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Autohotkey Stopped Working


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Dear DE,


since update 15.14.0/1 the scripts run by AutoHotKey have stopped functioning ingame. It seems the doesn't recognize the Click command being sent OR ignores it completely.

I have to use a "automatic trigger" script to use most of the weapons of the game, semi-automatics like Latron Prime and AKmagnus, because of RSI issues in my 'trigger' finger.


Question is, is this deliberate and if not will it be fixed in the near future? without such a script the game will be near unplayable for me.

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Mine still works fine.


Do you by chance use Caps Lock for anything in game?

I had to switch Caps lock to another key in the script, as every time I pressed Caps it broke the script.


Edit: I'm no expert on AHK, but perhaps post your script here so I can look at it.

Edited by Egg_Chen
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Mine still works fine.


Do you by chance use Caps Lock for anything in game?

I had to switch Caps lock to another key in the script, as every time I pressed Caps it broke the script.


Edit: I'm no expert on AHK, but perhaps post your script here so I can look at it.


    if(!A_IsPaused) return
    While GetKeyState("LButton", "P"){
        Sleep 100  ;
basically, it detects the left mouse button with or without modifiers (shift, control) which is a shortcut for activiting it while sprinting or crouching :)
stopped working with 32/64bit and with or without capslock during the game, it works fine in windows itself
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I don't have any experience with AHK, but I use an auto-click (or auto-333) program.


Try X-Mouse if you're unable to determine why AHK is failing to work. The website says that a 5-button mouse is required, but it's working for me with an LMB+RMB+wheel mouse.

Edited by Icivoro
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Here is mine, and I just tested it, still works fine.

The first line just remaps Capslock to o as Caps was breaking the script, and the middle mouse button toggles the autoclick.

The one thing I can see is mine uses the send command rather than click, perhaps try that.



Mbutton::Toggle := Toggle ? 0 : 1
If Toggle = 1
Loop {
    GetKeyState, var, LButton, P
    If var = U          
    Send {LButton}
    sleep 50
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That is very strange, something odd must be going on!

Works absolutely fine in mine.


I seem to be using v1.1.13.01 of AHK, are you on that version too?

Other than that I'm struggling to think why they would not work for you but work for me.


A quick check of AHK forums suggested that running a game in windowed mode can cause problems, are you?

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From EUL agreement




The limited, personal use license granted to you in Section 1 is subject to the following restrictions and limitations as well as all other terms and conditions of this Agreement (collectively, the “License Limitations”). You agree that you will not, under any circumstances:


f.      use cheats, automation software (bots), hacks, mods or any other unauthorized third-party software, tools or content designed to modify the Software, the Service or the Game experience;


From this statement we must garner that autohotkey is a program designed to automate an action and it's use is therefore a ban-able offense, however it has been stated by DE previously in another thread that they are aware some individuals have a handicap or issue preventing consistent use of some of the more repetitive movement actions therefore autohotkey is not logged as a hack or exploit but DE cannot provide support for it's use as it is a third party application.

Edited by geninrising
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That is very strange, something odd must be going on!

Works absolutely fine in mine.


I seem to be using v1.1.13.01 of AHK, are you on that version too?

Other than that I'm struggling to think why they would not work for you but work for me.


A quick check of AHK forums suggested that running a game in windowed mode can cause problems, are you?

I've updated to the latest version, i've tried every mode the game can be run at, ive tried windowed/fullscreen/borderless, nothing works.. ran it with or without steam, did all the SendMode options.. The windowSpy sees the warframe window as active window.. i dont know why it wont work :*(


*edit* X-Mouse control also works in windows but not in warframe..

Edited by Angryn00b
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I've updated to the latest version, i've tried every mode the game can be run at, ive tried windowed/fullscreen/borderless, nothing works.. ran it with or without steam, did all the SendMode options.. The windowSpy sees the warframe window as active window.. i dont know why it wont work :*(


*edit* X-Mouse control also works in windows but not in warframe..


For X-Mouse, is the Warframe window focused? If it isn't and you have the macro layer on, then clicking into the window to focus it won't do anything.


I will list off all things that I can think of at this moment that could affect sending LMB:




  • Mouse driver update? 



  • Need to simulate holding down the key, meaning add a Send, {a down};Sleep 10;Send, {a up} or {HOLDMS10}?



  • Windows UAC interfering?



  • Unlikely: hidserv (Human Interface Device Service) not running?



Try making a macro to mash an alphanumeric key to see if the problem is localized to mouse only.

Edited by Icivoro
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For X-Mouse, is the Warframe window focused? If it isn't and you have the macro layer on, then clicking into the window to focus it won't do anything.


I will list off all things that I can think of at this moment that could affect sending LMB:




  • Mouse driver update? 



  • Need to simulate holding down the key, meaning add a Send, {a down};Sleep 10;Send, {a up} or {HOLDMS10}?



  • Windows UAC interfering?



  • Unlikely: hidserv (Human Interface Device Service) not running?



Try making a macro to mash an alphanumeric key to see if the problem is localized to mouse only.


I made a loop with AHK that just typed A every 10 ms. Guess what, the password box in my login screen filled with characters in no-time.

I have a super standard mouse with no drivers, its a common logitech LMB/RMB/Wheel setup. UAC is turned off,



The hidserv was indeed off for no apparent reason, but shouldnt that mean every other USB input device would fail too? It's working now with the service on so I'm not complaining and i thank you for thinking outside the box for me! Just curious as to why it's only the mouse and only in Warframe that stopped working in cominbation with a hotkey program =/

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As far as I know, allowing Windows to use hidserv let not-USB or bluetooth mouses and such (e.g. simulated things) interact with DirectX and its inputs. Since pretty much everything not-games don't use DirectX, Windows will usually be able to send AHK's standard Click command. 

I think you were able to interact with text fields in-game using a macro because text fields probably don't use DirectX stuff, even in an application built with DirectX.


Note: my guesses are based on extremely little (i.e. zero) expertise.

Edited by Icivoro
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