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Disable "help" From Teammates


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As we know, sometimes our allies can be quite a troll, using their abilities just to have their own fun. For example, a Loki who rushes into a hoard of infected, only to switch teleport you into that hoard, effectively killing you, which then he spams "lol" in the chat. Or those times when Saryn would molt inside a tight spaced vent, preventing any friendly traffic from going through.

As someone who plays Dota (and kudos to those who tried playing it), I'd like to see the option to "Disable help" from certain allies to be implanted into this game as well.


Here's how it works: when pressing Esc for the menu, there would be that list of teamates you have on the bottom left hand corner, and besides them are little check boxes that you can click on to disable all interaction with them and their abilities, which means that when a mag tries to pull you back, it would be as if you weren't there and he would pull whatever next in line is..

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I'd prefer to have them toggable rather than removed, so long as your allies can tell who they can affect and what not. While its good to maintain a standard of politeness in Pubs, I like to be able to troll my clan thanks :D

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How do you people even find these horrible loki players. I love my loki and get depressed just hearing you guys saying my switch teleport shouldnt be affecting players in the game. Ive used it to get other slower frames like sayrn and the rhino into the middle of groups of mobs quicker so they can aoe them all. I even used it like that on defense missions to move the heavy aoe nukers around like that so they could just focus on getting orbs then id port them back to mass of mobs for more aoe goodness. Ive used it get a downed player's away from a boss so we could get them backup. Heck ive used it to switch places with a guy who hit the elevator switch so instead of me waiting on it, he had to wait. Sure most times it is just used to switch with my decoy so I can get up cliffs and around maps faster. It has though saved players from wasting revives, getting them unstuck, and used to get others into middle of mods so they can ether aoe them or just get into the fight quicker.


The disable help is good idea, it just boggles my mind how you can find so many horrible players still.

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How do you people even find these horrible loki players. I love my loki and get depressed just hearing you guys saying my switch teleport shouldnt be affecting players in the game. Ive used it to get other slower frames like sayrn and the rhino into the middle of groups of mobs quicker so they can aoe them all. I even used it like that on defense missions to move the heavy aoe nukers around like that so they could just focus on getting orbs then id port them back to mass of mobs for more aoe goodness. Ive used it get a downed player's away from a boss so we could get them backup. Heck ive used it to switch places with a guy who hit the elevator switch so instead of me waiting on it, he had to wait. Sure most times it is just used to switch with my decoy so I can get up cliffs and around maps faster. It has though saved players from wasting revives, getting them unstuck, and used to get others into middle of mods so they can ether aoe them or just get into the fight quicker.


The disable help is good idea, it just boggles my mind how you can find so many horrible players still.


Yes i agree. I think I have only seen a few Loki's actually use switch teleport instead of using invisibility or decoy. Sometimes it's fun to do it with friends or if you can coordinate with your team.

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How do you people even find these horrible loki players. I love my loki and get depressed just hearing you guys saying my switch teleport shouldnt be affecting players in the game. Ive used it to get other slower frames like sayrn and the rhino into the middle of groups of mobs quicker so they can aoe them all. I even used it like that on defense missions to move the heavy aoe nukers around like that so they could just focus on getting orbs then id port them back to mass of mobs for more aoe goodness. Ive used it get a downed player's away from a boss so we could get them backup. Heck ive used it to switch places with a guy who hit the elevator switch so instead of me waiting on it, he had to wait. Sure most times it is just used to switch with my decoy so I can get up cliffs and around maps faster. It has though saved players from wasting revives, getting them unstuck, and used to get others into middle of mods so they can ether aoe them or just get into the fight quicker.


The disable help is good idea, it just boggles my mind how you can find so many horrible players still.


In the Oceania region I do noticed the majority of players are competitive and definitely not team players.


I have only one Loki player who I have as a friend since he is the only team player Loki I have come across.

More or less all of the Loki players in the Oceania region will run far ahead to the waypoints and make sure they are always ahead just incase a mob of enemy show up so they get the first kills to leave you with the scraps if any are left standing.


There are even  Lokis who will burst ahead and break or open loot just before you can for some kind of self gratification.

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In the Oceania region I do noticed the majority of players are competitive and definitely not team players.


I have only one Loki player who I have as a friend since he is the only team player Loki I have come across.

More or less all of the Loki players in the Oceania region will run far ahead to the waypoints and make sure they are always ahead just incase a mob of enemy show up so they get the first kills to leave you with the scraps if any are left standing.


There are even  Lokis who will burst ahead and break or open loot just before you can for some kind of self gratification.


As a Loki player from Oceania I have to defend myself.

We don't run fast so we can get kills, we just have a much faster run speed. That and you get all the exp anyways, I don't see what you're missing out on??

.... I am guilty about the loot breaking though, but that's really not limited to my loki frame... :P

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Abilities don't effect other players anymore, i've tried switch teleporting several times with allies and it doesn't work. It migjt be a friend only thing though, I don't know.

I don't know what you're talking about, my Mag's Pull definitely still works on allies. I use it to retrieve downed players, or (more often) move around AFK players. =P

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