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Archwing Charge Attacks , Barrel Rolling And More


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Here are a few things that would improve archiwng gameplay a bit after having played it exstensively for a while ( but only the oodanata archwing , imperator Veritus and  Velocitus)


here's the deal 

>Make missile volley deal more damage +more utility . 

 It's a very underwheling ability considering the amount of energy it demands.

or make it a toggle ability ; arching keeps firing missiles continuously to deal massive aoe damage to enenmies in range  until energy is depleted . about 10 energy per missile ( need t test the current ability a bit more)



>Give us actual evasive maneuvers+ change the melee heavy attack

Yeah we have flares.........and that's it . litterally no way to avoid enemy fire (blocking is usless given the stamina it depletes and the amount of enemies.

Where's the barrel rolling ? the voluntary barrel rolling not the automatic  one we currently have .

Barrel rolling or air dodging could be binded to the ctrl key and would consume stamina . which brings me to my second point 

>Give us charge/heavy melee attacks

Shouldn't be too hard, they're already ingame ( ctrl+melee). Just channge the command input ; Hold e to execute heavy attack. And voilà :D


>Enemy locking 

So what if you want to target 1 oogma that's behind a swarm of helions?


Here how  locking could work

>To lock / unlock : R button toggle command


>Mousewheel : (dunno which button on pS4 controller or XB1)  , change target (aims for the enenmy closer to the crosshair) Like in strike suite infinity




So what so you guys think?

Edited by Deidaku
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