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Advance Beginner Questions?



Hi guys


I have done enough wiki research, youtube tutorial videos, this site quick start guide, and various guides on steam.  These are questions that I still don't know the answer to.  The tutorial is very lacking and this game can get very confusing and overwhelming to a beginner, though fortunately it isn't as complex as an mmorpg. 



1.  What happen if you die?  Are there any death penalty?  If you get 4 free revive per day and you don't use them, does it rollover where you never run out of revive?

2.  Do you get any reward for stealth gameplay in this game, or is it better to rush through the mission?  Do you get extra credit, mods, components, rewards if you beat the mission undetected?

3.  When you hunt for components as display in each planets info, are those components found in those green lockers in game or do you get those rewards after you complete the mission?

4.  What the differences between an orokin reactor and catalyst.  All I know is that it double your mod capacity.  I think that mean you go from 8 + Aura mod slot to 16 + 2 Aura mod slot, is that correct?  How many of these orokins can you buy, since I read that it the hardest to farm and get in game.

5.  How do you farm in this game, just do the same mission over and over again?  Do you check every green locker when you farm or do you just finish the mission as fast as possible?  This question tie in with my #3 question about component. 

6.  What are the most popular color palette? 

7.  Why was Frost Prime taken off the market?

8.  Warframe slot, weapon slot, orokin reactor/catalyst, and color palette are the only thing worth buying with plat right?

9.  What level do you start learning about relay?  I been there and I don't know what it for. 

10.  Tieing in with relay, what are syndicate, and at what level do I learn about them?

11.  What happen once your warframe become level 30?

12.  What are the void?

13.  What are dark sector?

14.  Modding questions:  What are forma and what are aura?

15.  Why do you lose all your progress, mods, rewards, if you disconnected?  You can log back in but you lose everything, why?

16.  Why is Volt Prime so sought after?  In its current state, is Volt a good warframe?

17.  Are prime warframe better than non prime warframe?  What is the differences between the two?  Would a Mag prime be better than all non prime frame including the top 2 currently : Mesa and Nova?

18.  Do Prime frame replace normal frame?  Meaning they don't take up more than 23 warframe slot?

19.  Do you lose any experience, rewards, items when you go single player vs co-ops?

20.  What is the best item for beginner to farm to sell or trade for plat? Where would I find such item?

21.  How do you get the 75% off plat?  Did you have to choose recieved exclusive news and announcment when you first made a new account in the game?

22.  Certain mission have Tier to them.  I read about people talking aobut T1, T2, T3, T4 defense mission.  I also read about different rotation of each Tier, like T1C or T2A.  Can someone tell me what these mean?

23.  Is there a reason why Volt Prime is the only prime without special weapon in his prime access?

24.  This is an amazing game, why is the review on Metacritic a 68 out of 100?

25.  How do you know what to mod or what mod to take on certain mission?  As a beginner, all I do right now is auto-mod.  I like to learn how to mod and to take which mod for which warframe on which mission?  Please give me insight. 

26.  What is the next weapon I should get after the weak MK1-Braton as my primary weapon?

27.  In regard to trading, is there a site that show pricing so that I don't get ripoff if I buy or sell?

28.  Is there a list of all Warframe update from the beginning to currently in one page? (I found it once but I forgot where it is at now) (was in one of the response on this forum)



Thanks guys!




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20 answers to this question

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2) No you don't get extra rewards for doing undetected.

3)you find them in green lockers and from killing enimies.

4)reactor is used for the warframes and sentinels while a catalyst is used on weapons.

5) Find the mission that gives you most of the component you need and keep doing that mission. Usually the best missions for farming are survival or defense missions.

8) yes

11) It would be at its best and you can start applying form as.

12) void is the place where you get prime parts.

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I will quickly answer your questions regarding reactors etc. Yes installing a reactor or catalyst doubles the mod capacity (correct terminology). but the thing you are referring to are mod slots, the places where you put your mods into and those will stay at 8(+aura). mod capacity are the points you spend for using a mod on your weapon/warframe. you get 1 point per level up to 30. with an installed catalyst/reactor you get 2 per level up to 60.


regarding the question what happens when your warframe hits 30: its level 30, the maximum level. it wont level any further and has the maximum amount of mod capacity possible (warframes ahve now their maximum base health,shields and energy). further you can now use a forma on them to add or change a polarity (using mods with corresponding polarity in this slot will halve their cost), which will reset the level of your weapon/warframe to 0 and you have to relevel it(you gain no additional mastery for it).


aura mods are special warframe mods whch only fit into the aura slot and give additional mod capacity (amount of given capacity is determined by polarity of slot and mod).


and yes, the best things to buy for platinum are slots then catalyst/reactor. everything else is optional, colors are a good idea.

Edited by Abelarde-EGT-
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1. No penalty, unless you die from some event enemy (like stalker - then you lose possible rewards for killing him). And revives get reset to 4 every day, doesn't matter if you have 4 or 0 - it will always get back to 4

6. From buy-able, Tenno, as far as I know

7. DE hasn't stated the reason and huge amounts of players were angry

9. I personally use relays for Baro Ki'teer (void trader, brings rare but VERY expensive items) and Cephalon Simaris (a new syndicate). Don't worry about relays, they aren't of much use

10. Syndicates basically give valuable rewards but at a cost of facing additional strong enemies during missions. I personally don't do syndicates, just Cephalon Simaris, since working for him doesn't give any negative thigns (no additional strong enemies). Maybe someday I'll start doing

13. Places to try to catch Stalker or to farm things like Neural Sensors. But they're a bit tough, especially for new players

14. Formas are installed into weapons/warframes/sentinels/kubrows/archwings making that slot with a polarity. Installing the same polarity mod into a polarized slot will drop its drain 2 times. Aura mods give buffs for you AND your entire team while not draining mod slots, but adding them. Again polarization applies - polarized slots give twice

15. If you log out during a mission, well, sorry but it's how it is. If you get an option to reconnect (if your client or internet crashed) you may still be able to finish the mission and get end-mission rewards

16. Because it is the newest of all. And all warframes can be good, it all depends on the user

17. Mesa doesn't have a prime (at least yet). Prime versions are always better. Most of the time they just have an additional polarity slot (then it doesn't make a lot of difference) but in some cases stats are also better (like Nova Prime or Volt Prime)

18. No. They're different items, you can have both prime and non-prime versions at the same time
19. Co-op give more enemies, so more items. Also co-op game is recommended since teammates can revive you if you get down, not wasting 4 daily revives. And can help in many other ways
20. Sicarus Prime are very easy to get and I sell them for 10 plat per full set. But I'd recommend just doing anything you like. Selling separate parts is very hard, people usually only buy full sets. If you really want sicarus prime, click drop locations http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Sicarus_Prime

leaving the rest to others

Edited by maumastoks
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1. You won't get end of mission rewards, revives do not roll over.

