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Synoid Gammacor Does Not Need Changes, It Is Already Balanced


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Went from being one of the best secondary's to one of the worst. Congratulation DE you ruined yet another promising, usable weapon.


Why not just throw every weapon but the 4-5 good ones in the game in the Vault. No one uses them once they level them so there's no point n keeping them right? Everyone has Frost Prime so let's just stash him away never to be seen again.


I used to be so proud of this game a year ago. Now the friends I still have who play it sob every time a new update comes around to see what gets nerfed/broken and those who stopped playing it altogether just laugh at me when I tell them I still play it.





Not even close to the worst secondary. If you slap the following mods on it: (All maxed of course) Convulsion, Pathogen Rounds, Hornet Strike, Lethal Torrent, Deep Freeze, Pistol ammo mutation, Pistol Pestilence and Seeker. Since they upped the fire rate from 3.0 to 24.0 with these mods, this thing still eats face. The ammo mutation completely (and I mean COMPLETELY) makes up for the new ammo drain. You have to reload a bit more often and actually aim, but my god, 142.9 magnetic, 128.6 cold, and 343.0 corrosive at a rate of 24.0. 8x the previous fire rate, and I had about 2,342 magnetic, 1212.3 cold, and 2220.4 corrosive before the 'nerf'. At a fire rate of 3.0/sec that was ~ 17324 dps. With the new fire rate it's closer to ~14748 dps. It's a slight drop (because I had to put on the mutation mod) but barely even. and when you consider crit chance per fire rate as well as status effect per fire rate, Synoid Gammacor is just as OP as it used to be. L2P, and if you don't like this weapon, get a different one. But saying #RipSynoid is hyperbolic.

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 and when you consider crit chance per fire rate as well as status effect per fire rate, Synoid Gammacor is just as OP as it used to be.


It would be nice to know if status chance / second has been also changed to match the new fire rate (so that it procs more often = status chance / ammo remains the same), or has the status chance also been "nerfed" (accidentally?) ((does this even qualify as a nerf?)). +does the same apply to the crit chance?

Edited by Jykke
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