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New To The Game: What's The Matter With The Turbo Sliding?


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1. Contrary to what OP says, sliding in Warframe does not make you go faster. Sliding makes you slowly loose speed until you come to a halt. What makes you go faster is whirling your melee weapon around you, using its momentum to propel you forward.


2. If somebody doesn't like the animation, fine, that's a valid opinion. But there's nothing wrong with the mechanic itself. This is a game about martial arts fighters. Think of all the Kung Fu movies out there, Hidden Tiger, Crouching Dragon or Kill Bill, and what physically impossible things people are doing in these. Standing on thin bamboo branches. Fighting while flying through the air. Walking on water. Standing on the blade of your opponent's sword, giving him a good view onto your foot. And so on. If that's too far removed from reality for you, then you need to move on to another genre.


1. Sliding does briefly make you go faster.  That's the whole argument of the last 2 pages right there.  If you're sprinting, press space and then press space again half a second later, you'll have overtaken anyone in the same modded frame who was just sprinting.  It looks stupid and it feels stupid.  I looked for a Youtube video but people rarely want to make videos of Warframe looking stupid.

I suspect the initial speed boost is part of what differentiates a good slide jump from a bad one.


2. The animation itself is fine.  The problem is that if you end the slide before it slows down, you retain full speed.  I agree with what you're saying about fantastical martial arts.  I got attacked for making the comparison with anime.

Thing is, in neither have I seen somebody slide along a horizontal surface then somehow get up on to their feet whilst retaining speed and momentum.

Largely agree with what you said in 3.  Coptering isn't a big problem and combined with directional melee is what means warframes can fly around maps -- which looks cool.


4. Didn't have any of those problems in PvP 1.0.  Only real problems were a) rewards weren't held for you. b) No queuing system for defending and serious UI bugs stopping you from keeping trying to get in that defence.   PVP is a bit off-topic here though.

@Drufo, made the same point in my first comment.  Specifically directional melee prevents usefulness of parkour.  Parkour 2.0 needs to be overpowered ie provide (optional?) speed boosts when launching off things much as wall running does now.

Edited by Fifield
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Let's just try to get back to the point of this thread, shall we?


1. Contrary to what OP says, sliding in Warframe does not make you go faster. Sliding makes you slowly loose speed until you come to a halt. What makes you go faster is whirling your melee weapon around you, using its momentum to propel you forward.


As somebody else pointed out, you're totally missing the point: briefly touching the sliding button makes you go rocket fast. I'm sorry but If you don't know that there's no contribution you can give to this topic

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Uh, so what's the deal?

You're literally the first guy I've ever seen to complain about it. I like the feature. It's silly but that is okay. The community liked it, that's why it's still in the game. This slide is actually a nice reminder of DEs capability to listen to the community and I highly suggest DE look at this slide once more and remember how good it was to listen to people who said "Hey, this is a nice thing, I want you to keep that!".

Also I like coptering.

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Its fine ,remove coptering, but make warframes x2 or x3 faster and REMOVE stanima drain while sprinting.. If not, DE, enjoy the non spending noobs with their demands, while the pros leave



We are space ninjas, probably made out of energy, and we run out of breath by running? Thats immersion breaking for me.

Edited by HandsomeSorcerer
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I think it really gave a new direction to the game. I wasn't there originally, but to me if seems like the theme was stealth. Since seeing players reaction to the more fast paced play they chose to leave it and work that direction. I don't believe the game would have the popularity it does today if it had kept a slow / stealthy approach.


Sometimes it also takes courage to leave the bug, allow the game to shift away from your original idea and take on a life of it's own.


I understand you don't like it, but it may be that this game isn't for you. Warframe is a very fast paced game and if you are wanting to change that, you won't win the support of many people. There are a variety of games where the bugs turned into features.


I'm sorry, you're missing the point. I honestly don't understand why this thing is so hard to convey even tough it has been explained by me and other people in many posts.

