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The Never-Ending Pain Of Farming Resources. Come And Give A Suggestion For Improvement.


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You literally just did exactly what I said was the problem for farm/grind mentality. You are cherry picking individual goals, but that's not my point. It's normal for a player to have goals within any given area like you describe. It's NOT normal to ignore all the other progress you can earn.

But you ignored what I said. You are not cherry picking, maybe you are doing 5 or 6 things at the same time, but they are mutually exclusive. And maybe you have no other progress to achieve whatsoever. Or maybe other progress cannot be made until you finish your current objectives.


Progression in WF barely leaves room for choice once you are far enough.

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Odd thought, but perhaps a suggestion that might be kind of fun and entertaining is to make an 'Intelligence' search that locates a given type of resource within a given mission.


If you recall the Tutorial Quest 'Vor's Prize' you are informed of 'where you can find a given resource' to craft what you need.


Now I can see several ways this could be implemented personally, I am a fan of point/token systems. Lets say you can earn tokens by contributing to syndicates or some such, dumping out all those resources you get huge amounts of seeking the one rare resource you can't seem to get the RNG to land. Now you have some contribution tokens to simply get some intelligence, a nice big folder on a target that you could say trade to somebody else or use for yourself.

This way syndicates could even have resources they favor and are cheaper for them yet players could work their own swaps. Never mind that a player not of that syndicate say might run the risk of meeting the intelligence team that reported the resource. Just some thought on the matter, as it would require players to spend time gathering resources, or perhaps a discounted rate of platinum charge for the mission/tokens in exchange for being willing to work for what you get.


I do not think the resources on the market are over priced; but it would be nice to view it as 'full price' if you just want it now delivered, but, if you'd be willing to pick it up at the store you don't have to pay 'shipping' cost. I.e. a Orokin Catalyst costs 20p; but if you only had to pay 10p of Intelligence Tokens to get a mission dossier you could trade that would give you the blueprint for an Orokin Catalyst; I bet you'd be a lot more tempted to get them off the market instead of waiting, no?


I also think that by involving the syndicates in the lives of the tenno/player they would become much more alive than just a vendor you earn points to buy from.


Thanks for hearing me out,


Talon Kitsune


P.S. Formatting dislikes me.

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But you ignored what I said. You are not cherry picking, maybe you are doing 5 or 6 things at the same time, but they are mutually exclusive. And maybe you have no other progress to achieve whatsoever. Or maybe other progress cannot be made until you finish your current objectives.


I didn't ignore it, I said that it's not correct... I don't even need to argue it. So much drops, can be found or can be earned in every mission that this is pure nonsense unless you are actively choosing to ignore what you don't want right this second, as if you'll never come back or have any other goals but the one you have right now.


Once again, if you want to cherry pick the newest gameplay (Archwing) and the most exclusive high level areas of it with the fewest rewards then go ahead, but that has nothing to do with the topic or the line of quotes leading here and it's such an outlier compared to the rest of the game throwing rewards at you that it's not really even an example so much as an exception.





Progression in WF barely leaves room for choice once you are far enough.

1) Bull. I'm MR18.5 and I have tons of choice every day. Being established and having a wide variety of items makes choices for getting resources (or anything else) blow wide open. In general there have been times when I only needed one new item and DE made it drop somewhere specific, but it's the same answer: I don't farm/grind it to have it NOW NOW NOW I go forma something and level it or help another player with something when I don't feel like going towards that particular goal. The farm/grind mentality that says they MUST go do one thing OVER AND OVER because it's the ONLY thing they want IS IT'S OWN PROBLEM.


2) No veteran player is complaining about resource drops. We all have huge stacks of everything except Argon. I am apparently the only Tenno in the system who's out of Nanospores.

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I didn't ignore it, I said that it's not correct... I don't even need to argue it. So much drops, can be found or can be earned in every mission that this is pure nonsense unless you are actively choosing to ignore what you don't want right this second, as if you'll never come back.


Once again, if you want to cherry pick the newest gameplay (Archwing) and the most exclusive high level areas of it with the fewest rewards then go ahead, but that has nothing to do with the topic or the line of quotes leading here and it's such an outlier compared to the rest of the game throwing rewards at you that it's not really even an example so much as an exception.

