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Mist Warframe (Updated With New Design)


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Because you can't have nearly enough of those.

This is the concept of a fast, frail frame that mostly relies on stealth, gunplay, area of effect powers and greatly benefits from teamwork. The theme of this frame is smoke, and the main inspiration for the looks is jet fighter pilot. The smoke is released directly from the back of his suit through two exhaust ports.


New design



Original design



Additional design by unknown author



Let's get to the meat.

Shields: 100
Health: 100
Power: 150
Armor: 10.0
Shield Recharge: 20
Sprint Speed: 1.2
Polarities: 4x =, 1x -, 1x v

A run and gun frame, Mist can release smoke from his suit to conceal himself and his teammates and to amplify elemental damage dealt in the area covered.


1# Choke
25 Energy, Cost 2/3/4 (halved by polarity)
Launches a small canister of hazardous gas, that can suffocate a single opponent or stick as a smoke trap.

Mist throws a small canister of gas. It can either break on impact with an enemy, or stick to a surface where it will go off as soon as an opponent gets close to it. Once deployed, it will deal continuos damage to a single opponent, which has a high chance of panicking and stop fighting. The trap functions in the same way except it can deploy by itself once it detects an enemy in the proximity. Can be useful as a single target stun and as a way of dealing damage over time to stronger opponents.
Rank increases the range, duration of the effect and the chance of panic.


2# Conceal
50 Energy, Cost 4/5/6/7 (halved by polarity)
Releases a cloud of thick black smoke over an area, that conceals you and your teammates from sight.

Mist's trademark ability, it casts thick smoke that obstructs the view of the enemies. The main difference between this ability and regular invisibility, like Ash's or Loki's powers, is that it is not exclusive to the user, but rather stays in the area where the ability is first used. This means that you can walk outside of it freely and use it, for example, to cover your team's escape or to guard a chokepoint. Enemies cannot see through it, but other players can: your teammates will see the opponents outlined and are thus able to dispatch them while benefiting from the concealment. Being not a "true" invisibility, however, conceal will not work at short range: if you get too close to the enemies, they will be able to see you. This makes this ability more suited for mid range gunplay rather than melee, unlike Ash or Loki's invisibility: cast it in a crowd and pick them off while staying out of their reach.
Rank increases the range and duration of the concealment.


3# Afterburn
75 Energy, Cost 6/7/8 (halved by polarity)
Burns the excess gas in the suit, boosting you at high speed while leaving fire in your trail.

This ability burns up the gas in your suit making you dash in a direction of choice. Mist can glide for a small amount of time forward, backwards, to the sides or even straight up depending on the directional keys pressed (if you don't press any Mist will fly up). At the same time, the trail of burned gas you leave behind will deal fire damage to any opponent caught in the immediate vicinity of the trail. Afterburn can be used to dodge incoming attacks, deal damage to a crowded group of enemies, or to get to ledges and other places outside of your reach.
Rank increases the range, the speed and the fire damage dealt to the enemies caught in the trail.


4# Ion Storm
100 Energy, Cost 10/11/12/13 (halved by polarity)  
Releases a large cloud of ionized gas, that greatly amplifies all the elemental damage within the area.

Mist's ultimate sacrifices damage upfront for more versatility and sinergy with the abilities and mods of other frames. When cast, it fills the sorrounding area with a trasparent ionized gas that slightly blurs the vision. This gas deals no damage by itself, but rather greatly increases the elemental damage dealt to any enemy within the area. The source of this extra damage can be fire, lighting, poison powers and Mist's own Choke ability; elemental damage mods on ranged and melee weapons count as well. Mist or other warframes using elemental damage against an enemy will deal extra damage to that opponent. In addition, any enemy struck will transfer the corresponding damage to a small area, dealing further damage to other opponents that may be close to him. This opens the opportunity for chain elemental damage against large crowds. This ability works best with organized group that have powers and mods good tailored for the enemy resistances. It has a short cast time and works on enemies that enter the area even after the ability was deployed.
Rank increases the range, duration of the effect and the extra elemental damage.


Sepia Alternate Helmet: this helmet increases the duration of Mist's power at the expense of his run speed.
Power Duration: +15%
Speed: -20%

As you can see, Mist is a frame best suited for kiting and working with the rest of the team rather than straight up dealing damage. It fills the niche of stealth, close-to-mid range gunplay and it could be an useful frame by supporting the rest of the grup and helping them deal with large groups of enemies. While some of his abilities may be situational, playing the right card at the right moment can produce extremely effective results.

So, what do you think about the concept and execution? What would you suggest? Awaiting your feedback.

Also, why not checking out my stupid comics or whatever.

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Beside all the other Stuff, which could be nice... please dont name the warframe "Mist" ...


I am German and please look at this dictonary:





I'm not english either, and plenty of english words (not to mention, german) sound weird in my language. Besides, the official game and forum language is english.


Could it be like, "Haze"?

Haze, while a nice name, has too many drug related undertones. Please refer to the 420 afterburn it tenno comment.


That said, I'd welcome more name suggestions.



Another player posted his own redesign of the frame, but I don't want to post it here until he gives me the permission.

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I'm not english either, and plenty of english words (not to mention, german) sound weird in my language. Besides, the official game and forum language is english.


Haze, while a nice name, has too many drug related undertones. Please refer to the 420 afterburn it tenno comment.


That said, I'd welcome more name suggestions.



Another player posted his own redesign of the frame, but I don't want to post it here until he gives me the permission.


Oops, the relation didn't crossed my mind when I was writing, my bad.

You could use a chemical element name, like Carbon.

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I don't know who made this, but it's an attempt to redesign the Frame making it look more "organic". This is the main critique I've received so far: Mist looks too mechanical, too many sharp lines, the tubes and canister clash with Warframe's general design. I will attempt to rework it using this drawing as a reference.


I will credit the author of this drawing as soon as he shows up.

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