I don't want the game to be slower paced/stealthy or anything else, I never said that, I even don't know it well enough to know how I want it to be. I just want controls to be intuitive and straightforward, to do what their name and animation suggest they'll do: sprint should make you run as fast as you can, dodge is the dodge, and so on, you get the idea. I can see that you can combo those things into something more complicated, and it is fine. But slide should make you slide, not boost your speed like a rocket just bumped you in the back. How is this thing bothering me or anyone else so hard to understand for somebody?

And I don't like that for a great number of reasons. One of those being it is just a dumb, unskilled way of moving around in the battlefield (brainless spamming of a button, I said before) and it is also dumb to look at. Superhuman space ninjas that move crazy fast by continuosly scratching their butt on the ground with their legs still? That is just. plain. stupid.


I'm saying all of that cause this game has many other good things and I'd like it to be better, I know I can go play other games, I already do that. I was just trying to give my contribution to the community with an opinion which, thank god, many other people appear to share

Edited by Armage
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Its fine ,remove coptering, but make warframes x2 or x3 faster and REMOVE stanima drain while sprinting.. If not, DE, enjoy the non spending noobs with their demands, while the pros leave



We are space ninjas, probably made out of energy, and we run out of breath by running? Thats immersion breaking for me.

So if you copter that makes you pro. Yeahhhh..................uninstall nub.

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Hold on a sec, those using it are not gamers. They are noobs and I really really hope this gets removed or gets nerfed to hell.

He's not the first. You're just nub.

And you are being rude and insulting. Please refrain from doing that. Thank you.


I've made my point. This is a nice feature and it needs to be kept just for good measure.

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1. I think everyone but you can agree that buttsliding-run-buttsliding looks stupid.

2. It's still not clear and you responding to my comment.  https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/423831-new-to-the-game-whats-the-matter-with-the-turbo-sliding/page-4#entry4708253

Are you under the impression that making buttsliding-run into buttsliding-stop-run would break anything or did you not know what you were arguing against?

3. Even from 3rd person, it's far from obvious and how does anyone even know to do slide-jump anyway?


1. I don't agree, therefore you're wrong.

2. What do you mean it isn't clear? I explained my point right in the post you linked. Reading comprehension, improve yours. It would break a maneuver. It was the suggested compensation for breaking that maneuver that would further break the game. Re-read the bit of the post that my second point is responding too.

3. Looks pretty obvious to me. The same way they know how to do a backflip or a standing front flip.


That obviously does look stupid.  It's so obvious, it doesn't need justification. The rest of my opinions are justified in the same comment they're introduced, rather than just thrown out there to troll.


I disagree.


Anyone else want fun in diagnosing what's wrong with this kid?

He spends between 20 mins & 1 hour (since sending) creating this graphic.  Why?

He thinks it's OK to publish a private message.  Why?

Look at his lack of self-awareness.  Not only does he not see how patronising his "consider playing the game longer" comment is, he's so sure it isn't patronising, that he's happy to make it public.


He refused to tell me what he was criticising.


Time spent making the graphic indicates either an obsession or a lot of spare time.  Almost certainly has those kind of parents who don't bother to point out when their child is making mistakes.  Either still lives with them or has his bills paid for by them.


Username indicates not only an inflated opinion of himself but an assumption that he can do whatever he wants and get away with it -- probably because his parents bail him out every time.


That graphic probably took all of five minutes to create in mspaint. I see nothing wrong with saying "consider playing the game longer", that's pretty a pretty valid suggestion.


I don't know, you're the one who sent him/her the PM so it might be you who has the obsession/spare time.


Criticising another player for their choice in username... wow.

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Dear lord this thread devolved overnight.


Can we all agree that people use the buttscratching/coptering 'mechanic' to go faster since sprint doesn't work well enough?