It's not what you don't want this second, it's having 5M nanospores, which you won't ever spend. Players don't usually play to get something they have in extreme abundance.
This "farm mentality" is not a problem, it's a symptom. The game is the only one responsible for making players farm. You need to adapt to the market, not try to force the opposite.
If the gameplay itself was rewarding (instead of us getting item rewards) players would simply enjoy the game, but most are now simply motivated by progression and "getting the next gun". That's the game's fault.

1) Bull. I'm MR18.5 and I have tons of choice every day.

2) No veteran player is complaining about resource drops. We all have huge stacks of everything except Argon.

1- Great for you. I'm 17 and I don't have lots of choice. One melee weapon at a time. Maybe forma one thing. Get Neurodes for dojo decorations. Get a few Archwing parts. Get pigments. If I don't play to farm these I make no progress whatsoever.


If I choose to go get neurodes I'm not getting archwing parts and I'm not formaing a frame, because Nekros.

If I choose to get archwing parts I'm not getting pigments nor ranking melee up.

If I choose to play Jupiter because I like the tileset, I don't get neurodes and the bushes in the dojo never get completed.


2- [Citation needed]. And I am. And I'm sure I'm not the only one. I spent over 3 hours playing Derelicts, Earth and Ceres yesterday and I got 2 Neurodes. Rare resource drops suck, neurodes and sensors mostly, since you can get x3 cell packs in the void now. The new arch-rare-resource is a pretty bad offender as well.

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i'm gonna chime in here.

i'm mr 18.

i haven't bothered to count my resources, but i know i have somewhere in the neighborhood of 60 o.cells, 270+ neurodes, and about 30 neural sensors. so i don't really need to hunt resources.

i have over 30 tellurium due to the INSANE amounts of grind necessary to actually acquire items for my advancement.

i have very little interest in tracking down pigments, and while i do have research in that direction going, i'm by no means "farming it" -- i'm allowing it to be acquired in an aggregate fashion between myself and my ghost clan.


The_Doc hit on a good point here. He made sure to highlight it in bold.


In the early (and even mid) progression in warframe, yes. there are dozens of things you can do simultaneously for advancement.

In the end-game stage of warframe there are dozens of things you can do to acquire goods. (but not necessarily advance)


Personally, i have yet to acquire all the new prime items and i'm still working on the centaur blade.


I can either go grind out random void missions (which i enjoy) but i need argon crystals for both the centaur (which i don't have all the pieces for yet) and my fluctus (which i finally acquired the limbs for last night after almost a week of non-stop earth interception runs.)


Should I abandon my efforts in archwing for the last piece of the centaur in favor of running void missions?

Considering that it took me something on the order of 8 or 9 days to get the last piece of the fluctus that seems inefficient at best.

It makes more sense for me to finish the centaur before i go farm the 4 argon crystals (and the new prime items) as at least that way i'm accomplishing multiple goals simultaneously.


So my advancement is gated by the last piece of the centaur. (i realize that this is a choice i'm making as a player and not being forced into)

But I really don't have anything else to do.


I have 35 forma blueprints that haven't been made yet. Because I have no need of them. I have 7 reactors made and another 2 blueprints because I have no use for them. I have 2 or 3 catalysts made and probably earmarked for the new prime gear.


I enjoy helping new players and running random stuff for fun because I enjoy warframe.

However, at a certain point in progression you really are forced into specific channels for advancement because you've done everything else.

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It's not what you don't want this second, it's having 5M nanospores, which you won't ever spend. Players don't usually play to get something they have in extreme abundance.
This "farm mentality" is not a problem, it's a symptom. The game is the only one responsible for making players farm. You need to adapt to the market, not try to force the opposite.
If the gameplay itself was rewarding (instead of us getting item rewards) players would simply enjoy the game, but most are now simply motivated by progression and "getting the next gun". That's the game's fault.

1- Great for you. I'm 17 and I don't have lots of choice. One melee weapon at a time. Maybe forma one thing. Get Neurodes for dojo decorations. Get a few Archwing parts. Get pigments. If I don't play to farm these I make no progress whatsoever.


If I choose to go get neurodes I'm not getting archwing parts and I'm not formaing a frame, because Nekros.

If I choose to get archwing parts I'm not getting pigments nor ranking melee up.

If I choose to play Jupiter because I like the tileset, I don't get neurodes and the bushes in the dojo never get completed.


