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So, Relays Were Too Expensive To Maintain Huh?


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First of all, asking someone not to curse and put more thought into their postings is completely acceptable....If more people demanded that people think about their posts rather than just typing things like "Get gud" or "Speak for yourself mofo", then perhaps we might actually be able to have civil conversations with a modicum of valid content.

Great post. I gave up on that with this forum, though. Too often, the responses were asinine and ill-formed, usually just that - "Git gud" or some other load of bollocks.


I still fail to understand the big deal if we lose most of the relays.

A few are safe and that's all we need. One would have been too much strain on a single relay but we have 2 or 3 now right?....

No seriously I fail to understand why a few people are inclined to "save" a few faceless characters that are irrelevant to us or members of factions with causes such as "BURN EVERYTHING NOW" or "You guys are better than just killing machines so go out there and cause a genocide in this local area to prove it to us!"

Same here, and rather contradictory, isn't it? I would think Suda should be inclined to those who aim for stealth-based gameplay, if she truly is so averse to violence - something like having multiple spy missions and/or usage of your codex scanner to gather knowledge for her with a restricted number of kills. Then, this would work in tandem with stealth 2.0. Just one of a few ideas I have for the syndicates.

Edited by -SLX-J3tAc3
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I agree with OP. Once you get 1 million points there is basically no compensation for completing the mission repetitively. ~1900 credit bonus per sabotage run? Seriously Lotus? Consider also that you mustd create Fomorian Disruptors to simply play the stage. This is worse than normal AW maps.

Edited by IlluminaZero
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This shows that more people are like "It's just a game lol" and don't care about the story so they will release even less lore now, if at all.

If I were to say I'd just say that the lore isn't 'top quality', that's all. It doesn't matter anyways, because the game is so grind oriented.

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This shows that more people are like "It's just a game lol" and don't care about the story so they will release even less lore now, if at all.

Its because the story is either bad or non existent.

There are a lots of people like me that would love to see a story but right now there is basically no reason to care about it.


And even if the story was good, having a good story is still no excuse for such a lame event. Story or no people would still get bored to tears from playing the exact SAME mission all day especially in a game mode that apparently most of the community dislikes.

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I don't like Archwing. I hate loading into a squad and dying before I can react, or others suffering the same fate were they to join my squad. I hate that there is a stark difference in difficulty between Saturn's and Uranus's Archwing missions, and the mods necessary for survival only being available in the harder missions. Plus, I don't like unreasonable time gates; made me not wanna play the content in question anymore, so I quit Archwing and the event.


Last but not least, I never really paid any attention to the relays. Lost ones are no problem for me.

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Two down! How many more will fall? Lotus if you want these precious relays saved, I suggest you rethink the actual monetary value of them and compensate accordingly. Perhaps talk to the syndicate heads and ask them to provide reputation gains per run which are not tied to affinity. Otherwise, quite a few more are destined for destruction if they are more of a trial than they currently are.

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