Can we all agree that it would be logical and useful if our space ninjas could sprint faster than they can slide across the ground while spinning in a circle like a kid in a sprinkler?


I'm fine with leaving the buttscratching/coptering mechanic in since it's useful in the context it should be (combat), just make sprint useful as the 'moving fast' option. Seriously.

Edited by NobleHawk
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Dear lord this thread devolved overnight.


Can we all agree that people use the buttscratching/coptering 'mechanic' to go faster since sprint doesn't work well enough?


Can we all agree that it would be logical and useful if our space ninjas could sprint faster than they can slide across the ground while spinning in a circle like a kid in a sprinkler?


I'm fine with leaving the buttscratching/coptering mechanic in since it's useful in the context it should be (combat), just make sprint useful as the 'moving fast' option. Seriously.

Pretty much this, and remove stanima system or stanima drain while sprinting.


So if you copter that makes you pro. Yeahhhh..................uninstall nub.

As opposed to people like you who cant even copter correctly and its very easy to do. Its not a big challenge and this game isnt a big challenging game anyway.

Edited by HandsomeSorcerer
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Oh I loved the original Tribes. Such a genius game, didn't require CD and there was no CD key. I swear my whole school only purchased 1 copy. although I eventually did.


In regards to PVP and this game. Warframe took a turn (probably near the early release) where it would not be very compatible with PVP. They almost need to make a whole separate game style to have a balanced PVP. They've sorta done that now with heavy equipment and mod restrictions.


I think DE knows that getting rid of something gamewide for the sake of PVP is not a wise decision.


For better or worse its a mechanic that's evolved into a integral part of the game. And I like it. It makes movement unique & different from any other game.


I realize you're new so I'll try to answer this a succinctly as possible:




Since you are new. It might be a good idea to get used to the game before requesting changes. Or play another slower moving game, if that makes you happy.


14 up votes for this? This community... this community is going to kill warframe...



I do not agree with any of that.


Space Ninjas.


Space Ninjas Covered In Mechanical Augments.


What about this are you missing?


- - - - - - - -


Lightsmith every time I read your posts I'm impressed. You don't get enough ups! :)

Edited by ItWasntMeIPromise
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This is really weird. Especially since Fifield & OP Armage are the SAME PERSON.




Both thick as thieves in this thread and  both accounts started on 22 Mar 2015 within a hour of each other.

Fifiield https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/user/1108186-fifield/

Armage https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/user/1204750-armage/


Also Fifield PM me about a response I gave to OP Armage post but he spoke to me as I I was talking to him.... I posted the picture previously but it was sadly removed. I still have the picture and will repost if requested.


So in the face of this destructive behavior to our community why have my posts been removed?


@Mods can we do something about this troll please.



cool story but no, sorry, that isn't the case. Mods won't do anything about that because I know nothing about the other guy you mentioned.


edit: what are you talking about? the profile says fifiled is a member since january... oh dear, to what kind of people am I talking to?_? What kind of arguing/trolling is that?

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Let's just try to get back to the point of this thread, shall we?


1. Contrary to what OP says, sliding in Warframe does not make you go faster. Sliding makes you slowly loose speed until you come to a halt. What makes you go faster is whirling your melee weapon around you, using its momentum to propel you forward.


2. If somebody doesn't like the animation, fine, that's a valid opinion. But there's nothing wrong with the mechanic itself. This is a game about martial arts fighters. Think of all the Kung Fu movies out there, Hidden Tiger, Crouching Dragon or Kill Bill, and what physically impossible things people are doing in these. Standing on thin bamboo branches. Fighting while flying through the air. Walking on water. Standing on the blade of your opponent's sword, giving him a good view onto your foot. And so on. If that's too far removed from reality for you, then you need to move on to another genre.


3. We simply need coptering because we need a way to get around the maps fast. The maps in Warframe are huge. There are a lot of missions where it takes you minutes of running just to get to the mission objectives. Slowing down players' movement is simply no option, it would break the game. Acutally, there are players in my Clan who choose their meele weapons exclusively for the distance they can copter with them.


