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Improvements That Should Be Made (And Should Be Easy To Make)


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Ok so i've played this a whole ton now. and there are a couple of things i've seen that should be rather easy to improve a whole lot with only minor changes. It should not even take a workday for a programmer to fix many of these issues all by himself unless the code is just that badly written! (it certainly has some silly things in it that i've noticed while playing, but definetly at it's core it feels like its well written, i'm surprised at the lack of bugs i've found in this beta. many lesser companies would have already called this version 1.0)


First i'll make a numbered list to say "what" and below for those who are interested i will write "why" and often also "how i would do it" this i do for readability mostly since i'm writing a whole lot. I'm doing you guys a favor ;)


I put a lot of work into this, so i hope someone will read it. It turned out being a lot bigger than originally intended even if i kept everything as short as possible.




1. Remove DOF/Motion Blur or make it off by default.

2. Make Bloom off by default.

3. Change default keybindings (read description, if you're a player that hasn't changed keybindings yet, try these!)

3.5 Fix some issues with player movement (read description)

4. The default resolution of the game should be your monitors "Native" resolution OR the resolution of your desktop.


In the menus


5. Menu Tutorial 

6. "Squad Chat" open and targeted by default if no other menu is open and player is in game session.

7. Mod and Fusion menu changes. (Read description)

8. Fusion with credits instead of fusion core.

9. Rotate camera and Planet-View during game session.




10. More Females.

11. Tradeability (this one is not easy to implement well.)

12. Every boss must be unique (Model-wise), and every boss must have his own avatar.

13. Preparing for high level stuffs, and giving people a reason to keep playing with max level gear (Read description!)

14. Lotus as a bossfight. (maybe not easy, but a good solution to a bigger underlying problem)

15. Don't simply unlock missions a player was pulled into by a higher level one.




Lets  start with the basics.


1. Motion Blur

is an effect most people do hate, and most people do know that most people do hate it i believe, i've found one game where DOF feels good and in that game it couldn't even be toggled! that game is called Dark Souls.


So you know... bad move to add it to the game, without doubt it both makes the game feel bad right from the start and what's worse is that it also reduces the performance quite a bit on some computers when its on (i saw my friends laggy computer with it on and i told him to turn off and all the lag just literally DISAPPEARED!!!)


What i'm saying is, it might hurt someones pride to remove it from the game, but how bad would it be to make it be off by default?




2. Bloom

is a similar deal as DOF, it's a clumsy lighting effect that can sometimes be blinding, it messes up your abilities to see any details of any objects that lights are shined on and should only be used if the details are so horrifyingly badly done by your texture crew that they should not be seen! which they are not in this case. It should at least default to "off" but it couldn't hurt to have it there since it might make the game a bit more "photogenic" for the "artists" (people who like to take a lot of cool screenshots.) after playing with it off, if i turn it on now it feels like large parts of the game (including my warframe) shine blinding and uncomfortable amounts of light all over my screen, which wouldn't surprised me if it caused someone a heart attack or some sort of seizures.




3. Key Binds

The default key-bindings are terrible!! so bad! so damn bad! i mean... "X" to activate? are you guys serious about this? did you even think about it at all? heres some better keybinds i thought of

F = Activate (Fairly Basic)

TAB Caps-Lock = Switch Weapons (Halo anyone?) (Not TAB simply due to steam users, if sprinting and changing weapons they'd open the steam overlay)

Mouse 5 (AND) E = Melee attack (F For those who don't have M4)

Mouse 4 (AND) Q = Block (Q for those who don't have M5)

ALT = Item Popup (AND) Show player list (This almost gives you a legit excuse to lock up player movement while checking other player's HP)

C = Toggle Crouch

V = Voice Chat


These keybindings are nothing revolutionary, but they're good enough so that no matter what computer i was on i would never bother changing them myself. and i'm pretty picky with keybindings too. I originally intended to say use F for melee and E for use, but then realized that E and Q are conveniently each placed on either side of W, so i changed it.