2. No but spy and rescue encourage stealth.

3. The components are dropped by enemies or found in lockers.

4. A reactor is for warframes and sentinels. A catalyst is for weapons. Reactors do not affect the aura slot and catalysts don't affect the stance slot on melees.

5. Most people farm on endless missions until they have what they need.

6. Usually the free ones given on special occasions, such as the easter one currently in the market for one cred.

7. Presumably to make room for more primes with less diluted drop tables.

8.Arguably, because slots are plat-only and reactors/catalysts are alert-only.

I can't type much more with a controller..

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1. Penalty of running out of revives is being forced to quit the mission if solo, or running the risk of getting no items with a team (depends on how quickly your team completes the mission). Your revives reset each day, so no rollover.


2. Stealth kills give an affinity multiplier. Affinity is essentially weapon/frame XP, so this can help quickly get them to higher levels. You don't get anything else though, unless you're playing Spy missions.


3. Components drop from enemies and lockers. A few types (Nav Coordinates) only drop from lockers and crates, but most will drop primarily from enemies.


4. Orokin Catalysts/Reactors (I'll call them potatoes from here on--community name) don't double the number of mods you can put on the weapon, but double the amount of mod energy each weapon has. If you look on the top of the mod loadout you'll notice that as you add mods, an orange bar will expand and a number will count down based on the mod cost. The potatoes allow you to double that capacity, which means you can fuse mods more and still be able to fit them. Reactors are for Warframes, Sentinels, and Kubrows, while Catalysts are for weapons.


5. Best ways to farm are usually dependent on what you're looking for. With resources, going for missions with tons of enemies (like Mobile Defense or Survival) are usually best. Alternatively, farming certain bosses offers a pretty reliable way of getting the rare resources. There are probably more specific guides if you look for them.


6. No clue, sorry.


7. DE hasn't given a reason. I could guess at some, but it would really only be speculation.


8. Yes, when you don't factor in trading. But be careful as a new player as you could end up spending unreasonable amounts on things. Watch the chat for awhile before buying anything so you know normal prices, and check out mods and parts on the Wiki comments to see if people actually have trouble finding them.


9. The relays are a work-in-progress. But once you hit Mastery Rank 3 you can join Syndicates, which add more purpose to them. Also, once every two weeks the Void Trader comes to one (it might not be one you can go to). He'll let you exchange Prime Parts for his goods.


10. Syndicates are factions that offer special mods, items, and weapons for your support. They are unlocked at MR3. You can level them by using special syndicate sigils. However, they also have alliances enemies, so ranking one syndicate will earn positive favor from one and negative favor from two others.


11. It's as powerful as it can be if you have the right mods. You can apply Formas, which allow one specific type of mod to cost less mod capacity.


12. Void is where you can get Prime Parts and weapons. Story-wise, it's a place where the last ships of an ancient faction are hidden.


13. Dark Sectors are missions where people can earn resources and XP faster--but clans bond together in alliances to control them, allowing them to tax a portion of the credits and resources you receive. You can see what that percentage is before looking at it. Dark Sectors also have conflicts now, which means two alliances can battle in PVP for control of the sector. I'm not sure, however, if that's currently active--PVP was changed in the last update and it hasn't come out for PS4 (my console) yet.


14. Forma are special resources whose blueprints can be gained fairly easily in the Void. They are often build requirements in clan-tech weapons (as well as for building clan dojos in general), but they are mainly used as another way of increasing mod space. One Forma allows you to pick a mod slot on a weapon and polarize it, meaning it gains one of the mod icons and all mods of that type cost less when used on that slot. Auras are mods that benefit the whole team. They only appear in alerts. They also increase your mod capacity.


The second half of your questions are upcoming! (if they don't all get answered anyway)

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That is a lot of questions. I am going to answer them as best as I can.


1. Regarding deaths, your four revives replenish daily during the server reset, so every 24 hours. If you don't use them, nothing happens. Every Warframe gets its own set of four revives per day.


2. Regarding stealth, you do not get anything extra unless it is a special task that you get during a mission such as get 10 stealth kills. It works the same as say, get 30 rifle kills or kill 30 enemies. All you get is extra xp points.


3. The resources that are displayed in each map are gained from lockers, containers, or from dead enemies. So, let's say you are farming control modules. You can get them from the planets that contain that particular resource. So, killing enemies, opening lockers, and breaking containers will yield control modules if you get lucky.


4. The difference between Orokin Reactors and Catalysts is that Reactors apply only to Warframes, Kubrows, Sentinels, and if I am not mistake, Archwings. Catalysts apply only to weapons. Both of these things can either be purchased for 20 platinum from the market or you can wait for an alert that will contain these "potatoes" as some people call them or in an invasion.


5. When it comes to farming, just do the mission over and over again. Best mission types to farm in are in survival, defense, and sometimes mobile defense. Technically, you can farm anywhere, but usually go for survival or defense since those yield a lot of resources.


6. There isn't really a popular color palette. People use which ever one they want. If you are looking for pure white, gray, or pure black, then get the Smoke color palette. If you want vibrant colors, you can get Saturated color palette, or if you want purple, you can get the Twilight palette which also contains really nice brown, green, yellow-orange colors.


7. Not really sure why Frost Prime was taken away from the Void, but it is probably because either DE wants to fix him or change drop tables. I am a bit confused with this. Also, DE might re-introduce him at a later date.


8. Only things worth buying with plat are weapon and Warframe slots. If you have extra plat that you don't mind spending, then buy cosmetics. Don't waste plat on reactors or catalysts. Just stockpile on those when you see an alert or invasion for them. Unless you really, really need one, then buy it. Also, for Forma, just farm that from the Void. Don't bother buying that from the Market.