4. In solar rail PVP (haven't tried out the new one yet), coptering was a hell of a pain. But if you took a closer look at it, it became clear that the movement itself was not the problem. The real problems were a) the various overpowered weapons and abilities, and b) the fact that at least the attackers had no spawning area that was protected from enemy movement and fire. Defenders could copter into the attackers' spawning zone, kill newly spawned players and copter out again before the timer ran out, turning matches into spawnrape-fests. A better weapon balance and better maps would have solved those issues.



Why is this post still going. OMG. New guy wants changes, its just another day.


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Dear lord this thread devolved overnight.


Can we all agree that people use the buttscratching/coptering 'mechanic' to go faster since sprint doesn't work well enough?


Can we all agree that it would be logical and useful if our space ninjas could sprint faster than they can slide across the ground while spinning in a circle like a kid in a sprinkler?


I'm fine with leaving the buttscratching/coptering mechanic in since it's useful in the context it should be (combat), just make sprint useful as the 'moving fast' option. Seriously.


Sorry, but I can't quite agree. I use coptering and 'turbo sliding' because they're available and they make me go faster. I don't use them because I feel as though I'm not fast enough. I also use them out of habit as sliding was the go-to way to close distance while using charge melee weapons without suffering from the movement penalty back in the day. Its a habit I never quite dropped.


Nope, completely disagree unless our warframes suddenly get maglev skates for their feet.


Sprinting IS useful. It is by far the fastest way to move without sacrificing control. Coptering also works as the melee dash that sprinting can never be while we have combos.


Go in a mission and sprint in one direction then immediately 180 (while still holding down the forward key and sprinting) and keep doing that back and forth for a bit. Now try doing that but add a quick 'turbo slide' right before you 180. If you're doing the maneuver correctly you'll find that recovering from the momentum of the slide takes longer than recovering from the momentum of sprinting. Sprinting is more controlled. To go faster you sacrifice some of that control. Yes, this doesn't matter much/at all when running unopposed in one direction. But it becomes more important when making mistakes counts (the obstacle course and combat). I was going to record and upload a video of this, but fraps drops me from 100+ fps to ~30 fps even with all my settings turned down.

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Go in a mission and sprint in one direction then immediately 180 (while still holding down the forward key and sprinting) and keep doing that back and forth for a bit. Now try doing that but add a quick 'turbo slide' right before you 180. If you're doing the maneuver correctly you'll find that recovering from the momentum of the slide takes longer than recovering from the momentum of sprinting. Sprinting is more controlled. To go faster you sacrifice some of that control. Yes, this doesn't matter much/at all when running unopposed in one direction. But it becomes more important when making mistakes counts (the obstacle course and combat). I was going to record and upload a video of this, but fraps drops me from 100+ fps to ~30 fps even with all my settings turned down.


I have 5 hours played in this game and yet have a clear idea of what you are talking about, and guess what, you talk about drawbacks as in lack of control while me, on the other hand, see something even more dumb to see and more buggy than the question I raised before. That is just the bad mechanic (the bug in this case) at its worse. You can really see in this case why this "feature" is still an ugly bug. What's worse than seeing your character slipping in a struggle to move in a direction and failing like he was running with oily shoes on oily floor, even for a brief moment? That's what I call poor physics and buggy gameplay and that's what I want out of a good game since its first days. Again, regardless of how much people find it fun, useful or got used to it, I don't care because none of that is a good reason to keep something that ugly and dumb in a game.

