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Examing The Secondary Image


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Its probably a Frost Prime because Frost is played a lot. I see him in nearly every Warframe youtube video.


I examined the image, he does look pretty much like a Frost with a different helmet.


Well, my bro won't need to farm lech kril anymore lol.

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You guys realize there are new warframes coming out right?

Nyx and Excal look very similar, is it that crazy for a frame that kind of resembles frost is coming out? Or what if that's a picture of a new boss? We really don't know yet.

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Well, I pointed out to this guy that he was wrong about DE-Steve's statement in Council chat, and he kinda took it personally lol.

You mean you intentionally misrepresented what I was saying to try to stir something up and then tried to play the victim when it was pointed out you were wrong?

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Like two kids squabbling.


While I'm sure that you can't publicly divulge info from the Council-exclusives, any "DE_Steve says..." statement would be best supported by a cropped screenshot of the in-game chat.


If you want to post it on the forums as source, at least make it undebatable.

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Like two kids squabbling.


While I'm sure that you can't publicly divulge info from the Council-exclusives, any "DE_Steve says..." statement would be best supported by a cropped screenshot of the in-game chat.


If you want to post it on the forums as source, at least make it undebatable.


Seconded.  I'm sorry, but until I actually see it happen in-game or a member of DE posts here on the forums or I see it in a Livestream, I'm not going to put any stock in anything secondhand.

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Seconded.  I'm sorry, but until I actually see it happen in-game or a member of DE posts here on the forums or I see it in a Livestream, I'm not going to put any stock in anything secondhand.

Very much agreed, but there are many people who tend to take rumors like that at face value and having a master / grand master badge tends to inspire trust in some.

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Based off of the fact that there are bits of gold on his armor (Tyically prime only stuff), and the fact that he has a gold helm (Also prime only), as well as a differing color scheme (as with excal prime and excal vanilla, you can't paint them the same way), I hoped to infer from this evidence that it is in fact an entire frame, not just an alt helm.  And steve DID confirm that all participants would be getting the reward. It has already been inferred that this picture is a picture of the reward. Therefore, all participants get this gold-encrusted Frost Frame. 

I'm not being a troll at all, and you bickering amongst yourselves isn't exactly good for the public image of council members.

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Based off of the fact that there are bits of gold on his armor (Tyically prime only stuff), and the fact that he has a gold helm (Also prime only), as well as a differing color scheme (as with excal prime and excal vanilla, you can't paint them the same way), I hoped to infer from this evidence that it is in fact an entire frame, not just an alt helm.  And steve DID confirm that all participants would be getting the reward. It has already been inferred that this picture is a picture of the reward. Therefore, all participants get this gold-encrusted Frost Frame. 

I'm not being a troll at all, and you bickering amongst yourselves isn't exactly good for the public image of council members.

I fully agree with you there, sir.

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Based off of the fact that there are bits of gold on his armor (Tyically prime only stuff), and the fact that he has a gold helm (Also prime only), as well as a differing color scheme (as with excal prime and excal vanilla, you can't paint them the same way), I hoped to infer from this evidence that it is in fact an entire frame, not just an alt helm.  And steve DID confirm that all participants would be getting the reward. It has already been inferred that this picture is a picture of the reward. Therefore, all participants get this gold-encrusted Frost Frame. 

I'm not being a troll at all, and you bickering amongst yourselves isn't exactly good for the public image of council members.


I hope it comes with a slot, alot of the people participating don't have a spare warframe slot.

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Based off of the fact that there are bits of gold on his armor (Tyically prime only stuff), and the fact that he has a gold helm (Also prime only), as well as a differing color scheme (as with excal prime and excal vanilla, you can't paint them the same way), I hoped to infer from this evidence that it is in fact an entire frame, not just an alt helm.  And steve DID confirm that all participants would be getting the reward. It has already been inferred that this picture is a picture of the reward. Therefore, all participants get this gold-encrusted Frost Frame. 

I'm not being a troll at all, and you bickering amongst yourselves isn't exactly good for the public image of council members.

You're actually making assumptions, and bold assumptions at that. There has been one frame confirmed to be coming out, and two frames rumored to be coming out alongside it. That could very easily be one of the new frames or even a boss.

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You're actually making assumptions, and bold assumptions at that. There has been one frame confirmed to be coming out, and two frames rumored to be coming out alongside it. That could very easily be one of the new frames or even a boss.

Considering that if we didn't win the event, we wouldn't get the reward, I doubt they would shelve an entiely new frame like that. I find it better that instead it is a variation of a very popular frame, and would not be missed as much as, say, the engineer frame.

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Considering that if we didn't win the event, we wouldn't get the reward, I doubt they would shelve an entiely new frame like that. I find it better that instead it is a variation of a very popular frame, and would not be missed as much as, say, the engineer frame.

Actually we have no idea what would happen if we didn't win the event unless we fail it. It could well be intended to be something that is a more subtle influence... like failing means a new boss is much harder, or that corpus gets a buff across the board as they acquire new tech. We don't really even know for sure that it's a new frame.

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I think the real question is... if all of the prime stuff comes with the founder packs, and all of the special occasion stuff has been Vandal, why do people think DE is going to hand out primes?

As I said before, we don't even know if that's actually a warframe or not, it could be a boss or a new player in the story. We'll have to wait and see.

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