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[Guide] Warframe On Linux With Wine



Alright, so after much acclaim from the Subreddit, I decided to post my walkthrough on how to get this game running somewhat decently under the newest Wine (Development 1.5.29). The direct link to it is http://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1dnnoj/warframe_on_linux/.


Alright, so first thing. I did this in Arch Linux, so your mileage will very depending on what distro you use. I've read good reports for Ubuntu working pretty easily, and other distros not so much. I would like feedback on what extra steps you would have to do to get it to work if mine didn't work for you.


Step one, Install Wine (I recommend Dev, but Stable may work) and, if your Package Manager doesn't package it together, winetricks. http://www.winehq.org/ for wine, and https://code.google.com/p/winetricks/ for winetricks. Optionally, create a prefix for Warframe so you don't clutter up the default one.


Step two, run winetricks d3dx9 xact (or /path/to/winetricks.sh d3dx9 xact if the package manager didn't install it). This will install the bare minimum DirectX9 and XAudio2 DLL's needed by most games. (You can omit d3dx9 for directx9, but that's usually overkill)


Step three, Download the Warframe.msi and put it somewhere you'll remember. I have mine on my Desktop.


Step four, open a terminal where the Warframe.msi file is at and run wine msiexec /i Warframe.msi. This will start the launcher. (You can optionally run wine msiexec /i /path/to/Warframe.msi)


After this step, the Launcher Window should open up. If it doesn't, try installing 'lib32-openal', 'lib32-libxml2', 'lib32-mpg123', 'lib32-giflib', 'lib32-libpng', and 'lib32-gnutls'. These are common compatibility libs most Wine programs need, so it wouldn't be to awful to install them all. These are also the names Arch Linux gives these packages, so you may need to Google around for the correct names for your Distro.


This is a (incomplete) list of Package names per DIstro. (Thanks Morcant!)

Arch             Ubuntulib32-openal     libopenal1lib32-libxml2    libxml2lib32-mpg123     libmpg123lib32-giflib     libgif4lib32-libpng     libpng12-0lib32-gnutls     libgnutls26

On a 64-bit system with multiarch, it may be necessary to use e.g. 'sudo apt-get install libgnutls26:i386' to install the 32-bit packages.


Step five, after the launcher opens up, DISABLE 64BIT IN THE LAUNCHER SETTINGS. It currently does NOT work right, and you're going to have a bad time.


Step six, Hopefully the launcher will be complaining about not being able to find Launcher.exe in your AppData path ($WINE_PREFIX/drive_c/users/<your username>/Local Settings/Application Data/Warframe/Downloaded/Public/Tools/Launcher.exe). It is there, but you need to move it over manually. CD into the directory and run mv Launcher.exe.tmp Launcher.exe. Click Retry on the launcher, and it should greet you with the login prompt. Enter your login information, and hopefully you will see the Licensing conditions. If so, congrats! Enjoy playing Warframe on a non-Microsoft system!


There is a chance that you will get the error that dreaded me for almost two weeks, the Could not log in: Could not find Server error. I have no clue why this error is there, but it fixed itself by compiling and installing https://github.com/madewokherd/wine-mono (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/wine-mono/ for you Arch Linux users). It takes quite a bit of time to compile (I have an A10-5800K, and it took around 30 minutes to compile and install). MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A LOT OF SPACE IN /tmp, IT WILL TAKE A LOT JUST TO COMPILE IT!


If that doesn't fix it, Try compiling Wine from source. it's a long shot, but it may work (and it has worked for some people).




If your sound doesn't work (and it doesn't complain about not finding the XAudio2 Engine), try modprobing snd_seq. It may not of been loaded.


If your sound doesn't work (and it's complaining about not finding the XAudio2 Engine), run winetricks --force xact_jun2010. It may of not installed correctly the first time.


If the preprocess crashes when first starting the Launcher, run the launcher (or Warframe.msi) in the terminal. It fixes this error for me.




Hopefully this guide helps you!

Edited by HACKhalo2
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Does anyone have an idea how to get past the "Direct X Update Failed" error when doing a fresh install? The general answer seems to be run the DxSetup.exe manually, but there's not one anywhere in the wineprefix. Kind of annoying since it worked fine on the weekend.

Receive the same result regardless of method of install (installing into a clean wine prefix using PlayOnLinux, or via command line using wine, using similar commands to the ones listed in the "How To" here:  https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=30137), the Launcher starts up, tries download files, then shows the blue/white Warframe error screen with the Direct X update error, and hangs for as long as you'll leave it running.

Distro: Kubuntu 16.04 (fully updated)

wine vrs: 1.9.23 (Staging) (also tried with 1.8, and older versions of Staging)

12 GB ram

Nvidia 630 GT (using driver version 367.57)



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Alright I guess I will share how I got this working on my system in the hopes that it may help someone.

IMPORTANT: I just followed various guides from others and experimented a bit. I can not guarantee good results. I may have done some unnecessary steps or done things in a wierd way. I did not spend any additional time trying to optimize this. Also this guide is written from memory so please tell me if you notice a missing step or if you need clarification.

But it works for me so... here we go!


Please not this was done on my system which is Arch Linux with the proprietary nvidia drivers, also wine-staging 1.9.5 (more on how to get this version later).


First of all I recommend people to download the game via the standalone installer here: https://warframe.com/download (click on "here" in the text, NOT the normal big download button). This has two benefits: If you mess up and have to restart the install from scratch you don't need to redownload the whole game and it also circumvents the problem with the launcher constantly crashing. It might also work with the normal launcher, but you will have to figure out how to solve the launcher crashes on your own.

Download all the parts from that page including the .exe.


Now we need to install wine and winetricks.

sudo pacman -S wine-staging winetricks


Please note that I had problems with the version of wine-staging that was in the the Arch repository at the time. I could not get Warframe to run with it. This might be due to a regression in wine and may be solved for future versions. You can try wine-staging first to see if it works (and benefit from an up-to-date version with new features) but if it does not work then you will need an older version of wine-staging. You can get that either by downloading and compiling the source yourself or by using my (admittetly hacky) way of getting it via PlayOnLinux. (If you are following this on a different distro then maybe they have older versions in their repos?)

sudo pacman -S playonlinux


Now start PlayOnLinux, and in the menu navigate to "Tools" -> "Manage Wine versions".

Scroll through the list of wine versions and select the one you want (I use wine-staging 1.9.5 because it was the one others here claimed as working) and click the ">" arrow in the middle. This should install that version of wine. After it is done you can close PlayOnLinux. Using PlayOnLinux to manage your Warframe install might work but I prefer to do it manually, which is also easier to explain in text.



Next we install some libraries which seem to be necessary. If you want you can install them one by one and test which of them are REALLY needed, but I don't have time for that and it seems these work for me.

sudo pacman -S wine-mono lib32-openal lib32-libxml2 lib32-mpg123 lib32-giflib lib32-libpng lib32-gnutls lib32-libtxc_dxtn



Next we set up a folder as our wineprefix for warframe. You can call it whatever you like and place it wherever you like, but remember to use your names and locations for the rest of this guide.

IMPORTANT: If you are using the up-to-date version of wine-staging from the Arch repos then you just use "winecfg" and "wine" for the following commands instead of the older wine executable. But if you use the older version of wine (1.9.5 in my case) then we need to use the correct (older) executable.

If you installed the old wine version via PlayOnLinux, then the executable is in your playOnLinux folder,

in your home directory (at least on Arch): /home/<username>/.PlayOnLinux/wine/linux-x86/<wine version>/bin/wine


mkdir /home/<username>/.wineframe

WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=/home/<username>/.wineframe /home/<username>/.PlayOnLinux/wine/linux-x86/1.9.5-staging/bin/winecfg


This will initialise your wineprefix and start the winecfg program to configure it.

In the winecfg window go to the "Staging" tab and activate "Enable CSMT". Go to the "Applications" tab and ensure the Windows version is "Windows XP".

Maybe optional but I had problems without: Go to the "Graphics" tab and enable "Capture mouse in fullscreen windows", enable "Emulate virtual desktop", set the "Desktop size" to your resolution. (i.e. 1920 x 1080, or 2560 x 1440, or whatever).

Now click "Apply" and "Ok" to save and close.



Next we install some things in our wineprefix via winetricks. Again, some of these may be unnecessary and some may be missing. If you have problems getting Warframe to run then one troubleshooting step might be to install all the vcrun versions. For now these are the ones I use:

WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=/home/<username>/.wineframe winetricks -q d3dx9 xact ie8 corefonts vcrun2012 vcrun2015


The "-q" flag means the install will go through automatically without you having to click "Yes" and "Next" a hundred times.

Now when winetricks is done we need to add some library overrides. Start winecfg again:

WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=/home/<username>/.wineframe /home/<username>/.PlayOnLinux/wine/linux-x86/1.9.5-staging/bin/winecfg



Go to the "Libraries" tab and in the "New override" field type "rasapi32" (without the quotes of course) and click "Add". With "rasapi32" selected in the "Existing overrides" field click "Edit" and select "Builtin" and click "Ok". Now find and select "wininet" in the "Existing overrides" field and click "Edit" and select "Builtin" and click "Ok".

After this click "Apply" and "Ok" to save and close.



Now we are almost there, just a few more steps!

We now need a directory for Warframe to install into. You can again choose what you like, but remember to use the directory you chose throughout the guide.

I made a new one in my "Games" directory:

mkdir /home/<username>/Games/Warframe


And now we can install Warframe into this directory! Remember we downloaded the standalone installer so we need to use that one in the following command. Also we need to (again) use the correct wine executable.

For me it looked like this:

WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=/home/<username>/.wineframe /home/<username>/.PlayOnLinux/wine/linux-x86/1.9.5-staging/bin/wine /home/<username>/Downloads/Warframe.2016.


^^^^ That is in ONE LINE. Formatting here is a bit troublesome.

Also make sure the wine version is the one you are using for this and note that the name of the Warframe installer (Warframe.2016.11. whatever) is probably different for you.



This will start the installer which will ask you where to install the Game. Select the folder we made previously (for me that was /home/<username>/Games/Warframe) and let it do it's thing.

After the installer is done installing the game you can close it.



Now we need to copy the correct Launcher for the Game from our wineprefix to our game install folder:

cp /home/<username>/.wineframe/drive_c/users/<username>/Local\ Settings/Application\ Data/Warframe/Downloaded/Public/Tools/Launcher.exe /home/<username>/Games/Warframe/Downloaded/Public/Tools/


^^^ Again this is ONE LINE. And again make sure you have the right paths for all the folders!



Congratulations, you have installed Warframe on (Arch) Linux!

