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Not A Cobra's Big Suggestion List.


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I thought you were referring to regular potatoes. It is clear to me there was just a disconnect in understanding what the other meant. I get it now.


But seriously. How... Pointless.


For players who don't have time or money you'd just tease them by giving them a reverse engineered potato. They'd just wish they got the other one. The ones with money would likewise be disapointed. I'm not sure how many people you're pleasing vs how many you are annoying.


Also IMO not worth the time to program it since we already have the same rank 60 effect through regular potatoes. Why spend time programming something for a minority of players with so much time on their hands that they are essentially done? Especially ones with no intention of contributing monetarily towards the game.


lose - win with developers losing.


Last I checked, an increased player base was not a lose scenario.


Seems like you just hate the idea of doing any more work.


People are already running out of content and leaving the game.

There are also people (I am one of them) Not spending any money on the cash shop because with the exception of cosmetic effects, ie colours and sentinel parts, everything there can be found in the game.


I bought the lowest level of founder and I have over half the platinum I received unspent because I didn't need it.


Meanwhile, I have 4 catalysts and 6 reactors from alerts and the daily award.

I didn't put in more than an hours effort TOTAL to receive all those.

And that makes the cash shop versions worthless.


Nobody in their right mind is going to pay for something you get for free every day or two.


However, making people work for their increased levels, giving a sense of growth back into end game content...

Suddenly the Quick "Jump to 60" push from the cash shop is a nicer alternative, people who can't grind out another 30 levels will be more willing to fork out money.


And those who have the time and effort will keep playing, keep the community going and keep the beta alive.



That, my indolent poster, is a win:win.

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Andele' Andele'. Yee-ha!:
So I've found a lot that I've gotten use to games with a...
I guess you can call it a "Smart sprint" function.
Such that once you start sprinting, you maintain a sprinting speed without holding down the button.
If you hit a wall, or turn sharply, or drop down, or fire a weapon, etc etc then you return to normal speed.
But until then, you don't have to hold down the button to keep moving at high speed, rather it assumes you want to keep moving quickly until you tell the game otherwise.

I would like warframe to have such a function, allow a tap of the sprint button to allow us to run until we stop holding forward, or change direction, or attack, or are attacked and so on.
Short of that, an option to "Toggle sprint" in the menu would be nice, much like toggle crouch.

I guess it's a matter of personal taste, and it's quite hard to explain this function to those who haven't played a game that contains it, but once you have, holding the button down for extended periods of time becomes uncomfortable.

The big, the bad, and the skullcrushingly big:
Most games in the same vein as warframe have your typical swarm enemies (lancers, chargers, moas etc), you're Priority targets (Fusion moas, ancients, bombards etc), Minibosses and really threatening enemies (?) and of course bosses (Assasination targets).
As you can see, we're lacking the miniboss enemy.
Nothing poses an actual threat to groups prior to meeting with a boss (Not that they pose a real threat, but I'm saving that for another, big, suggestion). It's just a tedious trek through the same rooms with the same hoards of enemies, occaisionly being swarmed and knocked over and having your sentinel explode before somebody hits their ult and the room is empty.
I want some stalker esque randomly attacking miniboss type enemies.
Some simple suggestions would be;
A tendril that bursts from the walls of infested ships, dealing high damage to tenno that get near it, and hurling toxic blobs (like golem). Would have high health, and be large enough to block off a door, forcing players to fight it before moving on. Could even come in pairs.
A grineer support unit, like commanders or bombards or heavy gunners THAT ACTUALLY POSES A THREAT. seriously, the heavy gunners especially do less damage end game than the lancers do. All that would be needed here is a damage buff for each of them.
A Corpus lockdown room, security camera detects tenno, and locks down the room. several gattling turrets (Possibly as many as 8?) Deploy from the roof, and the room is placed in a vaccuum (Like smashing a window). Players must defeat all turrets before the room opens.
All of these not only add difficulty and a new way of playing, but help stop runners and the like going off on their own. I doubt a runner is going to enjoy being *@##$slapped by a tentacle 2 minutes ahead of the group.

