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[Suggestion] Anti-Rusher System


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Bio-signature gates. periodic doors that would not open till a percentage of all enemy units in the area are killed.

Now I am not talking about it having to even be a high percentage. say something like 35%. a group that actually fought some and not just blew through everything racing for the finish would probably rarely even see one of these gates closed.


I should not be seeing low level people doing high level alerts without firing a shot or even having fear of failing because all they have to do is run past everything.

Force these little apes to work for their damn reward.

Edited by basiliskeye
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I think the solution is a lot simpler than that: Have the door before the extraction point requiring a certain amount of people to be there, depending on the number of people in the party, in order to be opened.

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I think the solution is a lot simpler than that: Have the door before the extraction point requiring a certain amount of people to be there, depending on the number of people in the party, in order to be opened.

They already do that with the exit now. that still does not solve the problem because an entire party can be rushers and still bypass everything.

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What if they.... you know.... just want to complete the objective? Nowhere in the game does it say you have to clear all the rooms leading up to the objective aside from extermination and defense maps. You're really the one being selfish, you're trying to dictate the way other people play the game when nearly no part of the game says your way is right, or theirs is wrong.


If you want to have the secondary objective of clearing rooms, being slow, or farming lockers, go join a clan, play solo, or play exterminate/defense maps. Stop trying to make DE force everyone to play like you do, it's really childish and there are already mechanics in place that DE caved to put in to combat this "problem" that I *never* see happen.

Edited by kaizoku222
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Basically it would be like in Zelda, the doors wouldn't open untill the enimes in the room were dead.


Tbh I wouldn't really like it, i feel the double  orange doors do a decent job of anti rushers. But it is an interesting mechanic that could be implemented, like for example, you walk into a big room with an artifact in it and as soon as you grab it the doors lock and spawn enemies forcing you to kill them

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The fact that you need half a team at the exit already solves the real problem: lone rushers that screwed up other 3 players on his own.

Now that you will usually need 2 people at the exit, the pace is set by the 2nd fastest player and it's much less likely that he will be truly rushing (unless you are doing a boss or alert). If you feel that everyone around you is a rusher and you can never get to extraction in time then you are at fault.


Your team is random, learn to adapt to its pace whether it's faster or slower, if you can't do that make your private lobby of looters/rushers.


They already do that with the exit now. that still does not solve the problem because an entire party can be rushers and still bypass everything.

If the entire party are rushers then there is no problem to solve.

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The problem with rushing is not just about "Nooo you are going too fast I want to loot all the lockers!" It is about trivializing content via bypassing all of it. and as clearly unpopular my options are on the subject, judging from all the things the devs keep adding to the game in an attempt to slow peoples asses down, it looks like I am on the same page they are.


The difference is my idea would be a lot less intrusive, and show stopping then doors that need more then one person to open or random lock-downs that you mostly only see when the party is NOT rushing anyway.

Edited by basiliskeye
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The problem with rushing is not just about "Nooo you are going too fast I want to loot all the lockers!" It is about trivializing content via bypassing all of it. and as clearly unpopular my options are on the subject, judging from all the things the devs keep adding to the game in an attempt to slow peoples asses down, it looks like I am on the same page they are.


The difference is my idea would be a lot less intrusive, and show stopping then doors that need more then one person to open or random lock-downs that you mostly only see when the party is NOT rushing anyway.

This game was made for rushing from day 1, though. Have you actually tested out how the spawn system works, for instance? If you slow down, enemies will keep spawning forever and in increasingly bigger groups. This mechanic exists to push you along the route to your objective. If you run and kill quickly (what most rushers actually do), they will pretty much stop spawning in behind you (you avoid taking damage) and the very few that may spawn are left behind, effectively getting neutralized. On top of that, ninja moves (wall running, jumping, sliding etc.) all make you faster and bypass areas - That's no accident.


This game was designed to be fast, not slow, and while it's fine to turtle through and shoot things, DE has stated many times that this isn't a Gears of War game or any other cover-shooter. All these whiners are doing is saying Only I am allowed to have fun in this game and what you're doing is bad and wrong. If you want to play a certain way, start a Private game and invite your friends. Alternately, you can join a clan of like-minded people which I'm sure you can find on these forums.


If you play with Online with random people, you get random results, some of which will be rushers. Complaining about some stranger across the ocean wanting to play differently to you makes no sense, because he has as little control over joining your game as you have of filtering players. However, the host has the specific option of choosing Private to make it for like-minded people by inviting friends - If you lack friends, there's a handy Region chat where you can ask people who want the same thing. If anything should change in Waframe, it's the hosting system (eg. basic filters for various things), not the way you can play.

Edited by Zinn
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You know, it's funny you use the phrase "from day 1" because I take you were not here day one.

Other wise you would have remembered the Greneer yanking people trying to fly past them to the ground where they could not move or fire till they were helped up or killed. 

Now why would that have been there if the devs really designed this game from the ground up for players to abuse the enemy spawn system by rushing? (which by the way was removed, not because it impeded "the rush", but because it was too unfairly lethal, like how the Corpus security lasers got nerfed.)


Designing a game to allow the players to be fast and maneuverable does not mean it was on the design docket players were meant to just run through everything.

Also funny is you mentioning DE stating "this isn't a Gears of War game or any other cover-shooter" because I definitely remember a while back hearing DE originally wanted to put a cover shooting mechanic in the game, and only dropped it because they wanted to keep the controls as simple as they could.


