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Flail Suggestion, Along With "unique" Mechanics.


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After the release of the Glaive, I realized that DE was capable of creating weapons with unique advantages in the shape of mechanics. (ie, the glaive's charged throw) So I thought of how fun it would be having a melee weapon that could have varying levels of mayhem based on how long you have charged it.


I thought of the un-amazing flail.


The Charge Mechanic


A flail's most common way of delivering a blow was for the user to "flail" the weapon over their head, gaining momentum due to the heavy ball at the end, then delivering a blow to an adversary with all the stored up weight behind the movement.


The way the game could act upon this, would be to hold melee to begin swinging the weapon over your head slowly, gaining a charge for each 360 degrees it has traveled from the starting swing. Each charge will add something to the weapon but also slow you down.


One Charge: A simple, mediocre charge attack. Basic AoE sweep infront of the user.


Two Charges: When the Flail has reached two charges, the head of the flail will gain a contrail effect to it while swinging, releasing the flail when it has gained two charges will strike a slightly larger area for much more damage in said area. This comes with a downside however, in which you will have a slight "cooldown" after releasing the attack that you will be Open to attack.


Three Charges: Once the Flail has reach it's final charge, the head of the flail with begin to glow/pulsate in addition to the the contrail effect. Once released, the Tenno will strike the ground dealing damage in a full circle (360 degrees) around itself, doing heavy damage to any enemy nearby; ripping apart any enemies who have fallen to the attack and knocking down any who have survived. This attack also causes the tenno to have an even longer cooldown period in which they are open to attack, while also taking more incoming damage from attacks while cooling down.





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I've never actually watched Kill Bill, but anyways; I don't know about the jump attack, completely disregarded it by accident. I suppose it could be a smaller knockdown to be combo'd with one of the charge attacks, or you could begin charging the flail while wall running/jumping so that by the time you hit the ground you're ready to release it.

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