9. There are currently three relays. There used to be more but those got destroyed during the Fomorian event back in December. Anyways, relays are basically where people go to socialize. You can also visit the syndicates there such as Arbiters of Hexis or Cephalon Suda, join the Conclave or help Simaris with scanning stuff. You can also get The New Strange quest from Simaris to start building Chroma, but you will need to also complete Stolen Dreams quest and be Mastery Rank 5.


10. Answered that with question 9. You can join syndicates whenever you want, and to learn more about them, just go to their rooms and speak with them.


I am going to answer the rest a bit later, unless somebody wants to continue from where I left.

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14) forma is used to change the polarity of a slot thus making the warframe more powerful since it will enable you to put stronger mods.Aura is a mod which you put on your warframe and it will affect all the squad .

15) because that is how it is .

16) because it is the new prime.

17) they are a bit better than normal ones.

19) no you don't

20) people only want prime parts which can be found in the void.

21)as a daily reward

22) that T1 means tower 1 and those are referring to the void missions.the higher the tower the more difficult it gets but better rewards.

25) watch mogamu on YouTube he helps a lot on moding.

26) depending on your playstyle.

27 not sure but if you join a clan you can ask them. Most clans are very helpful.

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Wow, this might take awhile.


1: Revives refill at each daily reset.

2: You get XP bonuses for chaining stealth kills, but that's about it as rewads.

3: Resources drop from enemies and lockers.

4: A Reactor will make your max possible mod points for frames up to 60(not including aura points). Catalysts are for weapons.

5: Survivals/Excavations/Pretty much any endless type mission is good for farming, as they equal lots of enemies/drops.

6: Personal Preference.

7:Frost Prime was removed from void drop tables to help alleviate the grind.... yeah.

8: I'd say so. That's about it. Other stuff too, but you got the basics.

9: I'd advise checking out the wiki for that.

10: I'd check those out when you get to MR3.

11: That's max levle for any item. Without a potato(what catalysts and reactors are nicknamed) you'll have a mod capacity of 30. Once something gets to 30, you can forma it.

12: Void is a set of missions with unique rewards to them. Primarily prime parts.

13: Dark Sector nodes are taxed nodes that can be controlled by alliances/clans, but they have good drop rates and XP bonuses.

14: Forma will let you add polarities to weapons(if you match mods and polarities that mod will cost less points). This will reset your item to rank0 again tho.

15: Just how the system works.

16: Cause he's new. How prime stuff works. It's new and shiny.

17: Typically compared to the non prime variant. Some don't have bonuses compared to their regular variant(Frost and Mag so far)

18: I'm not following what you're after here.

19: Coop has shared experience, so you'll level faster coop.

20: It really depends on the market at the time. You'll have to do some research.

21: By sacrificing your firstborn to RNGesus.

22: T1-3 is referring to the starchart missions. Teir1 is starting level 0-10, 2 is 11-20, 3 is 20+  Void keys have different tiers and  mission types. We shorten them for what they mean.

23: I dunno.

24: It's hella outdated. Also, metacritic.

25: I'd check out the stats and use common sense. Checking out community builds might help.

26: The regular Braton? There's all sorts, I'd do some reasearch depending on what you like. Personally, I liked the Latron early on.

27: There's wftrading.net Can't say I always trust it. Prices change all the time, but it's a place to get a rough guideline.

28: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Warframes

Edited by billthebetta
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1 death penalty is energy reset I think. Also not being able to help but that's it. Also if nobody can revive mission fails and all proggress in that mission is lost. you get 4 free revives for each individual frame each day. If you run out you will get maxed tomorrow (replenish daily to max).

2 If the enemy you kill doesn't know you are there you get an affinity boost on that kill. Stacks up to 5 times. See more on alerting enemies and such

3 You mean resources? They drop from enemies and containers alike.

4 Catalyst for weapons, Reactor for Frame/Archwing/Companions

5 Usually just focus on the mission. Mostly it's endless missions so not much to rush

6 No idea. Suit yourself ( pun intended)

7 To make more space for new stuff I suppose. Not really sure but you can trade his parts.

8 Slots, Potatos, Cosmetics. Usually yes. Not sure about Forma but might be worth.

9 Explore it. There's Syndicate rooms in which you can trade with them and turn in medallions. Also Void Trader is Relays only. You can find teams, but mostly I just do my stuff there and get back to Liset.

10 You can team with a syndicate and earn standing which you can turn in for rewards. Search wiki for more

11 You get the ability to apply a Forma. Also Focus system will add stuff but nobody remembers DE is working on it(not in game).

12 Void is a special place which requires Keys to access. Currently the only place to find Prime Parts. Wikia is your friend here as well

13 Nodes that are fought over by clans for their ownership. They provide small extra rewards For doing them.

14 Forma adds polarity to a rank 30 gear, reseting it back to level 0 in the process. Aura is extra utility mod that increases mod points on a Warframe. Always have one equipped.

15 Because you don't sync up with the game servers. It only saves after mission is completed.

16 It is requested because it's new. Also high energy pool is good. Can't tell about Volt by myself.

17 Prime stuff is almost always better than their normal cointerparts. Warframes come with usually some kind of statboost and extra polaroties. Don't try to compare warframes like this. Mag has her strengths.

18 No, but you can always sell the normal ones if you so choose.

19 No

20 No idea, not trading much

21 It's a random and rare login reward.

22 That means Orokin Void Towers. There are 4 tiers to them currently, each more challenging than the previoud one. All tiers have different rewards. Rotations are for endless mission rewards. 5 and 10 minutes in survival are rotation A, 15 is B and 20 is C. Then it goes back. It's AABCAABC. Defense it's every 5 waves, when you can extract. I think it's ABC and rest C, not sure. Interception I think is AABC.

23 No.

24 because of reasons :)

25 Well it comes with experience. As a bwginner just go with full damage mods in weapons, if you can, combine elemental damages for greater effect. See Damage 2.0 in Wiki.

26 Depends on playstyle.

27 I think there was one linked in the website... but you can ask people for items of certain items.

28 I think it's this https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/forum/3-update-build-notes/ but Wikia got them all as well.

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Hi guys


I have done enough wiki research, youtube tutorial videos, this site quick start guide, and various guides on steam.  These are questions that I still don't know the answer to.  The tutorial is very lacking and this game can get very confusing and overwhelming to a beginner, though fortunately it isn't as complex as an mmorpg. 