And to the crux of this whole argument

There IS in fact a right way to play a game. (bring on more down votes!)


It's ultimately how the developers want a game played.

When people go too far out of bounds the developers patched out or nerfed into obscurity whatever it is they are doing to make them stop.


Now I make no claim to know definitely what "side" of this argument DE are on, however from over 15 years of online game experience I know how both developers and the general player "hive-mind" think, and react to things, and like my opinion or not I am putting my money on seeing more ways to keep players from Sonic-the-Hedgehoging through levels then them implementing ways to clear maps even faster, because the absolute last thing developers of an online game want to see is the player base blowing through all their content too fast.

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How about this: Enemy types that slow you down, and while being easy to kill in a team are a pain in the &#! solo.


Corpus: Net MOA: Casts an energy net on a player which slows them down, then deploys a powerful forward-facing shield. Any other player can simply walk behind it and blow it away, a single player has to get through the huge shield.

Infested: Hamper. Enemy jumps on player's back, slowing them down. Has to be shot off by ally.

Grineer: Put traps in the level (bear traps and such) that slow you down for awhile if you run over them carelessly.

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I do not see 'rushing' as a problem in and of itself. The problem was mostly solved when they made it take 50% of the party to finish the run, to prevent people from forcing others to rush.


I think the fact more enemies spawn the slower you go is actually a problem. If they want to decrease rushing one of the best ways would be to make a finite number of enemies in every level, so you could slowly take out everything rather than be penalized by higher chance of death for going slow (Mind you this is pretty much only a problem when trying to solo something, as more enemies while in a group normally just means more items).


Higher chance of death used to be fine by me, but then they also made you lose all items when you did not complete the mission.

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How about this: Enemy types that slow you down, and while being easy to kill in a team are a pain in the &#! solo.


Corpus: Net MOA: Casts an energy net on a player which slows them down, then deploys a powerful forward-facing shield. Any other player can simply walk behind it and blow it away, a single player has to get through the huge shield.

Infested: Hamper. Enemy jumps on player's back, slowing them down. Has to be shot off by ally.

Grineer: Put traps in the level (bear traps and such) that slow you down for awhile if you run over them carelessly.

Hamper = jockey from L4D, cool in my opinion


Also, "bear traps" I lol'ed hard because, well because bear traps, it seems so old school, but i can still see people running into them XD


the corpus one is cool, would like to see a smoker style unit in infested too, but thats for another topic

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How about this: Enemy types that slow you down, and while being easy to kill in a team are a pain in the [Expletive Deleted] solo.


Corpus: Net MOA: Casts an energy net on a player which slows them down, then deploys a powerful forward-facing shield. Any other player can simply walk behind it and blow it away, a single player has to get through the huge shield.

Infested: Hamper. Enemy jumps on player's back, slowing them down. Has to be shot off by ally.

Grineer: Put traps in the level (bear traps and such) that slow you down for awhile if you run over them carelessly.

The problem with these is they all assume you will be in a group. What happens when you have a Hamper or Net used on you while playing solo?

EDIT: I don't mean rushing ahead of your team, but actually being the only one there.

Edited by liavalenth
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Bio-signature gates. periodic doors that would not open till a percentage of all enemy units in the area are killed.

Now I am not talking about it having to even be a high percentage. say something like 35%. a group that actually fought some and not just blew through everything racing for the finish would probably rarely even see one of these gates closed.


I should not be seeing low level people doing high level alerts without firing a shot or even having fear of failing because all they have to do is run past everything.

Force these little apes to work for their damn reward.


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There are already systems in place to hinder rushers. There are the laser door barriers, doors that require two people to open, elevators, and the extraction points require 2 people before the timer starts. If you're still laggy behind with all those things in place then you just need to get quicker. I always laugh when ppl complain about me rushing in game but then we get to the end and I have around 100 kills and they have 20.

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Every time one of the group members proceeds into the next room towards the objective, marks the previous room (or for a bit of leniency, the room before that) for obliteration, killing all enemies and players in there. Making those Apes having to step it up, since you know, world ain't gonna wait for em."



Man, I don't really mean what I just posted above, but whenever you condemn a "faction" or a side, reverse the roles and ask yourself if that still sounds fair.

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The problem with these is they all assume you will be in a group. What happens when you have a Hamper or Net used on you while playing solo?

EDIT: I don't mean rushing ahead of your team, but actually being the only one there.


Have these enemies not spawn when solo. 

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There are already systems in place to hinder rushers. There are the laser door barriers, doors that require two people to open, elevators, and the extraction points require 2 people before the timer starts. If you're still laggy behind with all those things in place then you just need to get quicker. I always laugh when ppl complain about me rushing in game but then we get to the end and I have around 100 kills and they have 20.

Erm, just saying, but the laser barriers and the elevators are more of an issue for the slower players because the rushers won't bother destroying cameras and might take the elevator alone which means other players need to wait for it to go back down, increasing the distance. Luckily this is not a problem with all the tilesets, even the open corpus base is a lot more forgiving than the corpus spaceship because it has less laser barriers and almost no elevator.

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The problem with rushing is not just about "Nooo you are going too fast I want to loot all the lockers!" It is about trivializing content via bypassing all of it.


What content you speaking of ? Same doors, same enemies ? You want players to stand still and watch the wall textures, or maybe ask a grineer for a date ?

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