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Differentiate Players On The Radar/map


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hello, idk if someone already make a post about this or not. and im not an english native speaker so maybe my words will be hard to understand.


i think its better to differentiate players on the radar/map, so we can track the player that we want to go to in case they need help or its simply because we want to follow our friend. make them have a different color or maybe add a number to each player in the radar instead of the normal blue symbol for every player. for example, the host will have blue color (the usual symbol), player 2 will be yellow, player 3 will be red, player 4 will be green. or just add number 1 to 4 or A to D. 


in addition it would be great if each players marking/point of interest (G button) can be differentiate too. for example if a player mark a module, his marking will have yellow color or maybe just simply a number. so we know which marking is whom. and please make resources can be mark.


this is not something that will change the game so much, but i think it will be better and less hassle to keep track on a certain player.


anyway, thx for ur attention.

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Yeah I often wish they would give players Icons to match their Warframe itself. Might cut down on some of the confusion. OR better yet let players customize an icon based on various tiny elements kind of like how the Stratos emblem changes but a little bit more pronounced.

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This would be a very useful addition.



also please add option to see teammates' energy bars on UI when 'show players' is on.

That is off topic, but the UI designers are working on a prototype of energy bars in the squad UI. No guarantee that it will ever be released though.

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Seeing individual player on map, having the actual information we need to know about our friends, having the actual picture match your ingame frame are interesting goals that are not yet inside the game.


Maybe with time those features will arrive, although time has shown no such thing happening.


I can only suggest keeping up the good work on the forums, until a sufficient way to pass information to DEV is found. I feel really old-school whenever I post on the forums. It's such a long dead idea how to run communications, it's almost funny.

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I think that numbers on the ally minimap icons that correspond to their position on the player list would be enough.  I can't support a teammate that is in trouble if I can't tell which one they are.  Right now we have to wait until they go down to know where they are.  Also having a player's name display above their head would be a handy option.

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