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Wanna Help Write Short Story,


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so im working on a short story for lack of better word,



its set in an infestation mission,

or more less its set in that setting,

and that's where it all goes down to say.



and as im writing,

and rewriting and rewriting


"and screaming my lungs out at the sky like all artists are known to do"


it occurs i haven't settled on which 4 frames will be in the story,


so i thought why not ask this community or has different viewpoints on subjects then me and can help me see from new angles to enrich my tale.



so without further delay, here's what i need from you.



tell me about your top 3 frames,

don't just tell me oh, i know their good at this mission,

im not looking for that,


tell me about them

tell me about you tenno.


do you run ember alot?

why? breathe life into, spin me a minor tale.


describe it to me, your life as that frame, give them life as it were.


yes i know its just game and all that but im hoping with this,

people can provide me some insight that will allow me write this as well as i can.


im hoping it allows me to write  in a frame i would never play or don't like.

its easy for me to spin  a majestic tale on frame i adore and love and can breathe life into that.

but ive decided i wanna challenge myself to have at least 2 frames be frames i wouldn't have picked.



so  give me paragraph or two on your 3 frames you chose if you can, if not gimme one,

tell me about you tenno.

whats it like being ember? rhino? frost? mag? etc....



thanks for taking the time to read this,

even if you don't participate.


enjoy your day and keep the blade sharp


and remember


Honor among all else tenno.



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First advice I can offer you when it comes to writing is to step back and 'just relax'.


As I've learned over ...several years of progressive world building for my own original work, it really is a lot easier to just...let the words 'come'. Plans and plotlines have about as much specification of 'this is sort of where we're ending up'. I leave the 'how and what' to the characters. However, yes, different strokes for different people. Rewriting happens a lot, sure, but it is better to write 'everything' as much as you can, else you end up just rewriting the first chapter half a dozen times. Speaking from experience on that one...


As for the three frames...hmm. I suppose my top three by use are Valkyr, Trinity and Saryn in that order. (Last I looked, 19%, 17% and 13% according to Profile usage) So, hope these entertain/give ideas.






The sound of gunfire echoes through the room, screamed orders piercing the din. Screams as another Grineer falls at my feet, blood and bionic fluids staining the steel floor. Flowing from soldier to soldier, there is no thought. Only motion, sensation, death. Blood trickles along my blades, my armour. Bullets strike me through the shielding but I barely feel it, little more than gasps of wind in a desert. I can't tell where my injuries and the gore of my foes begin or end.


As the last Grineer crumples in a lifeless heap, I catch a glimpse of my reflection in the glassy window; tattered armour, stained a blackish red from the slaughter as it slowly sloughs off. By rights I should be long dead...yet I carry on. The throbbing fury, it forces me forwards. Fury at the sin I endured. Fury at those that seek to destroy we Tenno simply for existing. Most of all though...Fury that I no longer feel the battlefield. Almost detached from my own body the sound of more marines makes me turn, howling my challenge. I can't tell how much life is left in me...and that fury strikes terror into my foes once more as I charge undaunted, blade in hand.


The fury of those who no longer know if they're even truly alive anymore.




The world is called so many things. So many words describe how it functions. Physics. Gravity. Convection...all words to explain something more simple than that. The world is energy. Energy to be channelled, directed, harnessed. Energy to be redirected, subverted, negated. As the heart beats in the chest of a Grineer so too does it beat in the chest of the Corpus. Both die should you cease that beating. Both stop the motions of 'life'.


I am the nexus of this energy. I reach into the quintessential nature of my foes, and reprogram it to serve my own. I drain the life force of my quarries, so I may reignite those of my comrades. I bind myself to them, and turn my injuries into their injuries. There is no pain. No fear. There is only energy and will; without the will, the energy is shapeless, useless. So, in the quiet light of the observatory, I focus myself, to perceive not the metal and the cold, but the energy all around us. I 'listen' to it, the ephemeral music of eternity.


When the next battle comes, I will not be the mere listener, but the conductor of the great song of reality.




The strength of my foe is irrelevant. They may mock and taunt, but it is all a façade. The bluster of those that understand little of the true strength in this world. With a wave, I begin their education as viral spores erupt from their body. Like the rest, they act is if nothing is wrong. After a stroke of the blade, the truth dawns in their eyes as their body begins to succumb. Bravado evaporates whilst the microbes within their body feast eagerly on their life. In its place fear surges with anger, and they strike; yet their invisible tormentors render them clumsy as their body begins to fail.


Another spore, and with it their balance. Staggering to their knees, I drive the blade through their throat, before they collapse into a lifeless husk. The lie of power intoxicates many. But true power, true power belongs to none of us. All of us are at the mercy of the virus, of the bacterium. The microscopic warzones of the body, where only a single cell misplaced can doom us to agonising oblivion.


This is the lesson I gift my foes; the lesson of true power, wedded with the mercy of a swift death.




Right, hope that was at least interesting to read. If not, eh, it was a fun bit of spot writing.

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First advice I can offer you when it comes to writing is to step back and 'just relax'.

thanks for the advice, ive been writing for while now, several years.

but advice is always welcome.

i find my writing style require a base raw concept i want or at least think i want for an end result

and certain points are clear and defined and fit in everything but certain things seem murky so i often let the writing work its stuff and then rewrite it a few times to have  various versions.




thanks for those paragraphs,

its very well written,

and i enjoyed reading them.


ive written a bit of tenno stuff already.


its paired with my crappy digital art of which i have very little talent doing


i posted them all somewhere in forums art area.


your trinity is very nice,

i actually don't enjoy her myself but i wanted to challenge myself to include two frames i wouldn't pick.

and help me grow writing from a perspective i would have avoided every time here.

a bit scary and daunting.



P.s. i also have somewhere abit of writing for my new infested review.

which ended in very short story where in, i tried to express what the new infested added to the game when they were dropped.


again, thanks a bunch.

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Slashes after slashes pierce my thin frame. I hold on to my last rags of health. I clutch at it, hold on to it. I lash out with a torrent of psychic energy. Suddenly, I am no longer there. I am everywhere. I flow into every enemy's mind like a torrent of water, overpowering all thought. The enemies stagger in confusion. They try to retake their minds, their consciousness, but it no longer exists. I am their consciousness. They slash at each other with claws, confused and disoriented. I control them. I control every one of their mindsets. They are mine...NO!

The last of my reserves of my energy runs out. I drain out of their consciousness like water from a drain. They reorient themselves, and charge for me. I know I am going to die. I run. I dash with all my stamina, slashing at them with my weak Zorens. It takes me nowhere. Out of the shadows, I spot a tall, lean figure, lashing out with its long arms. Suddenly, I spot a glowing, pulsating blue orb on the floor. It contacts me, and I and reinvigorated. Fueled by my mind, I release a bubble of psychic energy. I must turn their weapons against them. Turn...their..weapons...

They slash with their claws, unaware that what they put in is going to kill them...

My energy drains, right to the last drop. My precious bubble bursts, Chargers, Runners, Crawlers are all thrown back, dead. My energy is drained, I have the last shreds of health, yet I stand victorious. I flow in the minds of every enemy, big and small. My victims, killed by their own means. I am Nyx. I am everywhere, everyone.

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