2- [Citation needed]. And I am. And I'm sure I'm not the only one. I spent over 3 hours playing Derelicts, Earth and Ceres yesterday and I got 2 Neurodes. Rare resource drops suck, neurodes and sensors mostly, since you can get x3 cell packs in the void now. The new arch-rare-resource is a pretty bad offender as well.




At this point you're just proving me right. It is 100% impossible to get neurodes without getting other things and it is 100% possible to get neurodes while doing plenty of other things that a Rank17 still wants to do.


I'm well aware that the farm/grind mentality is prevalent in this community so I'm not expecting you to change your mind while they all pat you on the back for classic grind/farm mentality masochism like sprinting past other rewards you're going to need to farm later, or grinding one node because it's the best for one reward instead of playing somewhere else because it's fun or has other things that drop as well. This is totally par for the course on Warframe and it has been for the whole two years I've been here.


All I wanted to do was articulate my point for any neutral readers and I've done that. You're a better example than I could ever type up.

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At this point you're just proving me right. It is 100% impossible to get neurodes without getting other things and it is 100% possible to get neurodes while doing plenty of other things that a Rank17 still wants to do.

Until you've already gotten everything that is possible to get while getting Neurodes too. And there's no real sense in playing stuff that I'm just enjoying, because the game isn't just enjoyable in itself.


I enjoy leveling/Formaing and getting more guns - making progress. I have to play some specific missions because the rest doesn't drop the stuff I need. I am not interested in whatever drops on the way (mods/resources etc.) because I'm well stocked up on those things. I literally need to farm ONE thing, because I have the rest. Seriously, do I have to bold the words? Your attitude on 'playing the game for fun' is not incorrect, but you seem to be missing the fact that we're playing the games for different goals. Pretty immature, if I were to call it somehow. Not everyone wants to just take 'whatever comes'. This is especially painful when it comes to the Void - you get lots of stuff you don't really need, you might've already completed everything that comes while making runs for some parts you need exclusively - you can't exchange them, because the Void trader is there to let you get other stuff. You can't lessen the grind - unless you add some goals, but there might be no goals to add.

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At this point you're just proving me right. It is 100% impossible to get neurodes without getting other things and it is 100% possible to get neurodes while doing plenty of other things that a Rank17 still wants to do.

I can get neurodes and one or maybe 2 things I'm after. The rest I don't need and I don't want. Why should I be interested in getting junk? Am I suddenly playing the game wrong because I don't want any more alloy plate? Is it morally reprehensible? Is it an exploit not to welcome them?


I don't get the point of trying to paint the players who farm as the problem when the game is the one with issues.


All I wanted to do was articulate my point for any neutral readers and I've done that. You're a better example than I could ever type up.

Yet you still ignored the fact that I said the farm/grind mentality is a symptom and not a problem itself as you said before.

Players are not doing anything wrong, we are walking the path laid before us.

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Until you've already gotten everything that is possible to get while getting Neurodes too. And there's no real sense in playing stuff that I'm just enjoying, because the game isn't just enjoyable in itself.


I enjoy leveling/Formaing and getting more guns. I have to play some specific missions because the rest doesn't drop the stuff I need. I am not interested in whatever drops on the way (mods/resources etc.) because I'm well stocked up on those things. I literally need to farm ONE thing, because I have the rest. Seriously, do I have to bold the words?


You quote me and post this like you're arguing but you just agreed with me. You can go to multiple missions where you can level weapons and find neurodes at the same time. That is literally my point.


Meanwhile The_Doc is saying he can only do one goal at a time. He's standing in OD on a maxed level frame finding nothing but OD drops he doesn't need, instead of leveling weapons or looking for G3 or whatever else. Nevermind just doing something he finds more FUN where they drop, Lotus forbid we consider fun a worthwhile goal then the whole grind/farm one-thing-at-a-time house of cards would come down, wouldn't it?


Bolding words? No. I'm the one who needs to bold words.








I can get neurodes and one or maybe 2 things I'm after. 


There it is... This is called backpedaling. Keep going until you get to the part where you admit you're wrong and people who do one thing at a time shouldn't be blaming DE and aren't a "symptom" of anything. 

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At this point you're just proving me right. It is 100% impossible to get neurodes without getting other things and it is 100% possible to get neurodes while doing plenty of other things that a Rank17 still wants to do.