3.5. Player movement issues

Maybe you first want to know what rather than why this one time? It's 3.5 because it's related in some ways to 3. It's silly how melee attacks lock down your movement to the sides, it's also equally silly that showing the fellow player's health menu will stop your character from being able to move with WASD. it's also rather silly that accessing your equipped consumables does the same (and the consumables should be keybindable and default bound on the numpad or something like that)


So what to do about it is fairly simple. For the first one, as a temporary hotfix unlock side movement while attack animation is on (The "Ancients" certainly have no problems with doing this, nor attacking in any direction either, it may look a bit silly but it doesn't feel as silly as it looks when you're doing it yourself) then later on when you have the time, add sidestepping animations for when your character is walking to the side and swinging a melee weapon, and even later on you could add (on top of all that) "attack to the side" animations, that sounds way more ninja than what they did in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rune_(video_game)'>Rune or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morrowind'>Morrowindwhere sidestepping could be used to change what attack animation would be performed or from where the attack would come. (but those games were centered around melee combat. doing that wouldn't fix this thing, using the sidestep button + attack button to do an attack to that side if no other buttons are pressad are way more fitting for this one.) i also recommend removing "wall-run attack" temporarily, and adding it back once you've made it usable. (Firstly it needs to be possible to aim with it)


For the next one, give us an option in the menus (default off, just so the game looks more shiny for the newcomers) to toggle "player hp menu" always "on" or "off unless button press" (ALT in this case as its bound to the same key as Item Menu) 


For the last one, while the consumables (Gear) menu is open, disable mouse left click (also right click if you so choose). but keep melee attacks and WASD usable!!!




4. Resolution

Does this need to be explained? i'm surprised if they haven't fixed it already! the first time i launched the game, it looked ugly as hell because of this not being in it yet. I hope it's already been fixed, but if not.... dear DE please make it so for your own sake.




5. Menu Tutorial

Much more important than the gameplay tutorial (seriously, give someone a tip how to wall run up a wall and backflip into a ventilation shaft, and how your "hacking system" works in the first mission. After that he'll be able to figure out all your other mechanics easily.) Is the menu tutorial. If you're short on the manpower to conveniently decide which parts of the menus shall be showcased first, how they should be showcased and all the reasons why like that but not the other way around, i'd gladly help you out just a little bit and give you a script (or screenplay) or whatever thinking hard about what i'd want it to be like if i was starting the game. and if you're still interested i'd use hints rather than a tutorial that locks you down. Both because the menus can get a little complicated at times and because people might forget what the tutorial tought them. If you don't want my free help (summer vacation, i have nothing to do here!!!) at least just consider what i've given so far, i'm sure you can figure out the rest by yourselves! Otherwise you should have my e-mail.




6. Squad-Chat in menus

This would make the game more sociable, and unite more of the community more easily, right now the only reliable way to talk to anyone in the game really (apart from steam interface) is to chat in game by pressing "T" and while doing this you must stop moving which might make others tired of waiting for you. If however the squad chat was opened by default this would be solved, but to make it work properly (since planets may be underneath it) without much of a change, make the window slightly transparent by default, the transparency can be toggled on and off by clicking on the window.  This is done so players can see planets hiding behind it. This would be a nice hotfix (for now) but could use further improvement later. (such as more specific chat channels than "region" and "squad")




7. Mod and Fusion Menus

When you have a lot of mods, and when you want to quickly remove/add a mod or test things or whatever it is you want to do, the mod selection menu (both when fusing mods and when selecting mods from a list to put into a weapon/warframe) gets really clunky real fast, so i'll make a list of changes.


  • Mouse Right click will remove mod from the target mod from the weapon.



  • All mods of the same Type and Level are bundled together and will show "Amount" somewhere near the "Mod Name"



  • Fusion Menu will order mods by Name by default.



  • Fusion Menu will show all mods currently equipped in all currently equipped gear by default without selecting them first. (So i can press the "Mods" button in arsenal and fusion mods equipped in any weapon i own there)



  • When Fusing, if i select a mod bundled with other mods of the same type and level, i can select how many i want to use to add to the current "Fusion" with a button (UP/DOWN Arrows and a number between them basically)



  • Hovering the cursor over mods outside of the Fusion menu should show a more detailed description of what the mod does, doing it inside the menu should show what boosting it does. (like it currently does with abilities.)



