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Trade System > Npc To Share Materials?


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I find a trading system with an NPC would be cool where you can exchange 1xxx alloy plates against Rubedo or other materials, what do you think?


nice greets Clownly!




*Sorry for bad english x)* 
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Je, but a Trade System in a Clan is not cool.... u know that game is F2P ... and i hate it when i must read "we sell gold come to www.goldseller.com" <.<  


NPC's can not farm he can trade with u.... 

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Being in a clan, you accept only who you want, so credit spammers and S#&amp;&#036; would just be kicked out.


If you find getting a clan hard, create one yourself, and share between your buddies.


I've made a clan for 5 people, and looking anxious to test the U8 clan features.

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Being in a clan, you accept only who you want, so credit spammers and S#&$ would just be kicked out.


If you find getting a clan hard, create one yourself, and share between your buddies.


I've made a clan for 5 people, and looking anxious to test the U8 clan features.


Like me a group of my friends :P

We like the game but don't want to join any clans as we are having fun just playing by ourselves and created a clan so we could share the Resouces and such.

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i wouldent say a trade system on crafting materials would be all that good because it would make you sit in 1 and the same mission all day long.


for example person X wants more alloy plate. X does not want to farm it on venus or some other planet that drops it. X figures that why should he care to run those missions that drops it when he could just aswell sit in calisto and farm 2000million salvage of the infestation and then go and exchange it with a npc or some other kind. 


so the point basicly is that there will be less public groups up on all the planets if a system like this would come into the game. and lets be honest. Kappa and Calisto are already overfarmed. the only thing that makes groups or even solo players to change missions is when thay get bored of 1 and the same mission or thay find themselfs in need of some other crafting materials.

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