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Help With Dual Zoren



I recently crafted Dual Zorens cuz I wanna lvl up. 1st impressions were like: WTF?! It's effin weaker than my Dual Heats and they r going to be potatoed soon. So any suggestions on how to make it as good as my Dual Heats?

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I have lev 30 potoed  super fast crits hard ..You are correct lacks dps  pretty weak compared to other dual malee weps .wish animation was more fluid still choppy .But very nice showy pretty a fav to have.

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Fury for sure to the rate of your swings.


Pressure Point is helpful if you plan to stack other elemental mods.


Organ Shatter and True Steel if the plan is to capitolize on the crits.


I saw someone specc it for charge attacks, but I wasn't too impressed to be honest.

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Zorens = DEs for auto attacking lesser Infested, but do little damage to Ancients without using Charge attacks


Zorens Charge attacks is 2-3'rd highest melee DPS in the game, but takes a lot of concentration to time correctly and you spam a LOT of attacks doing so... has about 10% more DPS than the DHS.


I really like a charged attack setup against Infested with Ash or Loki, b/c they can go stealthed and no chance of interrupts/staggers. Rhino I prefer something with a larger reach (read: Scindo) b/c you're getting swarmed.

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I learned that you get a good weapon if you improve what the weapon already is best at instead to ironing out the flaws.


So i modded the Dual Zorens with Charge Speed, Charge Damage, AP and Freeze (Its level 20 atm). It will get crit, too and will be used with my Ash mainly. The criticals are insane.

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Charge speed is really hard to use properly with Dual Zorens. Remember +Charge speed just lets you release the charge button sooner and still complete the attack, it doesnt actually effect the auto-release speed. So with the incredibly fast charge speed already, its very hard to release ~2/3rds into that.


Default charge speed is ~0.5 seconds, so you have to release ~0.3 seconds after hitting the melee button.

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