  • A mod being fusioned should show how much fusion (number, not just a bar) it needs to get to the next level, and also the amount of the same mod at level 0 needed to reach next level. (Needs to be a floating/double number so it can need 2.5x itself at level 0 to reach next level)



As you can see, just after doing 1 and 2 the mod menu is way more accessible than it is at the moment. I admit that number 6 is going to be a LOT of work mostly because of how many descriptions need to be written, but it MUST be done, and everyone knows it. Right now players need to go to the player-written wiki just to get a general idea of what the mods can do for you.




8. Credits as an alternative to Fusion Cores

Without fusion cores or mods you should be able to fusion things with a high cost of credits. for example, decide that 1 fusion core is worth X credits (like say, common 3 fusion core is worth 3000 credits) you could now allow the player to pay 3000 credits instead of using a fusion core. You could also include platinum in this function.



9. Camera Rotation and Planet-View in Game Session

Well, it's quite annoying not to be able to go into planet-view when you're in a game-session (team) so you should be able to scroll out to get to that, and scroll in again to get back to the last planet you were on. You should also be able to hold right mouse button or middle mouse to rotate the camera around when you're in planet-view, also at this point it's pretty useless that all the warframes in the session are sitting around the galaxy as if it were a round-table. but you can't actually look at them. You should also be able to hold the mouse on the nothingness when a planet has been selected, and drag the camera to the sides in order to see other missions (and their descriptions) better. These menu things might be a bit harder to implement than most of the other stuff, but i think it would add a lot to the feel of the menus. Also, give us a button you can press (like ALT or CTRL) that will show names of all planets in planet-view. that would really help some people.




10. Females!

Well i heard somewhere originally there were supposed to be no female warframes in the game, glad someone decided to refuse to participate in a game that was so silly that you could select what your character model looked like but not select a female model. that was indeed bad. So now the game has "gender equality" in the warframe section. Bravo!!! well done! i can almost say i'm proud of you guys because i would've probably bailed on the game already if there was no female Warframe in it and i had noticed that it'd be so easy to add one. so apart from these 6 warframes how many females do we have?


Hmm... let me count... 2. There's 2? only? come on!!! that's not enough. so theres an entire race of grineer, and corpus, and theres a plague that will infect without discrimination any "MAN" it can approach but the females are all safe from it apparently. that's just silly guys... these 2 i'm talking about is the boss on Sedna, "Kela de Thaym" is her name, and then theres the... Ballista? i think they're called that. the grineer snipers. and uh, they're disturbingly tiny. In fact they're so small it's hard to believe that they're of the same race as those musclebound, overgrown Grineer that have shoulders the size of a house! and they also look so much less mechanical. with the exception of miss boss of course. And uh, the pig-nose woman said on the way to fight Kela that "ALL" grineer females undergo military training. These "ALL" must be very very few.


The corpus obviously don't need to reproduce since they have no females at all!


This bullS#&$ has got to end. Now that you've got gender equality in the PC section, add some of it to the NPC section aswell please! Admit it! you guys enjoy making female models and concept art a lot more than the male ones.


I'd like it if this was fixed by making a male and female version of most enemies and when an enemy is spawned, roll whether it's a female or male enemy of the type that will be spawned. I'd like this to be done before you add any new enemy types to the game.


Now note that i say "gender equality" i don't mean "equal amount of males as females in all ways" but "roughly the same chance of female NPC spawn, and roughly the same amount of female NPCs/PCs, nothing precise, more of one (doesn't matter which) doesn't have to be bad as long as the other still exists in reasonable amounts.




11. Trading

Now because mods are a random drop, some of them can be pretty rare, players can play for months without getting a single mod of a certain kind if they're just that unlucky, the chance exists. Same deal with components, and same deal with some blueprints (what if he's never online when the alert gives them the blueprint as a reward?) The game needs a market of some sort, and i think a market based only on credits is a bad idea, players should be able to go to the market (in the menu) and set a price on an item (or amount of items) they own which will then be uploaded to the store and other players can buy for the set price. it's generally a good idea to limit the prices somewhat (you can't place 1 rubedo and ask for 50.000 credits or 500 alloy plate in return, but you might put 1 orokin cell or neurodes and ask for 300.) how i'd limit it is limit credits amount you can sell each component or blueprint or Mod for by something that just seems reasonably high. and put a maximum price on each component (so 1 rubedo could only be sold for 500 credits max per piece maybe)


Now, if someone wants to sell 1 rubedo, he can not ask for anything which the minimum price in the market for is less than 500 credits. and you can not ask for 1 rubedo for any item that is worth more than 500 credits either. so everything is tied together by the credits they're worth.