1.  What happen if you die?  Are there any death penalty?  If you get 4 free revive per day and you don't use them, does it rollover where you never run out of revive?

If you die, you can choose to revive or not. If you do not, you can choose to abort the mission. You will not get the end-mission credit bonus if you are dead when the mission ends, but you will still get the part(s) you were alive for in void missions, and rewards from alerts/non-endless missions.

Each day, at 0:00 GMT, you are set to 4/4 revives. If you do not die for that day, you remain at 4/4. It does not go over that limit.


2.  Do you get any reward for stealth gameplay in this game, or is it better to rush through the mission?  Do you get extra credit, mods, components, rewards if you beat the mission undetected?

There is a stealth affinity bonus (up to 500% affinity) for consecutive stealth kills -- this bonus resets if no stealth kills happen in 30 seconds, or if  you break stealth. I believe the bonus is seperate for melee and ranged weapons, not sure about that but you can explore it ingame or check the wikia for stealth bonus.

In Spy missions, if you hack vaults without setting off alarms, they reward better things -- up to old event mods for hacking all 3 without alarms, on higher level spy missions. No credit boost.


3.  When you hunt for components as display in each planets info, are those components found in those green lockers in game or do you get those rewards after you complete the mission?

The components shown on planets are things that can be obtained as drops from dead enemies, crates or green lockers. Note that all bosses have a small chance to drop orokin cells, even if the planet doesn't show it, and Pluto actually has 5 resources that drop, iirc. If at any point you forfeit or abort a mission, you do not retain your rewards.


4.  What the differences between an orokin reactor and catalyst.  All I know is that it double your mod capacity.  I think that mean you go from 8 + Aura mod slot to 16 + 2 Aura mod slot, is that correct?  How many of these orokins can you buy, since I read that it the hardest to farm and get in game.

Reactors are used to double the mod capacity (number of points you can distribute when applying mods) to your warframes, sentinels, kubrows and archwings.

Catalysts are the same, but for weapons. You do understand the doubling effect.

You can buy an amount up to the amount of platinum you have at any given point -- I think they are 20 plat in the market?

They also go on alert from time to time, particularily from some events, and after devstreams.


5.  How do you farm in this game, just do the same mission over and over again?  Do you check every green locker when you farm or do you just finish the mission as fast as possible?  This question tie in with my #3 question about component.

Easiest way is to do endless mission types -- Survival, Defense, Interception, Excavation -- and kill as many enemies as you can. Nekros' Desecrate and Hydroid's Pilfering Swarm can increase the amount of drops you get from dead enemies.


6.  What are the most popular color palette? 

Free ones, I would assume. Personally, I use the Smoke (black/grey/whites) and the Gamma colour packs, with some faded colours from the easter pack.


7.  Why was Frost Prime taken off the market?

Because he was old -- he's been removed from being obtainable for now. "Put into the vault" as was said by DE, which, like event mods, means he might come back sometime in the future. THe only way to obtain him currently is to trade for his parts from other players.


8.  Warframe slot, weapon slot, orokin reactor/catalyst, and color palette are the only thing worth buying with plat right?

Players with lots of platinum will often spend plat to rush the builds of items in the foundry, and I personally bought my kubrow egg, since farming them is slow and boring. Cosmetics like armor are also popular, to make your warframe look cool.

However, the only things that will directly influence your gameplay that can't be easily obtained are reactors/catalysts.


9.  What level do you start learning about relay?  I been there and I don't know what it for.

Mastery Rank (MR) 3, you unlock syndicates. Relays are a hub where syndicates hang out. They each how their own room. THere are 6 warring syndicates which I won't list here, one conclave syndicate, and one syndicate run by Simaris, a cephalon (Artificial Intelligence), that asks you to scan enemies for him.


10.  Tieing in with relay, what are syndicate, and at what level do I learn about them?

See above. Basically, by doing missions with their sigil on,


11.  What happen once your warframe become level 30?

You are max leveled for that frame. You can Forma it to add a polarity to a slot (which halves the cost of mods of the same polarity), which resets the level of your warframe to 0 and you need to re-rank it. However, this ranking does not grant you any mastery points.

Same thing with weapons.


12.  What are the void?

Void is access by void keys, and is a place of slightly higher level content. There are 4 tiers, T1-4, with increasing difficulty between them. They reward Prime weapon and warframe parts for the various missions that are done there. If you're looking to farm void missions, there's a list under "Updates & Build Notes" section.


13.  What are dark sector?

Dark Sectors are a set of nodes on planets that can be owned by Clans. THey grant extra xp and resources for playing on them, but clans that own them can set taxes which subtract resources and credits from each run done on the node and add them to their clan vault. Dark Sectors can be contested by other clans who want control, which leads to the node becoming a PvP attack-and-defense game for a while.


14.  Modding questions:  What are forma and what are aura?

Forma change the polarity of a slot, which halves the cost of a mod of the same polarity in that slot. However, it makes mods of different polarity cost more. Aura affect all players in a squad, and add mod points. Auras of the same polarity as their aura slot add double the amount of points as their number says.


15.  Why do you lose all your progress, mods, rewards, if you disconnected?  You can log back in but you lose everything, why?

It's so you can't just leave missions and get things, there has to be some defecit for losing. THe disconnecting is a seperate issue that DE is constantly working on, but yeah.


16.  Why is Volt Prime so sought after?  In its current state, is Volt a good warframe?

He's new.


17.  Are prime warframe better than non prime warframe?  What is the differences between the two?  Would a Mag prime be better than all non prime frame including the top 2 currently : Mesa and Nova?

Some prime warframes have stat increases. They are usually only slightly better than their own non-warframe. Warframes are all good for certain things. Nova slows enemies and makes them take more damage, Mesa has good survivability, and a skill that you dont need any skill to do lots of damage with.


18.  Do Prime frame replace normal frame?  Meaning they don't take up more than 23 warframe slot?

Prime frames are seperate from non-primes.


19.  Do you lose any experience, rewards, items when you go single player vs co-ops?



20.  What is the best item for beginner to farm to sell or trade for plat? Where would I find such item?

New prime parts, or hard to obtain ones go for the most.


21.  How do you get the 75% off plat?  Did you have to choose recieved exclusive news and announcment when you first made a new account in the game?

