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[Fan Fiction] From Shadows


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A lot of people have decided to take a taste of Warframe and some began their own story of progression, from where they began to where they are now. This is a fanfic based off of my own progress, as was started in April 2013.

To anyone who reads this, please remember that this is an ongoing work in progress, and I'm not exactly the fastest at writing.


This is devoted to everyone that I’ve actually played Warframe with, and you know who you are!
And thank you Digital Extremes, for creating such an awesome game!


Anyway, read on and enjoy!


1 | Awakened | I


    A loud crack echoes into my ears. A hiss of air forces warmth into my numbed body. A falling sensation surrounds me, interrupted suddenly by a large impact around the center of my spine.

    An unfamiliar voice crept into my mind; "Tenno... Wake up, Tenno!"

    My mind anchors itself back into my body, unwilling to let go of this renewed consciousness. I attempted to heft my own weight off the ground, with little success. My vision flickered back on, and I found myself staring at my familiar clawed hands digging into the metal floor. Forcing my head up, I surveyed the area.

    The place had clearly fallen into a state of disarray. Vines and roots wove their way over a sheet of bent metal tiles that showed traces of decorative patterns and gold trimming. A tree grew out of a hole in the floor a fair distance to my right, it's branches weaving around a crumbled pillar and stopping just short of a.... cryogenics pod? It was wide open, and two of its six hinges were swinging gently from being moved recently. Straight across the room was a massive golden ring, slightly embedded in the ground, that had strange yet familiar energies swirling within.

    The voice called to me again, corresponded by her image appearing on the left border of my vision. "Tenno? Good. You're awake. I am The Lotus. I'm recharging your systems now." A quiet, low-pitched beep sounded in my ears as a wave of blue energy passed over my body, strengthening my shields.
   A woman whose face is obscured by a mask resembling the side of a blue-and-purple flower was talking on the left side of my vision. "It seems the cryo-sleep has taken your memory. No matter."
   Taking a brief moment to look myself over, I realized I was in a full-body suit. My whole outfit appeared to be made of a flexible grey material that had brown armor fused directly to my arms, legs, and lower back. A word crept into my mind, and I immediately knew what it meant: ASH. It was the type of suit I was wearing. "You must escape, quickly! We don't have much time before the Grineer know you're awake."
   I nodded slightly and she vanished off my display. My only choice is to listen, for she seems to be my only chance at leaving here alive...


1 | Awakened | II

    I turned to the massive ring from before, and stumbled my way towards it, trying to regain my balance from the cryo-purge. It loomed overhead, with unknown energies shimmering inside, forming the murky shape of a frozen cavern. I reached out towards the surface, and it stretched out towards my hand in response... almost as if it was inviting me in. Steeling myself for whatever lay ahead, I limped through the gate, steeling myself for whatever awaited me on the other side.
    My vision became a blinding swirl of cool colors, then clarified into teals, blues, and whites; I was in a frozen cavern, filled with green military crates. Most of the crates were sealed tightly, but one appeared to have loose hinges. I kicked it open and inside was a simple, but sturdy-looking BO staff covered in ammunition. I fished it out and spun it, getting a feel for the weight. It was a well-balanced, familiar weapon that would do nicely for an escape tool.
    Then a chill ran down my spine, Something isn't right...
    I listened.
    Silence, only the wind.
    Voices, distant but growing louder. Words were being spoken in a language I did not understand. Grineer? Either way, it seemed like there were two of them, talking to each other and walking this way. The only thing in the room that could stop them from seeing me was a large industrial crate, covered in a tarp. I crouched behind it, being sure to keep my staff concealed behind it.
    The duo stopped just short of the crate, idly talking with crude rifles in their hands. Both were armored to the point where they resembled turtles, with their grey and green plating going from head to toe, yet had no facial coverings.
    "What's Vor going to do with him once he gets back?"
    "Probably give him to the Queens or turn him into his own personal slave. He'd do just about anything ever since his little 'incident'."
    They both broke out into chuckles and turned around and walked back.
    I tightened my grip on my staff. Were they foes? Yes... Why did I have to ask myself? Everything seemed so different since... Since... Perhaps Lotus really is correct if I can't recall... I shook off the thought and waited.
    Once the Grineer duo disappeared down the tunnel, I stood up and looked around more closely, eventually spotting a drainage pipe. Prying it open using my BO, I slid inside and pulled the panel shut again.

Edited by Shad0wclaw17
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