Now how do you start and run it?

I recommend a launch script, so let us make one. You can use your text editor of choice and open a new file which I will name "warframe.sh".

In it we write:



export WINEARCH=win32

export WINEPREFIX=/home/<username>/.wineframe

# Comment out the next line to get debug output if stuff goes wrong. Otherwise leave it as is.

export WINEDEBUG=-all


# The next two lines are NVidia specific I believe, so comment out if AMD user




# next we define which wine executable to use.



# And now the start command

$WINE /home/<username>/Games/Warframe/Downloaded/Public/Tools/Launcher.exe


# End of launcher script



You can enhance or change this script if you like, but for now just save it.

Next we make the script executable:

chmod u+x warframe.sh



And we are ready to Launch!

Next up we only need to tweak some settings in Warframe to ensure smooth play.

So run your launcher script from a terminal or your favourite launcher:



This should start the Launcher. Now before you do anything else, click on the little gear in the top right of the launcher to open the Launcher settings.

Make sure DirectX 10, DirectX 11 and 64-bit mode are all UNCHECKED (they might also simply be greyed out). These options can cause crashing, but feel free to experiment and report back here.

Personally I also have "Multithreaded processing" UNCHECKED, but I have heard mixed things so feel free to experiment.

Save those settings and launch the game.

In the game open the settings and do the following in the Graphics settings:

disable "Adaptive Exposure" (doesn't work correctly and thus causes way too dark scenes), disable "Trilinear filtering" (causes stuttering), disable "Depth of Field" (the blur of distant objects seems buggy, maybe it is the same on Windows and just badly tuned but idk), disable "Motion Blur" (also buggy).

Experimenting with these settings may cause stutter or crashes.

Experimenting with the other settings seems safe. Tune them to your liking. For increased performance try turning down Antialiasing and Anisotropic filtering first. Geometry quality and texture quality are also prime suspects when it comes to stutter that happens whenever the game has to suddenly load in a lot of new scenery (stepping into a big open area and such).


I have decent performance with this on an FX-8350 CPU and GTX 780 graphics card with 2560x1440 resolution but personal preference as to what is "decent" varies.

I have made the experience that the game may still crash sometimes but only very, very rarely; mostly during loading screens (? only two crashes so far in a dozen hours of gameplay).

Other problems:

The launcher may take a while before it lets you click the play button. It is stuck "Checking for updated content". No idea why yet. Waiting for a moment up to a few minutes may be necessary before you can start the game. Restarting the launcher doesn't seem to circumvent this.

The launcher may go nuts when there is an update for Warframe. Crashing and restarting and so on. No idea why yet. I usually wait for a minute and if it doesn't seem to fix itself and doesn't go anywhere I:

1. close the launcher

2. look for a "Launcher.exe.cpy" file which should be in "/home/<username>/.wineframe/drive_c/users/<username>/Local\ Settings/Application\ Data/Warframe/Downloaded/Public/Tools/" I believe

3. If you find the "Launcher.exe.cpy" there you need to replace the normal "Launcher.exe" in you game install folder (the one you use in your launch script to start the game) with this one:

cp Launcher.exe.cpy /home/<username>/Games/Warframe/Downloaded/Public/Tools/Launcher.exe

And you might also need to make that one executable again if it isn't:

chmod u+x /home/<username>/Games/Warframe/Downloaded/Public/Tools/Launcher.exe


This SHOULD solve this but I had a situation once where I needed to do this twice to solve it. Not sure what is going on exactly so feel free to experiment and report back what works.



That is my guide. Again please note all the caveats and notes. This is by no means a clean and well tested method. No guarantees.

But it worked for me so I want to potentially help others out there who struggle with this.

Also a huge thanks to all the nice people who have posted their findings before me and whose guides I used and incorporated to make this work for me!

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Hey guys !

I'm still unable to start Warframe on Linux for now...

The launcher works properly (except that when there's a long process, like optimisation, download or verification, the launcher close, but keep running in background), and I unchecked all options, but when I start the game, it crashes just before the log-in screen. I got this error message :

16.463 Sys [Info]: ConnectedState::Enter setting connection timeout to 7.5
16.463 Sys [Info]: NetDriver::SetConnectionTimeout setting connection 0 timeout to 7.5 * 1
16.463 Sys [Info]: [Heap: 373,067,328/374,472,704 Footprint: 0 Handles: 0]
16.463 Sys [Info]: ===[ Game successfully connected to: /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DSA.lp ]===

Error [Info]: GPF

Application error messages:

16.463 Sys [Info]: ConnectedState::Enter setting connection timeout to 7.5
16.463 Sys [Info]: NetDriver::SetConnectionTimeout setting connection 0 timeout to 7.5 * 1
16.463 Sys [Info]: [Heap: 373,067,328/374,472,704 Footprint: 0 Handles: 0]
16.463 Sys [Info]: ===[ Game successfully connected to: /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DSA.lp ]===

Error [Info]: GPF

Application error messages:

16.464 Script [Info]: Starting Vignette close animation...
16.464 Script [Info]: MainMenu::SetCurrentState(0)
16.464 Script [Info]: SetCurrentState checking states: nil currentState: 0
16.464 Script [Info]: SetQuitVisible(true)
Error [Debug]: Loaded unexpected version of dbghelp.dll from C
16.465 Script [Info]: Background::ForceClearChildMovie()

Then, RemoteCrashSender crash...

I'm using wine 2.0-rc2-staging (last version nowadays), but I used 1.9.21 with the same problems, and I did all the librairies/apps modifications recommended in guides.

Note that I didn't install dx9 (as some guides recommend), but I installed vcrun2015 and other needed librairies + the CSMT...

Has anyone an idea ?

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@DoctorTee6 Do you have "Emulate virtual desktop" activated in the "Graphics" tab of winecfg? If not then please enable this and test again.

If that does not solve your problem then you may want to try an even older wine version. I had the same crashing problems. Many older posts here used wine-staging 1.9.5 and said it worked so I tried that version and it works for me with that.

Which wine versions did you test? What distro are you on? If you are on Arch then maybe take a look at my process to compare.

Link: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/41660-guide-warframe-on-linux-with-wine/?do=findComment&comment=8188184

Hopefully this helps you!

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@slin3 : Thanks for your answer

I tried to :
- unable the virtual desktop => Keep crashing
- upgrade to 2.0-rc3-staging (last version available today) => wine won't start
- downgrade to 1.9.5 => The game ask to report an issue at support, it's the message about vcrun2015. I saw in the logs that it's a vcrun2015 crash, so, I can't use this version.
- enable fullscreen render => The game start, but keep crashing at the login screen.

My OS is a debian testing with last updates (from today)


$uname -a
Linux [HOSTNAME] 4.8.0-2-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.8.11-1 (2016-12-02) x86_64 GNU/Linux

The script I use to start Warframe (I followed most parts of your guide) :

Note : I tried with x86 and amd64 versions => Same bugs.


export WINEARCH=win32
export WINEPREFIX=/home/[USERNAME]/Warframe
export WINEDEBUG=-all

export LD_PRELOAD="libpthread.so.0 libGL.so.1"


$WINE "Launcher.exe"

Edited by DoctorTee6
linux version / Launcher script
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@DoctorTee6 Hmm, how wierd. Apparently the issue is somewhere else.

Personally I only got Warframe to run on 1.9.5-staging, but I haven't tested on the newest 2.0 wine yet. But I have seen people who used newer versions of wine and got it to run. There are also all kinds of different guides who recommend various combinations of packages to install via winetricks.

I suspect the issue might be with the different versions of libraries people have installed, but I'm not qualified enough to test this properly.

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On 1/2/2017 at 1:56 PM, DoctorTee6 said:

So, have anyone a clean install guide to post ? (and up-to-date if possible)

I used the Steam version of Warframe, and using a clean install of Wine 2.0-rc4 or rc5 staging, just adding vcrun2015 seems to work. That was using 64 bit Wine as well.

I updated the WineHQ page for the Steam version of Warframe at https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=29230 if you wish to check it out. Might not work if you don't use the Steam version.

Edited by Alento096
Adding things I forgot to add
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On 18/01/2017 at 9:02 PM, Alento096 said:

I used the Steam version of Warframe, and using a clean install of Wine 2.0-rc4 or rc5 staging, just adding vcrun2015 seems to work. That was using 64 bit Wine as well.

I updated the WineHQ page for the Steam version of Warframe at https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=29230 if you wish to check it out. Might not work if you don't use the Steam version.


Your instructions are quite... short. So I exactly did what you wrote, and the launcher won't even start. When I press "play" button from steam, the launcher won't start...

I installed d3dx9, vcrun2015 and enabled the CMST => nothing.

I tried to manually start Warframe (with the large command skipping the update phase from the launcher) => nothing...

Any idea ?

Edited by DoctorTee6
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On 1/21/2017 at 11:24 AM, DoctorTee6 said:


Your instructions are quite... short. So I exactly did what you wrote, and the launcher won't even start. When I press "play" button from steam, the launcher won't start...

I installed d3dx9, vcrun2015 and enabled the CMST => nothing.

I tried to manually start Warframe (with the large command skipping the update phase from the launcher) => nothing...

Any idea ?

My version of Wine is 2.0 rc-6 (Staging). I also have WINEARCH=win64, so all this is running under a 64 bit Wine prefix. Started out with no extra libraries installed via winetricks. I also accepted and installed all the prompts that pop up when you set up a fresh wine prefix.

Using a clean wine prefix (no PlayOnLinux or any wrappers), I downloaded and installed Steam, then downloaded Warframe using Steam.

When first launching the Warframe launcher, as well as whenever it has to replace itself, it will go through a predictable loop. The launcher will start, download the new copy, close itself, then launch the old copy. To fix that, inside the Warframe/Tools/ folder there will be Launcher.exe and Launcher.exe.cpy or something similar. Replacing Launcher.exe with Launcher.exe.cpy by doing "mv Launcher.exe.cpy Launcher.exe" should fix the Launcher. The placement of the launcher, assuming you have Steam installed to the default place, should be somewhere around ".wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\ (x86\ )/Steam/steamapps/common/Warframe/Tools/"

After replacing the old with the new, the launcher should begin updating the local Warframe files to the latest version. Only start up Warframe using Steam. Attempting to manually start it up via the launcher in the files will attempt to initiate an install, which would probably break things, I haven't tested that.

Using Warframe launcher shouldn't require any libraries from winetricks. To get the actual game to fully launch without crashing, you have to install vcrun2015 using winetricks, so something like "winetricks vcrun2015" should work. d3dx9 is not needed anymore it seems. That will get the game running, and allow you to log in. To change the resolution, you have to enter winecfg and enable CMST in the Staging tab. Enabling VAAPI doesn't seem to cause any adverse effects either.

