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I Propose The Introduction Of A New Stat


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This new stat would be called 'Shield Effeciency'.


Shield Effeciency is to Shields like Armor is to Health. The higher this stat, the less damage one's Shield takes from incoming damage. I believe that this would add a new dynamic to every warframe, introduce new mods, and give opportunities for new Shield-oriented Warframes.


Also this would open up new powers, especially for Trinity. So instead of Well of Life, there could be a Recharge skill. This would restore shields on damaging an enemy, instead of Health. 


Any feedback is appreciated.

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The idea is nice. but maybe restrict it to having max 30%? As there is already such a thing as Armor wich can go to above 100% AFAIK.


Nah. The damage reduction isn't entirely scaled with the Armor. 

10 Armor = 9% reduction. 310 Armor = 76% reduction. Etc..

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EclecticDragon, on 03 May 2013 - 12:18 PM, said:

That would basically render putting points into armor and health pointless as most people would prefer shields which regain rather then counting on health drops.

Yeah I think the system that's in now works perfectly. You either chose to have a fast regenerating shield, or a health pool that drops slowly. Any kind of mixture of the two would get into some balancing problems.

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