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Warframe Slots


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The official answer to this topic has already been put out - why is this topic still going on lol?

DE_Steve, on 06 May 2013 - 12:29 PM, said:
-Yes, will be doing those leaderboards in-game, real-time soon.
-Yes, we learned a lot about how to do these better.
-No, I don't agree with you if you think it sucks.
-Yes, future ones will be more diverse, maybe less grindy (maybe more).
-Yes, Fusion Moas are still in the game but they are rarer now.
-Yes, we're working on Update 8 so you can craft your Prime.
-No, it won't come with Catalyst, give you extra slots or shine your shoes.
-Yes, if you just got Frost, we are exploring a 'side/up'-grade option. No promises though.
-No, I won't be wearing pink shorts for the next livestream.

EDIT 2:  Wait - wrong topic.  Thought this was one of the many topics asking if prime would come with extra slots since F2P players only had 2.

Point still stands though lol.
Edited by TraumaHunter
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Well wall of text aside.


I disagree with most of what you said.


Warframe could easily support itself off of skins and color palates and a means to get past the grind.


Warframe slots are toxic to the game and will/have cause/d a decline in players which will undoubtedly kill the game.

are you kidding when the game goes live how many people will really buy them or better yet how many people have them already most of the people i've played with so far don't want to even pay anything towards the game that's why there's so many complaints on farming that's why this thread is even here cause people want stuff for free

a one time charge like that wont support a game for long 


if people had the chance you pay a little or nothing they would mostly pay nothing taking more ways of the game making money will only hurt it


put yourself in there shoes would you give everyone something more for free lowering your profit i would find it hard to believe anyone would willingly give them self's a lower salary

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they're going to have a livestream soon (2 days i think). watch it because they'll give free platinums. then use those platinums for free warframe or weapon slots. crisis averted. for now.

Edited by Busok
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they're going to have a livestream soon (2 days i think). watch it because they'll give free platinums. then use those platinums for free warframe or weapon slots. crisis averted. for now.

Provided that you are one of 3 people out of what 10k? 

Legit solution.

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Suggestion: An option to "seal" your warframes (maybe for 500k cr or something) so you can activate other warframes. F2P players will have to pay those 500k everytime they want to change their set of 2 active warframes. It will still say "buy platin for another slot" but give us F2P players at least an option to have more than just 2 Warframes.

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 you haven't been keeping up with the conversation. You are arguing against a point no one is making.

we are not saying what the devs deserve, we are saying what some cares can and/or will pay for

​there are many players who don't have disposable incomes and there are many player who simply will not pay for a game they don't play all that much

the game needs both sets of players to keep running, especially the first as they are likely to devote much time and effort to playing the game and making the experience better for playing players

If you really cant come up with 10 bucks for plats, then you shouldn't be spending your time gaming.

I'm currently a student and I get my money from bursary, student loan, part-time job during school and co-op work during summer.

I can afford to pay $50 for a game that has entertained me while paying for rent/food/tuition and other essentials.

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Suggestion: An option to "seal" your warframes (maybe for 500k cr or something) so you can activate other warframes. F2P players will have to pay those 500k everytime they want to change their set of 2 active warframes. It will still say "buy platin for another slot" but give us F2P players at least an option to have more than just 2 Warframes.

This is worst thing i ever saw lol

Maybe if price was reasonable to 100k or so,but 500k? Are you serious?

Slot costs 20 plat lol and you think 20 plat equals 500k?

Frames go up to 375 and you can still make them under 100k as it is.

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If you really cant come up with 10 bucks for plats, then you shouldn't be spending your time gaming.

I'm currently a student and I get my money from bursary, student loan, part-time job during school and co-op work during summer.

I can afford to pay $50 for a game that has entertained me while paying for rent/food/tuition and other essentials.

And here we have another hater who paid for things and would not want to see others to obtain it through hard work.

Its not matter of having money or not,its matter of having ways to buy online or not.

