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De Buff The Daggers Please.


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That... is weird as hell. I'm definitely going to try that out later.

You can even tell in the video that the animation for the Sheev's slide attack is a lot more sluggish than the Dakra's, yet the copter distance is almost on par. I guess there's a copter-distance floor for coptering-capable weapons that I wasn't aware of. I always just experienced the sluggish animation and assumed that I wasn't going nearly as far as a standard 1.0-base weapon does.

Thanks for the video XD


You're welcome! Yeah dagger copter is weird. Almost like a glitch but I'm not complaining:)

Edited by elele
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okay, so I've done some playing around, it is true that with stances they do have a attack speed increase, but still damage does drop off. I really do think giving the dagger/daggers should have some way for a crit build. status should just be on the stance as a proc. but the crit stats should be.


-15%-20% crit chance.


-2.0-2.5 crit damage.


it would help them in the long run, and even if people do a berserker build it might put them on par with the top melee weapons that out right trash them. I brought out my scindo prime I just made, and I just wrecked everyone with it. and I was like "why the heck do I want to pick up a dagger or dual daggers?" I stayed in a void survival longer with that and my nikana than I could with my karyst dagger. at around lvl40-58 my damage fell off really bad, to the point I was tickling them. and then I brought in my fang prime to test this out with them. same situation happened. they need a crit build to them badly. or even a status would be okay but more twards crit.


anyway, I mainly want this thread to reach DE, so please continue posting about your thoughts and your opinions. because It does open my eyes into the testing some more with my weapons. thank you for the learning lesson, but anyway daggers in general still need help.

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we are talking about a weapon buff, not a mechanic here, id rather a damage buff over a mechanic any day, and like lockers really give you anything good, that you can't already farm up in a mission.


 That's really not the point though, it's another way to play the game. But fyi opening every locker in a mission gives you a ton of credits and it's likely that you'll get at least 3 rare resources. Also it gives daggers combat utility by giving you access to locked lockers that are closer to you so that you don't have to go so far away to restock on ammo, plus you can get more hp due to being able to open more lockers when you find a lot of them. You can't farm hp/ammo that you need now in another mission.


 Adding such a mechanic would buff the daggers in a major way and would be a relatively simple thing to add. But since we are on the subject I would like to see their finisher multiplier increase and the channeling cost decreased so that they become more akin to utility/opportunity weapons.

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basically, adding a mechanic just to boost another weapons gain? makes perfect sense right? and like I care to open lockers, I can zerg through void missions. and along with 3/4 of the population and gain the amount of credits a few times over that any locker could give. and a lot of people put ammo mutations on their guns, to help with that problem. it isn't really a combat utility by giving another weapon gain, basically your saying "let me pop open this locker so I can put ammunition into my primary put away my daggers and just blast away with my primary" we are trying to make the daggers more usable not a prop machine.


and secondly with a crit build, just put on life strike, and If you say you have no energy every frame usually runs Rage on them and enemies drop energy orbs, there is energy fix problem. and why would you be doing a mission that drops hardly any resource? there is a reason there are missions where you can farm mats. and rare mats don't drop out of lockers like candy, you are more likely to get the generic common ones. the mechanic would just give gain to the primary guns. every mission people do that isn't a farming mission people just zerg through and don't run out of ammo on their primary if you do you must spray a lot.


the mechanic is pointless, it's just helping out your other two weapons, we are trying to make daggers viable not a tool. and not to mention there is a mod for that to for the warframe. so its really a pointless mechanic, since there are ways around everything you just said. literally if people are going to use something they are going to be smart about it. we aren't apes.


as I said they need a crit chance/ crit damage increase.

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  • 2 weeks later...

in my opinion, i think stealth should be completely disabled when using heavy weapon. You can't benefit from the element of surprise with them. not like you need it anyway... and with the same logic, finishers and stealth should be increased for daggers. I don't know about crit though.


i have an idea. A mod only for daggers called «the bigger they are the harder they fall». As the enemy is stronger, the stealth gets more rewarding. So it would be a good finisher assassin mod. it would work for heavy units and such. Just saying...


but i think dagger only mods could be anwser to our little problem

Edited by Charvx
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yes let us try and stealth a whole entire survival mission, with dagger/daggers....


your idea would be good for a STEALTH mission.

and yes you would say "but you could knock them down" can you knock down a whole entire group of enemies and finish off every single one? more than likely not.


dagger crit chance and crit damage would make them more useful in higher tier, adventually that finisher damage mod would fall off, and DE wouldn't make it that great. and they wouldn't make dagger specific mods, they have made weapon specific mods but not sole daggers for a specific weapon type.


daggers should get crit chance and crit damage, because when I think of daggers I think of crit hits constantly and a lot of dps.

finishers wouldn't help them unless you had a vacuum valkyr which when she sucks in everyone they automatically get pulled down and to her.


and you can't stealth kill unless you have a valkyr doing that. so yay one frame would benefit from this greatly. but you have to keep in mind the whole concept. unless they did a endless tier 4 stealth mission. the mod isn't great for use outside of those mission types.


that is a reason I said for a crit chance and crit damage buff. that is all they need to be fixed. you can say "yeah more attack speed" but in the end they still fall off, so more realistically, this type of buff, crit/crit dmg. would be more ideal for 3.99/4 of the community. you have that little percentage that care about stealth, but the whole community just wants wreck things.


but as I stated outside of a stealth mission, the dagger mod would fall apart. and it wouldn't even be useable in a survival mission.

Edited by Ragingkitty
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Kudos TC, i came in here with some ideas but you covered them all, everything you would expect from dagger classes in pretty much any game of any genre.


Much like heavy weapons got their huge damage buff, dagger should get them crits and speed. I mean, as of now my galantine hits way faster and harder than any of my dagger, like whaaat? But i get it , DE make thigs as they go and even if late they often don't fail to deliver, let's hope that's the case with daggers, and that supra buff lol. +1 :)

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