If you have issues, and are willing to give test data, submit it to the Warframe Steam WineHQ page at https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=29230. I'm the maintainer there, and will probably be more of a help there.

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Thanks for your tips, but as my next problem is Warframe-linked (and should be easy to patch), I think it's not needed to create a ticket on wineHQ :/

I had to install a lot of additionnal librairies (like vcrun06/dinput), and then, the launcher started. The first try led to a crash during the update process (the launcher closed, without anything else). when I restarted it, it completed the update. And now, every time I start the game, I have this error message...


0.008 Sys [Info]: Steam Service Initializing
0.008 Sys [Info]: Attempting to load steam DLL from C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\steam_api64.dll
0.008 Sys [Info]: Steam DLL loaded
0.120 Sys [Diag]: Process Command-line: -fullscreen:0 -dx10:0 -dx11:0 -threadedworker:1 -cluster:public -language:fr
0.120 Sys [Diag]: Build Label: 2017. Retail Windows x64 [Stripped]
0.120 Sys [Diag]: Build Unique ID: 2180257761
0.120 Sys [Diag]: Windows user-name: [USERNAME]
0.120 Sys [Diag]: Windows computer-name: [HOSTNAME]
0.120 Sys [Diag]: On developer network: no
0.121 Sys [Diag]: Current time: Tue Jan 24 19:17:28 2017 [UTC: Tue Jan 24 18:17:28 2017]
0.121 Sys [Diag]: Current directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools
0.133 Sys [Diag]: Processor: Intel Octo Core i7-4810MQ 2800MHz MMX/SSE/SSE2/SSE3/SSSE3/SSE41/SSE42/AVX/AVX2/POPCNT/F16C F/M/S/EF/EM: 6/C/3/0/3
0.133 Sys [Diag]: Physical Memory: 3GB / 8GB free
0.133 Sys [Diag]: Address Space: 128TB / 128TB free
0.133 Sys [Diag]: No page file found!
0.133 Sys [Diag]: Page size: 4KB (Granularity: 64KB)
0.133 Sys [Diag]: Operating System: Windows XP Service Pack 2 [64-bit]
0.136 Sys [Diag]: System Processes: 8
0.136 Sys [Diag]: System Threads: 67
0.136 Sys [Diag]: System Handles: 1,696
0.138 Sys [Diag]: System GDI Objects: 0
0.138 Sys [Diag]: System USER Objects: 0
0.138 Sys [Diag]: System Up-Time: 0d 0h 11m 3s
0.138 Sys [Diag]: Free Disk Space on C: 100,624,162,816 bytes
0.138 Sys [Diag]: Found Monitor: (0, 0) - (1920, 1080) : 1920x1080
0.138 Sys [Diag]: Found Monitor: (-1920, 0) - (0, 1080) : 1920x1080
0.138 Sys [Diag]: Clock frequency: 10,000,000Hz
0.144 Gfx [Info]: Private shader options need 35 bits
0.148 Sys [Info]: Loading packages took 0ms
0.149 Sys [Info]: Redirecting package load to: C:\users\[USERNAME]\Local Settings\Application Data\Warframe\Editor.cfg
0.149 Sys [Info]: Windows caching enabled
0.149 Sys [Info]: Dx9 caching enabled
0.149 Sys [Info]: Dx11 caching enabled
0.149 Sys [Info]: PS4 caching disabled
0.149 Sys [Info]: XBONE caching disabled
0.149 Sys [Info]: Scanning C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Warframe\Cache.Windows\ for cache blocks...
0.149 Sys [Info]: Found 102 cache blocks...
0.151 Sys [Info]: Cache languages enabled: _fr
0.151 Sys [Info]: Loading Oodle DLL: oo2core_4_win64.dll
0.152 Sys [Warning]: INTERNET_OPTION_IGNORE_OFFLINE failed
0.152 Sys [Info]: Cache Host: content.warframe.com
0.152 Sys [Info]: Origin Host: origin.warframe.com
0.154 Sys [Info]: Downloading cache manifest index...
0.382 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc (took 67.6ms, loaded 71598 entries, found 747 deleted)
0.382 Sys [Info]: Used shared /H.Cache.bin (106B Copy: 0s Write: 0.068s Latency: 0.228s)
0.393 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Font (took 2.90ms, loaded 1585 entries, found 368 deleted)
0.393 Sys [Info]: Cache manifest hash CYobkh7gouUZ9sG6OmkRfA
0.397 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Font (took 1.73ms, loaded 1561 entries, found 86 deleted)
0.420 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc (took 22.6ms, loaded 46158 entries, found 279 deleted)
0.627 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.AnimRetarget (took 2.16ms, loaded 2613 entries, found 130 deleted)
0.629 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.AnimRetarget (took 2.47ms, loaded 2930 entries, found 675 deleted)
0.632 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.CharacterCodesCache (took 0.006ms, loaded 1 entries, found 4 deleted)
0.994 Sys [Info]: Loading package cache took 0.36s (Parse: 0.26s)
1.008 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.VideoTextureSlow (took 0.013ms, loaded 1 entries, found 0 deleted)
1.008 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.CharacterCodesCache (took 0.005ms, loaded 1 entries, found 2 deleted)
1.127 Sys [Info]: Load deps cache took 120ms
1.133 Sys [Info]: Redirecting package load to: C:\users\[USERNAME]\Local Settings\Application Data\Warframe\EE.cfg
1.133 Sys [Diag]: Engine config profile: /Configs/EE.cfg/Windows_Config
1.133 Sys [Info]: JobMgr: 6 threads
1.134 Script [Info]: Installed CheckGlobal...
1.156 Sys [Info]: Driver registered: ScriptDriver Supported types: [Script]
1.161 Sys [Info]: Using language: _fr
1.166 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_fr (took 5.70ms, loaded 6190 entries, found 178 deleted, spot-loaded)
1.169 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.VideoTextureSlow (took 0.010ms, loaded 1 entries, found 0 deleted)
1.171 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc (took 2.51ms, loaded 2746 entries, found 19 deleted)
1.209 Sys [Info]: Loading language cache took 0.0483126s
1.209 Sys [Diag]: Command line:-client
1.209 Sys [Diag]: SRand seeded with: 12134140156626976545
1.210 Phys [Info]: Custom physx allocator in use
1.218 Gfx [Info]: PhysX Core Version:
1.218 Phys [Info]: PhysX scene manager initialized.
1.218 Sys [Info]: Driver registered: MaterialLibrary Supported types: [PhysicsMaterial]
1.219 Sys [Info]: Found 1,243 items to load (0.6ms) [Heap: 130,153,568/130,285,568 Footprint: 0 Handles: 0]
1.223 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_de (took 4.13ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 27 deleted)
1.227 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_de (took 3.98ms, loaded 6188 entries, found 176 deleted)
1.229 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.CharacterCodesCache (took 0.245ms, loaded 187 entries, found 24 deleted, spot-loaded)
1.250 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_en (took 4.52ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 29 deleted)
1.255 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_en (took 4.49ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 164 deleted)
1.276 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_es (took 4.61ms, loaded 6188 entries, found 170 deleted)
1.277 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.CharacterCodesCache (took 0.128ms, loaded 70 entries, found 8 deleted, spot-loaded)
1.278 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Shader batch [0.050s and 2 frames at 25 ms/frame avg, 9 ms/update peak]
1.280 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.ShaderPermutation (took 1.53ms, loaded 3290 entries, found 29 deleted, spot-loaded)
1.301 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_fr (took 4.65ms, loaded 6189 entries, found 27 deleted)
1.306 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_es (took 3.94ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 26 deleted)
1.327 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_it (took 4.68ms, loaded 6188 entries, found 172 deleted)
1.330 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.ShaderPermutation (took 1.80ms, loaded 3290 entries, found 17 deleted, spot-loaded)
1.352 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_it (took 4.79ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 30 deleted)
1.373 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_ja (took 4.71ms, loaded 6188 entries, found 173 deleted)
1.374 Sys [Info]: Finished load of ShaderPermutation batch [0.095s and 4 frames at 23 ms/frame avg, 8 ms/update peak]
1.395 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_ko (took 4.88ms, loaded 6188 entries, found 172 deleted)
1.400 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_ja (took 4.54ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 38 deleted)
1.422 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_ko (took 4.81ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 42 deleted)
1.444 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_pl (took 4.40ms, loaded 6188 entries, found 173 deleted)
1.465 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_pl (took 4.41ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 30 deleted)
1.486 Sys [Error]: /Lotus/StoreItems/Types/Items/FusionTreasures/OroFusexOrnamentA wanted a DojoPlaceableDecoration
1.486 Sys [Error]: It couldn't use /Lotus/Objects/Gameplay/OroFusexPickupDeco because it's a Decoration
1.486 Sys [Error]: /Lotus/StoreItems/Types/Items/FusionTreasures/OroFusexOrnamentB wanted a DojoPlaceableDecoration
1.486 Sys [Error]: It couldn't use /Lotus/Objects/Gameplay/OroFusexPickupBDeco because it's a Decoration
1.488 Sys [Info]: Flushing async load of /Lotus/Scripts/Effects/EnergyColorEffects.lua
1.492 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_pt (took 4.19ms, loaded 6188 entries, found 175 deleted)
1.493 Sys [Info]: Flush completed.
1.496 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Script batch [0.122s and 4 frames at 30 ms/frame avg, 9 ms/update peak]
1.518 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_ru (took 4.58ms, loaded 6188 entries, found 178 deleted)
1.522 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_pt (took 4.13ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 33 deleted)
1.543 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_ru (took 4.31ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 33 deleted)
1.565 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_tc (took 4.50ms, loaded 6188 entries, found 186 deleted)
1.586 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_tc (took 4.58ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 36 deleted)
1.587 Sys [Info]: Finished load of TextSanitizer batch [0.090s and 4 frames at 22 ms/frame avg, 35 ms/update peak]
1.610 Sys [Error]: Could not find game rules: /EE/Types/GameRules/MultiplayerGameRules
1.610 Sys [Error]: Required by game config /EE/Types/GameRules/GameConfig
1.610 Sys [Error]: Failed to create run-time type: MultiplayerGameRules (parent GameRules is abstract)
1.610 Sys [Error]: Could not create /EE/Types/GameRules/MultiplayerGameRules as a GameRules
1.610 Sys [Error]: Could not use game rules: /EE/Types/GameRules/MultiplayerGameRules (broken)
1.610 Sys [Error]: Required by game config /EE/Types/GameRules/GameConfig
1.610 Sys [Error]: Could not use MultiplayerGameRules: /EE/Types/GameRules/MultiplayerGameRules (broken)
1.610 Sys [Error]: Required by game config /EE/Types/GameRules/GameConfig
1.633 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_tr (took 4.45ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 33 deleted)
1.637 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_tr (took 4.06ms, loaded 6188 entries, found 184 deleted)
1.658 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_uk (took 4.60ms, loaded 6188 entries, found 182 deleted)
1.682 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_uk (took 4.72ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 33 deleted)
1.704 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_zh (took 4.85ms, loaded 6188 entries, found 184 deleted)
1.704 Sys [Info]: Finished load of ProjectorMaterial ParticleMaterial Bank Sample MixingGroup PhysicsMaterial Material Mesh AnimScene PowerSuitStatsModifier ProceduralMaterial UnihanConverter batch [0.117s and 4 frames at 29 ms/frame avg, 29 ms/update peak]
1.752 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture (took 46.8ms, loaded 35665 entries, found 6785 deleted, spot-loaded)
1.774 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_de (took 4.30ms, loaded 6159 entries, found 29 deleted)
1.778 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_zh (took 4ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 39 deleted)
1.800 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_en (took 4.72ms, loaded 6159 entries, found 29 deleted)
1.820 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture (took 19.2ms, loaded 35665 entries, found 545 deleted, spot-loaded)
1.834 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/F.Texture (took 14ms, loaded 26440 entries, found 656 deleted, spot-loaded)
1.836 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Texture DiffuseMap NormalMap VolumeTexture CubeMap EmissiveMap batch [0.131s and 2 frames at 65 ms/frame avg, 53 ms/update peak]
1.858 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_fr (took 4.52ms, loaded 6161 entries, found 66 deleted)
1.862 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_es (took 3.89ms, loaded 6159 entries, found 29 deleted)
1.883 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_it (took 4.50ms, loaded 6159 entries, found 29 deleted)
1.905 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_ja (took 4.53ms, loaded 6159 entries, found 29 deleted)
1.926 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_ko (took 4.36ms, loaded 6159 entries, found 29 deleted)
1.928 Sys [Info]: /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/TennoRangeOfMotion_physics.fbx built 30 objects in 1.33 ms
1.928 Sys [Info]: Finished load of AutoRagdollScene batch [0.091s and 4 frames at 22 ms/frame avg, 41 ms/update peak]
1.928 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed in one pass and 0.70s (inherited 0 of 1243)
1.944 Net [Info]: UPnP enabled.
1.944 Net [Info]: NAT-PMP enabled.
1.945 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Net/UDPDriver
1.945 Sys [Info]: Initializing UPnP
1.945 Sys [Info]: IUPnPNAT not found
1.945 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Input/LoadingInputFilter
1.945 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Input/SkippableVideoInputFilter
1.945 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Editor/ToolMenus/Menus/EmptyMenu
1.945 Net [Info]: Checking 1 gateways for NAT-PMP support
1.954 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Drivers/GraphicsWorker
1.954 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Drivers/Dx9Driver
1.955 Gfx [Error]: Could not open SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Direct3D to set debug runtime
1.958 Gfx [Error]: The D3D runtime you are using is obsolete (
1.958 Gfx [Error]: Please check http://www.microsoft.com/windows/directx/ for the latest runtime.
2.062 Gfx [Info]: Using Direct3D 9 Ex
2.068 Sys [Info]: Applying suggested settings for "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470", preset value = 5.
2.070 Sys [Info]: Applied custom display settings:
 Dynamic Decals=1
 Texture Quality=TQ_HIGH
 Shadow Quality=SQ_HIGH
 Geometry Detail=GD_HIGH
 Enable HDR=1
 Enable Bloom=1
 Enable DOF=1
 Enable MotionBlur=1
 Enable Color Correction=1
 Hybrid Shadows=1
 Dynamic Lighting=1
 Local Reflections=1
 Volumetric Lighting=1
2.071 Sys [Error]: Installed NVIDIA driver version is 33788; minimum required driver version for APEX is 355.60
