Team mate at extraction message.

Syndicate transmissions.

Syndicate aura icons when activated.

Weapon and frame rankups.

Challenge progress noitifications.

I'm sure there are more.

Please play the game and watch how they can obscure the action, which we really need to see!

"GET TO EXTRACTION" is obnoxious and in the center.  It needs to be moved out of the way.

Cannot speak to Syndicate stuff yet

Weapon and Frame Rankups I somewhat agree.  I like to be informed that my weapons and abilities are getting stronger, but this notification occupies a third of the center of the screen when it pops.  The sound and text are rewarding, but it's too close to the crosshair.  I feel like putting that info at the bottom where resource collection is located would be a better place for it.

Challenge Progress notifications I think are in a fine place.  They basically cover the warframe's legs, which is out-of-the-way enough, IMO.


With regard to "please play the game and watch how they can obscure the action," I would say that you should consider rephrasing this.  Implying that they don't play the game they're actively building is insulting at worst, and unhelpful at best.

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I abuse the fact that some of these messages appear in the center, especially when you require a teammate to open a door. I just spam the interact key to force the message on their screens because it's @(*()$ annoying when they're goofing around and you're trying to get on with a mission. And I use the extraction notification in roughly the same manner.


But I somewhat agree the other messages might be moved up or down away from the center more. I don't mind the way they look, but yeah, except in the case of extraction and double locked doors it might be good to adjust the position of these notifications. (although, to be very honest, i'm not too bothered by them, there are quite a few other things that need a whole load more attention as far as i'm concerned.)

Edited by Zerakh_Ezekhiel
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