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[Concepts] Enemies And Bosses


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I have been thinking about some ideas for enemies and bosses. Here is a summary, hopefully not a block of text.

Feel free to leave any critique or suggestions or stuff!




Grineer Combat Medic


With each new generation of Grineer clones being genetically worse than the previous, the Grineer has a huge priority to keep the older generations alive for as long as possible.

And here is where the combat medics come in. These females are clad in white armor and a large injector gauntlet on their left arm. They do not seek to engage the Tenno unless necessary, so they stay back and tend to the injured Grineer.

They lack any ranged attacks, but they make up for it with using their injector gauntlet as a powerful melee weapon, ignoring shields and dealing poison damage. 



- Enjoys a 50% damage reduction and have medium armor (like the Grineer Seekers).

- Fast as Light Armored Grineer.

- Can heal injured allies, healing 20% of their max health instantly and 80% of their max health over the next 10 seconds, the patient also enjoys 50% damage reduction for the duration. Heal cannot be used on the same target until the heal as wore off.

- Shield ignoring melee attack that deal light normal damage, but high poison damage over a short duration.

- Will not engage combat unless alone or threatened by a Tenno in close quarters.




Grineer Juggernaut


The Grineer scientists have started to experimenting with the cloning formula, in hopes of finding a hole in the current gene degenerating formula. And the Juggernaut is one of these experiments. With a 3% success rate, the Grineer scientists managed to create a Grineer with near perfect torso and arms, but useless legs and with an intellect of that of a small child. While the mind cannot be fixed, the legs was fixed with technology.


The Juggernaut is a heavy troop that has not enough smarts to consider taking cover from fire. Looking like a large and bulky Grineer, with large powergauntlets, the Juggernaut charges recklessly into the Tenno. As a melee only enemy, the Juggernaut possess great strength and endurance, making it a worthy foe.



- Melee Only

- No shields, but double the health of a normal heavy trooper.

- Can charge, knocking Tenno down if hit. The Juggernaut can only charge in a straight line, and will stop when he hits something.

- With merciless punches with his powergauntlets, the Juggernaut deals high, but shortranged, melee damage.

- Can jab, punch and haymaker. Jab is fast, punches are slightly slower (longer windup time) and will stagger and the haymaker is a slow attack with knockdown capabilities.

- Moves faster than the normal heavy trooper walking speed, but not medium troop running speed.

- Rare.




Corpus Gun Osprey


In the sense that they need airborne firepower, the Corpus invented the Gun Osprey. Like its fellow Ospreys, it hovers over the battle field. Outiftted with the standard MOA blaster, the Gun Osprey rains death from above.



- Same values in terms of shield/health as the Leech Osprey.

- Deals the same damage as a MOA.




Corpus Hunter


With the MOAs not doing the desired amount of damage against the Tenno, new platforms had to be invented.

The result was the Hunter. Another animal-like platform with the design of a great cat. 

Outfitted with double MOA blasters on its back and high speed and agility, the Hunter was meant to hunt down terrorize the Tenno.



- Double MOA blasters.

- High sheilds, but really low health.

- High moving/running speeds. Does not stand still during a fight, but runs around.

- Will attempt to jump up and down from crates.

- Will attempt to ram a close-by Tenno. After a windup, knocking the Tenno down.




Sgt. Nef Anyo (Boss Reimagined)


To be fair, I think Anyo is the comedy relief of Warframe at the moment. He is super weak. If you are actually hit by him.. then.. I dunno. Shame on you! You deserved it.

So I come with my own idea how he should be, keeping his original design of a Corpus Sniper intact.



- Has a sniper rifle that deals very high damage.

- Can cloak himself for short periods of time, using a personal cloaking device.

- Has a jetpack, allowing him to jump up to areas normally not avaliable for him. Like roof tops, crates.. You get the picture.

- Can use his jetpack to hover over the battlefield. While making himself easier to hit with ranged weapons, it also allows him to get the advantage of height.

- Remains a more offensive boss, rather than a bulletsponge, with low sheilds and health. 

