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Player-Proposed: Status Procs 2.0


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Hate the way impact and puncture procs show up on your slash status weapons, muscling out on delicious bleeding on your enemies?  Or maybe put off by the limits of the weapons available given most have base physical stats when you want to electrify your enemies more than anything?  Don't you wish you could consistently inflict -multiple- status effects at once, so you can burn, melt, and explode your enemies all at the same time?


With Status 2.0* you can!

No longer are we constrained by a 'Status Chance', weapons would instead have 'Status Value', as in 'just how hellacious this gun's bullets are'.  But how, exactly, is this status value going to change your life?  Well, let's give an example for you:

Excalibur here is holding a Tysis based on the old, boring Status 1.0 system.  Now, we all know the Tysis is amazing for inflicting status effects, melting armor in particular - it has a base status chance of 50%, and deals 35 corrosive damage base.  He has it modded for status, electric, and gas damage, bringing his numbers up to 35 corrosive, 42 gas, and 21 electric damage, with a 100% status chance (with Scorch, Pistol Pestilence, and Jolt).  Meaning that every shot will deal a status effect - but wait.  He wants to deal gas procs more than anything, apparently.  However, despite having a 100% status chance, gas procs will only show up 42% of the time.  He decides to try to bump his gas damage by shuffling his mods around, bringing his numbers to 35 corrosive, 21 electric, and 140 gas (with Heated Charge and Pathogen Rounds).  But still, he'll only be ever hitting gas procs 71% of the time.  Which is a lot only if you're into mediocrity.


Oberon also has a Tysis.  Same mods.  Different system.  He's running on the new, shiny Status 2.0 system.  Instead of having a 50% status chance, he has a base status value of 50 on his Tysis.  Instead of being capped at 100, it rises all the way up to 140.  How is this different?  Well, let's look at the damage spread - 35 corrosive, 21 electric, and 140 gas.  Gas is dealing 71% of the damage, so it -inherits- 71% of the status value, which is 100 giving it its own status chance separate from the other two types!  It now has, exactly, a 100% chance to inflict a gas proc on -every- shot.  But what about the corrosive and electric damage, and the rest of the status value?  It's still there.  The same bullet can -also-, at a 25% chance, inflict a corrosive proc, and even the electric proc has a 15% chance of going off with the same exact bullet.

Did you catch that?  Here's the numbers all lined up:

Status 1.0 -

100% Status Chance (Capped)

196 damage total

140 gas damage = 71.4% damage total = 71.4% gas proc chance = Lame

35 corrosive damage = 17.8% damage total = 17.8% corrosive proc chance = Boring

21 Electric Damage =  10.8% damage total = 10.8 electric proc chance = Not Viable to Build For


Status 2.0

140 Status Value (Uncapped)

196 damage total

140 Gas Damage =  71.4% damage total and Status Value Inherited (100) = 100% gas proc chance = Awesome

35 Corrosive Damage = 17.8% damage total and Status Value Inherited (25) = 25% corrosive proc chance = Badass

21 Electric Damage = 10.8% damage total and Status Value Inherited (15) = 15% electric proc chance = Icing on the Cake


Pretty cool, right?  And Status 2.0 is like a multitool - it'll help dissuade what Damage 2.0 was meant to dissuade: rainbow builds.  You know, every element spat out of your rifle just so you can have more damage, right?  'If you deal enough damage, you won't need ammo mods/mutators/fire speed/reload rate/any other mod but damage' or some crap like that.  Status 2.0 is gonna be all like 'But bro - set all them grineer on fire hard enough and you can just walk away while they die - or you can stack multiple damage types and not be really great at any of them and blow more bullets.  Your choice, lame-o.'  Because Oberon can put Deep Freeze or Convulsion on his Tysis for more damage, but that would mean he wouldn't have those tasty gas procs every shot anymore (and, gasp, actually have a chance to -not- deal a status effect with one of his bullets, even if slim!  Oh noes)!


