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Ash Needs Some Love?


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Hello fellow Tenno,


In my opinion Ash can use some love, with that i mean focourse a buff.

Some will disagree some will agree but let me explain why i think Ash needs a buff.


I think it's smart to go with all the ability and say what i think could be done better.


Shuriken: In my opinion Shuriken has nothing wrong, full upgraded can hit for a 1000 headshot, although the accuracy is very bad.


Smoke Screen: Ash is viewed as the ultimate stealth ninja, but the smoke screen has a smaller amount of time in invisibility than Loki wich i find quiet strange. Loki's buff while invisible is way better as Ash's buff, Ash does a 50% extra melee damage while invisible, Loki does a crazy 150%... that's 3 times as much !So if Ash is the ultimate ninja atleast increase the duration of Smoke Screen, and also, The hitbox is putting me on my nerves sometimes, when I activate Smoke Screen and let's say an ancient is infront me, while im invisible i still get knocked down or disturded, in my opinion this shouldn't be there, the poison from toxic though is legit and I personally don't mind getting poisened while beging invisible but able to still get hit is not really stealth right?


Teleport: As many many many people say teleport is indeed useless, why? It teleports you infront of the enemy and gives you a slight delay to start attacking while the enemy u have teleported to can easily attack you while doing this.

What i think would be nice is once u have teleported u appear on their back and they don't know of anything. Also while you aren't detected yet ( this might be asked too much ) you immidiatly do a stealth attack.


Blade Storn: Blade Storm overall is great, I like it, only thing that is kind of a bummer to me is that the killing is very slow, It would be nicer if the time gets speed up a little but so we don't do full seconds for one kill.


So this is what I think that could be done a little better for Ash, a lot of people will say Ash is already great, why would you wanna buff it? But Loki is pretty much more stealthier then Ash because hes invisibilty is in all terms better ( only little more energy use ).


Tell me what you think and how you might have wanted.


This was Shockness, Peace Out !

Edited by Shockness
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I like your Teleport idea. Teleporting behind the enemy would be a huge improvement and ties into stealth really well. Faster Blade Storm would be nice too. Heck, all your points are good.


As for Shuriken though, even if you don't have a problem with it, they're going to change it since they have plans for throwable weapons like knives, shurikens, bananas, etc. 

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I like your Teleport idea. Teleporting behind the enemy would be a huge improvement and ties into stealth really well. Faster Blade Storm would be nice too. Heck, all your points are good.


As for Shuriken though, even if you don't have a problem with it, they're going to change it since they have plans for throwable weapons like knives, shurikens, bananas, etc. 

You made me go hard laughing when u said bananas :) 


And i won't have a problem with it, I just don't have any problem with Shuriken at the moment neither.

Edited by Shockness
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Ash's abilities are getting reworked for the next update...or so DESteve said in the livestream 4.

Steve himself mentioned the reworking of Teleport, to now teleport you behind the enemy.

yeah i've heard that, I would like some improvements in Smoke Screen too though, A fully leveled Smoke Screen doesn't seem to be so handy sometimes.

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what ash really needs is just one of his 'V' polarity slots changed to a 'D' polarity


of course teleport sucks because of that huge flip-jump delay


bladestorm is decent at least


shuriken is crap, needs slight homing/ricochets/multiple stars thrown


but just changing one polarity slot would really increase his viability (they could be saving that for his prime version however)

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I think sheriken should have a cone aoe with primary damage on a target but then again that would make it to powerful but compared to frost ability it isnt that bad. I say reduce the energy cost to 15 on all first ability but then again I'm asking more from Warframes then they can deliver lol.

Edited by timster7
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Hello fellow Tenno,


In my opinion Ash can use some love, with that i mean focourse a buff.

Some will disagree some will agree but let me explain why i think Ash needs a buff.


I think it's smart to go with all the ability and say what i think could be done better.


Shuriken: In my opinion Shuriken has nothing wrong, full upgraded can hit for a 1000 headshot.


Smoke Screen: Ash is viewed as the ultimate stealth ninja, but the smoke screen has a smaller amount of time in invisibility than Loki wich i find quiet strange. If Ash is the ultimate ninja atleast increase the duration of Smoke Screen, and also, The hitbox is putting me on my nerves sometimes, when I activate Smoke Screen and let's say an ancient is infront me, while im invisible i still get knocked down or disturded, in my opinion this shouldn't be there, the poison from toxic though is legit and I personally don't mind getting poisened while beging invisible but able to still get hit is not really stealth right?


Teleport: As many many many people say teleport is indeed useless, why? It teleports you infront of the enemy and gives you a slight delay to start attacking while the enemy u have teleported to can easily attack you while doing this.

What i think would be nice is once u have teleported u appear on their back and they don't know of anything. Also while you aren't detected yet ( this might be asked too much ) you immidiatly do a stealth attack.


Blade Storn: Blade Storm overall is great, I like it, only thing that is kind of a bummer to me is that the killing is very slow, It would be nicer if the time gets speed up a little but so we don't do full seconds for one kill.