- Can now kick away Tenno, knocking them down. While the Tenno is knocked down, and Anyo is safe, he will consider a free shot.




Infested Gunner


Resembling a highly infested Grineer Lancer, with a infestation-fused Grakata in one of its hands.

What makes the Gunner special, is the fact that it will use its rifle with varied success but will always stay true to the original infested concept that it the rifle is also a decent club, which can be used to smash someone's face in.

The Gunner will make itself noticable by the spontanious shots it fires into the ground, or walls, or roof, or whatever.



- Has a rifle, and will use it. Somewhat. When firing at the Tenno, it will stop moving and fire in the general direction (aka really, really poor aiming.). As it prefer melee over rifle usage, it will not fire the rifle at the Tenno whenever it has the chance.

- Will fire its rifle spontaniously when it moves. Basically, in any direction the gun is facing at the moment.

- Considered to be a Walker.

- It has slow movement and weak melee attacks (capable of staggering) and suffers from low health. 




Infested Bile Ancient


A highly mutated Ancient, it makes the appearance of a fleshy heap, with two legs and small failing arms, with pulsing and glowing yellow spots over its entire body. Like its infested brethren, it will attempt to reach melee range but unlike the others, it will spew bile over all Tennos in front of it, immobilizing them for some time.

As the Bile Ancient lacks arms, it will try and body slam the Tenno in melee, dealing high damage with knock-back.



- Can immobilize all Tennos in front of itself for a short duration. This ability has a cooldown.

- Weakest Ancient yet, due to fragile body.

- Can charge at the player, resulting in a body slam, causing knock-back. The Ancient will also knock itself down.

- Normal attacks are headbutts, dealing medium damage and causing stagger.

- Will blow up on death, causing minor damage and knocking Tennos down.




Telachau (Infested Boss)


It looks like a mass of bodies, with a large tentacle in the middle. This tentacle has fused with tons of different ranged weapons, and using these weapons is its main attack. It can also use its tentacle to groundslam nearby Tenno. 



- Large Target. Immobile.

- The tentacle contains the following weapons;

x3 Grakata

x4 Corpus Blasters (normal crewman rifles)

x2 Shotguns

x1 Gorgon

- Has a high health pool, but cannot regenerate health like the other Infested Bosses. Naturally weak to fire element.

- Can use the tentacle to groundslam nearby Tenno, dealing high damage and knocking them down.

- Can swipe a large area using the tentacle, dealing fairly low damage, but knocking Tenno back a long distance.

- Fairly accurate with its guns.




Grineer Grenadier


While most Grineer resort to weaponry that sprays bullets in the general direction of the Tenno, the Grenadier is more focused on laying traps and making sure hiding Tenno flee cover using explosives. However, he got a Viper for short ranged support.

Wearing light armor, the Grenadier uses grenades and mines to hinder the advancing Tenno and flushing them from cover and keeping them moving. The Grenadier got grenade belt on his armor, as well as mines.



- Light Trooper. Uses a Viper.

- Will lay mines on the ground which last until detonated. They deal more damage than the Osprey mines, but have a delay before exploding. One Grenadier can only lay a certain amount of mines.

- Will constantly explose himself to throw grenades at Tennos. He is more accurate than the other Grineer.

- If in melee range with a Tenno, and has less than 10% health left, the Grenadier will detonate himself. 




Corpus Tech Crewman


The Tech Crewman is constantly around the Moas and Ospreys, focusing on keeping them repaired.

This crewman dons an orange jumpsuit, compared to the standard pale brown one, and is armed with a blaster pistol.

He also has a gauntlet-like tool on his left hand, which he can focus streams of repairing nanomachines unto friendly machines.



- Recognized by his orange jumpsuit.

- Carries a blaster pistol, which has a low fire rate and low damage, but is fairly accurate.

- Can heal friendly machines at a rate of 10% of max health per second. Cannot attack while healing. Short range.




Infested Spiker


Spikers are an infested growth that reside on walls/floors/roof.

