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My Quest Idea (Random Thought)!


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Start the quest and you see the Lotus with a random message and all of a sudden the screen shakes and suddenly she's pulled out the screen by a hand and it's the Stalker ... he said something random about I have the Lotus ;then end of transmission

Now ... all transmissions come from ortis and he tells you, the only way to find out who has lotus we have to go and kill the bosses! Throughout killing the bosses of each planet after each kill you get a transmission from the boss letting you know where to go next !! Then after about two of those you get a transmission from the Stalker asking do you even know who lotus is .. during the transmission you receive a background of who the lotus is from the Stalker . After the transmission ends you back and do a couple of more missions. Then another transmition from the Stalker asking do you even know who you are or why you work for her !? Why did she even revive you in the first place ?? You go off and kill a couple of more bosses then you receive a tras miss on where you need to go .. rinse and repeat of what just happened !! After you get done with all of the missions and you find the location of where the Stalker has lotus then, you travel to the new system of planets that the Stalker has lotus ..

Once on this planet it's you and your squad against random enemy types .. but the Stalker has his own type of tenno ! Once you make it to the stalker you fight him and right before you kill him you get a choice to kill him and save lotus if you do this the mission continues as normal you go to extraction the game continues as normal . You have lotus back...

But if you decide to join the stalker you get a stalker sigil which means you work for him now. Now you are against Lotus tenno now when play matches while wearing the Stalker sigils your working for the Stalker and you are getting your mission details from the Stalker... while playing these matchs , the Lotus tenno on this match as well with the same objective as you . These matchs are always 4v4 in which 1 player will always have a full squad whether 1 player and 3 npc including that planets faction tenno vs 4 npc tenno and a opposing faction or 4 player and faction vs 4 player and faction When you begin the match both Lotus and Stalker Teno have the same objective... Complete your objectives and kill opposing Tennno at the same time...

The only way to work for the Stalker you must be Mastery Rank 15 or above...

But then you may go to other planets and play against other Tenno but the level of Warframe and weapons for Stalker Tenno would be conclaved to planet rank...

Sorry that this may read weird but it sounds better verbally...

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