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Well I'm Officially Bored!


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I think like many other users I play the game to collect stuff more than any other thing. It IS a beta though so give it some more time, go play some other game and let the developers continue expanding on this game. I think from Warframe's structure, it is not aimed to be CLEARED, since there is still no sight of an endgame, so until then I can just wait it out. I was getting really bored as well, but I started playing this on a more casual basis and it's much more enjoyable that way. Randomly logging in only to claim an alert and such, I play a lot of Dota 2, so my team's matches last an hour per session so the almost insignificant commitment this game demands is appreciated.

I have all 12 frames currently in game with only mag not being rank 30. For weapons i never got my hands on dark and heat dagger beside that i had used everything. Does this count as clearing this game?? Im not bored yet though.

Edited by Davoodoo
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Yes I could gimp myself and use level 1 weapons and warframe on pluto, but that defeats the entire purpose of the game, which is farm for mods to get stronger. 


The purpose of the game for me is to have fun.   I see we play for very different reasons. 


And I suggest you never play Far Cry 3.  You would absolutely hate that game.  Its normal difficulty is extremely easy.  Unless you limit yourself to just a bow and knife.  Then it becomes ridiculously fun.  And since you don't play games for fun . . .

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The purpose of the game for me is to have fun.   I see we play for very different reasons. 


And I suggest you never play Far Cry 3.  You would absolutely hate that game.  Its normal difficulty is extremely easy.  Unless you limit yourself to just a bow and knife.  Then it becomes ridiculously fun.  And since you don't play games for fun . . .

Edited by Xtorma
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All RPG type games will eventually lead you to the same conclusion. "What's the point?" The only question is a matter of _when_ you finally make the realization, and how you answer the question.

I've learned to deal with it a few ways.

- In this game my current 'grind' purpose is to max out all my mods. This will take up an incredible amount of time from what I can tell. I get far more purpose and enjoyment out of farming mod cards than leveling up weapons that I have no intention of using in the long run.

- Try to find something you like about the game that has nothing to do with leveling or gaining experience. Read as : do you enjoy the gameplay itself? If so try to focus on that and not whether you are progressing or not. We are space ninja's with amazing acrobatic combat abilities. The gameplay itself is pretty darn cool if that's your thing.

- As with most RPG's, the enjoyment is in the journey, not the destination. In other words, try to forget the question "what's the point?".

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I've levelled up a few Warframes and a whole bunch of weapons to rank 30. I've reached mastery level 5. I have built an Ash Rhino and Ember ready to claim, plus a few other weapons ready to claim. I have built an Orikin reactor and 2 catalysts, not installed them yet.  The problem:


it's all too samey....run run run, kill, kill kill, loot lockers etc..run a whole heap more.... get to extraction. Sometimes on some of the worse maps for waypoint markers, I almost loose the will to live and on the very huge maps where your just running running running.


So I'm thinking about levelling up these 3 new frames, more weapons....but, can't be bothered, why, because it's just more of the same. Nothings really difficult with 4 players, even solo, it's not that difficult.


DE, I made a post about how you can make this game more interesting




You have to do something, because I seriously can't see how people are going to want to keep playing this. Even within the code you have, because I'm not suggesting you have a massive overhaul, or loads of new work designing lots of new stuff....surely it can be made more interesting. This all came about this evening, on a mission having killed the boss (I can't even remember who), I just realised I couldn't be arsed to get back to extraction all that run run run run.


i've really tried this last week or so but realised that I simply am going to have trouble maintaining any interest unless there's some changes. Now I fully expect founders and others to vote this down, but really, this game is like typing IDKFA in doom and running amok, after a while, it's just not fun any more....unless your 10 like my son. Before people make loads of negative comments, just think, do you want more and better weapons., more blueprints, more cash, more powers........which is what I see asked for. or do you wan't better game play.Surely I can't be the only one who feels this way, people must want more involving game play than this? A bit more challenge, a bit less run and gun and run and gun and run and gun.....ad infinitum. There also needs to be the chance of failing, yes "failing" I know it's a dirty word. Even better the chance of rerunning the same mission with the same squad at the same difficulty, so see if it can be done....perhaps it takes a few attempts, new strategies, change to change the frame/weapons etc.. before it's reattempted. Anything to give a challenge and a sense of achievement that's sadly lacking.


I can see some fantastic potential in the game, but it's simply not being realised properly by the developers at the moment. I realise it's an open beta, but to be honest I don'[t see any real evidence of it changing much..Even the stalker, great idea, but definitely not made the most of in the game.


Sorry, don't mean to be negative, but it needs to be said and I waited a long time before saying it.


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I do feel and see some of the OP's points.. I myself probally played this game way too hardcore hehe.. But the weird thing I see is that no people mention stuff like lagging as host on maps with alot of mobs spawns like mobile defense missions...