Status Values in Status 2.0 can also introduce a fun new mechanic that was touched on with crit builds - what if one of your damage types have an inheritied proc chance of over 100?  While this situation was impossible with the previous status system, the answer to this would be surprisingly simple.  We got red crits - it's time for red procs.  Each would be a magnitude higher than the normal procs we're used to.  Where a corpus would panic for a few seconds when set aflame on normal procs, a red proc would have him run around immolated, flailing and setting his mates on fire for a portion of the massive status damage you just dealt for twice the time he would've been panicking for a normal proc.  Irriadiating a grineer so hard he's literally glowing and blinding his allies in an area around him.  Freezing a charger into a gruesome effigy that strikes fear into any of its kin that comes near it.  These are just a few possible ideas for red procs - just a few of the many things you would be able to do with Status 2.0!  GET YOURS TODAY!


*Status 2.0 is not anything planned on by DE to my knowledge.




Hopefully you read through my 'How I think Status Procs could be improved' post.  I really do love status procs, seeming like a hidden gem in the deluge of numbers the current modding, damage, and status system provides, and I feel like status effects need just a little bit more love to become something amazing in Warframe.

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First I'd like to say you really got my attention with that "2.0" in the title. Playing on my love for Spy 2.0, Melee 2.0, Damage 2.0, Everything Else They'll Make 2.0 For 2.0, without even knowing me? BRILLIANT!


Second, I'd never even thought of the downfalls of the current proc system. And if I had, I still wouldn't have thought of such a way to improve on it. You, sir, get a cookie. ...I'm betting on the notion I have that everyone uses the "remember me" feature for that last statement by the way.


On a less comedic note, I pretty much agree with everything I read in your suggestion... assuming I read it correctly. Let me repeat it "out loud" just so I know I'm understanding it right:


-Replaces status chance with status VALUE, which is not a percent and thus not capped at 100 (i.e. a rifle with 150).

--Each damage type has a portion of the status value as their proc chance percentage based on the amount of damage they do compared to the total damage (i.e. for that rifle, an elemental damage value of 200 corrosive and 500 blast would give corrosive proc 2/7 of 150, or ~43%).

--If the damage proc chance is over 100% then it'll always proc just like a crit, but it will also activate more severe procs from time to time depending on the "excess" percent. (i.e. a corrosive proc of 125% will always activate but has a 25% chance to add some more severe condition)


I don't know how Impact/Puncture/Slash factors in, but my suggestion could be that elemental and physical would function identically, but have separate "pools," or in other words, use the same status value but have the fractions of elemental damage be separate from the physical fractions (unless, of course, that's already what you had in mind or if you have a good reason otherwise).


Pre-edit "edit": Whoa, I just looked back at the sizable amount of text I just wrote. Sorry for that giant word wall, guys! I get too involved in what I'm typing to realize how much typing I'm actually doing. :P

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First I'd like to say you really got my attention with that "2.0" in the title. Playing on my love for Spy 2.0, Melee 2.0, Damage 2.0, Everything Else They'll Make 2.0 For 2.0, without even knowing me? BRILLIANT!


Second, I'd never even thought of the downfalls of the current proc system. And if I had, I still wouldn't have thought of such a way to improve on it. You, sir, get a cookie. ...I'm betting on the notion I have that everyone uses the "remember me" feature for that last statement by the way.


On a less comedic note, I pretty much agree with everything I read in your suggestion... assuming I read it correctly. Let me repeat it "out loud" just so I know I'm understanding it right:


-Replaces status chance with status VALUE, which is not a percent and thus not capped at 100 (i.e. a rifle with 150).

--Each damage type has a portion of the status value as their proc chance percentage based on the amount of damage they do compared to the total damage (i.e. for that rifle, an elemental damage value of 200 corrosive and 500 blast would give corrosive proc 2/7 of 150, or ~43%).

--If the damage proc chance is over 100% then it'll always proc just like a crit, but it will also activate more severe procs from time to time depending on the "excess" percent. (i.e. a corrosive proc of 125% will always activate but has a 25% chance to add some more severe condition)


I don't know how Impact/Puncture/Slash factors in, but my suggestion could be that elemental and physical would function identically, but have separate "pools," or in other words, use the same status value but have the fractions of elemental damage be separate from the physical fractions (unless, of course, that's already what you had in mind or if you have a good reason otherwise).


Pre-edit "edit": Whoa, I just looked back at the sizable amount of text I just wrote. Sorry for that giant word wall, guys! I get too involved in what I'm typing to realize how much typing I'm actually doing. :P

Yeup, you got it on the nose there!  I wouldn't worry about long posts.  I made one!