A long lost ancient orokin artifact of mystery... the GPS:
This game has huge layouts with multiple players able to be separated across sprawling dungeons carrying portions of several simultaneous objectives....
And the best indicator I can get for where they are is "Back that way"
This game needs to have a map function that displays rooms that have been discovered, the location of players, the location of the objective (Even if it only displays it on a black background since the room probably hasn't been explored yet, but it gives you an idea of the direction you're headed) and the extraction point.
It'd also be possible to colour code rooms, red still has enemies, white is clear, yellow is in lockdown.


It would also be Excellent to add a distance measure to map markers, such that you know whether the data packet is in the next room, or half a dungeon away. This is especially useful for split paths.

Finally, having a map and markers displaying distance opens up additional opportunities for multiple simultaneous objectives, or assasinations, which leads me into my next suggestion.

Make like a banana and complete objectives indpendently:
At present, aside from running through things, most objectives are most effeciently completed as a group.
But I would LOVE to see some levels where the fastest method of progression is to split up, complete separate objectives and meet back up again.
Imagine data terminal missions where instead of each terminal being in a straight line progression, you enter a room with 4 exits and a terminal at the end of each.
This opens up whole new areas of development for gameplay and enemy design.
It also allows things like stealth to become more of an option;
these paths could be completed by stealthily avoiding enemies, wall running over rooms and avoiding detection.
And all without worrying about some drongo running in all guns blazing and ruining it.
As mentioned, more enemies could be developped, ones that become a lot more threatening alone than in a group.
And the map mentioned previously could allow players to easily find their companions should such an enemy appear to them.

Stamina? I 'ardly know 'a'!:
So I'd say most of the player base, by now, knows that you can move at 80-90% of sprint speed at all times without ever losing much stamina by sliding, jumping, air kicking, sliding, repeat.
And since melee combat, wall running, jumping and the like don't actually seem to be supressed when your stamina runs out...
I wonder what's left for stamina to do?
I'd like for it to become a more important aspect of gameplay.
Heck, nyx' alternate helmet gives 25% more stamina, not even remotely worth the 5% lost shield.
Some more functions could be added to drain stamina; reduced recoil from weapons like the snipetron, or increased firerate for semi automatic weapons.
Several people have mentioned the possibility of a weapon which allows you to wield your melee weapon as a primary, replacing left and right click with melee and block respectively to better focus on melee gameplay, and I can say if a few features were added to that, it could DEFINATELY benefit from increased stamina.

But as it is, stamina needs... something. Either running out needs to be more cripling, or better yet, there needs to be more reasons to keep it high.

Edited by NotaCobra
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It would be nice if waypoints placed by different players within a game had different colours, this helps to distinguish who's doing what and is especially useful if one player is marking things like alloy plates so everyone knows the difference. It would also be handy as the game is built upon and different objective types are created, particuarly if, say, one player needs help, it helps to know which player that is as well as where they are.

Furthermore, While marking enemies or modules comes up with the word "Enemy" or "Module" under the waypoint, but it would be nice if module, enemy and player waypoints were a different symbol as well, simple ones like triangles for mods, X's for enemies and the lotus symbol for a tenno.

Lastly, make targeting such things easier, as it stands you have to target the dead centre of a mod in order to mark it as a "Module" waypoint. This is hard , especially across the room or in the middle of combat. Allowing the whole area around a mod to be included in the receptive radius would be nice.


Sentinel HUD:

It's hard to keep track of your sentinel's shield, health and energy in combat, the latter two being virtually impossible to know at any time.

A nice little thing to add underneath your normal status bar would be just a little bar showing your sentinel's health, shield and energy, and possibly the cooldown on it's crowd dispersion or ghost.

It would be simple and would make keeping your sentinel alive a little easier.


Multiplayer Hud:

The only way, presently, to view a teammates status is too look right at them without anything in the way.

This presents multiple problems, particularly for healer classes (Atm, only trinity) and will severely interfere if raid bosses or big group fights are ever introduced.

I suggest quite a simple hud on the side that displays the health and shield of teammates, their name, their health and a microphone/speaker symbol to indicate whether or not they are using voice chat, as presently there is no way of knowing.

In addition, it would be nice if it were possible to have a toggle option to allow a similar display visible over player's heads in combat, such that at a glance you know who is who, where they are and how they're doing.