Edited by Armage
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I have 5 hours played in this game and yet have a clear idea of what you are talking about, and guess what, you talk about drawbacks as in lack of control while me, on the other hand, see something even more dumb to see and more buggy than the question I raised before. That is just the bad mechanic (the bug in this case) at its worse. You can really see in this case why this "feature" is still an ugly bug. What's worse than seeing your character slipping in a struggle to move in a direction and failing like he was running with oily shoes on oily floor, even for a brief moment? That's what I call poor physics and buggy gameplay and that's what I want out of a good game since its first days. Again, regardless of how much people find it fun, useful or got used to it, I don't care because none of that is a good reason to keep something that ugly and dumb in a game.

Wow, a full 5 hours? 

Well, your input will surely draw the dev's eyes and they will change this thing you don't like after playing the game for so long.

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Sorry, but I can't quite agree. I use coptering and 'turbo sliding' because they're available and they make me go faster. I don't use them because I feel as though I'm not fast enough. I also use them out of habit as sliding was the go-to way to close distance while using charge melee weapons without suffering from the movement penalty back in the day. Its a habit I never quite dropped.


Nope, completely disagree unless our warframes suddenly get maglev skates for their feet.


Sprinting IS useful. It is by far the fastest way to move without sacrificing control. Coptering also works as the melee dash that sprinting can never be while we have combos.


Go in a mission and sprint in one direction then immediately 180 (while still holding down the forward key and sprinting) and keep doing that back and forth for a bit. Now try doing that but add a quick 'turbo slide' right before you 180. If you're doing the maneuver correctly you'll find that recovering from the momentum of the slide takes longer than recovering from the momentum of sprinting. Sprinting is more controlled. To go faster you sacrifice some of that control. Yes, this doesn't matter much/at all when running unopposed in one direction. But it becomes more important when making mistakes counts (the obstacle course and combat). I was going to record and upload a video of this, but fraps drops me from 100+ fps to ~30 fps even with all my settings turned down.


You started out by agreeing with me while saying you weren't. You also didn't seem to read more than the first two sentences of my post. Not to mention you are conveniently ignoring parts of what I'm saying, especially parts that the content of your posts seem to agree with. Dial back whatever it is that's causing you to jump around like that and read the whole content, and think about what it means please.


Also, you state that sprinting is useful because you retain control. That is correct. That is also why coptering is used more to rush through the level and sprinting is used more in the midst of combat. That is not how things should be if you think about it in any sense other than 'oh no, the bads are trying to take away my coptering'.


Again, I'm not saying coptering should be taken out, I'm saying coptering should be more useful in combat and sprinting should be more useful for straight speed and getting through missions.

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I have 5 hours played in this game and yet have a clear idea of what you are talking about, and guess what, you talk about drawbacks as in lack of control while me, on the other hand, see something even more dumb to see and more buggy than the question I raised before. That is just the bad mechanic (the bug in this case) at its worse. You can really see in this case why this "feature" is still an ugly bug. What's worse than seeing your character slipping in a struggle to move in a direction and failing like he was running with oily shoes on oily floor, even for a brief moment? That's what I call poor physics and buggy gameplay and that's what I want out of a good game since its first days. Again, regardless of how much people find it fun, useful or got used to it, I don't care because none of that is a good reason to keep something that ugly and dumb in a game.


Cool, glad I didn't need to record a video. I don't really give a you-know-what about the bit of your post that underlined because it is your opinion and I'm not about to sit around arguing back and forth over opinions. 


Have you ever actually tried to counter your own inertia? It isn't quite that animated/exaggerated, but you don't exactly reverse direction without some resistance. (Assuming you can, if you can't please forgive me) Go outside and sprint as fast as possible in one direction, then attempt to immediately 180 and sprint in the other direction. If you didn't break your ankle/fall and you weren't wearing cleats you probably slid to some extent. Welcome to beta.


Now on the last opinionated thing you said (I italicized it), you're basically saying that it being fun (opinion) and deemed useful doesn't matter and it should be removed because you think it is ugly and dumb? LOL alright, I think Rhino should be removed because I think he is ugly and dumb. People who find him fun and useful be damned.


