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"Zan! Can you hear me?" i caught him resting his head in my lap. His helmet retracted alowing me to see the damage. Head wounds were always bad, they bled a lot making it seem worse than it actually was. I couldnt treat him with the lab burning around us, i picked him up and hoisted him onto my shoulders moving as quickly as i could to the room i had been sleeping in, at least i knew there were bandages in there.

Zan grunted as i set him down, at least he was alive. kneeling down next to him i gently took his head in my hands and turned it to the side with a punture near where his left eye used to be. I cursed inwardly and retracted my own helmet to get a closer look. The bleeding had slowed a little due to me applying pressure around the wound when i was carying him, but there was still a lot of blood. The wound wasnt very deep, his helmet took most of the impact. If i was goig to het his head bandaged i had to clean this, i needed water and lucky for me there was a bathroom atached to this room. i grabbed the empty cup that was on a low table and filled it with water grabbing a cloth on my way.

"This might sting" I warned him and he grunted again. i dabbed the area and i heard him suck in a breath with a hiss. i cleaned the area quickly and grabbed the bandages from a high shelf. I wrapped his head with care, when i had finished he tried to stand. He was a bit unsteady but he could stand

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"Not in the sodding eyes! Why is it always the eyes? Damn!"

I took my punctured helmet in my hands, feeling for damage. One of the cameras were gone, and I couldn't get one of my other helmets from my Liset. Cursing under my breath, I placed it back on my head, praying that life support didn't go next.

"Depth perception be damned. EAmorr, try to find the generators and, I don't know, we could jump-start them with our shields."

I took hold of my Vaykor and checked that a round was chambered, the remaining camera on my helmet giving me a flat view of the ship. It was dark, the heating had gone off, and there was no engine noise. Drifting. I cocked the Vaykor and extended the Venka on my off hand. before following EAmorr through the darkened ship, the faint glow of the emergency lighting doing little to light the tight corridors. I stopped when I heard clanging in the vents.

"She's moving around..."

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"Not in the sodding eyes! Why is it always the eyes? Damn!"

I took my punctured helmet in my hands, feeling for damage. One of the cameras were gone, and I couldn't get one of my other helmets from my Liset. Cursing under my breath, I placed it back on my head, praying that life support didn't go next.

"Depth perception be damned. EAmorr, try to find the generators and, I don't know, we could jump-start them with our shields."

I took hold of my Vaykor and checked that a round was chambered, the remaining camera on my helmet giving me a flat view of the ship. It was dark, the heating had gone off, and there was no engine noise. Drifting. I cocked the Vaykor and extended the Venka on my off hand. before following EAmorr through the darkened ship, the faint glow of the emergency lighting doing little to light the tight corridors. I stopped when I heard clanging in the vents.

"She's moving around..."

In front of them, phosphoant blue liquid drips front the vent above.

(alien isolation style)

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(alien isolation style)

That's the idea.


"Awww, hell."

I grabbed EAmorr and ran forward, throwing a decoy backwards.

"That thing has thermal pits. It'll figure out it's a decoy quite quickly."

We turned a corner. I heard the sound of metal on metal, several fake gunshots, and a roar, followed by footsteps.

"This corridor is too long! We'll never make it!"

Tilting my head and grinning, I threw another decoy. It appeared at the end of the hall. I switched with it, and then with EAmorr, before throwing another and switching with it.

"With any luck, the residual heat from the engine room should mask us."

We burst through the doors, slamming them shut behind us and barring them. I began tapping away at a console, the translation program in my helmet working overtime to translate the keys and script. A flash, followed by a constant arc from me to the generator's energy cell told me that I had successfully hacked it. The lights turned on, and the engines started, the turbines beginning to spin, the temperature rising. I hoppped above the door, Venka ready to dig in.

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That's the idea.

"Awww, hell."

I grabbed EAmorr and ran forward, throwing a decoy backwards.

"That thing has thermal pits. It'll figure out it's a decoy quite quickly."

We turned a corner. I heard the sound of metal on metal, several fake gunshots, and a roar, followed by footsteps.

"This corridor is too long! We'll never make it!"

Tilting my head and grinning, I threw another decoy. It appeared at the end of the hall. I switched with it, and then with EAmorr, before throwing another and switching with it.

"With any luck, the residual heat from the engine room should mask us."