Boss HUD:

Again, this is mainly a feature which will come in handy if stronger bosses, raid bosses or additional end game content gets added;

Once a boss fight has been initiated, it would be good if all players could have a little display showing the health and shield of the boss, it's not vital but again it would certainly be helpful and not too difficult to add.


Mission HUD:

It would be nice just to have a little portion of the HUD dedicated to displaying the current objective. It's not thrillingly vital, and I've mentioned a better idea in the past (Just have a box when lotus speaks that shows visibly what she's saying) But having, say, a "Capture the target" written somewhere up the top couldn't hurt.


Weapon HUD:

Simple really, in addition to showing your primary weapon, clip and ammo the HUD should show (just undearneath and slightly dimmed out) the remaining clip and ammo of your secondary weapon. This just helps keep track of whether your weapon is reloaded, how much ammo it has, etc. Again, not vital, but neither does it hurt.



Toggle Abilities:

Not exactly HUD related, but still something that really should be added. Some abilities with persistant effects (Saryn's contagion, ember's overheat, possibly even volt's speed and any others that are added in future) don't really work so well as a burst of energy followed by a short duration. It would be great if these abilities were instead on a toggle, draining energy per second while active, costing the same energy, but without needing to be reactivated each time it expires.

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Game on the go:

So a lot of people have been complaining about missing alerts due to being at work or school or what have you.

Since there is already a warframe app, it would be quite simple for players to be able to sign up for app alerts

People signed into the app will be able to particpate in one alert a day via the phone app, completing some trivial task for the lotus, perhaps "hack into an corpus network" or something similar.

Basically, complete a simple minigame, and receive the alert reward in game the next time you log in.

Granted, it would need to have some limitation, otherwise everyone would use it instead of playing. Additionally, it would have to log you out of the online account such that you can't claim the alert reward both the normal way and on the app.


It does sound a little... less straight forward and sensible that my other suggestions, but I do feel for the people who miss alerts, and some method to assist them, aside from making alerts last 12 hours, would be nice.


Some say the levels are full of fire, some say of ice:

Most of you, by now, would have played a frost or fire level.

One caused by "Ice" or a "Malfunctioning cryocore" the other by the ship "Self destructing" or being "severely damaged".

At the moment, these are nothing if not a tad annoying, the latter being barely a nuissance even at lower levels.


I would like to see these 2 conditions actually effect the level, change the environment and gameplay accordingly. Possibly even adding an entirely new challenge to a level. For example;

Ice Level: Frozen doors that require an alternate route to bypass.

Ice Level: Build ups of ice that can be climbed, leading to secret or normally inaccessable areas like ventilation ducts.

Ice Level: Broken pipes carrying sub-zero gasses which slow or freeze any enemies or warframes that walk through them.

Fire level: Air locks leading to rooms with severe damage, causing a vaccuum (Similar to a broken window)

Fire level: Areas of destroyed ship, or sections in the process of being destroyed that require wall running, sprinting and quick reflexes to progress through.

Fire level: Greater chances of encountering 2 factions in the same ship.


In addition, at present, if one starts a frozen mission, rather than having your shield halved, it's possible just to quit and restart the mission, and resuming it as a non-iced level.

perhaps instead, especially if these changes were added, some of those side missions (the ones not necesary to unlock all locations on a given planet) are always set as either a fire or ice mission.

That way people who want 100% completion, or the extra play style available in these missions can enjoy them, and those who don't or can't, don't have to.

Edited by NotaCobra
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EDIT 10.


No, not Minigun, a mini-gun:

So most people have noticed the big changes applied to the market place, very few weapons are purchasable with credits now, Those that have blueprints require CRAZY volumes of crafting materials, placing them quite squarly beyond the realms of availability for new players.

Thus, I propose the introduction of a new series of low level weapons designed to be downgrades to the current weapons.

Exclusively viable at low levels.

These weapons could be set, or perhaps capped, at level 15, allowing players to get a feel for which weapons they like, what playstyle they enjoy, and which mods go well together.

These weapons would have a low (5-15 thousand credits) cost, and would allow players to get into and enjoy the game before while they gather the resources to buy the next tier of weaponry, or work on upgrading melee and secondary weapons first.