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And here we have another hater who paid for things and would not want to see others to obtain it through hard work.

Its not matter of having money or not,its matter of having ways to buy online or not.

The reply was for someone who was talking about lack of disposable income.

If you can't purchase through online, then you should be talking to DE about other means of purchasing platinum or adding funds to steam wallet.

What you shouldn't be doing is telling DE that things in game should be free.

Edited by dlddr
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The reply was for someone who was talking about lack of disposable income.

If you can't purchase through online, then you should be talking to DE about other means of purchasing platinum or adding funds to steam wallet.

What you shouldn't be doing is telling DE that things in game should be free.

Why free? There will still be slots for plat for people to buy it,but there has to be alternative for free users.

Limiting game content to free users is just fake "free to play" game.

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Yeah cause League of Legends was never in beta with low population?

Why do you think it has 12 mil now? Maybe cause they took the best f2p option there is and they don't limit free users for playing their game.

There has to be cash shop in f2p title,but there is no reason for cash shop items to ruin the game, skins and colors would be just fine,also no built time frames still sell cause people are impatient.

You cant compare LoL to warframe. Hell you might as well compare COD to warframe whilst your at it.

LoL has a PVP basis which you can write a few scripts for then you have a game that will last forever once you get the false self proclaimed "ADD" generation hooked on it. PvE requires constant updates to keep people hooked, making it arguably more difficult amd more expensive to run.

LoL has 3 companies backing it financially. Warframe has one.

Yet warframe is graphically superior?

Basically you cant compare two very different games with two very different bases.

Im not telling people to buy plat, but I think that the current system is fair. Bearing in mind that this game cost you as much as a flash game you play in your browser, but this is better with no adverts.

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This is worst thing i ever saw lol

Maybe if price was reasonable to 100k or so,but 500k? Are you serious?

Slot costs 20 plat lol and you think 20 plat equals 500k?

Frames go up to 375 and you can still make them under 100k as it is.

You can still make them under 100k... so?! You need the blueprints, you need the materials and maybe you have used a potato on the warmframe. That's why I said 500k and not 100k. Though I didn't really think about the price, but more about the Idea itself.

If you want to complain about the price, think about it, before you flame -.-

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You cant compare LoL to warframe. Hell you might as well compare COD to warframe whilst your at it.

LoL has a PVP basis which you can write a few scripts for then you have a game that will last forever once you get the false self proclaimed "ADD" generation hooked on it. PvE requires constant updates to keep people hooked, making it arguably more difficult amd more expensive to run.

LoL has 3 companies backing it financially. Warframe has one.

Yet warframe is graphically superior?

Basically you cant compare two very different games with two very different bases.

Im not telling people to buy plat, but I think that the current system is fair. Bearing in mind that this game cost you as much as a flash game you play in your browser, but this is better with no adverts.

Well I agree this game is great so far,sure it takes few days to get items but you get them.

But in any way slots for weapons and frames to come need to have alternative to expand,apart from that and maybe expanding color palettes abit this game would be almost perfect f2p title.

But forcing people to buy slots is just wrong though.

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Why free? There will still be slots for plat for people to buy it,but there has to be alternative for free users.

Limiting game content to free users is just fake "free to play" game.

 So you're saying EVERYTHING in the game should be free with an option to buy them through plat.

If that were the case, how many people do you think would've paid for founder's program or just plat?

I know that this has got to be the most repeated line in the forum but 'developers need money too'

They are not making this game for a hobby. This is their job and they need to get paid. And if they get paid through introducing a game for free and charging a bit here and there, then so be it.


Also, by your definition, LoL and TF2 are not free to play games as you can only get skins/hats through microtransaction.

Edited by dlddr
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You can still make them under 100k... so?! You need the blueprints, you need the materials and maybe you have used a potato on the warmframe. That's why I said 500k and not 100k. Though I didn't really think about the price, but more about the Idea itself.