2.072 Sys [Error]: Gdf::GetWindowRefreshRate failed; assuming 60Hz refresh-rate.
2.072 Gfx [Info]: Creating root back-buffer: 16x16
2.072 Gfx [Info]: Creating device with D3DCREATE_MULTITHREADED
2.132 Gfx [Info]: Using windowed mode 1280x720 @60Hz
2.132 Gfx [Info]: Using a minimum sync-interval of 30Hz
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Using NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470 [nv4_disp.dll]
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Driver version
2.132 Sys [Info]: NVIDIA driver version is: 33788 (Driver string: r337_00)
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Hardware Ids 4318.1741.0.0
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Device supports vertex shader version 3.0 (65536 instructions max)
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Device supports pixel shader version 3.0 (65536 instructions max)
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Device supports mipmapped cubemaps
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Device supports MRTPOSTPIXELSHADERBLENDING
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Simultaneous MRT: 4
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Device supports D3DPMISCCAPS_SEPARATEALPHABLEND
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Device supports D3DPRASTERCAPS_DEPTHBIAS
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Device supports D3DPRASTERCAPS_SLOPESCALEDEPTHBIAS
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Device supports D3DSTENCILCAPS_TWOSIDED
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Device supports D3DPBLENDCAPS_BLENDFACTOR
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Shadow map format: D3DFMT_D24S8
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Depth buffer format: FOURCC_INTZ
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Depth-stencil buffer format: FOURCC_INTZ
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: G-buffer format: D3DFMT_A2R10G10B10
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Single float format supported D3DFMT_R16F
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Supports Single float format as Vertex textures
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Support L8 format
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Render target blending with D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F [supported]
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Frame format: D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F
2.133 Gfx [Diag]: Render target blending with D3DFMT_A32B32G32R32F [supported]
2.133 Gfx [Diag]: Render target blending with D3DFMT_A2B10G10R10 [supported]
2.133 Gfx [Diag]: Render target blending with D3DFMT_A2R10G10B10 [supported]
2.133 Gfx [Diag]: Render target blending with D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16 [supported]
2.133 Gfx [Diag]: Texture format FOURCC_ATI2N [supported]
2.133 Gfx [Diag]: Volume texture filtering with D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8 [supported]
2.133 Gfx [Diag]: Volume texture filtering with D3DFMT_DXT1 [NOT supported]
2.133 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Blending to sRGB targets is done in linear space
2.133 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Device has 8 texture stages
2.133 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Device supports textures as large as 16384x16384
2.133 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Device supports texture aspect ratios of 16384:1
2.133 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Available video memory: 2048 MB
2.136 Sys [Info]: Driver registered: Dx9Driver Supported types: [Texture, VideoTexture, Material, Mesh, Shader, ShaderPermutation]
2.136 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/CombinerFXFill.hlsl during batch loading!
2.145 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_pl (took 6.75ms, loaded 6159 entries, found 29 deleted)
2.152 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_pt (took 5.83ms, loaded 6159 entries, found 29 deleted)
2.153 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Distortion.hlsl during batch loading!
2.161 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_ru (took 6.03ms, loaded 6159 entries, found 29 deleted)
2.168 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_tc (took 5.91ms, loaded 6159 entries, found 29 deleted)
2.168 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Editor/Darkitect/Materials/Shaders/UnlitAmbient.hlsl during batch loading!
2.176 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_tr (took 5.28ms, loaded 6159 entries, found 29 deleted)
2.177 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Particles/LensFlare.hlsl during batch loading!
2.184 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_zh (took 4.34ms, loaded 6158 entries, found 29 deleted)
2.184 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx10/H.CharacterCodesCache (took 0.166ms, loaded 187 entries, found 23 deleted)
2.188 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_uk (took 4.16ms, loaded 6159 entries, found 29 deleted)
2.189 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Shaders/SpotGlow.hlsl during batch loading!
2.191 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx10/B.CharacterCodesCache (took 0.060ms, loaded 70 entries, found 6 deleted)
2.191 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx10/H.Shader (took 0.139ms, loaded 189 entries, found 0 deleted)
2.191 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Projectors/ProjectedBadge.hlsl during batch loading!
2.194 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx10/B.Shader (took 0.042ms, loaded 70 entries, found 0 deleted)
2.195 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx10/H.ShaderPermutation (took 1.41ms, loaded 3295 entries, found 24 deleted)
2.196 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Particles/ParticleShading.hlsl during batch loading!
2.200 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx10/B.ShaderPermutation (took 1.47ms, loaded 3295 entries, found 12 deleted)
2.200 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx11/H.CharacterCodesCache (took 0.185ms, loaded 187 entries, found 22 deleted)
2.201 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Particles/SmokeSpriteShading.hlsl during batch loading!
2.203 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx11/B.CharacterCodesCache (took 0.092ms, loaded 70 entries, found 6 deleted)
2.204 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx11/H.Shader (took 0.242ms, loaded 189 entries, found 0 deleted)
2.206 Sys [Info]: Found 586 items to load (0.9ms) [Heap: 158,137,968/158,662,656 Footprint: 0 Handles: 0]
2.206 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx11/B.Shader (took 0.062ms, loaded 70 entries, found 0 deleted)
2.225 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx11/B.ShaderPermutation (took 1.67ms, loaded 3272 entries, found 11 deleted)
2.227 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx11/H.ShaderPermutation (took 1.41ms, loaded 3272 entries, found 27 deleted)
2.244 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Shader (took 0.199ms, loaded 189 entries, found 0 deleted)
2.244 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Shader batch [0.037s and 2 frames at 18 ms/frame avg, 3 ms/update peak]
2.261 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_de (took 0.071ms, loaded 24 entries, found 20 deleted)
2.261 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Shader (took 0.060ms, loaded 70 entries, found 0 deleted)
2.277 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture_de (took 0.074ms, loaded 24 entries, found 0 deleted)
2.295 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_en (took 0.077ms, loaded 24 entries, found 5 deleted)
2.312 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture_en (took 0.068ms, loaded 24 entries, found 3 deleted)
2.312 Sys [Info]: Finished load of ShaderPermutation batch [0.067s and 4 frames at 16 ms/frame avg, 0.7 ms/update peak]
2.329 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture_es (took 0.080ms, loaded 24 entries, found 0 deleted)
2.329 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_es (took 0.052ms, loaded 24 entries, found 20 deleted)
2.346 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_fr (took 0.067ms, loaded 24 entries, found 20 deleted)
2.365 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture_fr (took 0.058ms, loaded 24 entries, found 3 deleted)
2.382 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_it (took 0.069ms, loaded 24 entries, found 20 deleted)
2.382 Sys [Info]: Finished load of ParticleMaterial Mesh ProjectorMaterial ProceduralMaterial Material batch [0.069s and 4 frames at 17 ms/frame avg, 2 ms/update peak]
2.400 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_ja (took 0.107ms, loaded 24 entries, found 20 deleted)
2.400 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture_it (took 0.045ms, loaded 24 entries, found 3 deleted)
2.417 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture_ja (took 0.067ms, loaded 24 entries, found 17 deleted)
2.450 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_ko (took 0.077ms, loaded 24 entries, found 20 deleted)
2.584 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_tc (took 0.072ms, loaded 24 entries, found 20 deleted)
2.584 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture_ru (took 0.041ms, loaded 24 entries, found 5 deleted)
2.584 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_ru (took 0.032ms, loaded 24 entries, found 20 deleted)
2.584 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture_pt (took 0.028ms, loaded 24 entries, found 3 deleted)
2.584 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_pt (took 0.024ms, loaded 24 entries, found 20 deleted)
2.584 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture_pl (took 0.021ms, loaded 24 entries, found 3 deleted)
2.584 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_pl (took 0.023ms, loaded 24 entries, found 20 deleted)
2.584 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture_ko (took 0.023ms, loaded 24 entries, found 18 deleted)
2.584 Sys [Info]: Finished load of VolumeTexture DiffuseMap Texture NormalMap CubeMap EmissiveMap batch [0.202s and 11 frames at 18 ms/frame avg, 16 ms/update peak]
2.585 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed in one pass and 0.37s (inherited 11 of 586)
2.602 Gfx [Info]: Creating Graphics Worker Thread
2.602 Sys [Warning]: APEX is not supported by the system configuration:Driver version is out of date.
2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Sounds/ReverbSettings/Default/DefaultMedium
2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/ReverbSettings/Generic/None
2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/ReverbSettings/Effects/Slomo
2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Sounds/ReverbSettings/Distance/DefaultDistance
2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/OcclusionSettings/Default
2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/OcclusionSettings/HeadOcclusion
2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/OcclusionSettings/DefaultObstruction
2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/Mixer/ReverbUpmix
2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/Mixer/SpeakerSetup_Mono
2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/Mixer/SpeakerSetup_Stereo
2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/Mixer/SpeakerSetup_5_1
2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/Mixer/SpeakerSetup_7_1
2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Sounds/ReverbSettings/Default/DefaultSmall
2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Sounds/ReverbSettings/Default/DefaultLarge
2.603 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Drivers/XAudio2Driver
2.605 Snd [Info]: Shutdown
2.606 Input [Error]: DirectInput8Create failed!
2.606 Sys [Error]: DisableTextureStreaming 1
2.606 Gfx [Info]: Destroying Graphics Worker Thread
2.692 Sys [Info]: ===[ Exiting main loop ]====================================================================================
2.693 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture_tc (took 0.066ms, loaded 24 entries, found 15 deleted)
2.693 Sys [Info]: Cache flushed
2.693 Net [Info]: MatchingService::DeleteSession
2.693 Net [Info]: Deleted session
2.693 Net [Info]: Joining Port-Forwarding Worker
2.697 Net [Info]: NAT-PMP request opcode 0 timed request.
2.697 Sys [Info]: No NAT-PMP gateway found
2.698 Sys [Info]: Client killed
2.698 Sys [Info]: Main Shutdown Initiated.
2.698 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_tr (took 0.064ms, loaded 24 entries, found 20 deleted)
2.700 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture_tr (took 0.052ms, loaded 24 entries, found 7 deleted)
2.701 Sys [Info]: Used 1 shared assets (0 async, 1 sync)
2.701 Sys [Info]: Total Hash: 0s Copy: 0s Write: 0.068s)
2.702 Phys [Info]: PhysX scene manager shutdown.
2.711 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_uk (took 0.065ms, loaded 24 entries, found 20 deleted)
Sys [Info]: All smart pointers were destroyed!
2.719 Sys [Info]: Main Shutdown Complete.
Sys [Info]: All AnimController memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All Cache memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All Deps memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All DriverData memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All EditorBase memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All External memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All GameSwf memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All Instances memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All JobMgr memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All LZMA memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All Lua memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All PhysX memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All PhysicsData memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All RegionMgr memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All Sound memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All Temp memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All ResourceMgr memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All PropertyText memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All TypeMgr memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All GraphicsSys memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All ReplicationMgr memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All Resource memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All Animation memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All Localizer memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All PropertyData memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All Internal memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All SmartPtr memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All Symbol memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All String memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All memory was freed!