So this is what I think that could be done a little better for Ash, a lot of people will say Ash is already great, why would you wanna buff it? But Loki is pretty much more stealthier then Ash because hes invisibilty is in all terms better ( only little more energy use ).


Tell me what you think and how you might have wanted.


This was Shockness, Peace Out !

i agree with smoke screen. it gets kinda irritating when u can get staggered while invis. And also the duration..

However , i think shuriken needs some fixing , whenever i cast it , it doesnt exactly move towards where my crosshair is. E.g : when i'm in a mobs face casting shuriken , the shuriken flies away from my screen.

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Ash is viewed as the ultimate stealth ninja, but the smoke screen has a smaller amount of time in invisibility than Loki wich i find quiet strange.


Why? Ash is significantly less-fragile compared to Loki (2.0x the health, 1.5x armor, and 1.5x shielding) which means he doesn't need to rely as heavily on disappearing in order to escape a bad situation.

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Shuriken: In my opinion Shuriken has nothing wrong, full upgraded can hit for a 1000 headshot.


Shut your mouth. (I say that with lots of love)


No but seriously, are you missing something about how horrible Shuriken is compared to the other Warframe first abilities? 25 power... count it.... 25 power from Ash's already scant energy pool to hopefully line up a single target for a headshot?


Let's talk first abilities here for a moment and I'll only speak to frame I currently own:


Rhino Charge/Excalibur Slash Dash: Beautiful abilities able to wipe out at least 4 enemies at once. If not just turn around and spam again.


Banshee Sonic Boom: AOE Ability for mob control at only 25 energy from her HUGE energy pool


Loki: Decoy to draw enemy fire from ALL surrounding enemies. Players rely on this extremely used skill even at high levels! Only 25 power from his huge energy pool.


Ember: Fire Elemental damage PLUS burn damage incrementally?? Not to mention painting a huge target "Hey guys let's shoot the big giant fireball running around our screen!" "Ok!" Did I mention the energy pool?


Trinity: 25 Energy? Child Please. Just spam cast Well of Life on the giant boss standing in the middle of the room and the team fills up health just for shooting at what they're already hitting.


Ash: 25 Energy... from my tiny energy pool. One small line vs mob of death. Yea I'll save it up for my severely underpowered ultimate for 100. At least I'll be able to kill 3-4 rather than most likely miss with my Shuriken. 


But hey, Ash has a huge health pool to draw from so it's all good right? I mean, we were trying to create a ninja warframe? He looks pretty incredible but his skills make him no better than a glorified marine.

Edit: I'm sorry, I just realized I didn't have any creative/helpful input to add. Here are some suggestions:


Shuriken: Option 1) Wider field of damage via energy cloud surrounding it or throw 3-7 at once. Same damage. Option 2) Keep it same as it is but only 5 energy so we could spam it a bit. Option 3) Create a different skill we can complain about.


Smoke Screen: Above all maybe let us see him a little. Option 1) Keep it the way it is but 25 energy cost. Option 2) Increase melee attack speed while invis to make up for short invis time, keep energy cost Option 3) Lengthen the invis time Keep energy cost


Teleport: The above was a good suggestion


Blade Storm: Option1) Create a larger area of teleporting Option 2) Multi-hit targets if no others are available

Edited by simeo77
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Shut your mouth. (I say that with lots of love)


No but seriously, are you missing something about how horrible Shuriken is compared to the other Warframe first abilities? 25 power... count it.... 25 power from Ash's already scant energy pool to hopefully line up a single target for a headshot?


Let's talk first abilities here for a moment and I'll only speak to frame I currently own:


Rhino Charge/Excalibur Slash Dash: Beautiful abilities able to wipe out at least 4 enemies at once. If not just turn around and spam again.


Banshee Sonic Boom: AOE Ability for mob control at only 25 energy from her HUGE energy pool


Loki: Decoy to draw enemy fire from ALL surrounding enemies. Players rely on this extremely used skill even at high levels! Only 25 power from his huge energy pool.


Ember: Fire Elemental damage PLUS burn damage incrementally?? Not to mention painting a huge target "Hey guys let's shoot the big giant fireball running around our screen!" "Ok!" Did I mention the energy pool?


Trinity: 25 Energy? Child Please. Just spam cast Well of Life on the giant boss standing in the middle of the room and the team fills up health just for shooting at what they're already hitting.


Ash: 25 Energy... from my tiny energy pool. One small line vs mob of death. Yea I'll save it up for my severely underpowered ultimate for 100. At least I'll be able to kill 3-4 rather than most likely miss with my Shuriken. 


But hey, Ash has a huge health pool to draw from so it's all good right? I mean, we were trying to create a ninja warframe? He looks pretty incredible but his skills make him no better than a glorified marine.

haha now ash's skills feel a little underwhelming...

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haha now ash's skills feel a little underwhelming...