You started out by agreeing with me while saying you weren't. You also didn't seem to read more than the first two sentences of my post. Not to mention you are conveniently ignoring parts of what I'm saying, especially parts that the content of your posts seem to agree with. Dial back whatever it is that's causing you to jump around like that and read the whole content, and think about what it means please.


Also, you state that sprinting is useful because you retain control. That is correct. That is also why coptering is used more to rush through the level and sprinting is used more in the midst of combat. That is not how things should be if you think about it in any sense other than 'oh no, the bads are trying to take away my coptering'.


Again, I'm not saying coptering should be taken out, I'm saying coptering should be more useful in combat and sprinting should be more useful for straight speed and getting through missions.


Did YOU actually read my post in full? I didn't agree with you. If I only read the first two sentences, why did I respond to everything you said? Read my entire post next time, mate. Pro tip: I separated my post so that each text chunk was responding to one of yours, with the exceptions being your first sentence (didn't bother responding) and my last chunk because that was extra. I said I didn't quite agree which I had hoped would help indicate that I didn't FULLY disagree either. I agreed with some things you said but disagreed with enough that I felt on a scale of fully disagree to fully agree, I was firmly on the disagree side of the spectrum.


It makes plenty of sense to me, especially when you consider that coptering can and is often used in combat as well and that sprinting is often preferred in tighter/smaller tilesets (corpus ship tileset and more complex tilesets (the infested tileset).


And I never said you were claiming coptering should be removed, that's an assumption that you pulled out of your back-pocket or something.

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Have you ever actually tried to counter your own inertia? It isn't quite that animated/exaggerated, but you don't exactly reverse direction without some resistance. (Assuming you can, if you can't please forgive me) Go outside and sprint as fast as possible in one direction, then attempt to immediately 180 and sprint in the other direction. If you didn't break your ankle/fall and you weren't wearing cleats you probably slid to some extent. Welcome to beta.


but they're ninjas!

Now on the last opinionated thing you said (I italicized it), you're basically saying that it being fun (opinion) and deemed useful doesn't matter and it should be removed because you think it is ugly and dumb? LOL alright, I think Rhino should be removed because I think he is ugly and dumb. People who find him fun and useful be damned.



Well, what's the problem? maybe if you argue it the right way and happen to have enough accordance and visibility you might have your wish fullfilled, why not? The community and the forums exist for a reason. I don't want anybody to be damned. If you pose an idea to a sufficient number of people there'll always be somebody who agree and somebody else who disagrees, good or bad ideas alike.

I'm just stating a point. Sure, I'm interested to listen to those who disagree and understand why it is so, but at this time I feel I've had enough of it and didn't change my mind in the least 'cause their arguments were very bad (I summed up some of them in a previous post) and I feel many of those people didn't manage to even grasp the point.

Anyway, I appreciate your debating capabilities but I suppose we just have to agree to disagree, which is fine because the debate isn't (shouldn't be at least) between just me and you.

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but they're ninjas!


Well, what's the problem? maybe if you argue it the right way and happen to have enough accordance and visibility you might have your wish fullfilled, why not? The community and the forums exist for a reason. I don't want anybody to be damned. If you pose an idea to a sufficient number of people there'll always be somebody who agree and somebody else who disagrees, good or bad ideas alike.

I'm just stating a point. Sure, I'm interested to listen to those who disagree and understand why it is so, but at this time I feel I've had enough of it and didn't change my mind in the least 'cause their arguments were very bad (I summed up some of them in a previous post) and I feel many of those people didn't manage to even grasp the point.

Anyway, I appreciate your debating capabilities but I suppose we just have to agree to disagree, which is fine because the debate isn't (shouldn't be at least) between just me and you.



Sure, magic space ninja with well oiled feet and butts.


