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Picking A Warframe To Sell...



So yeah, I've finally made my 2nd frame, the Volt. But now I have a problem: Both of mycframe slots are taken (Rhino an Exal, both 30) and I dont have enough Plat to buy another slot.

So now, I'm standing in front if a dillema, which should I sell? Or shouldn't I even claim the Volt and let it die in the Foundry?

I can't choose which I should sell

since I love them both :<

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10 answers to this question

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The frames are a matter of personal preference because Excalibur and Rhino have entirely different roles. I can understand your indecision if you love them both. If you enjoy playing both frames, buying more platinum may be your best option. Besides, it's cheap.


∙ 75 Platinum is worth $5.00.

∙ 20 Platinum is worth $1.33.


The cheapest option you can choose is $5, but even 75 platinum can carry you quite a bit. Slots cost 20, but so do Catalysts and Reactors. That's three items for 20 platinum right there, and it will instantly improve your experience across the board. Heck, nevermind the fact that you'll be supporting the game too. Five dollars goes a long way in this game.


If you still can't afford it, then here's some free play advice. If you had the choice to supercharge one frame, which one would it be? Your answer is the one you'll keep. We can't definitively help you choose which one to sell because it's ultimately user preference. But if you like doing damage and tanking, keep Rhino. If you like doing damage and being mobile, keep Excalibur.

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Thanks for the advice guys!

I can't buy any Platinum because my mom won't let me buy online stuff (yeah, I aint that old xD) Q_Q

I would... probably supercharge Rhino... o.o

But is it worth selling my Excal for Volt?

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i have started with volt and at about level 11 i bought excal with platinum. I took excalibur to 30 (it came supercharged so it was twice the fun) and then i leveled volt too, but without potato. Now i own both excalibur and volt at level 30. 


We cannot tell you to sell X or Y, but i would suggest selling excalibur, since he and volt have almost the same playstyle, and you get to keep rhino, which is a totally different type of warframe.


Hope it helps...i'm in the same dillema..i need to sell volt or excalibur to get nyx, but in my case, i'll stick to excalibur because it is supercharged, otherwise i'd keep volt.

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If you just can't buy anything online via credit card and you live in North America, you can try to hunt down Steam Gift Card.


Because if it's me I'll probably leave volt in foundry while crafting every other warframes I don't have the slot for until I have the slots >:O

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Thanks for the advice guys!

I can't buy any Platinum because my mom won't let me buy online stuff (yeah, I aint that old xD) Q_Q

I would... probably supercharge Rhino... o.o

But is it worth selling my Excal for Volt?

I personally would sell xcal if you reeeaally wanted volt, I wouldn't sell rhino for either, xcal performs a lot better than volt most of the time, unless you have mastered volt, in which case they're probably on the same-ish level, it just depends on what you like, xcal is more in your face than volt is. (the way I play them)

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