I'm well aware that the farm/grind mentality is prevalent in this community so I'm not expecting you to change your mind while they all pat you on the back for classic grind/farm mentality masochism like sprinting past other rewards you're going to need to farm later, or grinding one node because it's the best for one reward instead of playing somewhere else because it's fun or has other things that drop as well. This is totally par for the course on Warframe and it has been for the whole two years I've been here.


All I wanted to do was articulate my point for any neutral readers and I've done that. You're a better example than I could ever type up.


You keep mentioning "other things" and "other rewards you're going to need to farm later" and "playing somewhere else because it's fun and has other things that drop as well". You've also hinted that by being a focused player that we're somehow missing the point of the game.


I challenge you to tell me where I can get a centaur blade other than uranus interception? (i have the elytron, i have the fluctus stock)

Where else can I get nova other than: t1sab, ods, t3sur and t4sab?

where else can I get vasto other than: t4sur, t2md and t1d?

where else can i get soma other than: t2d, t4i, t2s and t3e?


and that, friends, is a list of every single item i'm missing in the entire game.

i have all the mods (for regular and AW)

i have 3 syndicates maxed and all of the large deployable pads.


i have tons of spare resources (including tellurium) -- so i have no need for anything additional. And any parts i receive are either going to be sold for credits (archwing, since they aren't able to be traded) ducats (in the case of common void parts) or platinum (in the case of mods or rare void parts) -- and that platinum goes to cosmetic items because i don't see the point it wasting it to bypass content.


Other than "go run random missions for fun and to help out clan/friends" i have no other source of advancement other than the above.

You advocated that folks should sell their spares and buy the stuff they're missing?

Why in hell would I do that? These are my goals. It's not my fault that they're all mutually exclusive. 

DE releases content in such a way that once you've reached a point where you're "current" on all content, any newly released content is all isolated from the other pieces. (to keep you playing)

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There it is... This is called backpedaling. Keep going until you get to the part where you admit you're wrong and people who do one thing at a time shouldn't be blaming DE and aren't a "symptom" of anything. 

I said "maybe". And it's a big maybe. I'm not backpedaling.

Blame the game not the player. WF is the one that needs to adjust. Yes, farming is a symptom of a bad progression system.


(you are also ignoring large parts of posts that don't agree with you)

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Increase drop rates + drop amounts across the board.

Some idiot will comment on this saying "Are you dumb?", well no, the game is not based on grind, the goal isn't grind, the devs try hard to claim it isn't and a true move would be doing the above instead of bullS#&$ talk they always do.

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You quote me and post this like you're arguing but you just agreed with me. You can go to multiple missions where you can level weapons and find neurodes at the same time. That is literally my point.

Until you want to level weapons and drop neurodes at the same time :) Can you at the same time level weapons, get Neurodes and Vasto Prime parts? You can't. Can you at once get Neurodes, Nano Spores AND Prime parts? You can't.

Edited by Filas312
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To the original poster and the original topic.


O.Cells: Leveling weapons in saturn until you're able to hack ceres, and then ceres to 30 will help. (I like using helene-saturn and mimas-saturn until i can manage kiste-ceres without feeling like a drain on my squad)


neural sensors: ash/loki w/ master thief in jupiter exterminate. play solo. not only will you get between 0-5 neural sensors per mission (average of about 2) you'll also walk away with 22k+ in credits for about 15-20 minutes work. (once you learn all the tricks to getting into and out of the secret areas)


neurodes: when leveling weapons / warframes. start in earth. (lua & lith defense are good) run to wave 15 if at all possible for the (rare) chance of getting t1sabotage keys. you'll also get plenty of neurodes during the course. once you've reached a high enough level to handle saturn. graduate to that. 


argon: instead of wasting ones time farming draco or some other travesty of an interception rep farm. run a few void defense missions. not only will you get plenty of affinity / rep, you'll also be keeping up your stock of argon crystals.


there ya go OP, hope it helps. this is my methodology for acquisition of these resources while maintaining forward advancement (formad gear / new weapons / warframes, etc)


there is a point where the grind stops though and you'll have everything you need. at that point you have the choice of doing whatever you like, whenever you like without consequences of being gated by resource constraints. (excepting argon, which isn't a big deal)

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The find/grind mentality is it's own problem.



