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Rhino Systems...


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Yes, another thread about this. But this is more for an observation I've...observed.


I've run the Jackal at least fifty to sixty times by now. I'm sitting on fourteen, yes, fourteen Chassis and two Helmets. What I do not have is Systems. It's rather frustrating.


So like any good cybernaut, I sprang to Google to see what was the matter. After some searching, it seems to me that the overwhelming majority of comments fall into one of three categories.


1. "I got all the parts in 5-10 runs."

2. "I got all the parts in 50-100 runs."

3. "I've done over 150 runs and still don't have all the parts."


For some reason, the parts seem to come stupidly easy to certain people and monumentally grind-tastic to others with no real overlap. There doesn't seem to be any correlation in weapons, warframes, or mods used in trying to grind out the parts nor does there appear to be any correlation between solo vs online (though online play dominates because the Jackal is easier to farm in a group for lower level people).


I saw few posts of people who just stumbled across one or two parts then had to grind monumentally for the third.


Perhaps this is my lack of sleep/incredible frustration warping my thinking but it seems we have a slight problem with the dropping of Rhino parts that I cant quite put my finger on.

Edited by Socinus
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For some reason, the parts seem to come stupidly easy to certain people and monumentally grind-tastic to others with no real overlap. 


might because that: people who got it easily will brag about it, and oppositely  people who had a bad luck would start complaining. 


while those in the middle ground just go around without mentioning it.  

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Here's what I've discovered about this RNG. It gets hung up on some items. Either it drops a ton or none. Like the fire elemental mod and defense missions right now. It's raining them buggers!! But wait a week and they'll be nowhere at all. The RNG will have moved on, so to speak.

Here's what I'm getting at. I spent 2 weeks farming for Rhino BP's. But in total only did 15ish runs. So if you do 10 runs in one sitting and one thing just never comes up, go farm other stuff for a few days.

EDIT* I had a similar experience with getting all of Mags BP's.

Edited by Aramahn
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Yes, it took me forever  to get systems too. I got them from Jackal on alert, I was not even farmming him anymore. Even during that event I was pissed, that he did not drop anything again, but when I looked to foundry systems was there. I was meleeing him, so he dropped them  directly on my head and I did not noticed.


So only thing I can say you, you will find them once ... .  (I did definitely more than 50 runs, but don't know how many)


Good luck

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Hang in there, friend! I'm rooting for you =)


I built a Trinity(boy was I glad I made her first she's the best frame ever), Saryn, Nyx and my Ember will be ready very soon =) Just keep farming the bosses, it's very easy if you actually enjoy what you're doing. I found all of Ash and Frost parts while doing Kril and Regor as well but I sold them all DX



About the Systems BPs in particular... they're usually the last part I get. They drop quite rarely for some reason, it seems that in their place I'm getting Orokin Cells and Morphics/Gallium instead.

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I right now have gotten 7 helmets in a row. Have the other but missing systems. After X amount of jackal rounds I am getting frustrated! I understand that it should be a little harder to get complete set but this is just wrong

calm down... calm down... it's random, it's nobody fault.


just think that it's a sign that you should rest a while :)

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Almost bought one rhino but then I realized I have saved for almost all parts :) I have founder package so have some plat to spend :)

why not buy you beloved rhino and throw you mats at another frame?

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