Ideally, the physical damage types would factor in just the same, with the weapons that primarily deal one particular type of physical damage with a high status value constantly dealing that proc when the base status mods are hopefully adjusted at the same time the status system is adjusted. (Constantly dealing slash procs with the Miter immediately comes to mind.)  It also means if you want to build for physical damage procs, you would want to limit the number of extra elements you add!  That's the whole anti-rainbow-build measure that comes with the benefits of the proposed Status 2.0 system.

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Ah, yes, that whole anti-rainbow thing flew over my head when I first read your post, heh. While I admit to being guilty of making "ALL the elements!" weapon "builds" (by which I mean randomly throwing stuff on that looks good) I really appreciate the amount of strategy this would add to the game. It'd add another reason for me to actually use pure-Slash mods besides "MORE BOOLET."

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Excellent read but you know how game developers never want to take an idea from the community unless they ask for it and you get a measly amount of plat for it? Well now status 2.0 will never happen because they would be stealing.

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What does this achieve exactly?


If you add more killing power to guns, you basically lower the power of enemy units, which DE will have to raise again by adding to their abilities, like, I don't know, maybe as they get higher in level, they get to lower weapons ability to cause proc on them. Oh noes.


Why the hell would DE give you even more killing power? This game ain't Borderlands. We have no level locking, and we have weapons that scale far better then others when Forma is abused and have abilities that are even able to enhance some weapons to obscene levels already.


Yea on top of that we need guns that are able to Proc a ton more often.

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@DSpite: I don't really think it's about "more killing power" as much as it is a solution for "Why is my chance for getting the proc I want so low?" You may have a point though in that status procs will definitely occur more often and I'm not sure how to respond to that without just saying "They should make the status value really low!" which would kinda defeat this idea's purpose in the first place.

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How about a buff to the plain old status mods



-rifle aptitude-buff to 150% to match point strike

-sure shot-buff to 120% to match pistol gambit

-shotgun savvy- buff to 90% to match blunderbuss

-melee prowess- buff to 60% to match true steel


ENOUGH with the event mods, please buff these abominable drop table dilutions.

I think all of them should be buffed to the same percentage (150% to even be considered as alternatives to damage mods). All crit chance/damage mods should be normalized as well (150% preferably)


Too bad we will be eventually getting primed versions of these mods instead

Edited by WhisperByte
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Too bad we will be eventually getting primed versions of these mods instead

The sad part is even primed versions will complete wastes assuming they go by the same values. The dual stat ones will still blow away a primed version in this case.


I am liking the idea for this system though. It actually introduces a downside for stacking elementals and creates a reason to use the physical damage mods. Sure, status procs will happen more often, but some may end up sacrificing damage to get more consistent procs. Granted, some numbers may need tweaking if this were to happen, but they need tweaking (or overhauling, really) anyway.


Another thing is some status procs might need changing. I feel like if consistency were possible some procs that do not stack might lose a lot of their flare.

Edited by Racercowboy
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This is actually very clever.


But really the only problem with the current status proc system is some procs just arent very good.

Magnetic doesnt really do anything special, whereas cold and corrosive work vs everything.


Stacking viral and fire does the best amounts of damage while Gas, which is supposed to be strong vs the Infested, really doesnt hurt them at all, and does almost nothing vs the other factions.


Plus the issue of Puncture and Slash being alot better than Impact.


Once the balance of procs is fixed, and status chance mods get a much needed balance, the current system would be A-OK.

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@DSpite: I don't really think it's about "more killing power" as much as it is a solution for "Why is my chance for getting the proc I want so low?" You may have a point though in that status procs will definitely occur more often and I'm not sure how to respond to that without just saying "They should make the status value really low!" which would kinda defeat this idea's purpose in the first place.


But "more killing power" will be the outcome.


If you allow players "to select the proc they want", what do you think they will do with that? They will tailor guns even more against particular enemies, meaning that they will get MORE procs of the "correct" type against THAT enemy, which means greater AVERAGE damage output, which means that all the guns that are able to be modded with very high - if not 100% - proc chance will ALWAYS benefit from the damage output of the procs.


I'm not saying "bad idea". I'm saying that DE has ZERO reasons to give you this as it will make us better at killing, and we are already way too good at killing as is.

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