Although immobile and fairly weak, they blend into the infested environment and stabs Tenno that wander to close to it with a spiked tentacle. 



- Immobile, but blends into the environment.

- Causes medium damage and staggers Tenno. 

- Medium ranged attack, somewhat longer than Ancients' attack.

Edited by se05239
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Really, no comments? Sad day indeed.

Welcome to the Warframe forums, where ideas burn and controversy prosper.


The Grineer Combat Medic probably isn't a good idea. It sounds pretty damn overpowered with the quick heals and damage reduction. While a medic for the Grineer seem viable, I think one akin to the TF2 medic would be more fitting. A "healing beam" that a medic can project to a single target, which heals them continuously as long as the beam is connected (maybe 10% health per second), and the medic herself can auto-regen health at 5% per second. Their AI can make them partner with Heavy units and stuff. It would also make more sense for them to retreat and run away when there are no other units to partner with instead of attempting to engage players, maybe give them a Lato if they are cornered. They also must not be able to heal other medics. Also, no damage reduction, but with Commander armor.


Juggernaut just sounds like a reskin of the Infested Ancient. Not very special. I have a different idea for Juggernauts, which i posted on my own topic a while back, i'll link it at the end of this reply.


No Corpus Gun Osprey. That just sounds generic. Ospreys should stick with their "support" roles, even if a flying attack drone would make sense.


The Hunter sounds like a mook version of the Hyena. I would prefer changing the Hyena boss into a pack fight instead of adding a similar elite mook.


Nef Anyo's gonna need a lot more than THAT to make him challenging. I would actually prefer to add a central tower to the area he spawns in. At the beginning of the fight he stays on the tower, shielded from damage completely and having a height advantage over the player, while the player has to run around destroying 4 shield generators on the 4 corners of the arena while MOAs and Ospreys continously spawn (he is described as having a sophisticated security and defense system). After the generators are destroyed and the tower is no longer shielded, he hops down, the cutscene starts, and then the real fight starts (Moas and Ospreys stop spawning at this point). His sniper rifle needs to be more like the TF2 Machina railgun, with the ability to puncture objects/players and with much better visual effects, though he has to stand still to charge the weapon like Railgun Moas. The waypoint has to be disabled to allow him to actually use his cloak for something (unless you have enemy radar, which will still work), and when he uncloaks he should have a Radial Blind ability which distorts vision like an Ancient Disruptor hit if you look at the light flash. He needs to be able to deploy Ospreys himself to assist him, and be more resistant to stuns.


NO NO NO, no infested gunner. That breaks the concept of the faction. Instead, introduce uncommon flying bat-like units that can launch armor piercing spikes at the player. Since it's projectiles they can be dodged with skill, and spikes/spines are organic, which fits the Infested.


Not sure how I feel about the Bile Ancient. Reminds me of the L4D2 Boomer. Sounds like a good idea though. However, instead of immobilizing, have the bile cause a temporary debuff where the victim is slowed, and has much slower stamina regen. Maybe the same amount of time as a Disruptor "hud disrupt" ability? Time can be shortened by rolling a few times. The explosion should also cover nearby players with the bile, as well as stagger all surrounding enemies. It would be a lot of fun to give smart players a strategic use of Bile Ancient detonation.


Not sure I like the Telachau. Again it's using guns, which doesn't fit the concept of the Infested. Aside from that though, I quite like the idea of a giant stationary boss. Maybe instead of guns it can launch a line of spikes at its target. Melee attacks consist of a heavy vertical thump which can be rolled away from, or a wide area horizontal swipe that can be jumped over. It has 5-6 of these tentacles, and the only way to kill it is not by shooting the main body, but by shooting down the tentacles. The heavy vertical thump can leave the tentacle on the ground for a few seconds, allowing for a melee attack retaliation by the player just in case they run out of ammo. I would imagine the boss is in the center of the arena, and looks like some kind of giant disgusting Infested flower.