We burst through the doors, slamming them shut behind us and barring them. I began tapping away at a console, the translation program in my helmet working overtime to translate the keys and script. A flash, followed by a constant arc from me to the generator's energy cell told me that I had successfully hacked it. The lights turned on, and the engines started, the turbines beginning to spin, the temperature rising. I hoppped above the door, Venka ready to dig in.

Behind Zantruse, a shout is heard as the creature grabs Eamorr with it's tail, screeching at her. Edited by TheMetrocop
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Damn it, our armour's still cold.

I switched with EAmorr, appearing in Deke's grasp and driving my claws into her legs. The electricity caused her to roar and seize. I kept my claws in, waiting for her to stop struggling before retracting them. She slumped to the floor, blue vitriol spreading along the floor from the six holes in her legs.I watched as the blood darkened, becoming more purple than blue before running red. The Infested tissue dissolved, exaporating and leaving Deke lying on the floor.

"Well, I guess we have to wait until she wakes up."


Opening up story potential, because I won't be able to update until next week as of tomorrow.

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I leaned against the wall and slid down to sit on the floor, a thin trail of blood following. "Well at least it wasnt my neck this time" i ran my fingers over the area of my back that i could reach i gave a hiss when i found the wound, it was deeper than Zan's and had missed my spine only by a couple of inches. "Zan im gonna need your help with this"

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I leaned against the wall and slid down to sit on the floor, a thin trail of blood following. "Well at least it wasnt my neck this time" i ran my fingers over the area of my back that i could reach i gave a hiss when i found the wound, it was deeper than Zan's and had missed my spine only by a couple of inches. "Zan im gonna need your help with this"

MeeM mEEEEEEEm *Slaps self* Doktor slap out of it.


It's like... wait what is nine minus two


Nine minus two in the morning. MeeM. I can't write right now rofl, sorry :P

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I looked at the hole in EAmorr's back, wincing when I saw how deep it was.

"I would've cauterised it, but it's to big for that. Best I can do is put pressure on it."

I ran back to the lab, finding a clean labcoat and running back to EAmorr, folding the white material and pressing it to her back. She hissed in pain. Crimson quickly soaked through. I helped her stand, beginning to carry her back to the lab where I might be able to help her. Before we left, I made sure that Deke was still breathing. Convinced that she would survive, I help EAmorr walk away, keeping the now-bloodsoaked labcoat pressed onto the wound.

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(Network is out, dont know when it will be fixed. Im using a hotspot device for now)

"Its gonna leave another scar" i mumbled to myself as Zan helped me walk back to the room i had bandaged his head earlier. Walking wasnt painful, i had gotten used to walking with large gashes in my back a long time ago, i noticed the machine to disassemble the warframe and had Zan stop. The machine once again left me standing in my sleeveless and backless bodysuit, that would help with cleaning and bandaging.

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(Network is out, dont know when it will be fixed. Im using a hotspot device for now)

"Its gonna leave another scar" i mumbled to myself as Zan helped me walk back to the room i had bandaged his head earlier. Walking wasnt painful, i had gotten used to walking with large gashes in my back a long time ago, i noticed the machine to disassemble the warframe and had Zan stop. The machine once again left me standing in my sleeveless and backless bodysuit, that would help with cleaning and bandaging.

MeeM- *Slaps self across the mouth again*


*Talking to self* Shtop MeeMing dummkopf.


Deke slowly wakes up and pushes herself up. She looks at her mauled legs.


She uncontrollably laughs, unsure of how to respond to this much pain.

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Stepping out of the shadows, Oberon appears. healing Deke's legs. As she looks up at him in disbelief, he signals for her to be quiet, and that she didn't need to thank him.

Understanding, Deke stands up, stretching out her legs and making sure they work right.

Without any warning, Oberon forces her to the ground. He takes out a syringe filled with green blood and stabs it into her neck, injecting it into her bloodstream.

As Deke writhes in pain, Oberon rumbles "Your duty is not over yet, Test Subject 122. Your new form will be deadlier than the last."

He pulls out a dagger and cuts out a block from her throat before instantly replacing it with a skin-coloured tracker that replaces it, keeping her alive. Chuckling to himself, he presses against a wall and a secret passage opens.

He makes his way in, shutting the door behind him as Deke begins sprouting dark, infested tentacles.


(Yay, he's sinister now! :D)

Edited by Awsumniss
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Stepping out of the shadows, Oberon appears. healing Deke's legs. As she looks up at him in disbelief, he signals for her to be quiet, and that she didn't need to thank him.

Understanding, Deke stands up, stretching out her legs and making sure they work right.