Any idea ?

Edited by DoctorTee6
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On 1/24/2017 at 0:23 PM, DoctorTee6 said:


Thanks for your tips, but as my next problem is Warframe-linked (and should be easy to patch), I think it's not needed to create a ticket on wineHQ :/

I had to install a lot of additionnal librairies (like vcrun06/dinput), and then, the launcher started. The first try led to a crash during the update process (the launcher closed, without anything else). when I restarted it, it completed the update. And now, every time I start the game, I have this error message...

  Reveal hidden contents

0.008 Sys [Info]: Steam Service Initializing
0.008 Sys [Info]: Attempting to load steam DLL from C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\steam_api64.dll
0.008 Sys [Info]: Steam DLL loaded
0.120 Sys [Diag]: Process Command-line: -fullscreen:0 -dx10:0 -dx11:0 -threadedworker:1 -cluster:public -language:fr
0.120 Sys [Diag]: Build Label: 2017. Retail Windows x64 [Stripped]
0.120 Sys [Diag]: Build Unique ID: 2180257761
0.120 Sys [Diag]: Windows user-name: [USERNAME]
0.120 Sys [Diag]: Windows computer-name: [HOSTNAME]
0.120 Sys [Diag]: On developer network: no
0.121 Sys [Diag]: Current time: Tue Jan 24 19:17:28 2017 [UTC: Tue Jan 24 18:17:28 2017]
0.121 Sys [Diag]: Current directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools
0.133 Sys [Diag]: Processor: Intel Octo Core i7-4810MQ 2800MHz MMX/SSE/SSE2/SSE3/SSSE3/SSE41/SSE42/AVX/AVX2/POPCNT/F16C F/M/S/EF/EM: 6/C/3/0/3
0.133 Sys [Diag]: Physical Memory: 3GB / 8GB free
0.133 Sys [Diag]: Address Space: 128TB / 128TB free
0.133 Sys [Diag]: No page file found!
0.133 Sys [Diag]: Page size: 4KB (Granularity: 64KB)
0.133 Sys [Diag]: Operating System: Windows XP Service Pack 2 [64-bit]
0.136 Sys [Diag]: System Processes: 8
0.136 Sys [Diag]: System Threads: 67
0.136 Sys [Diag]: System Handles: 1,696
0.138 Sys [Diag]: System GDI Objects: 0
0.138 Sys [Diag]: System USER Objects: 0
0.138 Sys [Diag]: System Up-Time: 0d 0h 11m 3s
0.138 Sys [Diag]: Free Disk Space on C: 100,624,162,816 bytes
0.138 Sys [Diag]: Found Monitor: (0, 0) - (1920, 1080) : 1920x1080
0.138 Sys [Diag]: Found Monitor: (-1920, 0) - (0, 1080) : 1920x1080
0.138 Sys [Diag]: Clock frequency: 10,000,000Hz
0.144 Gfx [Info]: Private shader options need 35 bits
0.148 Sys [Info]: Loading packages took 0ms
0.149 Sys [Info]: Redirecting package load to: C:\users\[USERNAME]\Local Settings\Application Data\Warframe\Editor.cfg
0.149 Sys [Info]: Windows caching enabled
0.149 Sys [Info]: Dx9 caching enabled
0.149 Sys [Info]: Dx11 caching enabled
0.149 Sys [Info]: PS4 caching disabled
0.149 Sys [Info]: XBONE caching disabled
0.149 Sys [Info]: Scanning C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Warframe\Cache.Windows\ for cache blocks...
0.149 Sys [Info]: Found 102 cache blocks...
0.151 Sys [Info]: Cache languages enabled: _fr
0.151 Sys [Info]: Loading Oodle DLL: oo2core_4_win64.dll
0.152 Sys [Warning]: INTERNET_OPTION_IGNORE_OFFLINE failed
0.152 Sys [Info]: Cache Host: content.warframe.com
0.152 Sys [Info]: Origin Host: origin.warframe.com
0.154 Sys [Info]: Downloading cache manifest index...
0.382 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc (took 67.6ms, loaded 71598 entries, found 747 deleted)
0.382 Sys [Info]: Used shared /H.Cache.bin (106B Copy: 0s Write: 0.068s Latency: 0.228s)
0.393 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Font (took 2.90ms, loaded 1585 entries, found 368 deleted)
0.393 Sys [Info]: Cache manifest hash CYobkh7gouUZ9sG6OmkRfA
0.397 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Font (took 1.73ms, loaded 1561 entries, found 86 deleted)
0.420 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc (took 22.6ms, loaded 46158 entries, found 279 deleted)
0.627 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.AnimRetarget (took 2.16ms, loaded 2613 entries, found 130 deleted)
0.629 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.AnimRetarget (took 2.47ms, loaded 2930 entries, found 675 deleted)
0.632 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.CharacterCodesCache (took 0.006ms, loaded 1 entries, found 4 deleted)
0.994 Sys [Info]: Loading package cache took 0.36s (Parse: 0.26s)
1.008 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.VideoTextureSlow (took 0.013ms, loaded 1 entries, found 0 deleted)
1.008 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.CharacterCodesCache (took 0.005ms, loaded 1 entries, found 2 deleted)
1.127 Sys [Info]: Load deps cache took 120ms
1.133 Sys [Info]: Redirecting package load to: C:\users\[USERNAME]\Local Settings\Application Data\Warframe\EE.cfg
1.133 Sys [Diag]: Engine config profile: /Configs/EE.cfg/Windows_Config
1.133 Sys [Info]: JobMgr: 6 threads
1.134 Script [Info]: Installed CheckGlobal...
1.156 Sys [Info]: Driver registered: ScriptDriver Supported types: [Script]
1.161 Sys [Info]: Using language: _fr
1.166 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_fr (took 5.70ms, loaded 6190 entries, found 178 deleted, spot-loaded)
1.169 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.VideoTextureSlow (took 0.010ms, loaded 1 entries, found 0 deleted)
1.171 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc (took 2.51ms, loaded 2746 entries, found 19 deleted)
1.209 Sys [Info]: Loading language cache took 0.0483126s
1.209 Sys [Diag]: Command line:-client
1.209 Sys [Diag]: SRand seeded with: 12134140156626976545
1.210 Phys [Info]: Custom physx allocator in use
1.218 Gfx [Info]: PhysX Core Version:
1.218 Phys [Info]: PhysX scene manager initialized.
1.218 Sys [Info]: Driver registered: MaterialLibrary Supported types: [PhysicsMaterial]
1.219 Sys [Info]: Found 1,243 items to load (0.6ms) [Heap: 130,153,568/130,285,568 Footprint: 0 Handles: 0]
1.223 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_de (took 4.13ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 27 deleted)
1.227 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_de (took 3.98ms, loaded 6188 entries, found 176 deleted)
1.229 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.CharacterCodesCache (took 0.245ms, loaded 187 entries, found 24 deleted, spot-loaded)
1.250 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_en (took 4.52ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 29 deleted)
1.255 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_en (took 4.49ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 164 deleted)
1.276 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_es (took 4.61ms, loaded 6188 entries, found 170 deleted)
1.277 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.CharacterCodesCache (took 0.128ms, loaded 70 entries, found 8 deleted, spot-loaded)
1.278 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Shader batch [0.050s and 2 frames at 25 ms/frame avg, 9 ms/update peak]
1.280 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.ShaderPermutation (took 1.53ms, loaded 3290 entries, found 29 deleted, spot-loaded)
1.301 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_fr (took 4.65ms, loaded 6189 entries, found 27 deleted)
1.306 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_es (took 3.94ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 26 deleted)
1.327 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_it (took 4.68ms, loaded 6188 entries, found 172 deleted)
1.330 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.ShaderPermutation (took 1.80ms, loaded 3290 entries, found 17 deleted, spot-loaded)
1.352 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_it (took 4.79ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 30 deleted)
1.373 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_ja (took 4.71ms, loaded 6188 entries, found 173 deleted)
1.374 Sys [Info]: Finished load of ShaderPermutation batch [0.095s and 4 frames at 23 ms/frame avg, 8 ms/update peak]
1.395 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_ko (took 4.88ms, loaded 6188 entries, found 172 deleted)
1.400 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_ja (took 4.54ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 38 deleted)
1.422 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_ko (took 4.81ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 42 deleted)
1.444 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_pl (took 4.40ms, loaded 6188 entries, found 173 deleted)
1.465 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_pl (took 4.41ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 30 deleted)
1.486 Sys [Error]: /Lotus/StoreItems/Types/Items/FusionTreasures/OroFusexOrnamentA wanted a DojoPlaceableDecoration
1.486 Sys [Error]: It couldn't use /Lotus/Objects/Gameplay/OroFusexPickupDeco because it's a Decoration
1.486 Sys [Error]: /Lotus/StoreItems/Types/Items/FusionTreasures/OroFusexOrnamentB wanted a DojoPlaceableDecoration
1.486 Sys [Error]: It couldn't use /Lotus/Objects/Gameplay/OroFusexPickupBDeco because it's a Decoration
1.488 Sys [Info]: Flushing async load of /Lotus/Scripts/Effects/EnergyColorEffects.lua
1.492 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_pt (took 4.19ms, loaded 6188 entries, found 175 deleted)
1.493 Sys [Info]: Flush completed.
1.496 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Script batch [0.122s and 4 frames at 30 ms/frame avg, 9 ms/update peak]
1.518 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_ru (took 4.58ms, loaded 6188 entries, found 178 deleted)
1.522 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_pt (took 4.13ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 33 deleted)
1.543 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_ru (took 4.31ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 33 deleted)
1.565 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_tc (took 4.50ms, loaded 6188 entries, found 186 deleted)
1.586 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_tc (took 4.58ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 36 deleted)
1.587 Sys [Info]: Finished load of TextSanitizer batch [0.090s and 4 frames at 22 ms/frame avg, 35 ms/update peak]
1.610 Sys [Error]: Could not find game rules: /EE/Types/GameRules/MultiplayerGameRules
1.610 Sys [Error]: Required by game config /EE/Types/GameRules/GameConfig
1.610 Sys [Error]: Failed to create run-time type: MultiplayerGameRules (parent GameRules is abstract)
1.610 Sys [Error]: Could not create /EE/Types/GameRules/MultiplayerGameRules as a GameRules
1.610 Sys [Error]: Could not use game rules: /EE/Types/GameRules/MultiplayerGameRules (broken)
1.610 Sys [Error]: Required by game config /EE/Types/GameRules/GameConfig
1.610 Sys [Error]: Could not use MultiplayerGameRules: /EE/Types/GameRules/MultiplayerGameRules (broken)
1.610 Sys [Error]: Required by game config /EE/Types/GameRules/GameConfig
1.633 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_tr (took 4.45ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 33 deleted)
1.637 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_tr (took 4.06ms, loaded 6188 entries, found 184 deleted)
1.658 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_uk (took 4.60ms, loaded 6188 entries, found 182 deleted)
1.682 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_uk (took 4.72ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 33 deleted)
1.704 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_zh (took 4.85ms, loaded 6188 entries, found 184 deleted)
1.704 Sys [Info]: Finished load of ProjectorMaterial ParticleMaterial Bank Sample MixingGroup PhysicsMaterial Material Mesh AnimScene PowerSuitStatsModifier ProceduralMaterial UnihanConverter batch [0.117s and 4 frames at 29 ms/frame avg, 29 ms/update peak]
1.752 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture (took 46.8ms, loaded 35665 entries, found 6785 deleted, spot-loaded)
1.774 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_de (took 4.30ms, loaded 6159 entries, found 29 deleted)
1.778 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_zh (took 4ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 39 deleted)
1.800 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_en (took 4.72ms, loaded 6159 entries, found 29 deleted)
1.820 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture (took 19.2ms, loaded 35665 entries, found 545 deleted, spot-loaded)
1.834 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/F.Texture (took 14ms, loaded 26440 entries, found 656 deleted, spot-loaded)
1.836 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Texture DiffuseMap NormalMap VolumeTexture CubeMap EmissiveMap batch [0.131s and 2 frames at 65 ms/frame avg, 53 ms/update peak]
1.858 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_fr (took 4.52ms, loaded 6161 entries, found 66 deleted)
1.862 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_es (took 3.89ms, loaded 6159 entries, found 29 deleted)
1.883 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_it (took 4.50ms, loaded 6159 entries, found 29 deleted)
1.905 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_ja (took 4.53ms, loaded 6159 entries, found 29 deleted)
1.926 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_ko (took 4.36ms, loaded 6159 entries, found 29 deleted)
1.928 Sys [Info]: /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/TennoRangeOfMotion_physics.fbx built 30 objects in 1.33 ms
1.928 Sys [Info]: Finished load of AutoRagdollScene batch [0.091s and 4 frames at 22 ms/frame avg, 41 ms/update peak]
1.928 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed in one pass and 0.70s (inherited 0 of 1243)
1.944 Net [Info]: UPnP enabled.
1.944 Net [Info]: NAT-PMP enabled.
1.945 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Net/UDPDriver
1.945 Sys [Info]: Initializing UPnP
1.945 Sys [Info]: IUPnPNAT not found
1.945 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Input/LoadingInputFilter
1.945 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Input/SkippableVideoInputFilter
1.945 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Editor/ToolMenus/Menus/EmptyMenu
1.945 Net [Info]: Checking 1 gateways for NAT-PMP support
1.954 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Drivers/GraphicsWorker
1.954 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Drivers/Dx9Driver
1.955 Gfx [Error]: Could not open SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Direct3D to set debug runtime
1.958 Gfx [Error]: The D3D runtime you are using is obsolete (
1.958 Gfx [Error]: Please check http://www.microsoft.com/windows/directx/ for the latest runtime.
2.062 Gfx [Info]: Using Direct3D 9 Ex
2.068 Sys [Info]: Applying suggested settings for "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470", preset value = 5.
2.070 Sys [Info]: Applied custom display settings:
 Dynamic Decals=1
 Texture Quality=TQ_HIGH
 Shadow Quality=SQ_HIGH
 Geometry Detail=GD_HIGH
 Enable HDR=1
 Enable Bloom=1
 Enable DOF=1
 Enable MotionBlur=1
 Enable Color Correction=1
 Hybrid Shadows=1
 Dynamic Lighting=1
 Local Reflections=1
 Volumetric Lighting=1
2.071 Sys [Error]: Installed NVIDIA driver version is 33788; minimum required driver version for APEX is 355.60
2.072 Sys [Error]: Gdf::GetWindowRefreshRate failed; assuming 60Hz refresh-rate.