I also made a thread about upping the Grineer's game a while back. No one gave a damn, but here it is for your viewing pleasure: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/30942-grineer-suggestions-for-new-units-squad-combos-better-ai-tweak-old-units/

Edited by Madotsuki
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i think it would be nice to have a boss similar to the "jackle"(were you have to knock legs down before attacking main body), but on a much larger scale.. knock out its joints climb on its back in order to attack the reactor on its back or something to apply the game mechanics (wall running, sliding) in a tactical method of boss battling. Another concept is having a shield that either reflects or nulls range weapons, unless they slide through the shield to damage the reactor to temporarily disable it, in order to attack the actual boss.

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My god I love everything about this! <3 The dev need to see this!

vague much.. everything about what?? if u are in fact referring to my post, that would be awesome :D.

running on walls is i think a great feature that has to be implemented more in battle scenario's.. rather then just emptying ur clip till target dies..

i believe if this can be applied that it will peek interests of players looking for interesting challenges in game.

it would also help stir the game away from just being another generic shooter based game..

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Still, Bulag, sometimes the easiest concept is the best.

I have yet to see players ingame actually use wall-running from A to get to B faster.

Most players I see exploit the new dash-slash thing.

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If you make a high agility enemy thats supposed to "hunt" players, like your Corpus Hunter, then ranged weapons shouldn't be its main weaponry.


Else its just a MOA with two turrets.


What you are suggesting here is the concept of a "Harasser" enemy


I'd suggest one weak, accurate, fast firing, burst ranged weapon to harass from distance, and then a powerfull melee weapon for close combat.


Especially since the Gun Osprey in your suggestion would already fill the range harasser role much better (small, flying).

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If you make a high agility enemy thats supposed to "hunt" players, like your Corpus Hunter, then ranged weapons shouldn't be its main weaponry.


Else its just a MOA with two turrets.


What you are suggesting here is the concept of a "Harasser" enemy


Well, the idea is that the Hunter basically sticks to a Tenno. Also, "Hunter" was merely a name for it.

Corpus generally is "pew-pew-pew" so why not more "pew-pew-pew"?

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I would like to see Infested able to merge themselves together to form a larger monster. Maybe a new type of infested that when threatened, it will let out a shriek to attract the Chargers and Ancients and they began to merge. During this process Tenno must quickly kill the infested to prevent it from being fully formed.

Edited by RedFaceGeneral
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I would like to see Infested able to merge themselves together to form a larger monster. Maybe a new type of infested that when threatened, it will let out a shriek to attract the Chargers and Ancients and they began to merge. During this process Tenno must quickly kill the infested to prevent it from being fully formed.

that sounds interesting... it would make up for the infested's lack of range. so basically instead of a large swarm comming at u, some actually stay back and start fusing together to form a sort of side boss...

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but beside the fact of just adding new mobs/boss to kill. the matter at hand is the process involved defeating said mob/boss. it needs to be engaging and more interesting definitely more challenging. something were trinity/rhino cant just god mode their way through leaving everyone else in squad to just camp out in a spot shooting/watching.. there need to be a sort of process, process which will force squads to have to work together, ensuring every1 is engaged in the battle.

may even give those rushing lvl. something to consider before straying off too far from the rest...

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well quite nice ideas.... but an immobile boss.... would atleast need a object free space (no walls, crates, whatever....).

else you could just farm him dead without getting a single hit by standing at a corner.

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well quite nice ideas.... but an immobile boss.... would atleast need a object free space (no walls, crates, whatever....).

else you could just farm him dead without getting a single hit by standing at a corner.

where immobile come from??? farm em dead.. really? issue is that the bosses are currently being farmed dead with little to no challenge. 

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i was looking up boss fights on youtube


something like the boss in video clip would be awesome to experience in warframe. (dont mean cut & paste boss)

the process that went with tryn to defeat the boss. having to deal with it in stages. knock out leg things before something or another happens and finally damage boss etc.

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I'd like to put forward the following ideas for new enemies.




MOA.B. (Mother of all bombs). Bomb on legs. Walks up to a player, begins to flash, then detonates with the effect of an ancient disruptor attack in an area of effect. Can be destroyed from a distance to trigger the effect on enemies.