I'm just frustrated because I was so excited for Ash because I love my (lvl 30) Loki. I thought "What's missing from Loki is at least 1 or 2 attack skills and a little more health." Enter Ash. The idea of him was awesome and I worked towards getting him for 3 weeks (with some slight detours). Now I have him and I'm disappointed. His health/shields/stamina/energy/armor is perfect..... but I have no functional skills.


Shuriken is hit and miss. Smoke Screen is short. Teleport gets me killed. Blade Storm is all I have and even that is meh.


PS I edited my above comments to include some helpful suggestions instead of just criticism.

Edited by simeo77
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I have seen a couple of people who use Ash and blade storm was far from very slow.

May as well have been Miasma but a was also able to take your kills over the other side of the room.

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I have seen a couple of people who use Ash and blade storm was far from very slow.

May as well have been Miasma but a was also able to take your kills over the other side of the room.


I actually don't think blade storm is slow. I think if we're supposed to be able to hit 13 enemies, and there is a mob of 25 infested, I shouldn't only hit 4-5 of those infested

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I'm just frustrated because I was so excited for Ash because I love my (lvl 30) Loki. I thought "What's missing from Loki is at least 1 or 2 attack skills and a little more health." Enter Ash. The idea of him was awesome and I worked towards getting him for 3 weeks (with some slight detours). Now I have him and I'm disappointed. His health/shields/stamina/energy/armor is perfect..... but I have no functional skills.


Shuriken is hit and miss. Smoke Screen is short. Teleport gets me killed. Blade Storm is all I have and even that is meh.


PS I edited my above comments to include some helpful suggestions instead of just criticism.

yeah i was pretty excited too.

shuriken and teleport was quite a shocker to me. haha.

but nonetheless , still fun

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Shuriken is more trouble than it's worth to use effectively, and Teleport is effectively useless (for me anyway) as Ash already moves very fast, even faster with a maxed out Sprint. I only use Smoke Screen and Blade Storm in my build. He's like a tankier version of Loki with nearly the same blazing fast run speed.

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As for Shuriken though, even if you don't have a problem with it, they're going to change it since they have plans for throwable weapons like knives, shurikens, bananas, etc. 

I never really played Ash because of his Shuriken. I tried him (I play with a lot of lag/low frames) and i feel like his Shuriken is difficult to aim coupled with it doesn't do THAT much damage. Maybe it's me?

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I never really played Ash because of his Shuriken. I tried him (I play with a lot of lag/low frames) and i feel like his Shuriken is difficult to aim coupled with it doesn't do THAT much damage. Maybe it's me?


It's not just you.

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Accurately thrown shuriken is step 1.

Smoke lasting longer or extending the stun is 2.

Teleport behind will solve so many 3 problems.

Bladestorm - okay, good. It is the only non-pbaoe ultimate. Someone swarmed all the way over there? 13 no longer there.

The bad - doesn't always hit all 13, it takes longer than any other ultima and a ll of the mobs still shoot/stab until their number comes up in the stab-face lottery, it isnt always clear when it finishes.

Fix - an actual blade storm of armor ignoring knives. Pbaoe.

An actual bladestorm of a cone of long range stabby.

A teleport to target then Pbaoe needles all over, Tele back.

A single target/limit 13 slashy combo at what you want dead.


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I would like to see ash' smoke screen is getting a duration buff so that he wouldn't be useless without full continuity mod

I like shuriken on ancients but yeah bad aiming and a little too expensive for what it is. 

When I got ash for the first time I didn't like him until I supercharged him and put flow and continuity mods then he became awesome. But he is not viable if you don't have those 2 specific mods at least.

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When I got ash for the first time I didn't like him until I supercharged him and put flow and continuity mods then he became awesome.

Well I don't have Continuity so my duration is far from good.

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what ash really needs is just one of his 'V' polarity slots changed to a 'D' polarity


of course teleport sucks because of that huge flip-jump delay


bladestorm is decent at least


shuriken is crap, needs slight homing/ricochets/multiple stars thrown


but just changing one polarity slot would really increase his viability (they could be saving that for his prime version however)


Yeah I agree.  Hell I would be happy if they just removed one of the polarity slots so I could use any card without penality.  Aside from Continuity, nothing else really is useful for Ash in that slot.

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Yeah I agree.  Hell I would be happy if they just removed one of the polarity slots so I could use any card without penality.  Aside from Continuity, nothing else really is useful for Ash in that slot.

I don't think they are going to do that since they're going to put prestige in the game so u can change ur polarity slot.

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1) Ash disappears, camera zooms out, ash appears near/behind ALL enemies in the target area in quick succession (smoke/afterimages linger for a second) -quickly- slashing at all of them, effect/attacks spread out from the center. AoE centered on Ash, rather than on an enemy.  

2) Ash disappears, camera zooms out, very large shuriken(s?) are thrown at all enemies in the target area from numerous clouds of smoke.

3) Ash disappears and reappears behind all enemies in the target area, simultaneously hitting all of them.

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