This way players can always find use for excess components or mods, or blueprints they just have no interest in building. This way players can now trade items for some fair amount of another item or credits. And this way players can not "give" items away.


It's just a core idea but it'd be nice to have.



12. More Unique Bosses

Fun fact, Kril (Ceres) does not look like Kela de Thaym (Sedna), but uses her avatar anyways. Why? i think the Infested and Corpus bosses all had their own avatars. It'd also be nice if you got someone good with sound editing to mix the sound of the voices so none of the bosses have the same voice when they speak gibberish. (all it takes is adjusting the pitch and such things, no need to re-record it) A lot of bosses just use the same model as other basic units, avoid this at all costs!! this will get players bored pretty quick, everyone knows that players love their bosses "special" and they love them even more if they're overgrown monsters (like Phorid)




13. Adjustments for higher levels, and preparations for end-game

Well many players have begged for more end-game content and stuff (including myself) but lets look at it another way this one time.


Right now, if you level a gun it only gives you mod capacity.


If you level a Warframe it gives you HP and Shields and Mod capacity.


You also need 60 mod capacity to make any decent use of a gun or warframe at this point.



  • Nerf potatoes, buff base mod capacity (OR reduce base mod cost on all mods by 50%, Rounded Up to 1)



  • Give weapons something more on level-up. levels should be just a bit more important than they are at the moment



  • Buff Warframe abilities per warframe level!!(often ability nr.1 is useless at high level but ability nr.4 still kills all)



  • Buff credits gained per mission depending on warframe level. (example) 150% by rank 30, increase by roughly 1,67% per level until its 50% extra credits



  • Buff mod-drop chance a little bit for each level 30 warframe in the game.



  • Give portion of level 30 item experience to mastery rank. (A small percentage)




What i mean is



  • Give everything in the game a base mod capacity of 2 per level (60), supercharging with a potato will grant 1 (or 2 if you think that's better) additional mod slot, and +50% max mod capicity (total of 90)



  • They need something to make them worth leveling up to 30 once you've put most of the mods on them, for example extra 1% damage per shot per level? or fire rate? dependant of weapon maybe?



  • Warframe abilities are the least balanced thing in the game right now. Some warframes are useless at all levels, others only at high levels (with a ton of energy) and others only at low levels. Buffing up each ability upon warframe level-up would fix this, if you'd also change their base values, upgrading the ability adds on top of the upgraded values from warframe level + base values.



  • To encourage players to farm money on higher level warframes.



  • To encourage players to farm for mods on max level warframes, (extra 5% chance per level 30 warframe? total of 120% drop chance from what it originally was?)



  • So players are not discouraged from playing their level 30 Warframes since they don't gain any kind of experience on anything from doing it and no bonuses in return for not getting any exp.




Players need to feel more of a boost from leveling up and players need to know that their abilities are going to be useful even in the hardest of missions if they just leveled their Warframe enough. Same deal with the guns! they wont start out as powerful as they will be in their max level.





14. Lotus as a bossfight(a way to get rid of the annoying chatterbox)

Hear me out on this one! everyone knows people got tired of lotus pretty fast. What is the best way to fix that? that's hard to say. At this point many developers would probably be thinking "oh how i wish i could start over with that part and do it right instead of how i originally did it" well many have actually done that, and you have that chance. Add a plot twist where it turns out Lotus was actually some sort of villain that was just using the Tenno to better her own position in some way and was only able to do that because the Tenno had no idea who she was to begin with (or similar) and after defeating her as a boss (or after accessing the planet she's the final boss of) DISABLE all her voice dialogue in the game. You could as an alternative replace it with another character that's not annoying like her, and is not a total chatterbox like her. The players already in many want her out, the others not in don't care yet of course but i'm sure they would too, do something about it!




