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Which Is Considered The Best Dual Pistols?


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I'm finding Twin Viper to be pretty awesome.


You can't hit both Kraken shots on the head except at close range. Lex will always shoot exactly where you point every single time.


do you point the vipers always to the head?

of course i cant but i can reduce the time of the 2º shot by putting the same fire rate mod that i need to put in the Lex to have acceptable fire rate, and still the Lex has awfull recoil and slower reload speed then the Kraken witch has from base a larger clip of 14 rounds (7 mouse clicks)

Edited by Mr.Pava
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DPS-wise the Twin Vipers should be the best dual pistols in the game.

But they burn through ammo faster than you can watch and are fairly inaccurate... So basically its a decision what you like best.

At least I like my Twin Vipers for dual pistols ^^

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So far i've been liking the twin vipers in combination with the bow. Whenever something swarms you, you switch to the twins. I'm debating on maybe even getting puncture on them so i can hit a few more enemies with the 'few' bullets i have (even though the ammo max mod is at 90% for me).

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why no one mention good old afuris?


They have a good dmg, a Bar slot who can fit Convulsion,Heated Charge, no return,seeker,quickdraw or trick mag

atm i run around with an unpotaoed one and still, small burst dmg aiming for the head or weakspots in midrange are very accurte like the aklato are,, or just release a storm of bullets on a large grp of enemy with a clipsize of 70 bullets(91 if full trick mag) if potatoed and modded with a barrel diffusson rank4 firing 140(trick mag 182!) on a large mobgrp is just destroying everything


aside of that it is rly easy to craft and can be obtained very early in the game, it only cost you a total of 54k and one orokin cell

and for some ppl the steampunk looks is a huge plus( from only the looks i would go more to the sci fi twin viper or aklato)



short: i crafted my afuris, and never regret it

they may burn you ammo down on $ithstormmode, but aside that most akimbo do this aswell or have not even half of the clipsize

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Akbolto tears through everythings with innate armor ignore, my personal favorite.


For Mods, add:


- max level Hornet Strike (+220% base damage)

- max level Barrel Diffusion (+120% multishot)


Those two mods alone will turn automatic 25 damage shots into automatic 160 damage shots. Toss on some clip-size and reload speed mods, maybe some frost/lightning elemental damage, and you're good to rape.

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Lex should have 80 base damage and snipetron 115 but for some reason its no implemented yet... (Check the patch notes)


Also Pava, the V polarity its a big point for the lex =P


Not at all, it's used for the Fire rate and if it doesn't have it it's a useless pistol. IMO anyway ^^


also single kraken 7 shots per mag compared to lex 6

better rof than lex

only downside is accuracy at 30+ meters and doubled ammo usage.


Yea and can be improved a little ^^

Also it's prettier once the colors are changed :p

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Dual vipers do something like 60% more dps than akboltos, but with 2.5x the ammo consumption.  Akboltos ignore armor and travel slowly. vipers have a better polarity and are less accurate (still considerably more accurate than akfuries though).  Akfuries and aklatos are the basically the cheaper versions of the vipers and akboltos, with the furies featuring a considerably larger clip size.


I'm happy switching between a lex and akboltos depending on my primary.

Edited by Effusion-
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I'd say go with something like Akboltos if you're using "balanced" weapons (Like the Braton, something that's fairly accurate and usable at all ranges with only minor effectiveness loss)


If you're using a long-ranged weapon, I.E. Paris or Snipetron, go with the Twin Vipers or Afuris (The Vipers are my prefered here, they look cooler, sound cooler, and have a higher DPS. The Afuris have a much larger clip though, meaning they synergize much better with ammo mods and can last longer in a fight without reloading. Depends on which you prefer really)


If you're using a short range weapon, use a Lex. Yeah, it's not a duel weapon, but it's so awesome I bet you can ignore that :P A well-modded lex will support just about any loadout extremely well, and does very high amounts of damage at all ranges with perfect accuracy.


My usual loadouts are either Gorgon + Lex, or Paris + Twin Vipers. Both work well, though I'd say the first is probably a bit better, but that's probably because of how well a Lex can synergize with the Gorgon.

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It boils down to play style, all of the pistols are fairly diverse and useful in different situations.


I use akboltos, they'll tear through anything in short to medium range, sometimes long if I can predict the flight path of my bolts. They probably have some of the highest damage out of all the weapons.


I'm also leveling a Lex, I like to take my time and pop people in the face for one shots. It has a long reload time, but does a billion damage and never misses.


You've got a lot of potential play styles to choose from.

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