Many, if not all, of warframe's glaring issues stem from the foundation, the loot-RNG-grind system. 


Warframe has come too far. 


I feel as though when DE decided upon loot and grind, they gave up rewarding and balanced gameplay in the process.


The find/grind mentality is here to stay.


To everyone here: stop trying to fight the RNG and grind, you are fighting the game itself.

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Until you want to level weapons and drop neurodes at the same time :) Can you at the same time level weapons, get Neurodes and Vasto Prime parts? You can't. Can you at once get Neurodes, Nano Spores AND Prime parts? You can't.


You're just rationalizing now. That's not the topic and it's not our discussion about getting one thing at a time. At least you've continue to backpedal so I guess that's still progress. You're obviously wrong anyway. There are very good places to level weapons that drop Neurodes and you can trade anything for plat and plat for Vasto Prime parts.



Nope, different person.

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You keep mentioning "other things" and "other rewards you're going to need to farm later" and "playing somewhere else because it's fun and has other things that drop as well". You've also hinted that by being a focused player that we're somehow missing the point of the game.

Yes I did.  And ...? lol @ "focused player". That's spin worthy of FOX News. You make bad choices to get one thing at a time so the whole game takes forever and feels like farming/grinding, and that's DE's fault because you're "focused"? LOL...



I challenge you to tell me where I can get a centaur blade other than uranus interception? (i have the elytron, i have the fluctus stock)

Where else can I get nova other than: t1sab, ods, t3sur and t4sab?

where else can I get vasto other than: t4sur, t2md and t1d?

where else can i get soma other than: t2d, t4i, t2s and t3e?

Play wherever you want. Sell stuff you find or get with rep for plat. Buy them through trade.


The sad thing is this question makes no sense. All of those places will give you things besides those parts that any high rank player needs and you have cited multiple places for all of them yourself so even if I were speechless and there was nothing else you could do here, it doesn't make any point for our disagreement about the farm/grind mentality being the player's own fault vs being DE's fault.




and that, friends, is a list of every single item i'm missing in the entire game.

i have all the mods (for regular and AW)

i have 3 syndicates maxed and all of the large deployable pads.


i have tons of spare resources (including tellurium) -- so i have no need for anything additional. And any parts i receive are either going to be sold for credits (archwing, since they aren't able to be traded) ducats (in the case of common void parts) or platinum (in the case of mods or rare void parts) -- and that platinum goes to cosmetic items because i don't see the point it wasting it to bypass content.


What does that have to do with anything? The point is not where we're going the point is how we get there. If you got all those things one at a time without getting anything else at the same time, that is not DE's fault. As a vet player with all that stuff it should be much easier for you to make plat to trade for things if you don't feel like playing void missions and it should be much easier for you to get keys than a low rank player. It's purely your choice to grind anything rather than play something fun.




Other than "go run random missions for fun and to help out clan/friends" i have no other source of advancement other than the above.

You advocated that folks should sell their spares and buy the stuff they're missing?

Why in hell would I do that? These are my goals. It's not my fault that they're all mutually exclusive. 

DE releases content in such a way that once you've reached a point where you're "current" on all content, any newly released content is all isolated from the other pieces. (to keep you playing)


Totally, dude. WHY GO TRADE when you can just FARM AND GRIND? This is clearly DE's fault. They put in a trade system, let you trade the things earned in the most specific ways and all the rarest things and the in-game currency... You're going to go farm and grind instead because you're so smart and this is DE's fault because they are soooooo dumb and your mentality is a symptom. e_e

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Yes I did.  And ...? lol @ "focused player". That's spin worthy of FOX News. You make bad choices to get one thing at a time so the whole game takes forever and feels like farming/grinding, and that's DE's fault because you're "focused"? LOL...


You're going to go farm and grind instead because you're so smart and this is DE's fault because they are soooooo dumb and your mentality is a symptom. e_e

I see what you are turning this into: you are not listening and you are treating everyone else like idiots.

I'll simply ignore the rest of your posts and I recommend everyone else to do the same unless you can actually listen and discuss properly instead of shouting sarcasm (without even backing it up).

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I see what you are turning this into: you are not listening and you are treating everyone else like idiots.

I'll simply ignore the rest of your posts and I recommend everyone else to do the same unless you can actually listen and discuss properly instead of shouting sarcasm (without even backing it up).