GuerillaBiscuits: "What if they were rental weapons, rather than viable low level weapons? You buy them and they last for 12-24 hours. That way you can make them even cheaper, while still encouraging players to start buying the other weapons"


Either way, rental or purchased, the it wouldn't hurt the game to have some tier 0 weapons, especially with the changes to the weapon shop.

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Make like a banana and complete objectives independently:

I like bananas. Bananas are good. (the Doctor)


I'd really like to throw a pile of green arrows at you, but it only lets me give you one. :-(

You've put a lot of work into that list and I had a good laugh at some parts. Keep it up. :D

Edited by 0cZc0bibliothekar
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EDIT 11.


This section will, in time, probably need it's own thread (Much like my weapon ideas did)

But for now;

Bosses in the game are a little repeditive and bland, lots of bullet sponges with crazy damage and not much strategy.

So; some ideas:


Boss 1. SD:M305 Robot.

Faction: Grineer or the rumoured 4th faction, possibly even a stalker follower.

Splits up the party into 4 separate paths, meeting only in the middle.

Each path has it's own complications (enemies, jumping/wall running puzzles, possibly even stealth elements).

While in their own sections, players can either run back to the centre as fast as possible, or locate and complete a bonus objective to weaken the boss.

Boss resembles a large robot with a variety of weapons, including strong melee/mid range punches, frequent add spawning, a seeking rocket launcher, a rotating laser beam and a gattling turret.

However, completing any of the optional objectives removes one of these powers, removing power to the laser, de-activating the add teleporters, sabotaging the rocket conveyor belt and disarming the gattling turret.

Thus making the boss fight substantially easier.



Boss 2.  Infested ship/ Hive Controller.

Faction: Infested.

Boss changes an entire infested level, large damage to the ship leads to fires and vacuums in multiple locations.

More threatening, however, is that long, bladed tentacles can rupture the walls and attack the tenno.

They cannot be killed, but concentrated fire will cause them to retreat back into the ship.

Once the group has reached the centre, they find themselves in the "Navigation room" found in some sabotage missions. However where the navigational terminal sits, instead is a large fleshy mass that seems to be incorporated into the ship itself.

Players must attack a "Weak spot" when it appears, possibly the ship's own core, which is providing energy to the creature.

Overloading this core causes the creature to explode, in doing so causing the ship to become unstable (Leading to a dangerous timed escape)

The fight has multiple facets; tentacles can appear from the walls or directly out of the creature which must be avoided or focused down as before. In addition, the boss creates small infested adds which behave similarly to crawlers, but with a slight ranged "Spit" staggering players.

Finally, after each time the weakpoint is damaged, the boss releases a pulse of energy, severely damaging players caught by it.



Boss 3. EMOA Mk1

Faction: Corpus

Level is quite small and linear with large numbers of security cameras and turrets, as well as a support cast of the usual suspects (moas, crewmen, drones).

However, these all disapear upon entering the boss room.

Boss room resembles a very large arena containing obvious construction equipment as well as mechanisms obviously designed to distribute power from generators above.

Boss is a seriously oversized moa, creating small (I'm talking... around the width of an average jump attack range) shockwaves as it walks, making even being under it dangerous.

It is equipped with 2 rapid fire lasers independantly targeting up to 2 party members, as well as slow moving electric projectiles that drain 50 energy and 300 shield of anyone in the blast radius.

The giant moa has an inpenetrable shield, rendering all player attacks useless.

Players must hack nearby consoles which deploy the power lines mentioned earlier, the boss must then be lead to the sparking powerline.

Upon connecting with it, the bosses shield and weapons short circuit, making it vulnerable to fire. However, the power surge rapidly increases it's movement speed, forcing players to quickly move away, and focus fire for a short time.

After taking enough damage, the boss reboots, coming to a coplete stop and quickly regenerating it's shield. While the boss is invulnerable at this time, it gives players a chance to reload, heal, recharge shields and reposition before the next skirmish.

After 3-4 of these attacks, the moa drops, and players are able to extract "Experimental core" (the objective of the mission) and proceed to extraction.

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EDIT 12.


