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Fanframe: Ghast - Terror-Based Melee Warframe (W/images!)


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since this guy is warframe of horror and terror i think it would be cool to have a crowd control ability were you make enemy's see there fears and horrors which puts them in like a fearful and terrified state were they just run around and don't attack skills and artwork look awesome though

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I like this, it would definately be a step towards making melee combat much more interesting and viable, by having a frame that takes advantage of it. Also, on the subject of SCIENCE! vs. MAGIC! the black smoke he lets off could actually be a part of that, it could be a hallucinogenic compound that makes more scientific portals and holograms have a much more realistic and mystical feel about it. One of the biggest weapons in an actual ninja's arsenal was using tools to make it seem like they had mystical abilities. So it would fit quite well with the cyberninja feel of the game to have someone using such an affect. Alternately, you could say that the black smoke is either nanomachines(NANOMACHINES?!) that help create the portals and the holograms, holographic projectors on them, and the ability to form teleporation portals etc.


signed just a few thoughts, hope they help.

Zylo the Wolfbane

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Seems like a great idea for a Stalker ally.

He could cause static and distorted vision to signal his spawn into people's games, only showing distorted unintelligible text.

Great opportunity to add another foe into the game and make rouge Tenno presence seem more of a threat than a single frame.

It would seem a lot better if the Stalker had his own cell - shake things up a little.

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