From the guy who says I'm ignoring large parts of posts, as he replies to my reply of an entire post.


You are not here to find what's true, The_Doc you're here to look right on the internet. I've laid out facts and the people arguing with me are just making up random combinations of goals they can't go get themselves at one time (some of which have been flatly false). At some point it becomes sad and I can't help but mock it.


You are all repeating this assertion that DE forces you to farm grind and it is based on NOTHING but the precedent of your own behavior.


You are all aware of how trade works and you are all aware of how you can level weapons while doing things and you are all aware that EVEN IF YOU DO FARM/GRIND you are finding things you may use later. You are all aware of the standard behavior in every PUG and alert of rush the whole thing, kill nothing, find nothing, loot nothing, and get to extraction that leads to forum threads by the same players about how they now have to grind this or that which they ran past so many times.


You are RATIONALIZING your own poor choices by cherry picking obviously flawed examples like new modes with few rewards or choosing to pretend trade isn't real, and then trying to blame DE despite their attempts to correct the very issues you cite.

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To the original poster and the original topic.


O.Cells: Leveling weapons in saturn until you're able to hack ceres, and then ceres to 30 will help. (I like using helene-saturn and mimas-saturn until i can manage kiste-ceres without feeling like a drain on my squad)


neural sensors: ash/loki w/ master thief in jupiter exterminate. play solo. not only will you get between 0-5 neural sensors per mission (average of about 2) you'll also walk away with 22k+ in credits for about 15-20 minutes work. (once you learn all the tricks to getting into and out of the secret areas)


neurodes: when leveling weapons / warframes. start in earth. (lua & lith defense are good) run to wave 15 if at all possible for the (rare) chance of getting t1sabotage keys. you'll also get plenty of neurodes during the course. once you've reached a high enough level to handle saturn. graduate to that. 


argon: instead of wasting ones time farming draco or some other travesty of an interception rep farm. run a few void defense missions. not only will you get plenty of affinity / rep, you'll also be keeping up your stock of argon crystals.


there ya go OP, hope it helps. this is my methodology for acquisition of these resources while maintaining forward advancement (formad gear / new weapons / warframes, etc)


there is a point where the grind stops though and you'll have everything you need. at that point you have the choice of doing whatever you like, whenever you like without consequences of being gated by resource constraints. (excepting argon, which isn't a big deal)

Thank you for advice! And I must remind you that this post was made in late night(or actually morning) burnout frustration. 

But I´m still wondering that how much attention this post got. .__.

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You are RATIONALIZING your own poor choices

And that's why it's impossible to discussion with you. You assume from the get go everyone else is wrong.


I'm done. You have refuted a grand total of zero arguments presented so far by attacking the person instead.


I'll unsubscribe now so I don't get any more notifications.

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You have refuted a grand total of zero arguments presented so far by attacking the person instead.


Not only have I refuted them, many of them didn't need to be for the sake of myself or the poster and I did so only for third parties that might be reading, such as the OP.



Example argument:

VK: You should not be tunnel visioned on one thing and DE does not make you do so. You can choose to go after goals efficiently, getting more than one thing at a time!


Farm/Grinder: I can't get Vasto Prime parts and Neurodes at the same time!



1) Incorrect.

You can get both for plat (market/trade) and you can find things to sell while looking for either, so this is factually incorrect. You can make progress towards both goals at the same time very easily and in a wide variety of missions.


2) Nonsensical.

Not being able to get a specific combo of parts, even if they were correct, would not argue the original point. Both Vasto Prime parts and neurodes, when found directly, can be found in places that drop many other useful things and/or where you can level weapons.


3) Rationalization.

The player posting the argument is aware of all of this ahead of time. Just like they make poor choices about how to achieve their goals, they are making poor choices here as well. They are choosing to blame DE for a mistake they know is their own: farming/grinding one thing at a time.


4) Main Point.

The main argument is that this is DE's fault. A symptom of their "farm / grind / RNG game", but as articulated above the more goals you have the wider the game becomes.


The fact that the farm/grind mentality person is looking for neurodes AND vasto prime parts, has INCREASED the number of ways they can seek progress and variety. They can now go back and forth between activities like running the void keys, finding keys in places that drop neurodes, and leveling weapons in places that drop neurodes... they find a few neurodes and a few parts, then use trade to fill in gaps when what they need becomes narrower.


