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It's The Women's Turn, Please.


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Sounds like a lot of people in this thread have a problem with female warframes.  Why?  There doesn't NEED to be a reason for them to make more female warframes.  Some people prefer it, some don't care.  Some of you guys are getting uppity over nothing...

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There's six female warframes, and no female prime warframes. There's six (about to be seven) male warframes, and two male prime warframes. Would balancing those numbers be special treatment, or fairness? I think fairness.


Comparing the number of frames != fairness or special treatment.  I'm sure the devs have plans for additional warframes, and I HIGHLY doubt this was a move to undermine their female community just as much as I doubt adding female warframes was an attack on my man-hood.


When I say you're seeing special treatment here I say YOU feel like someone is getting special treatment which is purely based on comparing the number of frames.  This means you want to see more warframes, specifically female ones... enough special treatment that now everyone is special.  The problem here was that you weren't attacked!  You were never less special.  The thread you've created is based on this concept of "fairness" which shouldn't even be considered.  The important thing here is game content.  We all want more of it!  If you think appealing to some sort of sexual inequality lobby is a way of promoting your ideas you'd better believe you've lost my support.





Sounds like a lot of people in this thread have a problem with female warframes.  Why?  There doesn't NEED to be a reason for them to make more female warframes.  Some people prefer it, some don't care.  Some of you guys are getting uppity over nothing...



I feel like a perfectly great concept, more warframes, is becoming an issue of gender equality from someone who is gender biased.  Please excuse me if I don't feel comfortable when leading ideas are based out of hypocrisy.

Edited by Slumbering
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Comparing the number of frames != fairness or special treatment.  I'm sure the devs have plans for additional warframes, and I HIGHLY doubt this was a move to undermine their female community just as much as I doubt adding female warframes was an attack on my man-hood.


When I say you're seeing special treatment here I say YOU feel like someone is getting special treatment which is purely based on comparing the number of frames.  This means you want to see more warframes, specifically female ones... enough special treatment that now everyone is special.  The problem here was that you weren't attacked!  You were never less special.  The thread you've created is based on this concept of "fairness" which shouldn't even be considered.  The important thing here is game content.  We all want more of it!  If you think appealing to some sort of sexual inequality lobby is a way of promoting your ideas you'd better believe you've lost my support.







I feel like a perfectly great concept, more warframes, is becoming an issue of gender equality from someone who is gender biased.  Please excuse me if I don't feel comfortable when leading ideas are based out of hypocrisy.


Can't upvote enough.

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Oh god just stop.

Gender doesn't mean anything significant in Warframe unless you plan to parade yourself around with sayings such as "by the way, I'm a girl!" or "it's girl! not guy!"; which is blatant attention whoring.

And "My immersion" doesn't mean much either considering the setting of the game anyway. You also spend the majority of your time staring at your targets instead of the shape of your character (at least, I HOPE you do).

As long as we keep getting new content (that isn't half-assed), gender is pretty much the last thing on my mind.

Edited by Duralumin
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Unfortunately, DE don't seem to be doing it that way, but instead seem committed to gender-locked warframes, so this thread exists.


Seriously ?


There's been talk about this since the very beginning, and so far it's not a priority, it will exist, but not a top priority.


Trying to force the excuse of equality between man and women when the idea behind is clearly an attempt at making feminism take over a whole game concept is a terrible mentality, there is no benefit in any way from such thing except the personal selfless goal of the entitled person, that you represent in this case.


And let's bring up the card of "you are entitled to nothing" just in case.

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Trying to force the excuse of equality between man and women when the idea behind is clearly an attempt at making feminism take over a whole game concept is a terrible mentality,


If you think this, then you don't know what feminism is. Feminism stands for equality for men and women, not women at the exclusion of men as you seem to think. Feminism is a benefit to men and women both. This is 101-level material. If you're going to come into the topic, at least know the basics first, please.

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Are people really discussing this? Of course there will be Prime female Warframes.

Each of them in their own time.

Stop asking for them to rush something that WILL happen, please.

My purpose in the thread is to remind the devs that at least one woman is looking forward to this, lest they forget. No rush is desired, or requested. Things that are rushed seldom end well.