Part of the random reward for daily login, part of the 7+ day cycle, I think. You can get it just for playing each day.


22.  Certain mission have Tier to them.  I read about people talking aobut T1, T2, T3, T4 defense mission.  I also read about different rotation of each Tier, like T1C or T2A.  Can someone tell me what these mean?

Those are void missions. T1C means Teir One Capture. Endless missions like Survival, INterception and Defense have rotations for rewards that follow the form AABC (repeating)-- for survival it's 5mins for each reward spot, so 5 minutes is rotation A, 10 is rotation A, 15 is rotation B, 20 is rotation C. For defense, it's every 5 waves. Interception is every time you get 100%.


23.  Is there a reason why Volt Prime is the only prime without special weapon in his prime access?

Warframes and archwing each give 6000 mastery rank, weapons give 3000. Before, it was two weapons and a warframe = 12000, now a warframe + archwing = 12000.

Something like that. I don't know the exact numbers.


24.  This is an amazing game, why is the review on Metacritic a 68 out of 100?

Because people will be salty about how the game relies heavily on grind and repetition once you play for 600+ hours. Also, the game has evolved so much since the reviews were originally made.


25.  How do you know what to mod or what mod to take on certain mission?  As a beginner, all I do right now is auto-mod.  I like to learn how to mod and to take which mod for which warframe on which mission?  Please give me insight. 

Auto-mod just goes for the highest conclave rating, not the best. Different warframes do better with different builds. For beginners, I would suggest health+shields, energy and then focus on the skill stats for skills you use most often.


26.  What is the next weapon I should get after the weak MK1-Braton as my primary weapon?

You can choose any weapon. If you plan to stick around for a long time, you're probably going to try out every weapon for mastery points. Also, it depends on what type of weapon you like. Just try some and you'll see.


27.  In regard to trading, is there a site that show pricing so that I don't get ripoff if I buy or sell?

Prices... vary. SOmeone else can probably help you with that.


28.  Is there a list of all Warframe update from the beginning to currently in one page? (I found it once but I forgot where it is at now) (was in one of the response on this forum)


Wikia is your best friend.



Thanks guys!

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1. Death has no penalty. Revives are refreshed freely every 24hs but you can buy some with plat, they aren't really needed.


2.The only reward for stealth play is extra affinity (also known as experience). The only true reward is the reward for doing it since the AI is very random and quite challenging because of that.


3.Components drop randomly from crates and enemies and you get them at the end of the mission.


4.Orokin Reactors double mod capacity of warframes, catalysts double weapon mod capacity. These cannot be farmed as they are only rewarded as blueprints from Alerts and Invasions however it's easy to know when you can get one since every time there is a DevStream at the end of it there will be a 24h alert that will reward a blueprint of one of them so they aren't very rare or hard to get. Other than that you buy them for 20 platinum in the market.


5.Farming in this game is usually reserved to endless game modes which are: Interception, Survival, Defence and Excavation since this is where enemies spawn alot and you can stay for quite a while however it depends on what you want to farm if you want to farm a particual mod that dropped by a particular enemy you must do it in the right place. You can also use Dark Sectors as ways to farm since most of them have an increase in resource drope (resource=component, it's best you check the wiki when you want to farm something).


6.That depends on what colours you want, the best one I'd say is Classic Saturated since it has all the colours you will probably need and they can also be mde more light by turning on legacy pallet in the options screen.


7.Frost Prime was removed from the Void in order to make room for this prime access and to not dillute the drop tables more. He will probably return when DE has done reworking the Void.


8.Pretty much and the other ones would be cosmetics but those are subjective preferences.


9.You have information about almost all the game modes and mechanics in this game in your codex, the Relay is a relatively new addition and it mostly functions as a way to show off your gear, turn in medallions and meet the void trader when he shows up.


10.Syndicates are a way to turn game time into rewards they can give you void key packs, cosmetics and unique weapons and mods for you frames. ALl you need to do is wear one of their sigils and just get EXP, nothing more, They are akin to factions in other MMO games.


11.When your Warframe is rank 30 you have maxed it's level and can use a Forma to add an extra polarity. It also means it has maximum mod capacity without Reactor.


12.The Void is supposed to be the highest and hardest difficulty content in the game, it's currently the only place you can get prime components.


13.Dark Sectors are mission nodes controlled by players in a Clan or Alliance, they have unique bonuses and also unique rewards (low chance to drop tho).


14.Aura is a global bonus that works for Warframes, when equipped they add mod capacity (double if matching polarity), they have their own strengths but no one Aura is best. Forma is the only way to Add polarities to weapons or frames, it makes them indirectly more powerfull however it resets their rank.


15.You lose proggress because it's more of an anti exploit reason since it would be easy to just drop out of a game and keep all the stuff you got.


16.Volt is a good frame, the reason Volt Prime is wanted so much is because it's the latest prime frame and it just tingles the inner completionist in everyone.


17.Prime warframes are the same as deffault ones the only difference is the way they look and different base stats (for Example Ember has 100 armor and Ember Prime has 125 but they have same skillset and same dmg).


18.They do not replace normal ones since they are separate frames.


19.No you do not.


20.It's best you try and get some prime parts from T1 void keys or try and farm Tranquil Cleave/Crimson Dervish/Decisive Judgement they are always sought after, you can also try and max your syndicate rank and buy syndicate weapons they also sell for good platinum.


21.You get 75% disscount as a random login reward.


22.The Tiers are simply for difficulty T1 being easiest since they have lowest level and T4 being hardest since they have the highest lvl and also do 4x more dmg.


23.It was probably in order to diminish the dillution of the drop tables in the void.


24.There are varied opinions and most people play for items and not for fun, also the game is still being developed so things will change.


25.You mod based on the weaknesses enemies have. There are 3 factions and all have different resistances and weakeness, look the up on the wiki. Appart from elemental modding you try to mod around the stats of your weapon. This is also somewhat true for warframes however for them you mod around what is best for them. most frames are best used for utility so you mod for efficiency, range and duration.


26.That depends on what you would like to use the market has blueprints for many weapons that you could use to replace it.


27.There is a site for that indeed, google warframe trading and you should find it however it's best to negociate with the person you trade and offer a price based on how rare or hard a mod or prime part is to get. You can find this out by asking people in the region chat aswell.