To me thats the biggest concerns atm... my idea would be to let people put up dedicated servers. And in that way bind that server to their username.. the server then logs on with the same login as the player just like with the client... when the client see the server logged in it will use the server as hosting instead of a listen server... ( very old concept and pretty dead as the host will have way more load as its running the server also ). This should be pretty simpel as the Client is already able to do all the Things the dedicated server needs to do.. its just basically taking the hosting ( listen server stuff ) out of the client and into a text based interface and let it run on a computer...


in my case---

I would use my server at a hosting center.. it could easyly Work as a host for my games. It has way stronger internet and most people would get better connection to that server than my home connection would ever be able to do. So plz Steve / the Design director .... USE my idea its awesum if you guys could give us this option..


also for furture use id have nightmares to see BOSS fights with more than 4 players run on a home connecton on a Listen server..... GL with that LAAAAGGGGGGGGG ;stutter , LAGGG , mobs teleporting around on your screen.... FUN ? no....


this could be a very easy and not costly solution for DE, and im no programmer but i do not think it would require that much codeing to make a dedicated module of the Listen server from the client.. You basically already have most of the code.


Well thats my suggestion and what i think would help this game even more than MORE new weapons and warframes... as the OP stated it gets pretty boring to lvl up new warframes and weapons, only new thing is 4 abilities of the warframe and nothing else.. and most of em is pretty similar anyway so yeah...


my English is crap I know but im pretty sure most can understand why and what im trying to suggest.


I rest my case hope this will be taken into consinderation



Edited by Chloroment
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I think the beta version has the benefit of allowing every player to collect and try out every piece of gear, that's part of beta testing.

No point having a beta test if half the content is so hard to acquire that most people won't reach that point.


That said, there is a good chance things will change as the game grows.


If collecting and trying out and fully upgrading EVERYTHING before anyone else isn't your thing, take a break for now and come back when the game is a little more finished.

Just check back every now and then to keep up to date with changes, then wait for the deployment.

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I think what this game lacks is difficulty spikes in end game content and currently there is no such a thing as end game content. The highest level planet being Pluto i can solo with most of my potatoed warframes.

Yeah end game content me wants :(

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Getting bored?
How playing with a different playstyle?

If that doesn't change anything... uhm... play using your feet! XD

Joking aside, they will make this game worth your while and buck.
It's just not time for it and they don't have enough manpower to do it.

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the game need content DE knows that & they mention it on the live streams aswell

& it needs endgame but am mastery rank 8 enjoying playing defense with clan/random

while leveling up all the weapons 

looking forward to update 8.0 but thats mainly the dojo i believe that only gives us that much more grinding to do

& the prestige system whatever that is gonna be ;p 

but am looking forward to it & cant wait for every live stream! ^^

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You're wrong.

PvE can in fact be challenging and has ben done many times before. PvP is not a requirment.

Settings all thegreat single player games aside (Will mention dark souls though, nothing there in sitting and recharging health) The best example is Vindictus.

I remember over the year I played that, how hard, fair and teamwork oriented that game was. I remember my clan trying to beat a boss for an entire week and it wasnt because he had more hp or something like that, it was because our strategy and timing was lacking. When we actually beat it, it was VERY rewarding and was extremely fun to do.

And vindictus managed to keep every boss unique and intresting for a long long time. It can be done,but it requires serious thought.

This game compared to vindictus in its current state is very very shallow.



Nexon... i fell sorry for you :) P2W is all they got

now i havnt played vindictus but i played MS/CA and its all about paying to optain the best items

theres no way to get it without paying for it 

& when they bought warrock the first thing they did was to implent a cash shop

so i imaging that there is a cash shop in vindictus aswell for all the goodies

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I am particularly bored by the lack of variety in the map design. Most of the time it's just dark spaceship corridors. A few times you have some outside levels, but those are far too rare.


Also I agree that there needs to be some form of endgame content. A planet or two that are really hard where 4 fully levelled players really need to sink their teeths into to get through (with approriate reward in the end ofc).

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Nexon... i fell sorry for you :) P2W is all they got

now i havnt played vindictus but i played MS/CA and its all about paying to optain the best items

theres no way to get it without paying for it 

& when they bought warrock the first thing they did was to implent a cash shop

so i imaging that there is a cash shop in vindictus aswell for all the goodies

If I recall correctly, the cash shop in vindictus was all nice cosmetics and OP equipment sets.


I think it's dying in popularity, considering they had to offer free max-level characters to gain attention.

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I find that there's one thing that changes gameplay : the weapons you choose for primary.

Playing with boltor or snipetron or boar are really different. The warframes aren't even as close to such a differentiation.


I agree with the OP when he says that we don't need more "things" but more kind of missions (a whole stealthy mission for instance ?) or maybe a bit more things to do "outside" of missions ? Something like a place where our frames could hone their skills ? Or drink an OrokinBeer and learn new things about the lore and play some mini games (I would dream of an game like flash duel, the card game from sirlingames) ?


Lastly the game IS about run and gun. I don't see it change in a long run (and don't want to see it change ! I wouldn't have spent 110 hours in-mission time without loving the concept). But why not some little extras that would diversify the player experience from the whole game ? Building the dojo will be something exciting.

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