Arc MOA. Comes as a pair which shoot lightning bolts between them (High shield damage, low health damage) and try to flank players. Destroy one and the other will attempt to charge a player and explode.

UAV Operator: Hides and releases a flying drone with high armor and shields. Easiest way to kill it is to find the hiding crew member and kill him.

Sniper MOA: Equiped with a sniper rifle, this one is programmed to turn and run away if an enemy gets too close, meaning that it's infurating to kill if you want to melee it to death.

Snagger: MOA with a 'net gun' that dramatically reduces player speed, and then starts a powerful forward-facing shield. Kill the MOA to release the net (easy for another player to do, hard for the netted player to do). Anti-rush and teamwork encourager.




Lieutenant: Has a special attack that deals no damage, but causes all Grineer in the area to focus their attacks on the target and become very aggressive.

Behemoth: Large unit, slow speed and has a devestating melee attack. Very high armor, and the critical spot is on its back. Very easy for 2 players to take down, pain in the arse for a solo player. Does not spawn on solo player maps.

Warped clone: Occasionally spawns on a behemoth's shoulder. Uses the Mag 'pull' ability on players to pull them into Behemoth smashing range. If killed, the behemoth dramatically speeds up.

Defective clone: Suicide bomber. Little armor, crazed yell, charges nearest player and explodes.

Mugger: If this fast enemy hits you with melee, it takes some of the resources you have gathered that level and runs away. Kill it to regain the resources.




Clinging spawn. Jumps on the back of a player, slowing them to half speed. Easy to shoot off but needs another player to do it. Doesn't spawn on maps with just one player. Always drops some resources. Anti-rush and teamwork encourager.

Bile dropper. A patch of goo on the ceiling, when a player walks underneath it drops the goo onto them, dramatically lowering their speed, locking their melee weapon, and causing all infested in a large area to focus on that player. Can be shot from a distance to disarm. This is an anti-rush and atmosphereic element, as players will quickly learn to be a bit more cautious when going through an infested level.

Wall climbers: More an AI issuse than 'new enemy', but if the chargers could crawl on the walls and ceiling it would be amazing.

Bile charger: Leaves a trail of toxicity on the ground that deals damage to players standing on it. Has a tendency to break off and simply run around, making it a priority target if you plan to be fighting in an area.

Conglomorate: Appearing as many infested fused into one being, it shuffles slowly towards the players and has a functional gun (light damage, but would be the first ranged infested). When killed it breaks apart into crawlers, chargers and runners, and drops a bunch of ammo. Fun flavorful enemy that releases a mini-swarm when you kill it.

Controller: This infested has an extra-large head and, if you get too close to it, can mind control a player to attack the others. During this time infested do not attack that player. Killing the controller releases the player. Has a limited duration and a particular controller can't apply the effect on the same player more than once. Could be devestating if you miss one of these in a swarm and suddenly one of your allies has joined the swarm.
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i was looking up boss fights on youtube


something like the boss in video clip would be awesome to experience in warframe. (dont mean cut & paste boss)

the process that went with tryn to defeat the boss. having to deal with it in stages. knock out leg things before something or another happens and finally damage boss etc.


Everyone I've heard describe the experience describes it as "Stand still, hold mouse cursor on target for a few minutes, kill the enemies that spawn around it, repeat." All the movement he's doing in that video is unnecessary. 

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Everyone I've heard describe the experience describes it as "Stand still, hold mouse cursor on target for a few minutes, kill the enemies that spawn around it, repeat." All the movement he's doing in that video is unnecessary. 

:/ u can make it move. i wasn't tryn to say  put a giant worm sticking out of ground for target practice..

i was strictly referring to the stages/process to take down boss, soo its wouldnt be just point and shoot. 


my bad..guess im really bad at explaining what im thinking.. :P

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All i want is BIG HUGE UGLY looking bosses. Thoze which actually looks like a blood boss for the love god! With ground breaking abilties and powers.....

uhh yeah what he said, but with a Grrr at the end..

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