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Mutalist Alad V Coordinates


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Hey guys, so I was thinking if you could put more missions where the reward is a Mutalis Alad V Coordinate because in 2 days I've only found one and also, Aura mods are not coming as frequently as it should , imagine how new players would feel...

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There was an Infested invasion node over the weekend offering two coordinates as a reward, but those are rare.


On average, you'll see one or two coordinates per invaded planet. Each planet is invaded for approximately two days before Phorid is finally cleared (this really needs to change), and there can be a maximum of two planets invaded by the Infested at any given time. This gives you about one coordinate per day. The only change I would suggest would be to either decrease Phorid's node duration (fewer completions to clear the node) so that Phorid isn't preventing other planets from being infested or to make infested nodes continually appear until Phorid reaches a certain threshold (around 10-20%).



The frequency of Aura alerts and Nightmare alerts should probably be increased, though. And Vauban alerts. (It took me only 2 weeks to get my first complete Vauban set, but I've only managed to get one additional completed set over the past several months.)


Actually, the frequency of all alerts that aren't just credits should be increased. It's really depressing to be logged in for several hours and to only see credit and resource alerts. They break up the otherwise monotonous grind of whatever else I may be doing at the time.

Edited by Inarticulate
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