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Have You Ever Been Bullied When You Were In School And What Happened


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When I was in Junior high school, 3rd grade (last grade before senior), I was constantly called names by 2 guys, supposedly the "cool" ones. You know, the ones that almost make teachers cry?

Yeah, that type. They would constantly interrupt me and mock me while I was talking with my friends. I'm by nature a pretty calm guy, but when I get pissed, sh*t gets dark real fast. So, I was at our school's cantine, when one of the two come closed to me and pushed me over, almost making me fall on a bench. Their mere presence made me feel mad, and that had just put me over the line. I grabbed him from the left shoulder and smashed his face on the steel railing of the aforementioned bench. Two hours later, I was expelled from school for two days, and that @$$hole of a guy left with a broken nose and a nice, lovely concussion. Nevertheless, I was never bullied again.

Lesson learned; don't mess with benches.

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Been bullied in all my schools. 


First one in Scotland, I was young and got into quite a lot of fights. After a kid put me in hospital it sorta ended though as people started taking notice.


Second was in Africa, some prick started with name calling, then it got physical. After a few little confrontations, one of which involved chairs, he decided to stab me repeatedly with s pen. Instead of hitting back I just stared him straight in the eyes and cackled while he was stabbing me. He left me alone after that.


Then a few years later someone decided to pick on me, that involved repeated attempts to punch me in the manparts. After a few tries he succeed, and I responded by grabbing his arm after he hit me, and stabbing him so hard with a compass that his arm went numb for most of the day. 


After that happened I started always carrying around something pointy in my pockets at school, and after a few more encounters, people learned to leave me the F*** alone. 

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Answer to OP: Yes

It was verbal and physical.

Long story short, teachers did nothing after I mentioned it repeatedly. I, the scrawny and smallest person in the grade, took the guy out in one punch to the nose. I was nice and didn't break it for him.

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Today i had a different experience.


I wasnt being bullied, it was another kid from my college who was being bullied. At first i didnt cared to much, but when the bell sounded, i went to my class, and saw the 2 kids (the bully and the bullied).


When i was behind the bully, he turned to me to trying to scare me or something, i just blasted him away with my hand to the wall and almost left him inconscious. And went my way to my class.


The other kid went full O.o on me.



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I remember once getting "bullied", it because i tripped by accident with a stupid kid who though he was the "badass" of the college.


Then i got tired of his S#&$ and waited at the entrance for him, when i see him, i walk to him and say: "You and me, NOW."


It was me vs him and 4 more. How i won?


Ignore the others, FOCUS ON THE $&*^HEAD HIDING BEHIND (The one who caused all)


True story, the #$&(% ended up running away from me screaming: "He wants to kill me!", and me running behind him to finish the job.


And not a single F*** was given that day.


Days later, i could hear around people saying: "Dude, be careful with the asian guy, he can beat you up."





This hasnt been the first time i have had something like this, and for this, i decided i woulndt let anyone do ANYTHING to me, even if that needs to spill blood.


Call me a monster, i call it justiCE


if i wanna get back at the bully i usually breathe on them my breath f***ing stinks

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Ah, bullying, that time honoured tradition that people talk so much about yet do drek all to actually fix.


Primary School was basically me, a non-arrogant smart kid who didn't have loads of relatives, in the same school as a bunch of folks who were considered lucky to scoring 2 or 3 on their Year 6 SATs tests. Led to a variety of things, such as mockery of my being Left handed (Petty), accusations I was either 'Indian', 'Asian' or 'Paki' because of a birthmark just over my eyebrow (Inaccurate as all hell; Mexican heritage thank you), harassment for being colour blind and colouring stuff wrong, generally getting mobbed when walking home alone because they could (bonus points that the ring leader of that was someone I'd previously helped. Not an 'Et tu Brute?' moment seeing as they weren't a friend).


Mostly it didn't get particularly bad as I just shrugged it off. Kicked and beaten up a few times, struck to the back of the leg, smacked with something to the back of the head a few times, general name-calling and crap. All it did was help me quickly learn that a) Humans suck and b) Scapegoating is eternal. Some cases of new pupils coming in were explicitly asked 'Do you think you could beat him up?' whilst I was in earshot. I'm not kidding when I said the place was full of some pretty thick people.