2.072 Gfx [Info]: Creating root back-buffer: 16x16
2.072 Gfx [Info]: Creating device with D3DCREATE_MULTITHREADED
2.132 Gfx [Info]: Using windowed mode 1280x720 @60Hz
2.132 Gfx [Info]: Using a minimum sync-interval of 30Hz
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Using NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470 [nv4_disp.dll]
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Driver version
2.132 Sys [Info]: NVIDIA driver version is: 33788 (Driver string: r337_00)
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Hardware Ids 4318.1741.0.0
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Device supports vertex shader version 3.0 (65536 instructions max)
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Device supports pixel shader version 3.0 (65536 instructions max)
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Device supports mipmapped cubemaps
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Device supports MRTPOSTPIXELSHADERBLENDING
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Simultaneous MRT: 4
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Device supports D3DPMISCCAPS_SEPARATEALPHABLEND
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Device supports D3DPRASTERCAPS_DEPTHBIAS
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Device supports D3DPRASTERCAPS_SLOPESCALEDEPTHBIAS
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Device supports D3DSTENCILCAPS_TWOSIDED
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Device supports D3DPBLENDCAPS_BLENDFACTOR
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Shadow map format: D3DFMT_D24S8
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Depth buffer format: FOURCC_INTZ
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Depth-stencil buffer format: FOURCC_INTZ
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: G-buffer format: D3DFMT_A2R10G10B10
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Single float format supported D3DFMT_R16F
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Supports Single float format as Vertex textures
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Support L8 format
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Render target blending with D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F [supported]
2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Frame format: D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F
2.133 Gfx [Diag]: Render target blending with D3DFMT_A32B32G32R32F [supported]
2.133 Gfx [Diag]: Render target blending with D3DFMT_A2B10G10R10 [supported]
2.133 Gfx [Diag]: Render target blending with D3DFMT_A2R10G10B10 [supported]
2.133 Gfx [Diag]: Render target blending with D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16 [supported]
2.133 Gfx [Diag]: Texture format FOURCC_ATI2N [supported]
2.133 Gfx [Diag]: Volume texture filtering with D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8 [supported]
2.133 Gfx [Diag]: Volume texture filtering with D3DFMT_DXT1 [NOT supported]
2.133 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Blending to sRGB targets is done in linear space
2.133 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Device has 8 texture stages
2.133 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Device supports textures as large as 16384x16384
2.133 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Device supports texture aspect ratios of 16384:1
2.133 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Available video memory: 2048 MB
2.136 Sys [Info]: Driver registered: Dx9Driver Supported types: [Texture, VideoTexture, Material, Mesh, Shader, ShaderPermutation]
2.136 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/CombinerFXFill.hlsl during batch loading!
2.145 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_pl (took 6.75ms, loaded 6159 entries, found 29 deleted)
2.152 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_pt (took 5.83ms, loaded 6159 entries, found 29 deleted)
2.153 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Distortion.hlsl during batch loading!
2.161 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_ru (took 6.03ms, loaded 6159 entries, found 29 deleted)
2.168 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_tc (took 5.91ms, loaded 6159 entries, found 29 deleted)
2.168 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Editor/Darkitect/Materials/Shaders/UnlitAmbient.hlsl during batch loading!
2.176 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_tr (took 5.28ms, loaded 6159 entries, found 29 deleted)
2.177 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Particles/LensFlare.hlsl during batch loading!
2.184 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_zh (took 4.34ms, loaded 6158 entries, found 29 deleted)
2.184 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx10/H.CharacterCodesCache (took 0.166ms, loaded 187 entries, found 23 deleted)
2.188 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_uk (took 4.16ms, loaded 6159 entries, found 29 deleted)
2.189 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Shaders/SpotGlow.hlsl during batch loading!
2.191 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx10/B.CharacterCodesCache (took 0.060ms, loaded 70 entries, found 6 deleted)
2.191 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx10/H.Shader (took 0.139ms, loaded 189 entries, found 0 deleted)
2.191 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Projectors/ProjectedBadge.hlsl during batch loading!
2.194 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx10/B.Shader (took 0.042ms, loaded 70 entries, found 0 deleted)
2.195 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx10/H.ShaderPermutation (took 1.41ms, loaded 3295 entries, found 24 deleted)
2.196 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Particles/ParticleShading.hlsl during batch loading!
2.200 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx10/B.ShaderPermutation (took 1.47ms, loaded 3295 entries, found 12 deleted)
2.200 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx11/H.CharacterCodesCache (took 0.185ms, loaded 187 entries, found 22 deleted)
2.201 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Particles/SmokeSpriteShading.hlsl during batch loading!
2.203 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx11/B.CharacterCodesCache (took 0.092ms, loaded 70 entries, found 6 deleted)
2.204 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx11/H.Shader (took 0.242ms, loaded 189 entries, found 0 deleted)
2.206 Sys [Info]: Found 586 items to load (0.9ms) [Heap: 158,137,968/158,662,656 Footprint: 0 Handles: 0]
2.206 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx11/B.Shader (took 0.062ms, loaded 70 entries, found 0 deleted)
2.225 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx11/B.ShaderPermutation (took 1.67ms, loaded 3272 entries, found 11 deleted)
2.227 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx11/H.ShaderPermutation (took 1.41ms, loaded 3272 entries, found 27 deleted)
2.244 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Shader (took 0.199ms, loaded 189 entries, found 0 deleted)
2.244 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Shader batch [0.037s and 2 frames at 18 ms/frame avg, 3 ms/update peak]
2.261 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_de (took 0.071ms, loaded 24 entries, found 20 deleted)
2.261 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Shader (took 0.060ms, loaded 70 entries, found 0 deleted)
2.277 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture_de (took 0.074ms, loaded 24 entries, found 0 deleted)
2.295 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_en (took 0.077ms, loaded 24 entries, found 5 deleted)
2.312 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture_en (took 0.068ms, loaded 24 entries, found 3 deleted)
2.312 Sys [Info]: Finished load of ShaderPermutation batch [0.067s and 4 frames at 16 ms/frame avg, 0.7 ms/update peak]
2.329 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture_es (took 0.080ms, loaded 24 entries, found 0 deleted)
2.329 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_es (took 0.052ms, loaded 24 entries, found 20 deleted)
2.346 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_fr (took 0.067ms, loaded 24 entries, found 20 deleted)
2.365 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture_fr (took 0.058ms, loaded 24 entries, found 3 deleted)
2.382 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_it (took 0.069ms, loaded 24 entries, found 20 deleted)
2.382 Sys [Info]: Finished load of ParticleMaterial Mesh ProjectorMaterial ProceduralMaterial Material batch [0.069s and 4 frames at 17 ms/frame avg, 2 ms/update peak]
2.400 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_ja (took 0.107ms, loaded 24 entries, found 20 deleted)
2.400 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture_it (took 0.045ms, loaded 24 entries, found 3 deleted)
2.417 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture_ja (took 0.067ms, loaded 24 entries, found 17 deleted)
2.450 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_ko (took 0.077ms, loaded 24 entries, found 20 deleted)
2.584 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_tc (took 0.072ms, loaded 24 entries, found 20 deleted)
2.584 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture_ru (took 0.041ms, loaded 24 entries, found 5 deleted)
2.584 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_ru (took 0.032ms, loaded 24 entries, found 20 deleted)
2.584 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture_pt (took 0.028ms, loaded 24 entries, found 3 deleted)
2.584 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_pt (took 0.024ms, loaded 24 entries, found 20 deleted)
2.584 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture_pl (took 0.021ms, loaded 24 entries, found 3 deleted)
2.584 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_pl (took 0.023ms, loaded 24 entries, found 20 deleted)
2.584 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture_ko (took 0.023ms, loaded 24 entries, found 18 deleted)
2.584 Sys [Info]: Finished load of VolumeTexture DiffuseMap Texture NormalMap CubeMap EmissiveMap batch [0.202s and 11 frames at 18 ms/frame avg, 16 ms/update peak]
2.585 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed in one pass and 0.37s (inherited 11 of 586)
2.602 Gfx [Info]: Creating Graphics Worker Thread
2.602 Sys [Warning]: APEX is not supported by the system configuration:Driver version is out of date.
2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Sounds/ReverbSettings/Default/DefaultMedium
2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/ReverbSettings/Generic/None
2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/ReverbSettings/Effects/Slomo
2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Sounds/ReverbSettings/Distance/DefaultDistance
2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/OcclusionSettings/Default
2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/OcclusionSettings/HeadOcclusion
2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/OcclusionSettings/DefaultObstruction
2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/Mixer/ReverbUpmix
2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/Mixer/SpeakerSetup_Mono
2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/Mixer/SpeakerSetup_Stereo
2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/Mixer/SpeakerSetup_5_1
2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/Mixer/SpeakerSetup_7_1
2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Sounds/ReverbSettings/Default/DefaultSmall
2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Sounds/ReverbSettings/Default/DefaultLarge
2.603 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Drivers/XAudio2Driver
2.605 Snd [Info]: Shutdown
2.606 Input [Error]: DirectInput8Create failed!
2.606 Sys [Error]: DisableTextureStreaming 1
2.606 Gfx [Info]: Destroying Graphics Worker Thread
2.692 Sys [Info]: ===[ Exiting main loop ]====================================================================================
2.693 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture_tc (took 0.066ms, loaded 24 entries, found 15 deleted)
2.693 Sys [Info]: Cache flushed
2.693 Net [Info]: MatchingService::DeleteSession
2.693 Net [Info]: Deleted session
2.693 Net [Info]: Joining Port-Forwarding Worker
2.697 Net [Info]: NAT-PMP request opcode 0 timed request.
2.697 Sys [Info]: No NAT-PMP gateway found
2.698 Sys [Info]: Client killed
2.698 Sys [Info]: Main Shutdown Initiated.
2.698 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_tr (took 0.064ms, loaded 24 entries, found 20 deleted)
2.700 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture_tr (took 0.052ms, loaded 24 entries, found 7 deleted)
2.701 Sys [Info]: Used 1 shared assets (0 async, 1 sync)
2.701 Sys [Info]: Total Hash: 0s Copy: 0s Write: 0.068s)
2.702 Phys [Info]: PhysX scene manager shutdown.
2.711 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_uk (took 0.065ms, loaded 24 entries, found 20 deleted)
Sys [Info]: All smart pointers were destroyed!
2.719 Sys [Info]: Main Shutdown Complete.
Sys [Info]: All AnimController memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All Cache memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All Deps memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All DriverData memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All EditorBase memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All External memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All GameSwf memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All Instances memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All JobMgr memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All LZMA memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All Lua memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All PhysX memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All PhysicsData memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All RegionMgr memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All Sound memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All Temp memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All ResourceMgr memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All PropertyText memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All TypeMgr memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All GraphicsSys memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All ReplicationMgr memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All Resource memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All Animation memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All Localizer memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All PropertyData memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All Internal memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All SmartPtr memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All Symbol memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All String memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All memory was freed!

