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Fix Status Chance Mods, For The 596Th Time. This Is The Reason Weapons Have A D Slot.


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Funny thing is, they were already S#&$ before their reincarnation into status chance boost.  It was 15% stun chance, which barely anyone used because it's practical effect was so debatable and misunderstood.  So with Damage 2.0, what did DE do?  Change it to status chance WITHOUT even giving a SINGLE thought into what 15% status chance increase even means.  And this isn't the first time we have to this problem.  Remember True Steel?  Or even Pressure Point?  We've been down this road before and DE will only bother to do the bare minimum every time.  Unless they are planning a overhaul 2.0 stuff, which will then eventually be forgotten and abandon because of Archwing / Movement 2.0 / Swimming / Social hub / Pets or whatever.


I've been saying this since the first month Warframe enter close beta about balancing, I can't believe it is already more than 2 years and I'm still talking about this problem.  And before I thought Warframe was in "beta" so they weren't into the polishing and tweaking stage yet.  Nope.  Either we are still in "beta" or Warframe is forever stuck in this never-ending power / feature creep cycle.  

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