28.There is a list of updates on Warframe wiki.

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15. Not a ton I can say here.


16. Volt Prime is the newest frame, which is why people want him so much. Volt's not a bad frame, but doesn't normally have this much interest.


17. Prime warframes usually come with slight stat bonuses (except Frost Prime and Mag Prime), but they aren't really that big of a difference for the most part (Volt Prime being the exception).


18. Nope, they take an extra slot.


19. Not directly.


20. You can farm Prime parts from the Void. You might also have some luck with Nightmare mods (if you beat a mission with a scull icon over it, unlocked when you win all the missions on a planet and appearing randomly), but those are older and probably harder to sell than when I started playing.


21. Luck. Tons of it (I've never gotten it).


22. The tiers are Void mission levels. Tier 1 is the easiest, tier 4 is the hardest. The rotations are for Defense, Interception, Excavation, and Survival missions, and explain how item rewards are rotated--AABC--so an A rotation item comes up first, then another A, then a B item, and finally a C item. Then the rotation starts again.


23. He has an Archwing as well.


24. The game is extremely repetitive, gameplay isn't always fair/balanced, and it's confusing for new players, according to most of them (and I'd agree). Although the score would be higher now (most of those reviews were from when the game was older), the core problems generally remain.



aaaand Ninja'd.

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Might as well answer a few more since I got some time. I will answer the last 5 questions for you seeing as some people have answered a few questions after number 10.


23. Prime access tend to be random when it comes to what weapons are included. I guess this time, DE didn't have weapons to put in with the Volt Prime access pack. When Nova Prime came out, she didn't get a melee weapon in her prime access pack.


24. Never trust those groups that criticize games unless you played the game for yourself. (This maybe a bit of a biased answer, but that's how I check to see if a game is worth it or not.)


25. When it comes to modding, you can use any mod that you want. For this, you might want to check videos on youtube to see how people mod their weapons and Warframes. You can check videos made by Mogamu who gives a good idea on how to mod stuff. These are some of the mods that should use: Redirection, Vitality, Streamline, strength mods, for weapons - damage mods, reload mods, ammo/magazine mods, and so on.


26. The next weapon you should get after the MK-1 series is whatever you want. Personally, I got Burston after the MK-1 Braton. It should suffice until you reach Jupiter or Saturn.


27. There is no website for checking prices. Best thing you can do is ask for a price check in trade chat. (Unless there is a website that I didn't know of.)


28. For the updates, you can check the Warframe wiki. They have everything. If you want to use this website, just go to the forum page that it talks about PC updates and hotfixes. You should find everything you need there.

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Hello and welcome and that is alot of questions... But i'll take my time to answer each one.

1.  What happen if you die?  Are there any death penalty?  If you get 4 free revive per day and you don't use them, does it rollover where you never run out of revive?
If you have 4 or more Revives, you will not get any free revives from daily resets, you can only go above 4 by buying revives with platinum.

2.  Do you get any reward for stealth gameplay in this game, or is it better to rush through the mission?  Do you get extra credit, mods, components, rewards if you beat the mission undetected?
Stealth kills gives you bonus affinity from kills for a certain duration after said stealth kill. (Affinity is basically experience points that are used to level up your gear)

3.  When you hunt for components as display in each planets info, are those components found in those greten lockers in game or do you get those rewards after you complete the mission?
The resources displayed on the navigation menu are the resource types that can appear in missions on that planet, they drop from enemies and breakable containers. The rarest resource of that planet always has an increased chance to drop from that planet's boss.

4.  What the differences between an orokin reactor and catalyst.  All I know is that it double your mod capacity.  I think that mean you go from 8 + Aura mod slot to 16 + 2 Aura mod slot, is that correct?  How many of these orokins can you buy, since I read that it the hardest to farm and get in game.
Reactors are for warframes, archwings, sentinels and kubrows, Catalysts are for all kinds of weapons. The base mod capacity of warframes/weapons is 30, with a Reactor/Catalyst, it is increased to 60. You can have as many as you want.

5.  How do you farm in this game, just do the same mission over and over again?  Do you check every green locker when you farm or do you just finish the mission as fast as possible?  This question tie in with my #3 question about component. 

Specific mods, blueprints, parts and resources all have specific enemies and locations where you can get them, for some things you jsut need to kill as many of some enemies as possible, for others you jsut want to complete the mission as soon as possible. Use the wiki to see where everything drops.

6.  What are the most popular color palette?
I have no idea.

7.  Why was Frost Prime taken off the market?

Because there are so many prime parts in void missions, the chance to get the specific parts that you want were becoming too low, with the new volt prime and odonata prime, some other primes were removed to keep the drop tables more "stable".

8.  Warframe slot, weapon slot, orokin reactor/catalyst, and color palette are the only thing worth buying with plat right?
Depends on how easily you can get plat.

9.  What level do you start learning about relay?  I been there and I don't know what it for. 

Relays host syndicates, the void trader & ducat kiosks and darvo market.

10.  Tieing in with relay, what are syndicate, and at what level do I learn about them?
Syndicates are groups that you can work for in order to get some of their exclusive items. You will need to offer credits and rare resource/component in order to rank up, as well as gain Standing points between each rank up (you can only get about 25,000 standing per day).

11.  What happen once your warframe become level 30?
You will have all your stats and abilities unlocked and you wil lbe able to apply a forma.

12.  What are the void?

The Void is simply where the Corrupted faction is, completing void missions will give you a special reward (prime parts, another void mission key, or a forma blueprint).

13.  What are dark sector?
Dark sector is a mission (usually Infested faction) that is higher level than all the other missions on the same planet, and it has higher chances to give resources/components, they also give a bigger credit reward at the end. Several clans can form an alliance and occupy a dark sector, when they do this all clan members get a portion of the resources that are gained by players who finish the dark sector mission.

14.  Modding questions:  What are forma and what are aura?
Forma can be put on warframes/weapons after they reach rank 30, this puts them back on rank 0 and you get to add a polarity of your choice, you can then rank the warframe/weapon again, and add even more forma if you want to. Warframes have an aura slot at the top, only aura mods can be put there, aura mods give the bonus to the entire team, not just you. Also putting on an aura mod will increase your mod capacity, unlike regular mods that will consume the capacity.

15.  Why do you lose all your progress, mods, rewards, if you disconnected?  You can log back in but you lose everything, why?