If you want to complain about the price, think about it, before you flame -.-

Ok blueprint 35k, materials free (farming) then some credits to make it all,as it all adds up its still less than 150k even if you craft potato for 20k.

500k for 20 plat is still out of charts in any way you look at it.

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The problem with slots in this game is they are tied to progression. If you want to lvl mastery rank you have to level new weapons and frames. And i dont think anyone enjoys selling a lvl 30 frame/weap they just spent tons of time lvling up so they can buy another to level. Its demoralizing and will end up making ppl quit.

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 So you're saying EVERYTHING in the game should be free with an option to buy them through plat.

If that were the case, how many people do you think would've paid for founder's program or just plat?

I know that this has got to be the most repeated line in the forum but 'developers need money too'

They are not making this game for a hobby. This is their job and they need to get paid. And if they get paid through introducing a game for free and charging a bit here and there, then so be it.


Also, by your definition, LoL and TF2 are not free to play games as you can only get skins/hats through microtransaction.

They don't even host server for us to play on,how much money do they really need?

So much that they limit free players to 2 slots and force them to pay if they want 3rd frame?

If this game has LoL f2p model it would be perfect,and people who wanted to look different would be inclined to buy skins that would be plat only.

Also colors are plat only and that adds to cosmetic part of game which is fine as well.

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Well I agree this game is great so far,sure it takes few days to get items but you get them.

But in any way slots for weapons and frames to come need to have alternative to expand,apart from that and maybe expanding color palettes abit this game would be almost perfect f2p title.

But forcing people to buy slots is just wrong though.

Out of interest what game would you consider the perfect f2p title?

I think this game does a damned good job T present. Their were rumours of slots being available by mastery levels in a future update but I dont think slots should be earnable via credits.

Credits are too easy to come by.

One method that I would accept is weekend ops like we just had as long as they werent too frequent. So everyone has the option to choose between the reward or like 40 plat, so f2p players can earn slots that way whilst paying payers will choose the reward (frost prime)

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Out of interest what game would you consider the perfect f2p title?

I think this game does a damned good job T present. Their were rumours of slots being available by mastery levels in a future update but I dont think slots should be earnable via credits.

Credits are too easy to come by.

One method that I would accept is weekend ops like we just had as long as they werent too frequent. So everyone has the option to choose between the reward or like 40 plat, so f2p players can earn slots that way whilst paying payers will choose the reward (frost prime)

Well LoL does damn good job at f2p model,giving people full content and charging them with pure cosmetic things and boosts for impatient (Such as speeding up craft in this game).

But there is nothing cosmetic in frame and weapon slots as in time game will introduce more and more of them and people will just quit cause they wont feel like selling their lv 30 items and frames just to experience something new like lets say a whip weapon that was announced.

And they dont have to be for credits,put them like potatoes,random alert every month or so after all they are same in plat price as it is.

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They don't even host server for us to play on,how much money do they really need?

So much that they limit free players to 2 slots and force them to pay if they want 3rd frame?

If this game has LoL f2p model it would be perfect,and people who wanted to look different would be inclined to buy skins that would be plat only.

Also colors are plat only and that adds to cosmetic part of game which is fine as well.

I hate the server issue too. But there have been talk of improving upon that and since DE has been good to us, I don't doubt their words.

Also, are you suggesting that they should only charge money if they "really need" them?

I have some experience working for a programming company and even without hosting servers, there are a lot of expenditures.

You can't expect developers to pay out of their pockets while working on their game and only expect money when it is finished. This is especially true if the developers do not have a large firm financing their project.

I wouldn't work for a company that told me that I had to bring my own computer, desk, chair, softwares, pay for utilities and only expect payment when the project is finished. I assume this is true for you too.


In addition, you cannot expect every game to follow a perfect model as the perfect model does not apply to every game and company.

