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Gammacor And Maybe New Mechanics?


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So I just bought the Gammacor and am quite happy with but I have a few suggestions for it and other beam weapons.


First of all lets look at what could be changed about the visuals:


- Let the beams not join up and fire separately sort of like the phage's beams.

- Move the two bottoms arms of the Gammacor below the wrist so that when you join them up, it looks like an equilateral    triangle.

 Now about the mechanics for beam weapons:


It would be could if when you tap fire beam weapons it releases a projectile similar to the once of the Supra and Dera to compensate the lack of range. This will benefit us greatly because will then not have to use a mod slot on a range mod for your beams.


To balance this maybe it could be high fire rate so use your trigger finger but each projectile will only do about 50% of the regular beam. 


Edit: What do you think would this benefit us or would it make other projectile obsolete? Also what do think about the Gammacor suggestions would they make it even more aesthetically pleasing or should it be left as it is?


All feedback is appreciated! Thanks! =)

Edited by (XB1)LilHypezKiid
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