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If you think this, then you don't know what feminism is. Feminism stands for equality for men and women, not women at the exclusion of men as you seem to think. Feminism is a benefit to men and women both. This is 101-level material. If you're going to come into the topic, at least know the basics first, please.


Again : what would we benefit from a frame having breast instead of a bulge, apart from inflating your ego under the cover of feminism as you describe it well but do not execute it correctly ?


If you want to defend the correct idea, defend it with maturity and intelligence instead of acting as the victimized woman on the internet by a bunch of machos.



My purpose in the thread is to remind the devs that at least one woman is looking forward to this, lest they forget. No rush is desired, or requested. Things that are rushed seldom end well.


DE do not need a special snowflake to be reminded of their jobs, sit still and wait patiently like anyone else instead of over reacting with entitlement.

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There is -a ton- of machismo trying to disguise itself as neutrality going on in this thread. I can instantly tell a very high percentage of the people that are against the OP would be enraged or even stop playing this game if it had more female frames than male ones.

Many of you sit there and try to state in a very "calm" way that gender in a game like this doesn't exist, and even dared to insinuate that the warframes, even the female frames, are all men or genderless... and then -totally- ignore the OP's extremely valid point that both the devs and the ingame descriptions state clearly that these warframes and Tenno do infact have genders.


Tell me, my testosterone-injected bretheren - would you post on a forum a complaint if the tables were turned, or if there were a far higher number of female frames instead of male ones? Yes, yes you would. The HUGE outcry when Banshee and Saryn appeared as female warframes answers that question in its entirety. The majority of prepubescent males flipped their S#&$ about it for a few days, and some still are.


Celestiae hasn't attacked anyone, hasn't degrade anyone from their point of view, and hasn't had the need to make a gigantic post filled with extremely opinionated statements. Yes, she posted her opinion, but in a valid way that didn't attack anyone. She's not asking for less male warframes. She's not asking for female warframes to outnumber the male ones. She's asking for balance, and balance is something I fully agree with. But I guess my bretheren in this thread don't. Instead, they see this as an attack on their masculinity. This woman doesn't know her place! We should gang up on her and tell her how wrong she is! *rolls eyes*


I support you Celestiae, and I apologize for some of the meathead comments that have been coming your way.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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DE do not need a special snowflake to be reminded of their jobs, sit still and wait patiently like anyone else instead of over reacting with entitlement.

This is posted in the feedback forum. The feedback forum DE created. Clearly they want feedback. This is feedback. What's the problem?

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The founder's bonus is Excalibur Prime, a male warframe. The new prime is Frost Prime, a male warframe. The new warframe in release 8 is the engineer, a male warframe.


When's the next female warframe coming along?


This right here, is the OP.  There is nothing sexist about it.  Celestiae points out we have 2 male Prime frames, and at the very least, the next frame we know is coming is a male one.  She then inquires when the next female frame will be appearing (not even if the next prime will be female).

This thread was not sexist, or feminist at all to begin with.  Several others who came into this thread turned it into such.  I think you all need to just calm down, take a breath, and walk away.


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I agree with this wholeheartedly, and if there's a thread where this is being suggested, please let me know so I can go cheer it on.


Unfortunately, DE don't seem to be doing it that way, but instead seem committed to gender-locked warframes, so this thread exists.


They've actually discussed it in the Design Council forums.


If the game grows enough to allow them the resources to do it, they will. Currently, the major and important part of the project is to pull it out of Beta by adding content. Cosmetic stuff like gender swapping has been discussed since even closed beta, and the following is from Steve:




Yorinar said:

It's a long-running debate. I think the last thing I heard DE_Steve say on it was if the game is successful, they can hire enough artists to pull it off. That might have been a joke. :P

DE_Steve said:

Not a joke. Its all resource competion: balancing demand for new warframes and content with doing gender conversion. Growth of the game would make both possible.


Proving this point, Nyx's model is actually a female version of Excalibur; take a look at the similarities of the design, next time you have an opportunity. From the very beginning of this game's design, they planned on allowing gender swapping of frames. Given the "crunchtime" nature of the development team and their limited resources from the beginning, I can see why they repurposed the frame's model.


