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House Of Broken Tenno Is Looking For Members


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The house of Broken tenno is a clan that seeks to make its members elite players.

We do this not by constantly doing PVP or using cheap tricks but by helping our members learn the ins and outs of Warframe as well as how to mod correctly. We're a clan that helps each other out on a regular basis as well, mainly by doing missions.



No Bullying: Playing around is fine but we will not tolerate people being made fun of or made to feel like they're worthless.

Must be on at least once every Month: We do not want to fill our clan with people who won't be there.

Must take an entrance interview: We ask a few, very important, questions. If we like your answers you're most likely in, if not then you're not.

DO NOT cuss other people out or start any fights: I realize this goes hand in hand with bullying but some people might need to be told.

No leet please: Not really a rule but it's important to note. My co-warlord and I literally get head-aches from reading too much leet and would appreciate if you didn't do it. Thank you. however if we ask you to stop and you don't you will then be breaking a rule.

Listen to the warlords and leaders: If you do something you're not supposed to despite being told by My co-warlord and I or the players at the rank of leader you will be given a warning, if it continues you will be kicked from the clan should both warlords agree.


If any rules are broken you will receive a warning, if it continues you will be kicked, if it happens when no one is around we will need a couple witnesses as we do not wish to be unfair or tyrannical.


Somewhat of an overview of the clan, sorta:


We are a somewhat new clan who has already nearly finished their dojo (we have 99 rooms mapped out of which about 70% are complete, what isn't finished is just extra rooms).

We are more or less casual, we have fun playing PVP but at the end of the day it's all about hanging out with friends and just having fun playing Warframe.

We're a group that likes to joke around and laugh, sometimes we have a twisted sense of humor, or to put it another way everyone of the Broken is just a little bit cracked.

We have a ninety day absence policy, if you are not on for 90 days you will be kicked without warning, unless you tell us you're taking a break in which case this may be extended. However no break should take over 3 months anyway. Sickness however is a different matter since you should be able to check in from time to time, we will also not fault you for temporary loss of internet so long as you tell us and are not gone for way too long.

We aren't mean or rude, even if our playing around with each other may seem like it from time to time.

We aren't here to help you to make platinum or to get weapons from our labs, we actually want people who want to make new friends and be in a clan.

We like to get to know each other so from time to time, possibly very rarely depending on what people are going through at the time, we may ask about you.

We really don't like people with attitudes, we're all pretty chill.

We have a Skype group going on which you're not required to join but are allowed to if you want.

Our timezones vary but are mostly in america.

Remember if for some reason you have to leave the clan temporarily (so long as we are not full) you can always ask to come back, however if you leave and come back constantly then you'll eventually be turned away.


Contact Sictanpc or Smileyrat to take the entrance interview or if you like post here and I will get in contact when I have time (since most of the time I'm busy playing Warframe or another game)


Thank you for your time- Sictanpc, Warlord, House of Broken tenno.

Edited by Sictanpc
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I've been part of this clan for about a week, and I can tell you that it's a great place to be, though you should probably be careful about joining the voice calls if you're easily offended :3 The members are really helpful and open towards you when you join, And most members are on daily. And if you ever need help there's always someone who'll come to your rescue (Especially the warlord(s))


So if that's the kind of environment you're looking for, I advise you to give it a shot :3 (P.S: The interview's no sweat at all)

Edited by Garhino
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