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Simple change to melee system


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With the introduction of heavy melee weapons, I think it is time to suggest a simple addition and change to the melee system to spice things up a bit.

Add 1 new animation each for sword types and heavy weapons. This would be a walking / standing charge attack for swords and sprinting charge attack for heavies. The purpose?

Sword standard charge attack will be a quick dash into a slash, looks kind of like Sword Dash but without the effects and much shorter distance, much tighter hitbox, damage base on charge damage. This will replace our current charge attack. The reasoning behind it is for sword users to quickly move between targets at a rapid rate, reducing time under fire, more distinction between swords and heavies, and no longer do we stand in front of them and charge up again and again until they dies. So imagine you are slicing at your target, it dies, standing a couple of metres away is another Grineer shooting at you, once your last swing animation is complete, you charge up, aim at him, and you dashes forward quickly and slash at him and can continue your melee assualt at a more ideal situation. The only exception where the old charge system is not replaced is when we are sprinting. The dash would be redundant at that siutation.

The reason for the suggested change is because we don't have a gap closing move that is pratical during tighter fights. While we can sprint and charge up, not in every case where we can kill everything in 1 hit, once that charge attack lands we just strafe around the target and do charge attack again. Then we move on and rinise and repeat. The sprinting in this game doesn't have a very high moblity to it, and sprinting after every kill feels very sluggish, and dpending on the charge speed of the weapon, we could end up just running around the target a bit to compensate charge time.

For heavies, the change is opposite. No changes to the standard charge attack, but change the sprinting charge into a flip then overhead smash attack. Looks exactly like the sliding jump into jumping attack but one smooth motion and no need for indivdual input ocne the charge is done. Reason for that is to allow heavies to close the gap much quicker than now, but it will stil stay in the middle of the crowd, maximizing its mult hit properties.

The end result of the changes is that swords will be really good at switching targets and closing gaps in mid fight, displaying the power of ligher weapon and its agility. Heavies will have a grand slam entrance to a fight, captialize on the mult hit but no quick dash for logical reasons.

As for powerfists, staff, and daggers. Well I think we should wait for what DE plans to do with them first.

Edited by Casval_Rouge
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Well your proposition is quite elementary I must say.

I believe the developers already had this stuff planned, but it's funny how they didn't implement anything like it so far.

Speaks a lot about their character. Anywho! I think this idea should really be implemented.

We dont want all our weapons to be complete copies of how they are used (in that stereotypical 4 slashes way with a last imbalancing strike).

Seen it loads, need a change.

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This is a great idea, but how does this affect balance in terms of strategies when comparing warframes? Excalibur has sword dash, and that's pretty much a gap closing damage skill. I get that it's gonna be small and still based on charge damage, but let's compare it to Mag. Mag can pull enemies out of cover and levitate them. If Mag were to get a small charge dash, it'd be pretty silly for excalibur to still have charge dash because everyone else can do the same except a lot shorter. I'm not saying this is a bad idea though, it's well thought out and idea candy for the devs.

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Well your proposition is quite elementary I must say.

I believe the developers already had this stuff planned, but it's funny how they didn't implement anything like it so far.

Speaks a lot about their character. Anywho! I think this idea should really be implemented.

We dont want all our weapons to be complete copies of how they are used (in that stereotypical 4 slashes way with a last imbalancing strike).

Seen it loads, need a change.

Well yes, it is suppose to a simple change. While I don't want to bash DE, but because we have no idea what they are planning, it is hard to make suggestions that is big in scale. I think this is the best if DE plans to never overhaul the melee system, ever.

This is a great idea, but how does this affect balance in terms of strategies when comparing warframes? Excalibur has sword dash, and that's pretty much a gap closing damage skill. I get that it's gonna be small and still based on charge damage, but let's compare it to Mag. Mag can pull enemies out of cover and levitate them. If Mag were to get a small charge dash, it'd be pretty silly for excalibur to still have charge dash because everyone else can do the same except a lot shorter. I'm not saying this is a bad idea though, it's well thought out and idea candy for the devs.

The difference here is that Sword dash, 1. consumes energy, 2. it is better serve as an initiate strike because it is an aoe attack, much, much longer range, and insane damge, once your Sword dash is complete, you can short dash to clean up the rest. If a Mag pulls enemies over, you can still use sword dash instead of short dash once again because of the difference stated above. i think this change is a buff to Excal when all things considered.

The idea is to leave Warframes less exposed to enemy fire when in melee by shortening the travel time, the new shield changes is part of the influence of it.

Edited by Casval_Rouge
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This is a great idea, but how does this affect balance in terms of strategies when comparing warframes? Excalibur has sword dash, and that's pretty much a gap closing damage skill. I get that it's gonna be small and still based on charge damage, but let's compare it to Mag. Mag can pull enemies out of cover and levitate them. If Mag were to get a small charge dash, it'd be pretty silly for excalibur to still have charge dash because everyone else can do the same except a lot shorter. I'm not saying this is a bad idea though, it's well thought out and idea candy for the devs.

Excalibur would likely still do far more damage with the actual power-based sword dash, though, and I'm assuming the basic charge 'dash' wouldn't go through enemies.

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Excalibur would likely still do far more damage with the actual power-based sword dash, though, and I'm assuming the basic charge 'dash' wouldn't go through enemies.

Exactly, if you are using a sword that is not dual sword, the charge attack should only hit 1 target.

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