Without any warning, Oberon forces her to the ground. He takes out a syringe filled with green blood and stabs it into her neck, injecting it into her bloodstream.

As Deke writhes in pain, Oberon rumbles "Your duty it not over yet, Test Subject 122. Your new form will be deadlier than the last."

He pulls out a dagger and cuts out a block from her throat before instantly replacing it with a skin-coloured tracker that replaces it, keeping her alive. Chuckling to himself, he presses against a wall and a secret passage opens.

He makes his way in, shutting the door behind him as Deke begins sprouting dark, infested tentacles.


(Yay, he's sinister now! :D)

Uh.. you're still controlling others' characters a lot rofl.

Edited by TheMetrocop
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(Network is back woo hoo. Evil Oberon huh... Heh heh heh airlock is coming his way soon™)

I hissed and dug my fingernails into the floor. Getting wounds was numbing when one is used to it but cleaning them is a diffrent kind of pain. Every time Zan dabbed at the hole in my back it felt as if i was being bitten. He pressed the damp cloth against the wound making me tense up and hiss again. I heard him mutter something about stitches and i frose. No! No more needles! The thought ran around frantically in my head. I didn't have much of a choice unless i wanted a hole in my back for a long time, i was going to have to let Zan sew me up. I groaned and thumped my head on the floor, the cool metal did little to comfort me as i listened to Zan rummaging through the medical supplies.

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(Network is back woo hoo. Evil Oberon huh... Heh heh heh airlock is coming his way soon™)

I hissed and dug my fingernails into the floor. Getting wounds was numbing when one is used to it but cleaning them is a diffrent kind of pain. Every time Zan dabbed at the hole in my back it felt as if i was being bitten. He pressed the damp cloth against the wound making me tense up and hiss again. I heard him mutter something about stitches and i frose. No! No more needles! The thought ran around frantically in my head. I didn't have much of a choice unless i wanted a hole in my back for a long time, i was going to have to let Zan sew me up. I groaned and thumped my head on the floor, the cool metal did little to comfort me as i listened to Zan rummaging through the medical supplies.

"Vho took ze medical supplies? Vere are my needles?"


Sorry I have to put my own fair amount of humor in rofl.


A strange voice comes from around the corner in a slightly frustrated tone. There are sounds of pacing and searching coming from the same location.

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(Sorry, new kid joining in. Apologies if I mess anything up. Happy to Rp with all of you.)


There was no mistaking it, others had arrived and by the sounds of it they had encountered the infested. Sighing, I calm my nerves as I think about all the possible things that could happen if I tried to interact, all scenarios ending in some sort of bad end. With a shake of my head and another sigh, I pick myself up and walk out from my hiding spot, hoping to finally have some sort of interaction beyond the cold steel."


"Hello...is there anyone around? I promise you I'm not infested in anyway and may be able to help." I say in a hushed voice loud enough for someone to hopefully hear as I try to find others.

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(Sorry, new kid joining in. Apologies if I mess anything up. Happy to Rp with all of you.)


There was no mistaking it, others had arrived and by the sounds of it they had encountered the infested. Sighing, I calm my nerves as I think about all the possible things that could happen if I tried to interact, all scenarios ending in some sort of bad end. With a shake of my head and another sigh, I pick myself up and walk out from my hiding spot, hoping to finally have some sort of interaction beyond the cold steel."


"Hello...is there anyone around? I promise you I'm not infested in anyway and may be able to help." I say in a hushed voice loud enough for someone to hopefully hear as I try to find others.

(nah you're cool brah. Have my warm welcome.)


"Oh! Anuhza person too? Do you know vere my syringes vent?"


A gloved hand pokes the new one on the shoulder from behind.


"I vould really like my syringes back."

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(Metro you're hilarious....MEDIC! xD. Also welcome new person, I've been hoping for someone to join us so have fun with us)

(Also that's the secondth compliment for me being hilarious today XD yay)

Edited by TheMetrocop
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"secondth"? By the way, aren't we getting a little off topic? I want this story to continue so I can finally see if Oberon is truly the boy who lived and if he finds the dragon balls so he can resurrect Shrek to take his rightful place as ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom.

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"secondth"? By the way, aren't we getting a little off topic? I want this story to continue so I can finally see if Oberon is truly the boy who lived and if he finds the dragon balls so he can resurrect Shrek to take his rightful place as ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom.

(My brain is obviously not functioning if you couldn't tell. And... uh... this story has nothing to do with dragon balls or shrek or mushroom kingdoms rofl.)

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