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Friendly Fire System


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There is am optional friendly fire system on Killing Floor (another co-op shooter), which made it sometimes awful to play (thanks to grenades and demolition "experts"). There was also a reverse friendly fire, which caused the damage to be reflected back to the shooter.


I personally think reverse friendly fire might be an interesting feature. Of course, this would have to be a toggle on/off, and ignore AOE effects.

Pops an ult on Saryn, immediately dies.
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Okay, let me rephrase that then. It should ignore the AOEs and mods/abilities.


With AOE Effect, I meant abilities like slash dash, radial javelin and such, and possibly the weapon AOE attacks.

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I don't know about others, but as for me I wont turn that ff on, ever except there's an advantages to turn it on (like bigger reward, bonus item, and so on). If it doesn't give me any advantages, why'd I even turn it on? It's like forcing kind of, a bit of PvP mode. And that would bring more trouble, in a co-op game. Then again, the on/off toggling option won't stop those trolls. Turn it on then troll.


IMO, This'll be a different story, if the game really implement some PvP mission rather than this FF option. Maybe there would be a organization other than the Lotus (like, calling it Belladonna or sth) and are the opposing org. to Lotus and those two would do a PvP mission of Raid, Spy, or Deception. *dumbideasorry*

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How about this?


Turn FF on, receive 10% increase in credit and XP income.


Then people who want to get the benefit will have to take the risk.

Edited by SoanoS
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There is am optional friendly fire system on Killing Floor (another co-op shooter), which made it sometimes awful to play (thanks to grenades and demolition "experts"). There was also a reverse friendly fire, which caused the damage to be reflected back to the shooter.


I personally think reverse friendly fire might be an interesting feature. Of course, this would have to be a toggle on/off, and ignore AOE effects.


I was considering that, but it'd still be possible to troll with it and all it'd take is one melee 'expert' on a boss and the other three can't do anything without risking themselves.


And again, if it is toggleable, it'd mostly render it moot, because the great majority of people would have no reason to turn it on. If it would give, say, extra experience, it'd still not be ideal, because some people would become liabilities and contribute less when fighting while getting more benefits than anyone else due to the shared XP.


It'd need to be a mission-wide toggle, but then they'd need to overhaul the entire group-seeking system to split what you're looking for. Most likely, adding any kind of FF that's not widely implemented and forced on everyone will be a lot of effort for little reward for the developers.

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I was considering that, but it'd still be possible to troll with it and all it'd take is one melee 'expert' on a boss and the other three can't do anything without risking themselves.


And again, if it is toggleable, it'd mostly render it moot, because the great majority of people would have no reason to turn it on. If it would give, say, extra experience, it'd still not be ideal, because some people would become liabilities and contribute less when fighting while getting more benefits than anyone else due to the shared XP.


It'd need to be a mission-wide toggle, but then they'd need to overhaul the entire group-seeking system to split what you're looking for. Most likely, adding any kind of FF that's not widely implemented and forced on everyone will be a lot of effort for little reward for the developers.


This is very true. It is probably not very high on the priority list for now, but it would be nice to see at some point. Of course FF matches would have to be in a separate group-seeking system, just to avoid any nasty surprises.

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Reading the posts, the only reason reason that people don't want it is because they are afraid of trolls. Seriously guys? You give up on something because there might me an dude who want to screw with you?


Still is good that there are also people interested in thy system, and the best option would seem match side(not player) toggleable. I don't care for the bonus reward, the increased difficulty and improved mechanics is the best reward I can get in this game.


And I see people still saying about the powers, it has been discussed this already, and also edited the op about it. Seriously now, why nobody reads everything.


Also why get frustrated and not try to improve yourself? To be better aware of your team mates and your position on the map? If you don't want to be a target, try not to be a target. It is a game about ninjas though, clean hits and out of the way.


Frustrating is when you aim at someone (for example with paris) and then some dude decided he can walk between you and your target, your arrow hits him and he is like "uh i felt a pinch...nah it was the wind". Same arrow that can trow a damn ancient across the map flying ... With bullets its the same. People in this game are all over the place, not having smallest clue where their team is and what his team is doing there.


Also for clan matches the ff option would work great. As a clan can communicate and people will have a better idea where everyone is. So again the match toggleable option would fit best.


I understand that ff for everyone won't work because people are afraid of "trolls", and because there are "trolls", but the option to turn on/off before the match starts for everyone on that lobby, would fit best. And I'm repeating myself in the hope that people who read only a few words per line will read that part and get it.

Edited by mKta
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I was thinking, an friendly fire system would be an nice addition to the game. It will add some little difficulty (as the game is way too easy...except high wave defense missions..but even those sometimes with a good team are easy), it will add some tactic and force players to not shoot everywhere they point (ammo conservation and accuracy), and it will add some discipline, realism.


We are supposed to be space ninjas not some common marines. We are are supposed to have discipline, accuracy. We are supposed to think where we are aiming and shoot.


It becomes annoying when you are sniping (or killing a group of mobs) and some dude goes yolo style in front of you and blocks your targets.


I know that there wold be lots of mentally challenged people who will start shooting their team mates "for the lulz", but still it wold be an awesome addition.


I also know that people will come and say "it is a sci-fi game THERE IS NO REALISM"...well just for info....sci-fi is inspired by realism and you must have some physics in it. We already have a system that you can shatter your enemy in pieces. It won't be that hard that when you are firing an arrow or bullet that is able to take an ancient 1/4 hp (even more sometimes) and you hit your team mate, to add AT LEAST an little stagger effect if not damage shield/hp. That wold be real.


Also to avoid people killing each other, the friendly fire system can damage only the shields and add some stagger on charged hits.


Thank you,

Best regards.


LE after discussions :


- only weapons should have ff system, as powers can kill team mates instantly.  "And there can be lore about it as the warframes are designed to be immune to other warframes powers. But you can't design a warframe to be immune only to your friends bullets/arrows/swords. Maybe with prime ones there can be a discussion, but still..."-quote from my post bellow


- lobby side toggleable option. The host should have the option to enable or disable the ff before the mission starts for the entire duration of the mission and for everyone on that lobby. As there are many who are afraid of people killing them only for fun, but if you have a good team you can create organized tactics. Also with the implementation of the evolved clan system, this wold be an nice addition.


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