Because as far as the faculty were concerned barring two teachers in my last years there, it was my fault and I was a detriment rubbishing the Headteacher's school, purely because I expressed joy that I would be leaving it in a few months. When I came home to my mum about that one, she got involved the next day which was a kind of awesome.


Though the one thing that sticks in my mind is that there came a point where everyone insisted that the world was horrible because I was in it; that I should kill myself to make people's lives better.


My response?


Live to spite them. Because if my life is such an affront to them then that's all the incentive in the world to keep on living. Self harm was a nonsense because, as I reasoned at the time 'Why hurt myself when I can hurt them? They're the ones at fault'. Probably helped I'd seen my fair share of pets dying over the years, along with an Uncle.


I never really hurt anyone or such, but then "Conservation of Ninjutsu" does not apply in Real Life. 1 kid with no particular martial ability against 60 odd arseholes? Not worth it.


Leading to Secondary School, where my first day I literally told myself that I just wouldn't give a damn. Fresh start.


Within the first week, people were bastards and I got into a fight, but the reasons were more because of irritation at the abuse and crap thrown against my eventual long term friend, who was Autistic. Suffice it to say that whilst I got mocked for my name being 'Posh' and being allegedly 'Arrogant' and a 'Jerk' when I deliberately told people the wrong answers when they tried to cheat, I was more preoccupied helping my friend because the teachers were useless as all get out (universal constants are constant), and the majority of the classes figured to abuse the hell out of him because it was 'funny'.


Protip: Telling a bunch of prepubescent children what upsets an Autistic child and then asking them to not do that is a stupid thing and you should be fired if your job is helping such people.


During all this, however, was a measure of difficulty with 'paternal' sides of the family, because I had the temerity to be my Mother's bastard with another man who frankly matters not a whit in my book. Thing is, my 'dad's' family had a thing for telling my brother that I was the 'bastard', I 'didn't belong with them', I was 'a pretender to the name' (My Mum got my surname changed when I was kid so I would feel like I was part of the family proper after she married. Didn't work as dad had a fondness for calling me his 'Adopted Son' when alone with his friends. Incompetent man, really, never directly aggressed or such but couldn't rely on him for anything.)


End result? My siblings are not really...close in any sense and I have little to know faith that people are truly capable of being as good as they might like.


To that end, I hold myself to a number of fetters to be the better man. Noblesse Oblige, Chivalry, Virtue Ethics and Deontology, with a surprising amount of Existentialism thrown in after I learned of the similar mind sets in that Philosophy of the self made code.


I may sometimes wish I could sock someone one, but...the better person just takes it. I'll support those who need my help, but when it comes to myself...eh. I'm here, and that means some people's lives suck by extension of their disdain for me, not the other way around.


I can live with that.

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monday 2/2/15 after school activitys




i was playing basketball been playing for 3 quarters of the school year been bullyed everytime i was there because i count shoot a basketball i was pushed down to the ground and almost got hit in the head with a basketball that some jerk threw at me the asa goes on at 3:45-4:45 i was crying at 4:24 because someone said something awful and that was just enough to make me break down good thing my dad was there i was crying so hard i almost made my self sick i now have the vice principal on my side i told him who the people were and there going to get probably get kicked out of asa basketball.


im thegreenhero and this is my hardest bullying experince leave a post below on yours dont be shy we have all been bullied ( well most of us ) thank you 


If this is what counts as bullying these days you wouldn't have lasted a week in my school. If you're not bleeding you're not being bullied. I'd say beat the crap out of him, but with the hysteria in schools now they'd probably send you to Guantanamo for life instead of just suspending you for a couple of weeks like they did when I was a kid. Instead, just man up and stop crying. They do it because they know they'll get a reaction like that. If they can't hurt you they'll stop. Bullies pick on the weakest person they can find. Don't be that guy and they'll move on.

Edited by (PS4)Vorpal_Spork
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