Obviously, the team is just getting started and now they have the funding to pour into more content. The rigors of developing it have put the gender conversion project on the backburner, but they definitely have not forgotten about it.

Edited by Kahruvel
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I support you Celestiae, and I apologize for some of the meathead comments that have been coming your way.


I wish I had the patience to make my points as well as you do. I err of the side of brevity, because I mistakenly assume everyone's already on the same page as I am. Thank you for taking the time to say what you said so well and thoroughly. <3

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They've actually discussed it in the Design Council forums.


(a lot of good stuff)

Awesome. Thanks for the info. It's informative and reassuring. (As you can see by my not-elaborate badge on the left, I'm not in the design council.)

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The sex of the toon has no apparent affect on the stats. Why does it matter? I think all the female frames should be less "sexy" and more "war" like as they are intended for combat. And if thery were more war like (think Samus, projecting power as opposed to femininity) which ones were male or female would become almost irrelevant. As it should be IMO, given the fact that the Tenno are supplemented by their frame the sex of the indvidual in combat becomes a mute point.

No. We want to play as frames that have boobs.

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I wish I had the patience to make my points as well as you do. I err of the side of brevity, because I mistakenly assume everyone's already on the same page as I am. Thank you for taking the time to say what you said so well and thoroughly. <3


I don't like people ganging up on someone with a valid point. If you were asking for imbalance, then, though I wouldn't have become a meathead, I would've disagreed.


Alright the first brainless whiteknight felt for it, i retire.


Let's just apply the Rules for this and be done with it.


I guess people who don't agree with the bandwagon you're currently in are brainless, and yet usually it's the bandwagon that's brainless. Might want to sit down and ponder that for a moment.


I've defended more than just women on this forum. I defend what I damn well agree with, and if you don't agree with me, then you have the right not to. But saying a silly little insult like that only shows inferiority in your thoughts and your posts. So thank you.

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I don't like people ganging up on someone with a valid point. If you were asking for imbalance, then, though I wouldn't have become a meathead, I would've disagreed.



I guess people who don't agree with the bandwagon you're currently in are brainless, and yet usually it's the bandwagon that's brainless. Might want to sit down and ponder that for a moment.


I've defended more than just women on this forum. I defend what I damn well agree with, and if you don't agree with me, then you have the right not to. But saying a silly little insult like that only shows inferiority in your thoughts and your posts. So thank you.



Only criticism is that if you want to defend people don't attack others.  You've made your point that you believe she's only asking for more female warframes.  I feel like this message comes at a cost.  A cost which could stifle creativity and diversity.


Example, guys complain club is a sausage fest so they don't allow any guys to come in until there are equal # of women.  In the process they've removed the ability for the one guy with a lot of female friends to feel welcome.  He wouldn't invite his friends to go there because obviously even if there were enough women he might not be invited because he's just one more guy to work against the ratio.


Being selective about what to add can stifle great creativity.


Personally I'm in the camp with the OP saying all frames should have a gender option so I could have a female Exaclibur, and I've seen the debates on it swing hard one way or the other.  Just don't make this about #s....  If the OP would make this about little more than awesome female warframes and how cool it would be to get a response on when all of the warframes would have prime counterparts I would hoot and make much noise in her favor.  Finding it hard to believe that if the male frames were outnumbered that OP would play the equality tune, or if it would just be men complaining.  I wouldn't be moaning because the way it looks... we are probably going to see prime counterparts of all Warframes, but then again nobody asked.

Edited by Slumbering
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The sex of the toon has no apparent affect on the stats. Why does it matter? I think all the female frames should be less "sexy" and more "war" like as they are intended for combat. And if thery were more war like (think Samus, projecting power as opposed to femininity) which ones were male or female would become almost irrelevant. As it should be IMO, given the fact that the Tenno are supplemented by their frame the sex of the indvidual in combat becomes a mute point.


I agree with this. Especially if they are planing on making alt version of the current warframes, like the alt for rihno should be more bulky like the tanks that they are.

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