The Dojo Drama:

So I thought I'd weigh in with my own thoughts on this whole dojo builing resource "Small clan #@*&$@y" mess that the forums are awash with currently.

It seems as though those of us who don't want to be in a group with hundreds of virtually anonymous strangers are getting the short end of the stick, with resource costs and values being so completely out of the realm of possibility that the possibility of having a dojo and access to all parts of the game is virtually non existant.

I realise that these players have the option to join a larger clan, but that shouldn't be a reason to shaft half the player base.

DE could nerf everything but shotguns into the dirt, then say "Hey, you have the choice to use a shotgun, if you don't want to, then you'll have to deal with it" and that wouldn't be okay, so why is this issue not being addressed?


But I'll leave the debates and the "Whys" to other threads, this is about suggestions to improve the game.


What if it were possible to lock in the size of your clan dojo in advance, each size having a different max player cap, and resource costs respective of that size.

That is;

Each clan size has it's own name;

Unit; max 5 people

Squad; max 10 people.

Team; Max 20 people.

Vanguard; Max 50 people.

Warband; Max 150 people.

Guild; Max 300 people.

Army; No maximum.


Each of these sizes has differing resource costs, with a unit having (perhaps?) 20% of the current costs of all materials (Thus 1 forma for corridors, 3 for larger rooms, a lot more reasonable for a group of 5 players).

This allows smaller groups to still enjoy and participate in the game, at the cost of greater individual cost.

That is to say, the larger guilds have a better Resource:Player ratio, but have more players to spread this cost across. (This also allows given players within larger groups to contribute more than their share, if they have the means to do so).


I want to stress that this means that larger guilds while having a larger TOTAL resource cost, still result in a smaller cost for each player within that group. Thus, it's still beneficial to join a larger guild, and is still the most effecient way of enjoying the perks of a dojo.

That said, those with the will to spend a little more have the option to join, or create, a smaller guild and put in more work and effort to achieve this.


When a guild is created, it's size would be set in advance by the creator, he/she would choose the number of players they would like to have and costs would be adjusted accordingly.

However, should they reach the cap and still desire additional players, they have the option to purchase a "Cadre increase" at a considerable platinum cost, increasing the max players.

In addition to a platinum cost, rooms would become unusuable until additional resources had been added to bring their costs in line with those of the larger player cap.

In so doing, Smaller clans again become viable and yet still have the possibility and room to grow without inconveniencing people too extrenously.

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Unfortunately, my original post has now reached maximum size.


Consequently, all new updates and edits will be placed in another thread.


Any further posts by me in this thread will be answering questions anyone has, and bumping on occasion.

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Didnt know posts had a max limit. Maybe you could put a link to the second thread in this one. And a link back to this one in the new one.


I'll have to go look at your update 8 edit though. :)

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Didnt know posts had a max limit. Maybe you could put a link to the second thread in this one. And a link back to this one in the new one.


I'll have to go look at your update 8 edit though. :)


Haven't made the next thread yet, I was waiting for some more ideas to come to mind before I did, but I reckon I might make it for placeholder value.

I'll add it to OP when I do add it though.

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 For some reason I'm glad to have read all that. While I don't agree on all and don't understand some points, the fact that someone sat down and made a well thought group of ideas and well explained is kind of rewarding. I recently started a topic trying to give some ideas just to keep the game interesting once you run out of things to do (namely unlocking all maps and maxing out some warframes and weapons). I think the game currently has the very high potential of being a really awesome game, far above what I have seen for a long time, but is currently lacking on appeal once you discover all. It needs replayability, badly. Random events are always awesome and welcome to me.

 If you don't mind, I would like to take and develop some of these ideas too, and if possible link this post at some point. (I am not sure when I will take the time to properly sit down to write down and format a post)

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 If you don't mind, I would like to take and develop some of these ideas too, and if possible link this post at some point. (I am not sure when I will take the time to properly sit down to write down and format a post)


If you'd like to flesh out some of these ideas, go for it, I can hardly copyright a possible addition to a game that's not my own, especially when there are undoubtly dozens of players with the same ideas.


That said, if you'd like to credit where you found them, it'll bring in more traffic, which is always good.

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