Any idea ?

I am not entirely sure what is causing the error. I need to further test with other setups, as it seems that Warframe requires packages to be installed outside of Wine to work properly. My initial setup seem to meet those requirements, and when using a different setup I run into errors, but not yours (mine seems to be related to lack of video RAM). I am currently using a version of XFCE4 that comes with some desktop applications, and that seems to work just fine. Upon wiping clean and switching to Enlightenment, and not having anything but minimum installed, Warframe will not run. Further testing will be required, and hopefully I can find out what packages I have that is needed for Warframe.

Especially because packages might be an issue, me running Zesty Zapus might be what is helping me.

I have all my efforts detailed out at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yNvt8N0UBKZUQ0KdUq04XT1CRwS3tY_EHx7vAPHJkHk/edit?usp=sharing It has my initial testing in getting it up and running under XFCE4, and furthest down, my package efforts.

Also, did you have any controllers plugged in while you were loading up Warframe?

Edited by Alento096
Added extra information
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On 25/01/2017 at 3:33 PM, Alento096 said:

I am not entirely sure what is causing the error. I need to further test with other setups, as it seems that Warframe requires packages to be installed outside of Wine to work properly. My initial setup seem to meet those requirements, and when using a different setup I run into errors, but not yours (mine seems to be related to lack of video RAM). I am currently using a version of XFCE4 that comes with some desktop applications, and that seems to work just fine. Upon wiping clean and switching to Enlightenment, and not having anything but minimum installed, Warframe will not run. Further testing will be required, and hopefully I can find out what packages I have that is needed for Warframe.