Like someone before me mentioned, LoL has large financial support and VERY large playerbase. While Warframe could follow TF2 and become free to play later but that would only be feasible if a large number of people have been playing consistently over a long period of time

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I hate the server issue too. But there have been talk of improving upon that and since DE has been good to us, I don't doubt their words.

Also, are you suggesting that they should only charge money if they "really need" them?

I have some experience working for a programming company and even without hosting servers, there are a lot of expenditures.

You can't expect developers to pay out of their pockets while working on their game and only expect money when it is finished. This is especially true if the developers do not have a large firm financing their project.

I wouldn't work for a company that told me that I had to bring my own computer, desk, chair, softwares, pay for utilities and only expect payment when the project is finished. I assume this is true for you too.


In addition, you cannot expect every game to follow a perfect model as the perfect model does not apply to every game and company.

Like someone before me mentioned, LoL has large financial support and VERY large playerbase. While Warframe could follow TF2 and become free to play later but that would only be feasible if a large number of people have been playing consistently over a long period of time

Well this will never be TF2 if it keeps making players quit over limited game content will it?

More people would play it if they could collect all frames,play them all to lv 30,collect weapons and mods don't you think?

Instead now when you start you can make 1 frame out of 12,you have to feel bad if you choose wrong one and spent 3 days for it cause then you need to sell it if you want new one and then again you have to wait 3 days to build it. That doesn't seem like model that will keep players or attract new ones.

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Well this will never be TF2 if it keeps making players quit over limited game content will it?

More people would play it if they could collect all frames,play them all to lv 30,collect weapons and mods don't you think?

Instead now when you start you can make 1 frame out of 12,you have to feel bad if you choose wrong one and spent 3 days for it cause then you need to sell it if you want new one and then again you have to wait 3 days to build it. That doesn't seem like model that will keep players or attract new ones.

No one know if Warframe will be like TF2.

I've been a loyal fan of original DotA and had doubts about LoL when it first came out. It seemed ludicrous that people will play a "new DotA" with a bit of microtransaction mixed in. But sure enough, it took off and became very successful. But again, LoL is very different from Warframe like I've said. 

Also, you mentioned people would be playing the game more if everything were free. That is true. But if everything became free, would you then pay for plats? I highly doubt it. So, DE got a game that cost them a lot of money to develop and it is not making enough money to cover their expenses. At that point it doesnt really matter if a million people play their free game. The individual programmers might have easier time getting another job after a "successful" game but DE would be dead.

Again, this comes down to 'developers need money too'


Also, I like the 3 day wait period as you build anticipation and you usually appreciate the warframe more. Kind of like earning ip in LoL unlock new champs instead of every champ being available in the beginning. 

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No one know if Warframe will be like TF2.

I've been a loyal fan of original DotA and had doubts about LoL when it first came out. It seemed ludicrous that people will play a "new DotA" with a bit of microtransaction mixed in. But sure enough, it took off and became very successful. But again, LoL is very different from Warframe like I've said. 

Also, you mentioned people would be playing the game more if everything were free. That is true. But if everything became free, would you then pay for plats? I highly doubt it. So, DE got a game that cost them a lot of money to develop and it is not making enough money to cover their expenses. At that point it doesnt really matter if a million people play their free game. The individual programmers might have easier time getting another job after a "successful" game but DE would be dead.

Again, this comes down to 'developers need money too'


Also, I like the 3 day wait period as you build anticipation and you usually appreciate the warframe more. Kind of like earning ip in LoL unlock new champs instead of every champ being available in the beginning. 

I didnt say free,slots should be free and unlimited,frames should stay the way they are,and people would still buy them since they get potato as well and its instant instead of 3 and half days wait.

Limited slots are only fault to this game as f2p model and they should work on that,if they manage to fix that this game will become really big and successful.

And I don't mind 3 day wait either,but i do mind lack of slots now that all my frames are 30,i have nothing to do anymore,only option is to sell one and make new one,which is rather stupid.

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