Because you have to finish the mission to get your rewards.

16.  Why is Volt Prime so sought after?  In its current state, is Volt a good warframe?
He is very new, that's why. He is a good warframe, but he is not the best.

17.  Are prime warframe better than non prime warframe?  What is the differences between the two?  Would a Mag prime be better than all non prime frame including the top 2 currently : Mesa and Nova?
Prime warframes are superior to the normal versions (Volt Prime has more base armor and energy than normal Volt, for example). The differences between a prime frame and its normal version is different for each one. A prime version is not automatically better than a completely different warframe, they are only better than their non-primed version (Mag Prime is not necessarily better than Mesa, but Mag Prime is better than Mag).

18.  Do Prime frame replace normal frame?  Meaning they don't take up more than 23 warframe slot?
No, making a prime warframe will not replace your normal version.

19.  Do you lose any experience, rewards, items when you go single player vs co-ops?
More players means more enemies and higher enemy levels. More enemies = more drop chances. Higher lvl = more Affinity gained from kills.

20.  What is the best item for beginner to farm to sell or trade for plat? Where would I find such item?
Volt Prime and Odonata Prime parts will be going for high prices for a while now, some of them can be gotten in low level void missions, look on the wiki to see where they can drop.

21.  How do you get the 75% off plat?  Did you have to choose recieved exclusive news and announcment when you first made a new account in the game?
Plat discounts are given as random login rewards, you jsuth ave to be lucky.

22.  Certain mission have Tier to them.  I read about people talking aobut T1, T2, T3, T4 defense mission.  I also read about different rotation of each Tier, like T1C or T2A.  Can someone tell me what these mean?
T1, T2, T3, T4 means Tower, and it is void missions of different difficulties.
Rotations are used in endless mission types, for example, in Survival mode, every 5 minutes u keep life support up you will get a reward, and the reward depends on the rotation, on 5 minutes and 10 minutes is Rotation A, 15 minutes is Rotation B and 20 minutes is Rotation C, then it goes back to the start. Different rotations have different rewards.

23.  Is there a reason why Volt Prime is the only prime without special weapon in his prime access?
We don't know.

24.  This is an amazing game, why is the review on Metacritic a 68 out of 100?
Because review sites are silly.

25.  How do you know what to mod or what mod to take on certain mission?  As a beginner, all I do right now is auto-mod.  I like to learn how to mod and to take which mod for which warframe on which mission?  Please give me insight. 
You will learn with experience, its hard to know what to pick when u dont know what mods there are out there, i will not give a better reply because it would be too much to write. However i recommend that you go to waframe-builder.com and experiment with all the weapnos and mods there.

26.  What is the next weapon I should get after the weak MK1-Braton as my primary weapon?
It doesn't really matter all that much, most good weapons are unavailable to you because of mastery rank, just keep getting weapons to rank 30 and your mastery rank will go up and you will unlock better weapons.

27.  In regard to trading, is there a site that show pricing so that I don't get ripoff if I buy or sell?
wftrading.net is a decent reference, but it is a bit outdated. You can also join a big clan and ask there whenever u dont know about prices.

28.  Is there a list of all Warframe update from the beginning to currently in one page? (I found it once but I forgot where it is at now) (was in one of the response on this forum)
I have no knowledge of this.

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1 )  No


2 )  No


3 ) You can get them from lockers and also from killing enemies as well.


4 ) Orokin Reactor is used for Warframes and Companions and Catalysts are for weapons. They come on alerts and sometimes as invasion rewards. You can buy Orokin Catalyst and Reactor each for 20P in Market Under the section : Components


5 ) Opening lockers to farm resources is not such a good idea. Type the name of the resource you want to farm in warframe.wikia.com and it will provide information on best place to farm them.


6 ) There is no 'most' popular color palette imo. But many people use Classic Saturated.


7 ) He wasn't taken off from Market, he was removed from Void drop tables. You can still buy his parts from trading. Why DE did that remains a mystery. 


8 ) Warframe and weapon slots are essential, If you got enough slots for weapons and warframes then you can buy necessary stuff you might need from trading. IE : A mod.


9 ) Currently there is no tutorial about relay. You can always ask for information from people that are in the relay. Relays are located at : 

Mercury : Larunda Relay

Saturn : Kronia Relay

Pluto : Orcus Relay


10 )  Syndicates are groups of interest operating throughout the Origin System.These factions have their own ideologies and goals regarding the fate of the system, with some inevitably in disagreement with another syndicate. There is no level you need to reach to learn about them. You can learn more about them on warframe.wikia.com


11 )  Hypothetically, nothing happens, Once your warframe reaches Rank 30 which is max level you would have got 6k XP. You will only receive XP once from a certain warframe. weapon and etc. For more clarification. If you formaed your warframe and remaxed it to level 30 you will not get XP again.


12 )  Too much to explain so here : http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Orokin_Void


13 ) Dark Sectors, are missions that offer decent credit rewards, a resource bonus, XP bonus, and an XP bonus for killing with a specific weapon type. Alliances deploy solar rails in order to conquer it. For more information : http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Dark_Sectors


14 ) Forma is used to add or alter a polarity on your warframe or weapon's mod slots.


15 ) When you disconnect. You disconnect from the server meaning all connections to the server has been lost, therefore you will not receive any thing obtained from the map. You have to successfully complete mission to get rewards.


16 ) Because he has been recently released. He is not that good for hardcore gaemplay but he can be a fun frame to use.


17 ) Prime warframe or weapons have different polarity and sometimes altered stats so yes they are more preferrable than its normal variant. There is no Mesa Prime at the moment. A prime version can only be better than its older variant. You cant compare a mag to a rhino or etc.


18 ) No. You need slots for prime warframes as well. They wont replace your normal frames.


19 ) You will get less XP per mission if you solo (Some types of missions). When in a squad and you are within the radius of other teammates, you will receive something called Teamwork XP. Other than that you wont be missing out on anything.


20 ) There are many things. For example. Volt Prime Chassis, Systems. Loki Prime systems, helmet and so on. Also Maxed Rank 10 mods or event mods can also be sold for quite a lot of plats.


21 ) No. Its just RNG (Random Number Generator) You have higher chance to get it if you just logged in after around a week of not playing warframe.