15. Harder to access new planets/missions with help of other players that already have them.

Now after hearing my ideas of lotus, if that were to be implemented there's one problem. and even without her as a boss (but i still think it's a cool idea, everybody wants to beat her annoying pig-nose up!) that is that a new player could be pulled into a mission on her planet, and the planet is marked as "unlocked", to get greater control over the game and the players, for a better idea of how far players really are. Make one small modification. Don't unlock missions you were pulled into if there were no missions you had already unlocked connected to it. This will keep it possible to slide through the planets skipping every other mission with a good friend that's doing it with you that already has it all unlocked, but it wont make it as easy as it is now. Theres also more things that could be done, for example the mission could be marked as finished upon completion and then when the player gets to the mission he already got pulled into, he can jump over it to the next behind it. and instead of a "lock" icon the mission would have an "unlocked" icon but still not be selectable as any other unlocked mission.

I probably could have added a lot more, but thats enough text written for me, i'm done! i need some sleep.
Edit: i forgot to add my ideas on the corpus lasers, ancients and rollers, but in short.


  • I think it'd be a lot better if instead of knocking you down and eating your shields, they should just eat your shields and let the shockwave moa's do their work.


  • also on the ancients, the ancient disrupters should only eat your shields and mess up your UI, that's enough! eating the energy aswell is too much!


  • The toxic ancients should only deal toxic damage that ignores shields after death, and it should also have friendly fire on it so you can lure other infested into it to die. While alive they can do AoE damage... sure... but not toxic, it's just too much to handle for example if you're on a defense mission against these things. and you're beating the living S#&$ out of everything until a toxic ancient walks up to you and you just drop dead.


  • The grineer rollers should attack players 3 times, on their 4th attack they will explode in the players face causing damage (just so it'll be harder to get stun-locked by them, they're annoying enough as is if you don't have an AoE to take them out)


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1) Yes

2) Nah, but lower it so it's not so blinding.

3) Yes, especially to the double button ones. I don't even have a mouse 4 or 5.

3.5) Yes.

4) Definitely.

5) Yes.

6) Yes.

7) Eh, minor changes would be nice. It's pretty good as of now.

8) I don't like this one. I'm good with the way mods work right now. Maybe if we could trade mods for other mods or buy common and low-end cores.

9) This doesn't affect me.

10) Theres four. Saryn, Trinity, Mag, and Ember, I believe. I think I'd rather have the swappable genders first.

11) Ehhh..... Isn't there talk of a Clan vault structure or something?

12) YES.

13) Half-and-half here. Specifically 1 and 9 I do not like.

14) Mmmmmaybe. I'm neither for nor against it.

15) Yeah.

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More replies like this^ :)


Nyx and Banshee are also female. but i was mostly talking about NPC females.


I've never been in a Clan, but it would be cool to have that.


What's number 9 in 13? i don't recall writing that. I do however agree that 1 is a bit extreme in it, but something similar should be done.

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Still reading, but just wanted to post this: You play Dark Souls on the PC, there is an option to remove Motion Blur in PC Setting.



Also, please put the point's title above the explanation. It's annoying to have to scroll back up to the Contents to know what 'doesn't need to be explained and you're surprised that they haven't fixed it already, because the first time you launched the game it looked ugly as hell'.


Make it like

4. Resolution


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Can't remember for certain if it was there or not. but even if you could remove motion blur (which may very well be) you could not remove the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depth_of_field'>DoF without using mods on the game. (dof and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motion_blur'>motion blur aren't the same thing, but you can use DoF to create a motion blur effect.)


(This is quite irrelevant and off topic though, it doesn't change my point that that's the only game where DOF didn't look bad to me so far)



Done! but you could also try to "Ctrl+F" and write the number.

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On #14


Sorry no, you don't get to write warframe lore. Pass on this idea.

It was just one of many ideas about what to do to get rid of the annoying Lotus, something must be done, i'm sure you agree on that part, just as much as i do agree that i don't write the lore for this game.



Perhaps you should've just read the beginning to see that you don't even have to read the entire post to understand what i mean. just the parts where it specifically says "(Read Description)" it also looks a lot longer than it is (mostly because of all the numbered lists)

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You realize there are 6 male and 6 female frames right?