Especially because packages might be an issue, me running Zesty Zapus might be what is helping me.

I have all my efforts detailed out at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yNvt8N0UBKZUQ0KdUq04XT1CRwS3tY_EHx7vAPHJkHk/edit?usp=sharing It has my initial testing in getting it up and running under XFCE4, and furthest down, my package efforts.

Also, did you have any controllers plugged in while you were loading up Warframe?

Sorry for the delay...

I haven't any controller, and, as I said, I'm running Debian testing (9.0) with all up-to-date packages. I downloaded the latest version of wine via PlayOnLinux but I'm only using console to run wine.

I'll retry soon to run Warframe, and this time I'll install DirectX9 and VCrun15 seperatly (NOTE : I'm using the system version of winetricks because when PoL downloads wine, there's no winetricks included (I use 1.8.X winetricks for 2.0.X wine))

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9 hours ago, DoctorTee6 said:

Sorry for the delay...

I haven't any controller, and, as I said, I'm running Debian testing (9.0) with all up-to-date packages. I downloaded the latest version of wine via PlayOnLinux but I'm only using console to run wine.

I'll retry soon to run Warframe, and this time I'll install DirectX9 and VCrun15 seperatly (NOTE : I'm using the system version of winetricks because when PoL downloads wine, there's no winetricks included (I use 1.8.X winetricks for 2.0.X wine))

So I have been testing, and interesting things have popped up. By the way, I am NOT using PoL for any of this. I also downloaded the winetricks file that you can use to download the various things. This is also under a minimal install of Zesty Zapus.

Using just Wine 2.0 and no extra things downloaded from winetricks, I can get the launcher working, but the game will not properly load up. Upon using apt-get to download the "xfce4" and "xfce4-goodies" packages and downloading vcrun2015, everything works for me. Running xfce4 as your desktop environment isn't needed it seems.

I haven't ever run just Debian, so I don't know if this will apply, but hopefully it does, and works out for you.

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its easy too install under Manjaro:

Wine-Staging 2.0rc6-1
Winetricks 20170101-1



WINEPREFIX=/opt/wine/Warframe winetricks vcrun2015 corefonts

WINEPREFIX=/opt/wine/Warframe winecfg


go to Staging and activate the first 2 checkbox and apply


WINEPREFIX=/opt/wine/Warframe wine msiexec /i Warframe.msi

and install it ! and you can Play

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Hi everyone, it's been about a year since my last warframe linux visit. I've just hopped back in, and I have warframe working under Arch linux with wine-staging 2.1, launcher works and updates as well :).

The launcher works well, but you need some trickery with overrides, in particular dnsapi. see below config:

32 bit wine prefix

d3dx9 wininet winhttp xact hosts corefonts fontfix vcrun2015

winecfg overrides:
dnsapi (builtin, native)
rasapi32 (native)
wininet (native, builtin)
winhttp (native, builtin)

windows version:
Windows XP

Enable CSMT
Enable VAAPI
Enable EAX


disable adaptive exposure as it doesnt work properly and keeps making the area dark and light in a loop.
disable motion blur as it can sometimes cause stutters and/or freezes.

Runs damn near perfect give or take a few texture misrenders:

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I get crashes at random as well when loading into/out of a level and during the level.  EAX, VAAPI, and CSMT are all disabled, and the only Display settings that aren't on their lowest/disabled are Geometry Detail and Texture Memory (which are on High).  The window size is 1280x720, since that's the default and changing it causes a crash as well.  This is the end of the last log file when a crash happened during a level:


ERROR: ld.so: object '/home/derpy/.steam/ubuntu12_64/gameoverlayrenderer.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
fixme:wbemprox:wbem_services_CreateInstanceEnum unsupported flags 0x00000030
fixme:wbemprox:enum_class_object_Next timeout not supported
fixme:ddraw:ddraw7_Initialize Ignoring guid {aeb2cdd4-6e41-43ea-941c-8361cc760781}.
fixme:devenum:DEVENUM_ICreateDevEnum_CreateClassEnumerator Category {cc7bfb41-f175-11d1-a392-00e0291f3959} not found
fixme:devenum:DEVENUM_ICreateDevEnum_CreateClassEnumerator Category {cc7bfb46-f175-11d1-a392-00e0291f3959} not found
err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x110060 "heap.c: main process heap section" wait timed out in thread 0083, blocked by 0082, retrying (60 sec)
err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x7bcebaa0 "loader.c: loader_section" wait timed out in thread 00aa, blocked by 0083, retrying (60 sec)
pid 28643 != 28642, skipping destruction (fork without exec?)


When trying to change the window size, it crashes with:


128.881 Sys [Info]: WM_SIZE(800, 600, 0)
128.881 Sys [Info]: Applied custom display settings:
 Dynamic Decals=1
 Texture Quality=TQ_HIGH
 Shadow Quality=SQ_LOW
 Geometry Detail=GD_HIGH
 Enable HDR=0
 Enable Bloom=1
 Enable DOF=0
 Enable MotionBlur=0
 Enable Color Correction=0
 Hybrid Shadows=0
 Dynamic Lighting=0
 Local Reflections=0
 Volumetric Lighting=0
128.883 Sys [Info]: Redirecting package save to: C:\users\derpy\Local Settings\Application Data\Warframe\Editor.cfg
128.884 Sys [Info]: Skfixme:d3d:wined3d_occlusion_query_ops_poll 0x1a3acda8 Wrong thread, returning 1.
fixme:d3d:wined3d_occlusion_query_ops_poll 0x9902c78 Wrong thread, returning 1.
fixme:d3d:wined3d_occlusion_query_ops_poll 0x7636f08 Wrong thread, returning 1.
fixme:d3d:wined3d_occlusion_query_ops_poll 0x137b8e50 Wrong thread, returning 1.
fixme:d3d:wined3d_occlusion_query_ops_poll 0x98f10a8 Wrong thread, returning 1.
err:d3d:wined3d_debug_callback 0x11c61218: "GL_INVALID_OPERATION error generated. Query object not found.".
err:d3d:wined3d_debug_callback 0x11c61218: "GL_INVALID_OPERATION error generated. Query object not found.".
ERROR: ld.so: object '/home/derpy/.steam/ubuntu12_64/gameoverlayrenderer.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
fixme:wbemprox:wbem_services_CreateInstanceEnum unsupported flags 0x00000030
fixme:wbemprox:enum_class_object_Next timeout not supported
fixme:ddraw:ddraw7_Initialize Ignoring guid {aeb2cdd4-6e41-43ea-941c-8361cc760781}.
fixme:devenum:DEVENUM_ICreateDevEnum_CreateClassEnumerator Category {cc7bfb41-f175-11d1-a392-00e0291f3959} not found
fixme:devenum:DEVENUM_ICreateDevEnum_CreateClassEnumerator Category {cc7bfb46-f175-11d1-a392-00e0291f3959} not found
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
ipping SavePackage for /Configs/Editor.cfg (no changes detected)
128.884 Sys [Info]: Saved package: /Configs/Editor.cfg
128.887 Sys [Info]: Redirecting package save to: C:\users\derpy\Local Settings\Application Data\Warframe\EE.cfg
128.887 Sys [Info]: Skipping SavePackage for /Configs/EE.cfg (no changes detected)
128.887 Sys [Info]: Saved package: /Configs/EE.cfg
128.887 Sys [Info]: PlayerProfileCommon::SaveProfile()
128.889 Script [Info]: Settings::OnProfileSaved
128.889 Script [Info]: SaveSpinner:Finished
128.893 Script [Info]: SaveSpinner:TransitionIn
Error [Info]: GPF
Application error messages:
Error [Debug]: Loaded unexpected version of dbghelp.dll from C
ERROR: ld.so: object '/home/derpy/.steam/ubuntu12_64/gameoverlayrenderer.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
fixme:module:load_library unsupported flag(s) used (flags: 0x00000800)
fixme:module:load_library unsupported flag(s) used (flags: 0x00000800)
fixme:module:load_library unsupported flag(s) used (flags: 0x00000800)
fixme:module:load_library unsupported flag(s) used (flags: 0x00000800)
fixme:module:load_library unsupported flag(s) used (flags: 0x00000800)
fixme:module:load_library unsupported flag(s) used (flags: 0x00000800)
fixme:ver:GetCurrentPackageId (0x33fd64 (nil)): stub
pid 8113 != 8112, skipping destruction (fork without exec?)


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2 hours ago, Pentarctagon said:

I get crashes at random as well when loading into/out of a level and during the level.  EAX, VAAPI, and CSMT are all disabled, and the only Display settings that aren't on their lowest/disabled are Geometry Detail and Texture Memory (which are on High).  The window size is 1280x720, since that's the default and changing it causes a crash as well.  This is the end of the last log file when a crash happened during a level:


When trying to change the window size, it crashes with:


Try enabling CMST, that fixed the resizing issue for me.

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On 4/1/2017 at 1:42 PM, Alento096 said:

Try enabling CMST, that fixed the resizing issue for me.

Didn't work for me, but I was able to get around it by setting it to Borderless Windowed, which forced it to use the highest available resolution.  That also caused a crash, but in this case it managed to save the setting anyway, so it's fine.


Still getting random freezing during a level and when loading in/out of a level, every time with this sort of error:


fixme:module:load_dll Loader redirect from L"wined3d.dll" to L"wined3d-csmt.dll"
fixme:winediag:wined3d_dll_init Experimental wined3d CSMT feature is currently enabled.
fixme:wbemprox:wbem_services_CreateInstanceEnum unsupported flags 0x00000030
fixme:wbemprox:enum_class_object_Next timeout not supported
fixme:ddraw:ddraw7_Initialize Ignoring guid {aeb2cdd4-6e41-43ea-941c-8361cc760781}.
fixme:devenum:DEVENUM_ICreateDevEnum_CreateClassEnumerator Category {cc7bfb41-f175-11d1-a392-00e0291f3959} not found
fixme:devenum:DEVENUM_ICreateDevEnum_CreateClassEnumerator Category {cc7bfb46-f175-11d1-a392-00e0291f3959} not found
err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x110060 "heap.c: main process heap section" wait timed out in thread 0080, blocked by 008e, retrying (60 sec)
err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x110060 "heap.c: main process heap section" wait timed out in thread 0081, blocked by 008e, retrying (60 sec)
err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x7bcebaa0 "loader.c: loader_section" wait timed out in thread 00ac, blocked by 0081, retrying (60 sec)

Might be time for me to file a Wine bug, I suppose.


Edit - bug here, in case anyone sees this and has something to add.

Edited by Pentarctagon
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