22 ) T means Tier. There are currently Tier 1,2,3 and 4. The higher the number, the more challenging it gets. Higher tier missions have higher level enemies and makes it harder.


23 ) There is no 'known' special reason. Just cause DE wanted.


24 ) Different people have different opinions. I say that is the reason.


25 ) Youtube can be your best helper for this. Check warframes and weapon builds on it.


26 ) Since you are a beginner. You should try crafting all the weapons that are available from Market first. Then hunt for primes. Boltor is a good primary. You can check the stats of a specific weapon from Codex or Market.


27 ) There are. But I highly recomment to not rely on those as some of them are outdated and etc. You can always ask someone in game whom you trust or make a post in forums, under the section Trading.


28 ) Dont know.

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This is a fantastic community as I didn’t expect to get so much reply so soon!


I won’t quote any one person reply because you guys have all been so helpful and I have gained so much knowledge!


So some things I still don’t understand in regard to all of you guys reply.  (I read them all and really appreciated all of your effort helping me)!



  1.  There is no limit to how many reactor and catalyst you can have?
  2. Forma:  You can only apply Forma once your level 30?  I understand now that Forma halve the cost of mods with the right polarity but it also increase the cost of other mods, so what is the point?  Forma also reset the level of your weapon/warframe to 0… why is that?  What is the point of it since you gain no mastery points?
  4. Following question #2, once you get your frame to level 30, is it time to move on to a different frame?
  6. When and where do I get these aura mods?
  8. Could a low rank player like myself handle the void?  I am a rank level 13 Volt with basic MK1 Braton, Dex Dextra, and Dex Furis as my loadout. 
  10. Could you guys go in more detail what are stance slot for melee?  I know there is combo you can unlock but not sure if that has anything to do with stance slot?
  12. Where do I find these devstream? 


Some new questions after some of your response.


  1.  Is there a limit to mastery rank?  I plan on using every gun and ranking them up to level 30 and keeping them.  I am a collector. 
  3. Does the vault simply mean archive?
  5. So what exactly does “potatoes” mean?  Potatoes mean Orokin Reactor and Catalyst is that I’m getting from you guys reply?
Edited by thehotsung8701A
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There is no limit to how many Catalysts, Reactors or Forma you can have, as far as I know. Of course, there's a practical limit since there's not a lot of point having more Reactors or Catalysts than there are frames/weapons to even use them on.


Potato refers to an Orokin Reactor/Catalyst. Try not to use any on something you don't plan on keeping forever.


The point of using Forma to add polarities to a weapon is so that you can fit more higher ranked mods onto the weapon. Primary weapons, for example, generally need 4-6 polarities (usually something like 3 V and 2 - polarity) to fit all the mods to make the weapon as powerful as it possibly can be.


Aura mods come from Alerts. Or you could trade for them in the Trade channel. They usually cost 5-10p, with Energy Siphon and Corrosive Projection perhaps a bit more.


If you had a team with you, you might be able to hand Tier 1 Void. But honestly you should probably be opening up the star chart and picking up more mods and such.


Stance mods are kind of like Aura mods, but for your melee weapon. The stance mod goes into the stance slot, and it ADDS mod points instead of costing them, with more added if the mod matches the polarity. They also allow the use of comboes when you have your melee weapon out.


There is a limit to Mastery Rank dictated by how many Warframes/Weapons/Companions etc you have access to. I think the current maximum possible is MR19, but that would include weapons that are no longer obtainable in the game. Don't know what the current maximum is with only the things currently available in game.

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This is a fantastic community as I didn’t expect to get so much reply so soon!


I won’t quote any one person reply because you guys have all been so helpful and I have gained so much knowledge!


So some things I still don’t understand in regard to all of you guys reply.  (I read them all and really appreciated all of your effort helping me)!



  1.  There is no limit to how many reactor and catalyst you can have?
  2. Forma:  You can only apply Forma once your level 30?  I understand now that Forma halve the cost of mods with the right polarity but it also increase the cost of other mods, so what is the point?  Forma also reset the level of your weapon/warframe to 0… why is that?  What is the point of it since you gain no mastery points?
  4. Following question #2, once you get your frame to level 30, is it time to move on to a different frame?
  6. When and where do I get these aura mods?
  8. Could a low rank player like myself handle the void?  I am a rank level 13 Volt with basic MK1 Braton, Dex Dextra, and Dex Furis as my loadout. 
  10. Could you guys go in more detail what are stance slot for melee?  I know there is combo you can unlock but not sure if that has anything to do with stance slot?
  12. Where do I find these devstream? 


Some new questions after some of your response.


  1.  Is there a limit to mastery rank?  I plan on using every gun and ranking them up to level 30 and keeping them.  I am a collector. 
  3. Does the vault simply mean archive?
  5. So what exactly does “potatoes” mean?  Potatoes mean Orokin Reactor and Catalyst is that I’m getting from you guys reply?


There is no limit to how many reactors and catalysts you can have. And we call them potatoes because they look like potatoes.


This is how Forma works: You level up a weapon or Warframe to rank 30. You polarize a mod slot The weapon gets reset to unranked which means you need to level it up again. However, you will not gain mastery rank points anymore. That only applies to when you rank up a weapon for the first time. What Forma does is basically it halves the cost of a mod. So let's say you put in a mod that has a cost of 6 points and it has a V symbol. You put that mod into a mod slot with a V symbol and the mod cost becomes 3 so you end up having an extra 3 mod points to use.


Also, Forma does not increase the mod cost of other mods. I think what you were thinking was if you say put a mod with a - or D symbol into a mod slot with a V polarity, then the mod cost gets increased. However, this does not apply to aura mod slots on Warframes (or Stance mod slots in melee) because those mod slots actually increase mod capacity. So, if you put in a rank 5 aura mod (stance mod) that has a 7 point cost, it will double the mod capacity to 14. So if a Warframe (or melee weapon) is rank 30 + Orokin Reactor (Catalyst) which equals 60 + aura mod (stance mod) which equals 14 if same polarity symbol overall will equal to a 74 mod capacity.


The point of Forma is so that you can put in stronger mods, as in higher ranked mods. So instead of using a rank 2 serration, you can use a rank 5 serration.


Once you get your Warframe to rank 30, you might want to consider adding forma to make it stronger if you like the Warframe. Don't just rush through them without taking time to learn how to use them properly.

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