Male: Excal, Rhino, Volt, Ash, Frost


Female: Trinity, Ember, Mag, Banshee, Saryn, Nyx




Edit:  I would like to say that the rest of OPs post is at the very least well thought out, and I agree with I'd say a slight majority of it.

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yes, i realized that and said so aswell.


So now the game has "gender equality" in the warframe section. Bravo!!! well done! i can almost say i'm proud of you guys because i would've probably bailed on the game already if there was no female Warframe in it and i had noticed that it'd be so easy to add one. so apart from these 6 warframes how many females do we have?
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I don't get the whole females thing.

Judging by how the voices work, I'd guess grineer heavy gunners are also females. How the hell are you meant to tell if an infested is female or not? Only the chargers can easily be identified as the remains of a grineer lancer, while runners/leapers/ancients/crawlers are deformed monsters with only a boot (and arguably corpus helmet) as their remaining human feature. Corpus have no identifiable gender traits, so what stops them from being female? Does something have to be blatantly feminine to be female, and wouldn't that make it more sexist than just having a group that we know are all humans who wear silly hats?

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Nope, it does not have to be blatantly feminine to be female, and i had thought aswell the heavy gunners "might" be female, but they don't seem organic even, they're just robots from what i see.


Corpus are just humans with silly hats. But they're all very obviously male, if not just from the voices you can just tell that they don't have a female torso.


And i think i can agree with the infestation part, however shouldn't that plague also be affecting people who aren't wearing thick body armor or silly hats?

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Ugh @ the downvote nazis that attack well thought out, laborious posts like this.


It'd help if the underlying points in the OP were, you know, right. When someone gets something as basic as the number of female warframes wrong and makes that into one of his core premises, it's hard to take all his other points seriously.

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3.5 and 9-14 aren't exactly easy to make i'll admit, thats about 6/16 not easy.


most of them are still easy or relatively easy.


Especially 1-4 (with the exclusion of 3.5) 6 and 15 look like they'd be easy.


just doing these would do wonders for the game.


Edit: Also i updated the key-binds a bit. i've been playing with the keybinds i had recommended and felt that it needed just a little bit of fine-tuning.

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Nope, it does not have to be blatantly feminine to be female, and i had thought aswell the heavy gunners "might" be female, but they don't seem organic even, they're just robots from what i see.


Corpus are just humans with silly hats. But they're all very obviously male, if not just from the voices you can just tell that they don't have a female torso.


And i think i can agree with the infestation part, however shouldn't that plague also be affecting people who aren't wearing thick body armor or silly hats?

How do you define "female torso" when they're clearly wearing a thick bodysuit?


Expanding the infested is a whole other question (and I think it should be done), but in the current context, it makes sense. You meet infested when investigating sites formerly populated by grineer/corpus forces, so why would you see anything other than infested grineer/corpus forces? When we went to the non-infested versions of the levels, there were no random civilians running around on errands or anything.


Gender equality isn't about slapping breasts on half the characters, it's portraying neither gender as better than the other. Why does this world suddenly need more females when almost everything has arguably lost most of their humanity already?

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That's mostly how, to the left is a male skeleton and the right is a female one. the most visible difference is shoulder width and the size of the ribs, also the female's rib-cage's lowest rib goes a bit lower than a male's (since their ribs are further apart).


Nothing wrong with flat chested females, but it's usually pretty clear whether someone is a male or female. There are more feminine males than manly females in this world (not saying that both don't exist though)


And also, assuming that females had breasts of any larger size than flat, the body-suit would have to compensate for it by making pockets for them. Else the only other way is to reduce the chest armor which is a terribly bad idea. Rounded shapes also help with your chances of bullets bouncing off of you, so it's a win-win deal.


You'd have an argument if they were wearing capes of some sort that covers up most of their upper body at all times so that you couldn't tell what kind of torso they have to begin with.


Also, it just so happens that your missions happen in grineer mining facilities (where be the miners and stuff?) and corpus spaceships with speakers speaking to "any responsible passengers" which i just don't see anywhere. There are also corpus military outposts where i'm surprised to see that the only thing there are combat robots and infantry. No officers or commanders or anything, just MOA and Cannon Fodder (infantry)


As for why the world would need females is an extremely stupid question and i hope i don't have to answer it for you. Think for 1 minute about why the world needs females.

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