As players advance and their overal number of goals becomes narrower, they also have access to a wider variety of things to sell and trade, easier access to things due to increased strength of gear, etc.


THAT is the game DE has made. Multiple ways to progress. Trading as a pressure release valve. Tons of things to go get. A star chart full of different tile sets and enemy groups with invasions and events shaking up what's available. When YOU, the player with the farm/grind mentality, make a BAD DECISION to stand in one spot spamming one skill on a max rank frame to find one thing and leave everything else on the ground in a place where you don't even want anything you get incidentally, that is YOUR FAULT and not DE's fault. Factually. Not by my opinion. It is FACT that there are other ways to achieve the same goals and have fun, rather than by boring yourself and getting nothing else but carpel tunnel on your max rank Nekros.






If pointing that out makes me "attacking the person instead" then the argument can never be had without such an attack. I don't consider myself to be attacking you or anyone else just because you say something that's wrong and I call you on it.

Edited by VKhaun
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Yes I did.  And ...? lol @ "focused player". That's spin worthy of FOX News. You make bad choices to get one thing at a time so the whole game takes forever and feels like farming/grinding, and that's DE's fault because you're "focused"? LOL...


and how, exactly, is having already attained all of these items previously (thereby removing the requirement of gathering them again) a "bad choice"?


Play wherever you want. Sell stuff you find or get with rep for plat. Buy them through trade.


The sad thing is this question makes no sense. All of those places will give you things besides those parts that any high rank player needs and you have cited multiple places for all of them yourself so even if I were speechless and there was nothing else you could do here, it doesn't make any point for our disagreement about the farm/grind mentality being the player's own fault vs being DE's fault.


I am a high-rank player. I don't need anything else from those locations. I have them all, already. The only possible use I have for them is platinum or credits. If i use said platinum to buy the items i'm missing, i've just paid to bypass content. (and not experience the brief moment of fun i get from finally having it drop for me)


What does that have to do with anything? The point is not where we're going the point is how we get there. If you got all those things one at a time without getting anything else at the same time, that is not DE's fault. As a vet player with all that stuff it should be much easier for you to make plat to trade for things if you don't feel like playing void missions and it should be much easier for you to get keys than a low rank player. It's purely your choice to grind anything rather than play something fun.


I do play for fun. The point here is that there is literally only ONE THING that i'm after from this location.



Totally, dude. WHY GO TRADE when you can just FARM AND GRIND? This is clearly DE's fault. They put in a trade system, let you trade the things earned in the most specific ways and all the rarest things and the in-game currency... You're going to go farm and grind instead because you're so smart and this is DE's fault because they are soooooo dumb and your mentality is a symptom. e_e


I don't play this game to just "have all the goodies" i play this game to "find all the goodies". One way can be accomplished with a wallet, the other requires effort and gives a sense of satisfaction.


Your method of play isn't wrong, worse or better than any other. And until I reached a point where I was waiting for new items / content that's how i played the game. Having attained parity with current items / content, my playstyle has shifted to the above.


Remember, experiences may vary.

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Simply put: If you want to get something (NovaPrime) *as a drop*, in the most efficient way possible, then yes. You're pigeonholed into grinding the same mission. You can still level weapons and acquire other resources along the way that will likely assist you with future goals (Regardless of your level, you will have future goals.)

If you want to get the item but want to avoid the grind, then VK makes a valid point. Play what you enjoy, pursue other minor goals (level a forma'd weapon, or a forma'd frame just for giggles. Or don't level anything, just play a mission you enjoy with a fun frame and weapon or play with a new build), sell the rewards you don't need immediately, and use that to acquire the reward of your choice (through trade and platinum, most likely). Is it the most efficient? no of course not. But it's plenty effective, and a viable alternative to grinding.

If you want to have the item drop for you, because that's what you enjoy, but don't want to grind for it - then don't grind for it. Play the mission once or twice a day, and then do other things, or take a break from the game until there's more content so you can have multiple goals. 

If you're at the point where your total goals can be counted on one hand, then you've put in many hundreds of hours to this game, and have no right to complain about a "lack of content." Or a "bad design". You've put more hours into this free-to-play game than the majority of triple A, $60 titles will ever offer you.

Edited by Scyrrin
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