The problem is when your opinion involves removing a feature that isn't widely reviled for no reason other than 'I think it is stupid and looks ugly'. Sure, some people will share your opinion, but others will not. Normally there is no problem with that. But when your post comes off overly aggressive and seems to act as though your opinion is the only one that matters/exists you run into a problem. I'm used to have an unpopular opinion, I know and can empathize with you. But I've long since learned that alienating much of your audience is not the way to go. I am more than willing to agree to disagree when it comes to our differences of opinion.


If this post ends up getting multiposted my internet/the forums are to blame. I've pressed the post button multiple times now and it still won't post.

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Cool, glad I didn't need to record a video. I don't really give a you-know-what about the bit of your post that underlined because it is your opinion and I'm not about to sit around arguing back and forth over opinions. 


Have you ever actually tried to counter your own inertia? It isn't quite that animated/exaggerated, but you don't exactly reverse direction without some resistance. (Assuming you can, if you can't please forgive me) Go outside and sprint as fast as possible in one direction, then attempt to immediately 180 and sprint in the other direction. If you didn't break your ankle/fall and you weren't wearing cleats you probably slid to some extent. Welcome to beta.


Also, the problem you're talking about has not been solved (in other games) by making the character slip on the floor like he is on a treadmill. This was how the job was done in a game in the late 90s, and back then it was just fine. Now we're not in the 90s anymore and videogames have solved the issue with some sort of animation to manage the momentum and the inertia of the run, to make it look that you stop and change direction, to make it feel more realistic and not dumb. (assassin's creed comes to mind, but you get the idea)

Now I'm not saying "let's do the exact same thing", I know they have more money and stuff, I know this is a different game with a different pace etc etc. It's just to make you see how this is a common issue in games and the "treadmill" effect is something that modern games solved long time ago.

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Sure, magic space ninja with well oiled feet and butts.


The problem is when your opinion involves removing a feature that isn't widely reviled for no reason other than 'I think it is stupid and looks ugly'. Sure, some people will share your opinion, but others will not. Normally there is no problem with that. But when your post comes off overly aggressive and seems to act as though your opinion is the only one that matters/exists you run into a problem. I'm used to have an unpopular opinion, I know and can empathize with you. But I've long since learned that alienating much of your audience is not the way to go. I am more than willing to agree to disagree when it comes to our differences of opinion.


If this post ends up getting multiposted my internet/the forums are to blame. I've pressed the post button multiple times now and it still won't post.


yeah, my post might have been overly aggressive, I can see that. It came out that way because I gave another try at the game after more than a year and a half my first install. Back then, it was in his early days, I saw some good things but, again, crappy physics like it was a 0.000123 alpha (among other things) made me leave a negative review on steam and uninstall it right away. Not very surprising though, after all, a game in its first days with very unpleasant issues, while still being unpleasant, is more forgivable than a game having the same issues after so much time and a community that grew quite big. Now that I wanted to give to it another try, imagine my reaction when I saw that NOTHING was changed since then about the things I noticed first and hated the most. (yes, they changed many other things for the better, I know, not trying to say that they did nothing good -btw I'm happy to hear that they have in mind a rework on the side of movement and controls-). Hence the aggressive post.


Now, I apologize for that but still, people shouldn't focus on how much the post is aggressive or not (as long as it doesn't insult anyone specific or goes against forum rules) but if it has a point or not, like someone did. 

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Also, the problem you're talking about has not been solved (in other games) by making the character slip on the floor like he is on a treadmill. This was how the job was done in a game in the late 90s, and back then it was just fine. Now we're not in the 90s anymore and videogames have solved the issue with some sort of animation to manage the momentum and the inertia of the run, to make it look that you stop and change direction, to make it feel more realistic and not dumb. (assassin's creed comes to mind, but you get the idea)

Now I'm not saying "let's do the exact same thing", I know they have more money and stuff, I know this is a different game with a different pace etc etc. It's just to make you see how this is a common issue in games and the "treadmill" effect is something that modern games solved long time ago.

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