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Infested Pathing Is Broken By Cryopod Platform


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In a mission like Saturn's Dark Sector defense (or any situation that uses this map with the infested), you defend a cryopod against the infested, which sits on a platform that will periodically raise and lower itself. I've noticed that, on occasion, the infested will spawn in their respective rooms, but will remain there. I don't mean the inevitable one or two that spawn and get stuck, I mean all spawns for an entire wave (except for the first three or four?) will be created and not pursue the pod in the center of the map, however, they will defend themselves upon seeing any player that goes to their spawn area and enters their line of sight.


I've just now figured out that this error is caused when enemies start spawning while the platform is ascending or descending, instead of waiting for the platform to completely move. This would mean that the infested will spawn immediately upon completion of the last wave (when the cryopod is in its previous location) and then no longer pursue the pod when it is completing or has completed its transition because their target doesn't exist at that location anymore.


After you visit all the spawn rooms a number of times and defeat the enemies that are stalled there, the next wave will apparently go back to normal.

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