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Dojo Outdoors Area, Going To Inbox And Arsenal And Much More.


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~I think it would be a great idea to add an outside area to the dojo.  Make it like a garden or something of that nature.


~Possibly add a message board on the clan's resources, credits, and building and reaserch progress. Do this so people won't have to go find that area or lab to see if its done or the clan has enough resources to make what they are constructing. Also, giving the leaders the ability to put up notices for upcoming events.


~A type of module or structure to view your inbox and arsenal.


~maybe a mod station 


~And maybe even a foundry.


~A codex or a market inside of it as well.



I know some of these may seem useless or pointless but I think these would be useful if your trading with somebody and you need to build something or upgrade a mod or you just got a new weapon or you made your warframe look really cool and you want to show it off. I think it'll add convenience to the game a bit.

Please, give me some opinions on this.

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hmm outside in space~?

i think a green house kind of room or a big open plant life room like a green house would be nice... not so much outside XD

everything else would be a nice conveince speicly comeing from someone like me that own a guild of one person and has invested all thier resources into research XD it would save me alot of time

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I think with "outside" he meant a place like a cristal dome with a lot of free space to put up some things and make it look nice, not a "I'm walking the f*ck of to the space itself where I can't breathe" kind of outside.

iunno why that made me laugh so hard but yeah i know~ i was just kind of takeing the piss because of the wording~ ^^ ermmm well in my mind you only need 3 varrients of "terrain" then if we could select the season cause i would want to set them all to winter just cause of how i am~ ^^

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